Sliding Mode Observers Based-Simultaneous Actuator and Sensor Faults Estimation for Linear Parameter Varying Systems
This paper proposes a scheme to estimate actuator and sensor faults simultaneously for a class of linear parameter varying system expressed in polytopic structure where its parameters evolve in the hypercube domain. Transformed coordinate system design is adopted to decouple faults in actuators and sensors during the course of the system’s operation coincidentally, and then two polytopic subsystems are constructed. The first subsystem includes the effect of actuator faults but is free from sensor faults and the second one is affected only by sensor faults. The main contribution is to conceive two polytopic sliding mode observers in order to estimate the system states and actuator and sensor faults at the same time. Meanwhile, in linear matrix inequality optimization formalism, sufficient conditions are derived withH∞performances to guarantee the stability of estimation error and to minimize the effect of disturbances. Therefore, all parameters of observers can be designed by solving these conditions. Finally, simulation results are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed simultaneous actuator and sensor faults estimation.