scholarly journals ICS Software Trust Measurement Method Based on Dynamic Length Trust Chain

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Wenli Shang ◽  
Xiangyu Xing

Aiming at the real-time requirements for industrial control systems, we proposed a corresponding trust chain method for industrial control system application software and a component analysis method based on security sensitivity weights. A dynamic length trust chain structure is also proposed in this paper. Based on this, the industrial control system software integrity measurement method is constructed. Aimed at the validity of the model, a simulation attack experiment was performed, and the performance of the model was repeated from multiple perspectives to verify the performance of the method. Experiments show that this method can effectively meet the integrity measurement under the condition of high real-time performance, protect the integrity of files, and improve the software credibility of industrial control system.


Cybersecurity in industrial control system environments has become a significant concern and is even more relevant in the context of critical infrastructures where control system disruption could have a profound impact on health, safety and the environment. This makes this type of system a major target for malicious activities. Notwithstanding an organization’s interest in protecting its industrial control systems against cyber-attacks, the implementation of security measures, whether technical, organizational or human, still faces resistance and is often seen as a constraint. Using the best technology to protect industrial control systems makes no sense if persons with access do not act attentively and protectively. Technical and human cybersecurity measures are intrinsically linked, and it is essential that all persons with access to these systems are fully aware of the inherent cyber risks. Organizations must also act so that staff receive appropriate training on how to keep systems continuously protected against cyber-attack when carrying out their daily tasks. These educational processes can contribute to building an effective cybersecurity culture fully reflective of management and staff attitudes, so that the availability, integrity and confidentiality of information in industrial control systems can be assured.

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (5) ◽  
pp. 64
Jan Vávra ◽  
Martin Hromada ◽  
Roman Jašek

The contemporary trend of increasing connectivity, interoperability and efficiency of technologies, which are used in organizations, also affected Industrial Control System (further only ICS). The recently isolated system is becoming more dependent on interconnection with external technologies. This leads to a formation of new vulnerabilities, which are significant threats to ICS. For this reason, it is necessary to devote considerable effort to analyze vulnerabilities. Neglecting of this area could lead to damage or unavailability of ICS services. The purpose of the article is to evaluate vulnerabilities related to individual elements of ICS. The fundamental question of the article is to find a true distribution of security risk related to ICS.

Energies ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 218
Mohammed Alghassab

Monitoring and control systems in the energy sector are specialized information structures that are not governed by the same information technology standards as the rest of the world’s information systems. Such industrial control systems are also used to handle important infrastructures, including smart grids, oil and gas facilities, nuclear power plants, water management systems, and so on. Industry equipment is handled by systems connected to the internet, either via wireless or cable connectivity, in the present digital age. Further, the system must work without fail, with the system’s availability rate being of paramount importance. Furthermore, to certify that the system is not subject to a cyber-attack, the entire system must be safeguarded against cyber security vulnerabilities, threats, and hazards. In addition, the article looks at and evaluates cyber security evaluations for industrial control systems, as well as their possible impact on the accessibility of industrial control system operations in the energy sector. This research work discovers that the hesitant fuzzy-based method of the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and the Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) is an operational procedure for estimating industrial control system cyber security assessments by understanding the numerous characteristics and their impacts on cyber security industrial control systems. The author evaluated the outputs of six distinct projects to determine the quality of the outcomes and their sensitivity. According to the results of the robustness analysis, alternative 1 shows the utmost effective cybersecurity project for the industrial control system. This research work will be a conclusive reference for highly secure and managed monitoring and control systems.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (8) ◽  
pp. 2796 ◽  
Raimarius Delgado ◽  
Jaeho Park ◽  
Cheonho Lee ◽  
Byoung Wook Choi

Android is gaining popularity as the operating system of embedded systems and recent demands of its application on industrial control are steadily increasing. However, its feasibility is still in question due to two major drawbacks: safety and security. In particular, ensuring the safe operation of industrial control systems requires the system to be governed by stringent temporal constraints and should satisfy real-time requirements. In this sense, we explore the real-time characteristics of Xenomai to guarantee strict temporal deadlines, and provide a viable method integrating Android processes to real-time tasks. Security is another issue that affects safety due to the increased connectivity in industrial systems provoking a higher risk of cyber and hardware attacks. Herein, we adopted a hardware copy protection chip and enforced administrative security policies in the booting process and the Android application layer. These policies ensure that the developed system is protected from physical tampering and unwanted Android applications. The articulacy of the administrative policies is demonstrated through experiments. The developed embedded system is connected to an industrial EtherCAT motion device network exhibiting operability on an actual industrial application. Real-time performance was evaluated in terms of schedulability and responsiveness, which are critical in determining the safety and reliability of the control system.

2013 ◽  
Vol 336-338 ◽  
pp. 1640-1644
Zhi Gang Zhang ◽  
Zhuo Lv ◽  
Shuang Xia Niu

This paper analyzes the information security risks faced by the industrial control systems, Propose the Information Security Evaluation on industrial control system based on the level protection assessment technology, The development of industrial control system from the device level , field-level and system-level three levels of information security evaluation, propose the next step in the research program.

2000 ◽  
Vol 33 (6) ◽  
pp. 33-38
J.C. Campelo ◽  
P. Yuste ◽  
P.J. Gil ◽  
J.J. Serrano

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