scholarly journals Research on Design and Application of National Fitness System

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Shengyou Wang

In order to improve the physical quality of the national people, a national fitness system is designed and applied to practice. Design the overall architecture of the national fitness system, including the perception layer, network layer, and application layer. The perception layer mainly uses Internet of Things gateway, central machine, wireless perception node, and fitness data dashboard to obtain fitness data. The network layer mainly uses WiFi, 4G, Ethernet, and other public networks to transmit fitness data, fitness guidance data, and equipment operation and maintenance data. The application layer provides data storage, device management, user management, and client services. On this basis, through the collection of users’ fitness data rating data, the data are transformed into fitness data rating matrix, and the matrix is analyzed and calculated to realize the intelligent recommendation of fitness data and complete the design of national fitness data recommendation algorithm. The test results show that the system can meet the requirements of normal use, good compatibility, and user score is high and has high practical application value.

Amany Sarhan

Developing IoT projects from scratch requires a lot of knowledge and expertise; moreover, it takes a very long time to be developed. It can be hard for starters and even senior developers to perfect every aspect of an IoT project in a timely manner. These aspects include hardware, communication, data storage, security, integration, application, data processing, and analysis. This chapter introduces a cloud-based platform that is concerned with data storage, device management, data processing, and integration with external systems, all while providing high level of security and allowing for future scaling. This platform should accelerate and simplify the development of IoT projects by lowering the entry barrier and offloading some of the burden off developers to give them more time to focus on other aspects such as hardware and applications. The authors discuss many implementation issues in the functional and design perspective that may guide others to make their own platforms from this insight view.

2000 ◽  
Vol 42 (4) ◽  
pp. 705
Soon Joo Cha ◽  
Yong Hoon Kim ◽  
Gham Hur

2020 ◽  
Roudati jannah

Perangkat keras komputer adalah bagian dari sistem komputer sebagai perangkat yang dapat diraba, dilihat secara fisik, dan bertindak untuk menjalankan instruksi dari perangkat lunak (software). Perangkat keras komputer juga disebut dengan hardware. Hardware berperan secara menyeluruh terhadap kinerja suatu sistem komputer. Prinsipnya sistem komputer selalu memiliki perangkat keras masukan (input/input device system) – perangkat keras premprosesan (processing/central processing unit) – perangkat keras luaran (output/output device system) – perangkat tambahan yang sifatnya opsional (peripheral) dan tempat penyimpanan data (storage device system/external memory).

2020 ◽  
Intan khadijah simatupang

Komputer adalah serangkaian mesin elektronik yang terdiri dari jutaan komponen yang dapat saling bekerja sama, serta membentuk sebuah sistem kerja yang rapi dan teliti. Sistem ini kemudian digunakan untuk dapat melaksanakan pekerjaan secara otomatis, berdasarkan instruksi (program) yang diberikan kepadanya. Istilah Hardware computer atau perangkat keras komputer, merupakan benda yang secara fisik dapat dipegang, dipindahkan dan dilihat. Software komputer atau perangkat lunak komputer merupakan kumpulan instruksi (program/prosedur) untuk dapat melaksanakan pekerjaan secara otomatis dengan cara mengolah atau memproses kumpulan instruksi (data) yang diberikan. Pada prinsipnya sistem komputer selalu memiliki perangkat keras masukan (input/input device system) – perangkat keras pemprosesan (processing/ central processing unit) – perangkat keras keluaran (output/output device system), perangkat tambahan yang sifatnya opsional (peripheral) dan tempat penyimpanan data (Storage device system/external memory).

2017 ◽  
Vol MCSP2017 (01) ◽  
pp. 7-10 ◽  
Subhashree Rath ◽  
Siba Kumar Panda

Static random access memory (SRAM) is an important component of embedded cache memory of handheld digital devices. SRAM has become major data storage device due to its large storage density and less time to access. Exponential growth of low power digital devices has raised the demand of low voltage low power SRAM. This paper presents design and implementation of 6T SRAM cell in 180 nm, 90 nm and 45 nm standard CMOS process technology. The simulation has been done in Cadence Virtuoso environment. The performance analysis of SRAM cell has been evaluated in terms of delay, power and static noise margin (SNM).

NANO ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (08) ◽  
pp. 1550118 ◽  
Lei Wang ◽  
Jing Wen ◽  
CiHui Yang ◽  
Shan Gai ◽  
YuanXiu Peng

Phase-change probe memory using Ge2Sb2Te5 has been considered as one of the promising candidates as next-generation data storage device due to its ultra-high density, low energy consumption, short access time and long retention time. In order to utmostly mimic the practical setup, and thus fully explore the potential of phase-change probe memory for 10 Tbit/in2 target, some advanced modeling techniques that include threshold-switching, electrical contact resistance, thermal boundary resistance and crystal nucleation-growth, are introduced into the already-established electrothermal model to simulate the write and read performance of phase-change probe memory using an optimal media stack design. The resulting predictions clearly demonstrate the capability of phase-change probe memory to record 10 Tbit/in2 density under pico Joule energy within micro second period.

2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (46) ◽  
pp. 12228-12234 ◽  
Xuhui Yang ◽  
Baisheng Sa ◽  
Hongbing Zhan ◽  
Zhimei Sun

A vertical electric field-modulated data storage device based on bilayer InSe.

2014 ◽  
Vol 513-517 ◽  
pp. 2107-2110 ◽  
Zhi Jian Diao ◽  
Song Guo

Cloud computing is a novel network-based computing model, in which the cloud infrastructure is constructed in bottom level and provided as the support environment for the applications in upper cloud level. The combination of clouding computing and GIS can improve the performance of GIS, and it can also provide a new prospect of GIS information storage, processing and utilization. By integrating cloud computing and GIS, this paper presented a cloud computing based GIS model based on two features of cloud computing: data storage and transparent custom service. The model contains two layers: service layer and application layer. With this two-layer model, GIS can provide stable and efficient services to end users by optimized network resource allocation of underlying data and services in cloud computing.

Laura Carrea ◽  
Raul Almeida

The Internet architecture of today does not seem suited to the current Internet usage, as the application layer is more and more content-centric, while the network layer is ossified around the IP concept. In this chapter, the authors explore a redefinition of the whole Internet architecture where nothing is taken for granted, especially IP addresses. The review focuses on the forwarding and topology components of the EU FP7 PSIRP architecture and on a few of the problematic issues and the ongoing discussions around a pioneering clean-slate design of the way to organize networks.

2019 ◽  
Vol 116 (10) ◽  
pp. 4123-4128 ◽  
Zhong Sun ◽  
Giacomo Pedretti ◽  
Elia Ambrosi ◽  
Alessandro Bricalli ◽  
Wei Wang ◽  

Conventional digital computers can execute advanced operations by a sequence of elementary Boolean functions of 2 or more bits. As a result, complicated tasks such as solving a linear system or solving a differential equation require a large number of computing steps and an extensive use of memory units to store individual bits. To accelerate the execution of such advanced tasks, in-memory computing with resistive memories provides a promising avenue, thanks to analog data storage and physical computation in the memory. Here, we show that a cross-point array of resistive memory devices can directly solve a system of linear equations, or find the matrix eigenvectors. These operations are completed in just one single step, thanks to the physical computing with Ohm’s and Kirchhoff’s laws, and thanks to the negative feedback connection in the cross-point circuit. Algebraic problems are demonstrated in hardware and applied to classical computing tasks, such as ranking webpages and solving the Schrödinger equation in one step.

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