scholarly journals Review of Single Bubble Motion Characteristics Rising in Viscoelastic Liquids

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Wei Wang

The emphasis of this review is to discuss three peculiar phenomena of bubbles rising in viscoelastic fluids, namely, the formation of a cusp, negative wake, and velocity jump discontinuity, and to highlight the possible future directions of the subject. The mechanism and influencing factors of these three peculiar phenomena have been discussed in detail in this review. The evolution of the bubble shape is mainly related to the viscoelasticity of the fluid. However, the mechanisms of the two-dimensional cusp, tip-streaming, “blade-edge” tip, “fish-bone” tip, and the phenomenon of the tail breaking into two different threads, in some special viscoelastic fluids, are not understood clearly. The origin of the negative wake behind the bubbles rising in a viscoelastic fluid can be attributed to the synergistic effect of the liquid-phase viscoelasticity, and the bubbles are large enough; thus, leading to a very long relaxation time taken by the viscoelastic stresses. For the phenomenon of bubble velocity jump discontinuity, viscoelasticity is the most critical factor, and the cusp of the bubbles and the surface modifications play only ancillary roles. It has also been observed that a negative wake does not cause velocity jump discontinuity.

1999 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-182 ◽  
D. Rodrigue ◽  
D. De Kee

1986 ◽  
Vol 41 (9) ◽  
pp. 2273-2283 ◽  
D. Dekée ◽  
P.J. Carreau ◽  
J. Mordarski

2000 ◽  
Dennis A. Siginer ◽  
Mario F. Letelier

Abstract A survey of secondary flows of viscoelastic liquids in straight tubes is given including recent work pointing at striking analogies with transversal deformations associated with the simple shearing of solid materials. The importance and implications of secondary flows of viscoelastic fluids in heat transfer enhancement are explored together with the difficulties in detecting weak secondary flows (dilute, weakly viscoelastic solutions) in a laboratory setting. Recent new work by the author and colleagues which explores for the first time the structure of the secondary flow field in the pulsating flow of a constitutively nonlinear simple fluid, whose structure is defined by a series of nested integrals over semi-infinite time domains, in straight tubes of arbitrary cross-sections is summarized. The transversal field arises at the second order of the perturbation of the nonlinear constitutive structure, and is driven by first order terms which define the linearly viscoelastic longitudinal flow in the hierarchy of superposed linear flows stemming from the perturbation of the constitutive structure. Arbitrary conduit contours are obtained through a novel approach to the concept of domain perturbation. Time averaged, mean secondary flow streamline contours are presented for the first time for triangular, square and hexagonal pipes.

Andreia Furtado ◽  
Jorge Pereira ◽  
Raquel Quendera ◽  
Maria Teresa Cidade

The oscillation frequencies produced by oscillation-type density meters during the density measurements suffer damping due to the viscosity of Newtonian liquids. The effect of viscoelastic behaviour of non-Newtonian liquids in the damping of these oscillations is still not known. So, 7 viscoelastic liquids were rheologically characterized, resorting to a rheometer, and their density measured in order to provide a deeper insight into the damping effects produced by these types of fluids. To do so, oscillatory data was related with the obtained density deviations. The results of this study will give further insights for the knowledge of the measuring behaviour of these density meters when measuring viscoelastic fluids, one of the scopes of the EMPIR Project 17RPT02-rhoLiq.

2021 ◽  
Vol 33 (3) ◽  
pp. 033108
Di Wang ◽  
Danielle S. Tan ◽  
Boo Cheong Khoo ◽  
Zhenyu Ouyang ◽  
Nhan Phan-Thien

2010 ◽  
Vol 132 (11) ◽  
T. Chinyoka

We investigate, using direct numerical simulations, the effects of viscoelasticity on pressure driven flows of thermally decomposable liquids in channels. A numerical algorithm based on the finite difference method is implemented in time and space with the Phan–Thien–Tanner as the model for the viscoelastic liquids. The strong dependence of fluid temperature on the Frank–Kamenetskii parameter is shown for various fluid types and the phenomenon of thermal runaway is demonstrated. It is shown that viscoelastic fluids have in general delayed susceptibility to thermal runaway as compared with corresponding inelastic fluids. This paper demonstrates the efficiency of using semi-implicit finite difference schemes in solving transient problems of coupled nonlinear systems. It also provides an understanding of nonisothermal flows of viscoelastic fluids.

2000 ◽  
Dennis A. Siginer

Abstract A survey of secondary flows of viscoelastic liquids in straight tubes is given including recent work pointing at striking analogies with transversal deformations associated with the simple shearing of solid materials. The importance and implications of secondary flows of viscoelastic fluids in heat transfer enhancement are explored together with the difficulties in detecting weak secondary flows (dilute, weakly viscoelastic solutions) in a laboratory setting. Recent new work by the author and colleagues which explores for the first time the structure of the secondary flow field in the pulsating flow of a constitutively nonlinear simple fluid, whose structure is defined by a series of nested integrals over semi-infinite time domains, in straight tubes of arbitrary cross-sections is summarized. The transversal field arises at the second order of the perturbation of the nonlinear constitutive structure, and is driven by first order terms which define the linearly viscoelastic longitudinal flow in the hierarchy of superposed linear flows stemming from the perturbation of the constitutive structure. Arbitrary conduit contours are obtained through a novel approach to the concept of domain perturbation. Time averaged, mean secondary flow streamline contours are presented for the first time for triangular, square and hexagonal pipes.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2016 ◽  
pp. 1-9 ◽  
Ching-Chuan Chang ◽  
Huang-Chih Lin ◽  
Ming-Yuan Lin ◽  
Te-Hui Tsai

This study investigated the properties of long bubbles penetrating viscoelastic fluids in a suddenly contracting and expanding tube. Injection gas flow is controlled by a mass flow controller (MFC). Some of dimensionless parameters, such as the capillary number (Ca), the Reynolds number (Re), the fractional ratio (m), and the Weissenberg number (Wi), are discussed herein. The experimental results showed that bubble velocity, Ca, and Wi increase as shear viscosity increases under a constant gas flow by MFC. However, as shear viscosity increases, bubble diameter decreases, andmincreases. When gas flow is 200 mL/min and shear viscosity increases, the bubble front is sharper in the contraction tube, and the bubble front shape is blunter in the sudden expansion tube. When gas flow is 600 mL/min and shear viscosity increases, the bubble front is blunter in the contraction tube and exhibits a torch shape in the sudden expansion tube.

2000 ◽  
Dennis A. Siginer

Abstract A survey of secondary flows of viscoelastic liquids in straight tubes is given including recent work pointing at striking analogies with transversal deformations associated with the simple shearing of solid materials. The importance and implications of secondary flows of viscoelastic fluids in heat transfer enhancement are explored together with the difficulties in detecting weak secondary flows (dilute, weakly viscoelastic solutions) in a laboratory setting. Recent new work by the author and colleagues which explores for the first time the structure of the secondary flow field in the pulsating flow of a constitutively nonlinear simple fluid, whose structure is defined by a series of nested integrals over semi-infinite time domains, in straight tubes of arbitrary cross-sections is summarized. The transversal field arises at the second order of the perturbation of the nonlinear constitutive structure, and is driven by first order terms which define the linearly viscoelastic longitudinal flow in the hierarchy of superposed linear flows stemming from the perturbation of the constitutive structure. Arbitrary conduit contours are obtained through a novel approach to the concept of domain perturbation. Time averaged, mean secondary flow streamline contours are presented for the first time for triangular, square and hexagonal pipes.

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