The Hemodialysis Unit

Atara Kaplan De-Nour
1977 ◽  
Vol 60 (1) ◽  
pp. 46-50
William A. Primack ◽  
Ira Greifer

A hemodialysis unit was established at a rural summer camp for children. Required medical treatment was planned so as to interfere as little as possible with normal camp programs. Campers who require dialysis were mixed fully into the population of normal campers. Twenty-two children participated during the first summer of operation. Our experience indicates that children on maintenance hemodialysis can be integrated with normal peers in a recreational program and can improve their self-image and self-confidence. The program also demonstrates that chronic pediatric hemodialysis can be safely performed in a rural satellite unit.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-25
Muhammad Anggun ◽  
Titik Kusumawinakhyu ◽  
Irma Finurina Mustikawati ◽  
Wiharto Wiharto

Hemodialysis is a routinely performed therapy on chronic kidney patients, leading to psychological problems among subjects who undergo hemodialysis, such as anxiety and depression. One of the efforts to overcome anxiety and depression is with the dhikr intervention. Dhikr presents hearts to remember and be obedient to Allah followed by the words and actions in various conditions.  Discover dhikr's influence on the level of anxiety and depression in patients on hemodialysis in  Purwokerto Islamic Hospital. It was a quantitative study using quasi experiment with a non-quivalent control group design. The number of samples was 12 subjects consisting of 6 subjects in the control group and six subjects in the intervention group with the purposive sampling technique. Instruments were used to measure anxiety and depression are the HADS ( Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale ) before and after dhikr intervention as much as 12 times. Research is carried out in Hemodialysis Unit of  Purwokerto Islamic Hospital. Test statistics on research are used paired t-test and independent t-tests. This study showed a decrease in the mean level of anxiety from 5, 83 to 1.67 in the experimental group ( p = 0.003). The mean level of depression experienced a decline of 9, 67 becomes 4.67 on a group experiment ( p = 0.003). Dhikr reduces the level of anxiety and depression in hemodialysis patients at the Purwokerto Islamic Hospital.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (4) ◽  
pp. 353
EddiesonA Pasay-an ◽  
FarhanF Alshammari ◽  
SoheirTawfeek Ahamed ◽  
SalwaAbd El Gawad Sallam

2018 ◽  
Vol 68 ◽  
pp. 01009
Virna Widora Saputri ◽  
Rico Januar Sitorus ◽  
H. M. Zulkarnain

The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that affect the quality of life of CRF patients in Hemodialysis Unit at Pringsewu District General Hospital. This study was conducted from February to May 2018 with cross sectional study design. The sampling technique using total sampling technique. Measurement of quality of life using KDQOL-SFTM version 1.3. The results found that quality of life scores were quite low in some domains and subscales. The mean of total score was 55.70 ± 21.30 with mean of Physical Health Composite (PHC) = 38.85 ± 9.26 and mean of Mental Health Composite (MHC) = 36.13 ± 7.08. Regarding the targeted area of ESRD, the scale of renal disease burden and occupational status scale resulted in the lowest score. The sleep quality scale score was 56.18 ± 20.72. Only 61 patients responded to questions of sexual activity with a score of 55.53 ± 27.44 on the scale of sexual function. In the 36-item health survey, the mean total score was 45.90 ± 21.95. The lowest score represented the limitations of roles caused by physical and emotional health problems. The result of statistical test showed that the variables significantly related to the quality of life of CRF patients were age, income, duration of hemodialysis and family support. Thus, family support was the variable that had the greatest impact on determining the quality of life of CRF patients. The CRF patients who lacked family support were 4.6 times more likely to lead poorer life compared to CRF patients who received good family support after being controlled by age, income, duration of hemodialysis, gender, working status, and diabetes mellitus variables.

e-CliniC ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Maria E. Jarut ◽  
Emma Sy. Moeis ◽  
Bradley J. Waleleng

Abstract: Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a process with various etiology, resulting in a progressive descent in kidney function and generally end up with kidney failure that requires renal replacement therapy. One of the renal replacement therapy is hemodialysis. Subjects undergoing hemodialysis belong to the high-risk group for hepatitis B and hepatitis C. This study aimed to obtain the APRI scores in subjects CKD 5 HD with hepatitis B and hepatitis C. This was a retrospective observational descriptive study. This study was conducted from October to December 2014 in the medical record of Hemodialysis Unit Prof. Dr. R. D. Kandou Hospital Manado. The results showed that there were 64 subjects who met the inclusion criteria, consisted of 29 (45%) subjects with CKD 5 HD and hepatitis B and 35 (55%) subjects with CKD 5 HD and hepatitis C. Among subjects of CKD 5 HD with hepatitis B, there were 24 (37.50%) males and 5 (7.81%) females. Among subjects with CKD 5 HD and hepatitis C, there were 15 (23.43%) males and 20 (31.25%) females. Age range in subjects with CKD 5 HD and hepatitis B was 37-69 years, while in subjects with CKD 5 HD and hepatitis C was 33-65 years. The SGOT of the CKD 5 HD subjects with hepatitis B was 14-58 U/L while of the CKD 5 HD subjects with hepatitis C was 21-38 U/L. The platelet count in subjects with CKD 5 HD and hepatitis B was 78.103 /mm3 – 357.103/ mm3 while in CKD 5 HD subjects with hepatitis C was 54.103/mm3 – 417.103/mm3. Based on the SGOT and the platelet count, the final APRI scores for subjects with CKD 5 HD and hepatitis B was 0.004- 0.056 while the of CKD 5 HD subjects with hepatitis C was 0.005-0.177. The APRI scores in subjects with CKD 5 HD and hepatitis B and CKD 5 HD subjects with hepatitis C was < 0.5 which meant there was no fibrosis of the liver or fibrosis without septa. Conclusion: APRI scores were not significant to the degree of fibrosis in the early stages of either hepatitis B or hepatitis C. Keywords: CKD 5 HD, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, APRI score Abstrak: Penyakit ginjal kronik adalah suatu proses dengan etiologi beragam, mengakibatkan penurunan fungsi ginjal yang progresif dan umumnya berakhir dengan gagal ginjal yang memerlukan terapi pengganti ginjal. Salah satu terapi pengganti ginjal yaitu hemodialisis. Subyek yang menjalani hemodialisis merupakan kelompok risiko tinggi untuk virus hepatitis B dan hepatitis C. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui skor APRI pada subyek PGK 5 HD dengan hepatitis B dan hepatitis C. Jenis penelitian ini ialah observasional dengan rancangan deskriptif retrospektif. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan mulai Oktober sampai Desember 2014 di Bagian rekam medik Ilmu Penyakit Dalam Unit Hemodialisis RSUP Prof Dr. R. D. Kandou Manado. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan dari 64 subyek yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi terdapat 29 (45%) subyek PGK 5 HD dengan hepatitis B dan 35 (55%) subyek PGK 5 HD dengan hepatitis C. Pada subyek PGK stadium 5 HD dengan hepatitis B, terdapat 24 laki-laki (37,50%) dan 5 perempuan (7,81%). Pada subyek PGK 5 HD dengan hepatitis C, terdapat 15 laki-laki (23,43%) dan 20 perempuan (31,25%). Rentang umur pada subyek PGK 5 HD dengan hepatitis B 37-69 tahun sedangkan rentang umur pada subyek PGK 5 HD dengan hepatitis C 33-65 tahun. Nilai SGOT subyek PGK 5 HD dengan hepatitis B 14-58 U/L sedangkan subyek PGK 5 HD dengan hepatitis C 21-38 U/L. Jumlah trombosit pada subyek PGK 5 HD dengan hepatitis B 78.103/mm3– 357.103/mm3sedangkan subyek PGK 5 HD dengan hepatitis C 54.103/mm3– 417.103/mm3. Berdasarkan nilai SGOT dan jumlah trombosit yang diperoleh maka hasil perhitungan skor APRI untuk subyek PGK 5 HD dengan hepatitis B 0,004-0,056 sedangkan pada subyek PGK 5 HD dengan hepatitis C 0,005-0,177. Skor APRI pada subyek PGK 5 HD dengan hepatitis B dan subyek PGK 5 HD dengan hepatitis C <0,5, yang menunjukkan tidak terdapat fibrosis pada hati atau terdapat fibrosis tanpa septa. Simpulan: Skor APRI tidak bermakna terhadap derajat fibrosis stadium awal baik pada hepatitis B ataupun heptitis C.Kata kunci: PGK 5 HD, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, skor APRI

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (03) ◽  
Habib Ullah Rind ◽  
Nadia Iftikhar ◽  
Fazal ur Rehman ◽  
Abdul Kareem Zarkoon ◽  
Syed Mohkam ◽  

The Pandemic of COVID-19 has grasped the whole world and changed dramatically, together with our social, occupational and personal life with high mortality and morbidity with other consequences since December 2019 started from Wuhan and then declared pandemic in March. It has been observed to involve every organ of the body including skin. Various skin manifestations, but most cases reported were like urticarial rash, xanthemas,  chickenpox-like vesicle, vasculitidic type, pressure sores, contact dermatitis and a single case was reported in china with skin darkening. The COVID-19 and cutaneous manifestations are recognized by physicians and dermatologist treating COVID-19. We have observed around eight cases of COVID -19 who had skin darkening in our center Baluchistan Institute of Nephrology and Urology Quetta, among these included were six dialysis technicians one chronic maintenance dialysis patient and a physician. We present the representative cases and discuss the skin manifestations of COVID-19.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 13-24
Sadia Nasarullah ◽  
Muhammad Hussain ◽  
Kousar Perveen ◽  
Muhammad Afzal

Purpose: The purpose of the study was to assess the awareness of nurses regarding hemodialysis complication in Lahore, Pakistan. Methodology: Descriptive research design was used to conduct this study. The study was conducted at the Hemodialysis Unit at tertiary Care Hospital Lahore, Pakistan. The sample of the study consisted of 110 nurses (female) working in the hemodialysis unit, aged between 18 and 55 years has agreed to participate in this study. The self-administered questionnaire sheet was used to collect study-related data with the following sections. Part 1: ''Nurse's socio-demographic characteristics'', Part 2: "Nurses 'Awareness of Hemodialysis Practices", Part 3: "Nurses' Awareness of Hemodialysis Complications" Findings: Most of the nurses had a good level of knowledge about the complications of hemodialysis and very few of them had little knowledge. Most of the nurses were females and were aged 18-27. Unique contribution to theory, practice and policy: Further research should be done on a larger sample of them which focuses on their practice and should make the results of their study regarding their knowledge and its reflection on their practice  

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