scholarly journals R factors in Rietveld analysis: How good is good enough?

2006 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 67-70 ◽  
Brian H. Toby

The definitions for important Rietveld error indices are defined and discussed. It is shown that while smaller error index values indicate a better fit of a model to the data, wrong models with poor quality data may exhibit smaller values error index values than some superb models with very high quality data.

2021 ◽  
Tim A. van Kempen ◽  
Filippo Oggionni ◽  
Richard M. van Hees

Abstract. Since its launch in 2017, the TROPOMI instrument on S-5P has provided very high quality data using daily global coverage for a number of key atmospheric trace gasses. Over its first 1,000 days in operations, the SWIR module has been very stable and the continuously monitored calibration has remained of high quality. This calibration relies on a combination of extensive pre-launch and post-launch measurements, complemented by regular monitoring of internal light sources and background measurements. In this paper we present a method and results for independent validation of the SWIR module calibration and instrument stability by examining the signal stability of a sample of 23 pseudo-invariant calibration desert sites. The data covers over two years of operational data. With a Lambertian surface assumption, the results show that the SWIR module has little to no instrument degradation down to an accuracy of about 0.3 % per year, validating results obtained from the internal calibration suite. The method presented here will be used as ongoing validation of the SWIR calibration.

1993 ◽  
Vol 137 ◽  
pp. 672-674
Andrew Jones

Our understanding of Solar structure has increased dramatically in the last couple of decades thanks mainly to the opening of new windows of observation providing high quality data to theoreticians with access to powerful computing facilities. Two of the new windows were UV and X-ray images of the Sun, allowing a detailed view of the upper solar atmosphere, and the development of very high resolution spectrometers allowing us to exploit the solar oscillations to probe the internal structure of the Sun. It is the goal of PRISMA to extend these techniques to other stars, which using the Sun as a calibration point will allow us to explore stellar structure and evolution in ways not possible now.In this poster I will present a possible selection of instruments able to achieve this goal, and explain some of the rationale in their design. A more general overview is presented by T. Appouchaux also in these proceedings. It must be stressed that these are not the definitive instruments to be flown on PRISMA, but rather result from a study to show the feasibility of such a mission. Should PRISMA be chosen as the next ESA medium sized mission, an ‘Announcement of Opportunity’ wiH be issued by ESA and the responses of all people interested in constructing the instrument will be considered.

Mary Kay Gugerty ◽  
Dean Karlan

Without high-quality data, even the best-designed monitoring and evaluation systems will collapse. Chapter 7 introduces some the basics of collecting high-quality data and discusses how to address challenges that frequently arise. High-quality data must be clearly defined and have an indicator that validly and reliably measures the intended concept. The chapter then explains how to avoid common biases and measurement errors like anchoring, social desirability bias, the experimenter demand effect, unclear wording, long recall periods, and translation context. It then guides organizations on how to find indicators, test data collection instruments, manage surveys, and train staff appropriately for data collection and entry.

2019 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 338-366
Kashif Imran ◽  
Evelyn S. Devadason ◽  
Cheong Kee Cheok

This article analyzes the overall and type of developmental impacts of remittances for migrant-sending households (HHs) in districts of Punjab, Pakistan. For this purpose, an HH-based human development index is constructed based on the dimensions of education, health and housing, with a view to enrich insights into interactions between remittances and HH development. Using high-quality data from a HH micro-survey for Punjab, the study finds that most migrant-sending HHs are better off than the HHs without this stream of income. More importantly, migrant HHs have significantly higher development in terms of housing in most districts of Punjab relative to non-migrant HHs. Thus, the government would need policy interventions focusing on housing to address inequalities in human development at the district-HH level, and subsequently balance its current focus on the provision of education and health.

2017 ◽  
Vol 47 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-55 ◽  
S Aqif Mukhtar ◽  
Debbie A Smith ◽  
Maureen A Phillips ◽  
Maire C Kelly ◽  
Renate R Zilkens ◽  

Background: The Sexual Assault Resource Center (SARC) in Perth, Western Australia provides free 24-hour medical, forensic, and counseling services to persons aged over 13 years following sexual assault. Objective: The aim of this research was to design a data management system that maintains accurate quality information on all sexual assault cases referred to SARC, facilitating audit and peer-reviewed research. Methods: The work to develop SARC Medical Services Clinical Information System (SARC-MSCIS) took place during 2007–2009 as a collaboration between SARC and Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia. Patient demographics, assault details, including injury documentation, and counseling sessions were identified as core data sections. A user authentication system was set up for data security. Data quality checks were incorporated to ensure high-quality data. Results: An SARC-MSCIS was developed containing three core data sections having 427 data elements to capture patient’s data. Development of the SARC-MSCIS has resulted in comprehensive capacity to support sexual assault research. Four additional projects are underway to explore both the public health and criminal justice considerations in responding to sexual violence. The data showed that 1,933 sexual assault episodes had occurred among 1881 patients between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2015. Sexual assault patients knew the assailant as a friend, carer, acquaintance, relative, partner, or ex-partner in 70% of cases, with 16% assailants being a stranger to the patient. Conclusion: This project has resulted in the development of a high-quality data management system to maintain information for medical and forensic services offered by SARC. This system has also proven to be a reliable resource enabling research in the area of sexual violence.

Daniel B. Chonde ◽  
Seifu J. Chonde

2019 ◽  
Vol 101 (4) ◽  
pp. 658-666 ◽  
Romain Gauriot ◽  
Lionel Page

We provide evidence of a violation of the informativeness principle whereby lucky successes are overly rewarded. We isolate a quasi-experimental situation where the success of an agent is as good as random. To do so, we use high-quality data on football (soccer) matches and select shots on goal that landed on the goal posts. Using nonscoring shots, taken from a similar location on the pitch, as counterfactuals to scoring shots, we estimate the causal effect of a lucky success (goal) on the evaluation of the player's performance. We find clear evidence that luck is overly influencing managers' decisions and evaluators' ratings. Our results suggest that this phenomenon is likely to be widespread in economic organizations.

OCL ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. D104 ◽  
Vincent Colomb ◽  
Samy Ait Amar ◽  
Claudine Basset Mens ◽  
Armelle Gac ◽  
Gérard Gaillard ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 454-478
Andrzej Bukała ◽  
Michał Koziarski ◽  
Bogusław Cyganek ◽  
Osman Koç ◽  
Alperen Kara

Histograms of oriented gradients (HOG) are still one of the most frequently used low-level features for pattern recognition in images. Despite their great popularity and simple implementation performance of the HOG features almost always has been measured on relatively high quality data which are far from real conditions. To fill this gap we experimentally evaluate their performance in the more realistic conditions, based on images affected by different types of noise, such as Gaussian, quantization, and salt-and-pepper, as well on images distorted by occlusions. Different noise scenarios were tested such anti-distortions during training as well as application of a proper denoising method in the recognition stage. As underpinned with experimental results, the negative impact of distortions and noise on object recognition with HOG features can be significantly reduced by employment of a proper denoising strategy.

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