scholarly journals Multianalysis Characterization of Mineralogical Properties of Copper-Lead-Zinc Mixed Ores and Implications for Comprehensive Recovery

2020 ◽  
Vol 2020 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Qian Zhang ◽  
Shuming Wen ◽  
Qicheng Feng ◽  
Song Zhang ◽  
Wenlin Nie

Copper-lead-zinc mixed ore in Tibet, China, is a complex and refractory polymetallic ore resource; thus, ascertaining its mineralogical properties is very important for comprehensive recovery of valuable elements. In this work, the mineralogical properties of this copper-lead-zinc mixed ore have been characterized in detail following a multidisciplinary approach, including chemical, phase, x-ray diffraction (XRD), electron microprobe, and mineral liberation analyses. The results show that the raw ore contained 0.53% Cu, 1.29% Pb, and 0.54% Zn; the oxidation rates of copper, lead, and zinc were 40.21%, 79.31%, and 84.83%, respectively. The Au and Ag contents in the raw ore were 0.28 g/t and 23.6 g/t, which can be comprehensively utilized along with the recovery of copper, lead, and zinc. The gangue mainly contained SiO2, CaO, and Al2O3. Copper in the raw ore mainly existed in bornite, duftite, chalcopyrite, and chrysocolla; lead mainly existed in cerussite, duftite, and galena; zinc mainly existed in willemite, hemimorphite, and sphalerite. The complexity in the embedding and wrapping relationships, fine-grained dissemination, high oxidation, and considerable differences in the floatability of various minerals result in difficulties in recovering the target minerals using a single method. Based on the systematic mineralogical properties obtained, an integrated technology of “bulk flotation-oxidation roasting-hydrometallurgy” has been proposed to enrich and separate copper, lead, and zinc in the ore, providing new ideas for the comprehensive and efficient utilization of polymetallic mineral resources in Tibet.

2013 ◽  
Vol 634-638 ◽  
pp. 3545-3550
Yi Qiang Liang ◽  
Xu Dong Zhang ◽  
Han Ping Zhang ◽  
Mei Hua Liu

The properties of a lead-zinc ore are investigated by XRD and SEM analysis methods. Results show that the ore assays 1.27 per cent Pb and 1.62 per cent Zn, mainly occurring in the form of sulfide minerals. Through lead and zinc phase analysis, it is known that the distribution of galena reaches 63.78 per cent, and that of sphalerite is up to 77.16 per cent. And the oxidation rates of lead and zinc will become much more serious as the depth of exploitation increases, which is a great trouble that the mine faces with. So how to improve the recovery of mineral beneficiation is an important means to enhance the economical benefits in the mine. Many tests work have been done to develop a new bulk flotation process to enhance the Pb and Zn recovery. Flotation results of the closed circuit test indicate that the Pb and Zn recovery from the new bulk flotation process can be increase by 10 per cent and 2 per cent, respectively, which makes very considerable benefit for the mine.

2013 ◽  
Vol 690-693 ◽  
pp. 3521-3528
Xiao Qing Chen ◽  
Jin Zhong Yang ◽  
Yi Lin Mao ◽  
Wei Ping Yan ◽  
Cheng Xiu Li

The ore compositions in a certain newly proven tin polymetallic ore are complicated, closely mosaic between different minerals and fine-grained disseminated. The main compositions in the ore exist mostly in the form of sulfide, and are associated partly with oxidized ore. It is difficult to separate each metallic mineral to accept qualified concentrates and ensure higher recovery rates. Aiming at characteristics and occurrences of the ore, the project emphatically selects and contrasts the test flow of selective flotation, partial bulk flotation and flotation-and-gravity-concentration, and uses effective reagent system to control the impurity contents in every concentrate, and strengthen the recovery of associated silver at the same time of producing major metallic minerals. Metallic minerals, including copper, lead, zinc, tin, sulfur and silver, can be fully recovered by adopting combined procedure of selective flotation and gravity concentration, and other associated components in the ore are also recovered comprehensively, so the technology indexes of various products obtained are excellent.

2020 ◽  
Vol 17 (34) ◽  
pp. 147-163
Jemima Gonçalves Pinto FONSECA ◽  
Lucas Prudêncio EITERER ◽  
Marcelo Henrique OTENIO ◽  
Leônidas Paixão PASSOS ◽  
Júlio César José SILVA

The influence of temperature and rainfall on nutrient levels, heavy metals, and etiologic agents in sludge samples collected at the Sewage Treatment Station of Juiz de Fora, Minas Gerais, Brazil, was verified over 24 months. The results showed high levels of nitrogen (4.7-5.2%), phosphorus (1.4-2.2%), potassium (0.076-0.106%), magnesium (0.113-0.386%), iron 5.03%) and zinc (38.2-6902.1 mg Kg-1). For most of the investigated samples, the concentration of zinc was above the maximum allowed value (2,800 mg Kg-1). The concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, chrome, copper, and lead were below the maximum values allowed by the legislation. Parasitological analyzes identified thermotolerant coliforms (0.49-160 NMP g-1) and helminth eggs (1 egg), however, in amounts less than allowed by legislation. These results are indicative of the efficiency of the sewage treatment process. The results showed a significant influence of the meteorological parameters on the concentrations of nitrogen, copper, lead, zinc and pathogens in the sludge. The results also showed a strong correlation between the concentrations of copper, lead and zinc indicating that the presence of these elements in the sewage sludge has a common origin. The results demonstrated the feasibility of using the investigated matrix as fertilizer when collected in rainy periods when it favors the dilution of the elements present in their soluble forms.

2015 ◽  
Vol 1089 ◽  
pp. 80-88
Jun Hui Zhang ◽  
Yuan Zhang ◽  
Yong Tao Yang

The study on potential-controlled flotation test of differential flotation process was carried out in the light of the change of a certain ore properties. The test used self-developed EMZ-91, as well as conventional collectors of ethyl thio carbamate and butyl xanthate for the flotation of copper, lead and zinc ores respectively, in which the copper sulfate was used as the activator of zinc mineral. The new differential flotation process, which is using lime to regulate pulp potential, produced the copper concentrate grading 27.18% copper at 73.37% recovery, the lead concentrate grading 66.00% lead at 63.00% recovery, and the zinc concentrate grading 55.27% zinc at 87.69% recovery.

1980 ◽  
S.M. Curtis ◽  
I.F. Ellersieck ◽  
C.F. Mayfield ◽  
I.L. Tailleur

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