scholarly journals Bipartite Consensus of Linear Discrete-Time Multiagent Systems with Exogenous Disturbances under Competitive Networks

Complexity ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-11
Yi Yuan ◽  
Shamrie Sainin Mohd ◽  
Yanhui Zhu

This paper investigates the bipartite consensus of linear discrete-time multiagent systems (MASs) with exogenous disturbances. A discrete-time disturbance-observer- (DTDO-) based technology is involved for attenuating the exogenous disturbances. And both the state feedback and observer-based output feedback bipartite consensus protocols are proposed by using the DTDO method. It turned out that bipartite consensus can be realized under the given protocols if the topology is connected and structurally balanced. Finally, numerical simulations are presented to illustrate the theoretical findings.


This paper is concerned with the problem of non-fragile (resilient) H∞ control for a class of state-delay nonlinear discrete-time systems described by (TS) fuzzy models where both the state feedback and static output feedback are investigated. Based on basis-dependent Lyapunov-krasovskii function, sufficient conditions are derived to achieve the system stability and the H∞ performance. The linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach is proposed to obtain the state-feedback gains, and a homotopy-based iterative LMI algorithm is developed to get the static output feedback gains. An illustrative example shows the effectiveness and the feasibility of the theoretical developments.

2017 ◽  
Vol 2017 ◽  
pp. 1-6
Fujun Han ◽  
Yize Yang ◽  
Hong-Yong Yang

Flocking motion of multiagent systems is influenced by various external disturbances in complex environment. By applying disturbance observer, flocking of multiagent systems with exogenous disturbances is studied. Based on the robust features of impulsive control, a distributed impulsive control protocol is presented with disturbance observer, and flocking motion of multiagent systems is analyzed. Moreover, a sufficient condition is obtained to ensure the flocking motion of multiagent systems following a leader. Finally, simulation results show the validity of the theoretical conclusion.

2019 ◽  
Vol 49 (10) ◽  
pp. 3713-3721 ◽  
Huaguang Zhang ◽  
Ji Han ◽  
Yingchun Wang ◽  
He Jiang

Qian Zheng ◽  
Fen Wu

In this paper, we will study the state feedback control problem of polynomial nonlinear systems using fractional Lyapunov functions. By adding constraints to bound the variation rate of each state, the general difficulty of calculating derivative of nonquadratic Lyapunov function is effectively overcome. As a result, the state feedback conditions are simplified as a set of Linear Matrix Inequalities (LMIs) with polynomial entries. Computationally tractable solution is obtained by Sum-of-Squares (SOS) decomposition. And it turns out that both of the Lyapunov matrix and the state feedback gain are state dependent fractional matrix functions, where the numerator as well as the denominator can be polynomials with flexible forms and higher nonlinearities involved in. Same idea is extended to a class of output dependent nonlinear systems and the stabilizing output feedback controller is specified as polynomial of output. Synthesis conditions are similarly derived as using constant Lyapunov function except that all entries in LMIs are polynomials of output with derivative of output involved in. By bounding the variation rate of output and gridding on the bounded interval, the LMIs are solvable by SOS decomposition. Finally, two examples are used to materialize the design scheme and clarify the various choices on state boundaries.

Complexity ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 ◽  
pp. 1-13
Lixin Gao ◽  
Hui Fang ◽  
Wenhai Chen ◽  
He Cao

In this paper, the concept of consensus is generalized to weighted consensus, by which the conventional consensus, the bipartite consensus, and the cluster consensus problems can be unified in the proposed weighted consensus frame. The dynamics of agents are modeled by the general linear time-invariant systems. The interaction topology is modeled by edge- and node-weighted directed graphs. Under both state feedback and output feedback control strategies, the weighted consensus problems are transformed into the equivalent conventional consensus problems. Then, some distributed state feedback and output feedback protocols are proposed to solve the weighted consensus problems. For output feedback case, a unified frame to construct the state-observer-based weighted consensus protocols is proposed, and different design approaches are discussed. As special cases, some related results for bipartite consensus and cluster consensus can be obtained directly. Finally, a simple example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of our proposed approaches.

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