scholarly journals Clinical Effect of Virtual Reality Technology on Rehabilitation Training of Sports Injury

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-7
Jing Chen

In order to make most patients recover most of their limb functions after rehabilitation training, virtual reality technology is an emerging human-computer interaction technology, which uses the computer and the corresponding application software to build the virtual reality environment. Completing the training tasks in the virtual environment attracts the patients to conduct repeated training in the game and task-based training mode and gradually realizes the rehabilitation training goals. For the rehabilitation population with certain exercise ability, the kinematics of human upper limbs is mainly analyzed, and the virtual reality system based on HTC VIVE is developed. The feasibility and work efficiency of the upper limb rehabilitation training system were verified by experiments. Adult volunteers who are healthy and need rehabilitation training to participate in the experiment were recruited, and experimental data were recorded. The virtual reality upper limb rehabilitation system was a questionnaire. By extracting the motion data, the system application effect is analyzed and evaluated by the simulation diagram. Follow-up results of rehabilitation training showed that the average score of healthy subjects was more than 4 points and 3.8 points per question. Therefore, it is feasible to perform upper limb rehabilitation training using the HTC VIVE virtual reality rehabilitation system.

2018 ◽  
pp. 1267-1287
Wei Wei

This chapter mainly introduced the virtual reality as many benefits of robots involved in disability rehabilitation. According to the vision feedback and force feedback, the therapist can adjust his operation. Virtual reality technology can provide repeated practice, performance feedback and motivation techniques for rehabilitation training. Patients can learn motor skills in a virtual environment, and then transfer the skills to the real world. It is hopeful to achieve satisfactory outcome in the field of rehabilitation in the future. VR is mainly used for the upper-limb rehabilitation robot system in this article. The objective of robotic systems for disability rehabilitation are explored to divide the whole rehabilitation training process into three parts, earliest rehabilitation training, medium-term rehabilitation training and late rehabilitation training, respectively. Accordingly, brain-computer training modes, the master-slave training modes and the electromyogram (EMG) signals training modes are developed to be used in rehabilitation training to help stroke patients with hemiplegia to restore the motor function of upper limb. Aimed at the rehabilitation goal, three generations of VR rehabilitation system has designed. The first generation of VR rehabilitation system includes haptic device (PHANTOM Omni), an advanced inertial sensor (MTx) and a computer. The impaired hand grip the stylus of haptic device, the intact hand can control the impaired hand's motion based on the virtual reality scene. The second generation of the VR rehabilitation system is the exoskeleton robots structure. Two virtual upper limbs are portrayed in the virtual environment, simulated the impaired hand and the intact hand, respectively. The third generation is a novel VR-based upper limb rehabilitation robot system. In the system, the realization of virtual reality environment is implemented, which can potentially motivate patients to exercise for longer periods of time. Not only virtual images but also position and force information are sent to the doctors. The development of this system can be a promising approach for further research in the field of tele-rehabilitation science.

Wei Wei

This chapter mainly introduced the virtual reality as many benefits of robots involved in disability rehabilitation. According to the vision feedback and force feedback, the therapist can adjust his operation. Virtual reality technology can provide repeated practice, performance feedback and motivation techniques for rehabilitation training. Patients can learn motor skills in a virtual environment, and then transfer the skills to the real world. It is hopeful to achieve satisfactory outcome in the field of rehabilitation in the future. VR is mainly used for the upper-limb rehabilitation robot system in this article. The objective of robotic systems for disability rehabilitation are explored to divide the whole rehabilitation training process into three parts, earliest rehabilitation training, medium-term rehabilitation training and late rehabilitation training, respectively. Accordingly, brain-computer training modes, the master-slave training modes and the electromyogram (EMG) signals training modes are developed to be used in rehabilitation training to help stroke patients with hemiplegia to restore the motor function of upper limb. Aimed at the rehabilitation goal, three generations of VR rehabilitation system has designed. The first generation of VR rehabilitation system includes haptic device (PHANTOM Omni), an advanced inertial sensor (MTx) and a computer. The impaired hand grip the stylus of haptic device, the intact hand can control the impaired hand's motion based on the virtual reality scene. The second generation of the VR rehabilitation system is the exoskeleton robots structure. Two virtual upper limbs are portrayed in the virtual environment, simulated the impaired hand and the intact hand, respectively. The third generation is a novel VR-based upper limb rehabilitation robot system. In the system, the realization of virtual reality environment is implemented, which can potentially motivate patients to exercise for longer periods of time. Not only virtual images but also position and force information are sent to the doctors. The development of this system can be a promising approach for further research in the field of tele-rehablitation science.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (8) ◽  
pp. 1620 ◽  
Bai ◽  
Song ◽  

In order to improve the convenience and practicability of home rehabilitation training for post-stroke patients, this paper presents a cloud-based upper limb rehabilitation system based on motion tracking. A 3-dimensional reachable workspace virtual game (3D-RWVG) was developed to achieve meaningful home rehabilitation training. Five movements were selected as the criteria for rehabilitation assessment. Analysis was undertaken of the upper limb performance parameters: relative surface area (RSA), mean velocity (MV), logarithm of dimensionless jerk (LJ) and logarithm of curvature (LC). A two-headed convolutional neural network (TCNN) model was established for the assessment. The experiment was carried out in the hospital. The results show that the RSA, MV, LC and LJ could reflect the upper limb motor function intuitively from the graphs. The accuracy of the TCNN models is 92.6%, 80%, 89.5%, 85.1% and 87.5%, respectively. A therapist could check patient training and assessment information through the cloud database and make a diagnosis. The system can realize home rehabilitation training and assessment without the supervision of a therapist, and has the potential to become an effective home rehabilitation system.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (12) ◽  
pp. e0261220
Zijun Zhou ◽  
Jiaxin Li ◽  
He Wang ◽  
Ze Luan ◽  
Yuan Li ◽  

Background Functional exercise is crucial for breast cancer patients after surgery, and the use of virtual reality technology to assist patients with postoperative upper limb functional rehabilitation has gradually attracted the attention of researchers. However, the usability of the developed rehabilitation system is still unknown to a large extent. The purpose of this study was to develop a virtual reality upper limb rehabilitation system for patients after breast cancer surgery and to explore its usability. Methods We built a multidisciplinary team based on virtual reality and human-computer interaction technology and designed and developed an upper limb function rehabilitation system for breast cancer patients after surgery. Breast cancer patients were recruited from a grade III-a general hospital in Changchun city for the experiment. We used the System Usability Scale to evaluate the system availability, the Presence Questionnaire scale to measure the immersive virtual reality scene, and the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire subjective measurement scale for simulator sickness symptoms. Results This upper limb rehabilitation system hardware consisted of Head-mounted Display, a control handle and notebook computers. The software consisted of rehabilitation exercises and game modules. A total of 15 patients were tested on this system, all of whom were female. The mean age was 54.73±7.78 years, and no patients were excluded from the experiment because of adverse reactions such as dizziness and vomiting. The System Usability Scale score was 90.50±5.69, the Presence Questionnaire score was 113.40±9.58, the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire-nausea score was 0.93±1.16, the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire-oculomotor score was 0.80±1.27, the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire-disorientation score was 0.80±1.27, and the Simulator Sickness Questionnaire total score was 2.53±3.40. Conclusions This study fills in the blanks regarding the upper limb rehabilitation of breast cancer patients based on virtual reality technology system usability research. As the starting point of research in the future, we will improve the system’s function and design strictly randomized controlled trials, using larger samples in the promotion, to evaluate its application in breast cancer patients with upper limbs and other physiological functions and the feasibility and effects of rehabilitation.

2021 ◽  
Ping Zhao ◽  
Haiwei Guan ◽  
Yating Zhang ◽  
Yuwen Chen ◽  
Xueting Deng ◽  

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