scholarly journals Content Based Image Retrieval Using Lacunarity and Color Moments Of Skin Diseases

I Gusti Ayu Triwayuni ◽  
I Ketut Gede Darma Putra ◽  
I Putu Agus Eka Pratama

<p><em>The research conducted contributed in the form of CBIR application which was developed using texture and color feature extraction in searching the contents information of an object of skin disease image. The textured feature is extracted using Lacunarity, while for color feature extraction using Color Moments as well as a combination of both methods. The results of color characteristic extraction test using Color Moments Method yielded images corresponding to 100% similarity percentages and experimentation of texture characteristic extraction using Lacunarity Method yielded images corresponding to a percentage of suitability of 25%, followed by a combined test of both methods and the normalization process produces images corresponding to a percentage of conformity of 60%.</em></p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 45 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-19
Sarmad Abdul-samad

Inn then last two decades the Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) considered as one of the topic of interest for theresearchers. It depending one analysis of the image’s visual content which can be done by extracting the color, texture and shapefeatures. Therefore, feature extraction is one of the important steps in CBIR system for representing the image completely. Color featureis the most widely used and more reliable feature among the image visual features. This paper reviews different methods, namely LocalColor Histogram, Color Correlogram, Row sum and Column sum and Colors Coherences Vectors were used to extract colors featurestaking in consideration the spatial information of the image.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 365-388
Asha Sukumaran ◽  
Thomas Brindha

PurposeThe humans are gifted with the potential of recognizing others by their uniqueness, in addition with more other demographic characteristics such as ethnicity (or race), gender and age, respectively. Over the decades, a vast count of researchers had undergone in the field of psychological, biological and cognitive sciences to explore how the human brain characterizes, perceives and memorizes faces. Moreover, certain computational advancements have been developed to accomplish several insights into this issue.Design/methodology/approachThis paper intends to propose a new race detection model using face shape features. The proposed model includes two key phases, namely. (a) feature extraction (b) detection. The feature extraction is the initial stage, where the face color and shape based features get mined. Specifically, maximally stable extremal regions (MSER) and speeded-up robust transform (SURF) are extracted under shape features and dense color feature are extracted as color feature. Since, the extracted features are huge in dimensions; they are alleviated under principle component analysis (PCA) approach, which is the strongest model for solving “curse of dimensionality”. Then, the dimensional reduced features are subjected to deep belief neural network (DBN), where the race gets detected. Further, to make the proposed framework more effective with respect to prediction, the weight of DBN is fine tuned with a new hybrid algorithm referred as lion mutated and updated dragon algorithm (LMUDA), which is the conceptual hybridization of lion algorithm (LA) and dragonfly algorithm (DA).FindingsThe performance of proposed work is compared over other state-of-the-art models in terms of accuracy and error performance. Moreover, LMUDA attains high accuracy at 100th iteration with 90% of training, which is 11.1, 8.8, 5.5 and 3.3% better than the performance when learning percentage (LP) = 50%, 60%, 70%, and 80%, respectively. More particularly, the performance of proposed DBN + LMUDA is 22.2, 12.5 and 33.3% better than the traditional classifiers DCNN, DBN and LDA, respectively.Originality/valueThis paper achieves the objective detecting the human races from the faces. Particularly, MSER feature and SURF features are extracted under shape features and dense color feature are extracted as color feature. As a novelty, to make the race detection more accurate, the weight of DBN is fine tuned with a new hybrid algorithm referred as LMUDA, which is the conceptual hybridization of LA and DA, respectively.

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