scholarly journals Toward Optimizing cVEMP: 2,000-Hz Tone Bursts Improve the Detection of Superior Canal Dehiscence

2018 ◽  
Vol 23 (6) ◽  
pp. 335-344 ◽  
Kimberley S. Noij ◽  
Barbara S. Herrmann ◽  
John J. Guinan Jr. ◽  
Steven D. Rauch

Background: The cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potential (cVEMP) test measures saccular and inferior vestibular nerve function. The cVEMP can be elicited with different frequency stimuli and interpreted using a variety of metrics. Patients with superior semicircular canal dehiscence (SCD) syndrome generally have lower cVEMP thresholds and larger amplitudes, although there is overlap with healthy subjects. The aim of this study was to evaluate which metric and frequency best differentiate healthy ears from SCD ears using cVEMP. Methods: Twenty-one patients with SCD and 23 age-matched controls were prospectively included and underwent cVEMP testing at 500, 750, 1,000 and 2,000 Hz. Sound level functions were obtained at all frequencies to acquire threshold and to calculate normalized peak-to-peak amplitude (VEMPn) and VEMP inhibition depth (VEMPid). Third window indicator (TWI) metrics were calculated by subtracting the 250-Hz air-bone gap from the ipsilateral cVEMP threshold at each frequency. Ears of SCD patients were divided into three groups based on CT imaging: dehiscent, thin or unaffected. The ears of healthy age-matched control subjects constituted a fourth group. Results: Comparing metrics at all frequencies revealed that 2,000-Hz stimuli were most effective in differentiating SCD from normal ears. ROC analysis indicated that for both 2,000-Hz cVEMP threshold and for 2,000-Hz TWI, 100% specificity could be achieved with a sensitivity of 92.0%. With 2,000-Hz VEMPn and VEMPid at the highest sound level, 100% specificity could be achieved with a sensitivity of 96.0%. Conclusion: The best diagnostic accuracy of cVEMP in SCD patients can be achieved with 2,000-Hz tone burst stimuli, regardless of which metric is used.

2014 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 97-105 ◽  
Marlien E.F. Niesten ◽  
Leena M. Hamberg ◽  
Joshua B. Silverman ◽  
Kristina V. Lou ◽  
Andrew A. McCall ◽  

2009 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
pp. 6-13
Scheherazade C. Ibrahim ◽  
Charlotte M. Chiong ◽  
Nathaniel W. Yang

Objective: This report aims to determine the clinical manifestations and management of patients with superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome (SSCDS). Methods: Study Design: Case series. Setting: Tertiary hospitals and private clinics Participants: Out of 30 patients with vestibular vertigo or otologic symptom, 14 patients were diagnosed with SSCDS based on high resolution computed tomographic scan (HRCT).  The demographic features, incidence of specific signs and symptoms and management of these patients were described, including the audiograms, vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP) responses and ancillary tests. Results: Vertigo was the most common vestibular symptom of SSCDS. Tullio phenomenon was elicited in 50% of patients with confirmed dehiscence on HRCT scan. Low frequency (250 Hz and 500 Hz) air-bone gap was noted in 21.4% of patients. Lowered VEMP responses were also noted in 66.7% of patients with confirmed SSCDS. Severity of symptoms may determine its management. Conclusion: The diagnosis of SSCDS does not conform to a specific clinical presentation or audiologic result thus good clinical correlation is needed in order to raise suspicion of the disease and prompt the clinician to order confirmatory imaging by computed tomographic scan or magnetic resonance imaging. The presence of this syndrome in a proportion of children that is greater than previously reported needs further study as these children may be genetically predisposed to have thinned out superior semicircular canals that eventually become dehisced albeit at an earlier age. Key words: Superior semicircular canal dehiscence, pure tone audiometry, vestibular evoked myogenic potential

2020 ◽  
Vol 40 (01) ◽  
pp. 018-032 ◽  
Rachael L. Taylor ◽  
Miriam S. Welgampola ◽  
Benjamin Nham ◽  
Sally M. Rosengren

AbstractVestibular-evoked myogenic potentials (VEMPs) are short-latency, otolith-dependent reflexes recorded from the neck and eye muscles. They are widely used in neuro-otology clinics as tests of otolith function. Cervical VEMPs are recorded from the neck muscles and reflect predominantly saccular function, while ocular VEMPs are reflexes of the extraocular muscles and reflect utricular function. They have an important role in the diagnosis of superior canal dehiscence syndrome and provide complementary information about otolith function that is useful in the diagnosis of other vestibular disorders. Like other evoked potentials, they can provide important localizing information about lesions that may occur along the VEMP pathway. This review will describe the VEMP abnormalities seen in common disorders of the vestibular system and its pathways.

Neurology ◽  
2008 ◽  
Vol 70 (6) ◽  
pp. 464-472 ◽  
M. S. Welgampola ◽  
O. A. Myrie ◽  
L. B. Minor ◽  
J. P. Carey

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