Multi-Objective Optimization with Controlled Model Assisted Evolution Strategies

2009 ◽  
Vol 17 (4) ◽  
pp. 577-593 ◽  
Jan Braun ◽  
Johannes Krettek ◽  
Frank Hoffmann ◽  
Torsten Bertram

Evolutionary algorithms perform robust search in complex and high dimensional search spaces, but require a large number of fitness evaluations to approximate optimal solutions. These characteristics limit their potential for hardware in the loop optimization and problems that require extensive simulations and calculations. Evolutionary algorithms do not maintain their knowledge about the fitness function as they only store solutions of the current generation. In contrast, model assisted evolutionary algorithms utilize the information contained in previously evaluated solutions in terms of a data based model. The convergence of the evolutionary algorithm is improved as some selection decisions rely on the model rather than to invoke expensive evaluations of the true fitness function. The novelty of our scheme stems from the preselection of solutions based on an instance based fitness model, in which the selection pressure is adjusted to the quality of model. This so-called λ-control adapts the number of true fitness evaluations to the monitored model quality. Our method extends the previous approaches for model assisted scalar optimization to multi-objective problems by a proper redefinition of model quality and preselection pressure control. The analysis on multi-objective benchmark optimization problems not only confirms the superior convergence of the model assisted evolution strategy in comparison with a multi-objective evolution strategy but also the positive effect of regulated preselection in contrast to merely static preselection.

2012 ◽  
Vol 215-216 ◽  
pp. 133-137
Guo Shao Su ◽  
Yan Zhang ◽  
Zhen Xing Wu ◽  
Liu Bin Yan

Covariance matrix adaptation evolution strategy algorithm (CMA-ES) is a newly evolution algorithm. It has become a powerful tool for solving highly nonlinear multi-peak optimization problems. In many real-world optimization problems, the location of multiple optima is often required in a search space. In order to evaluate the solution, thousands of fitness function evaluations are involved that is a time consuming or expensive processes. Therefore, conventional stochastic optimization methods meet a special challenge for a very large number of problem function evaluations. Aiming to overcome the shortcoming of stochastic optimization methods in the high calculation cost, a truss optimal method based on CMA-ES algorithm is proposed and applied to solve the section and shape optimization problems of trusses. The study results show that the method is feasible and has the advantages of high accuracy, high efficiency and easy implementation.

Zhenkun Wang ◽  
Qingyan Li ◽  
Qite Yang ◽  
Hisao Ishibuchi

AbstractIt has been acknowledged that dominance-resistant solutions (DRSs) extensively exist in the feasible region of multi-objective optimization problems. Recent studies show that DRSs can cause serious performance degradation of many multi-objective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs). Thereafter, various strategies (e.g., the $$\epsilon $$ ϵ -dominance and the modified objective calculation) to eliminate DRSs have been proposed. However, these strategies may in turn cause algorithm inefficiency in other aspects. We argue that these coping strategies prevent the algorithm from obtaining some boundary solutions of an extremely convex Pareto front (ECPF). That is, there is a dilemma between eliminating DRSs and preserving boundary solutions of the ECPF. To illustrate such a dilemma, we propose a new multi-objective optimization test problem with the ECPF as well as DRSs. Using this test problem, we investigate the performance of six representative MOEAs in terms of boundary solutions preservation and DRS elimination. The results reveal that it is quite challenging to distinguish between DRSs and boundary solutions of the ECPF.

Regression testing is one of the most critical testing activities among software product verification activities. Nevertheless, resources and time constraints could inhibit the execution of a full regression test suite, hence leaving us in confusion on what test cases to run to preserve the high quality of software products. Different techniques can be applied to prioritize test cases in resource-constrained environments, such as manual selection, automated selection, or hybrid approaches. Different Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithms (MOEAs) have been used in this domain to find an optimal solution to minimize the cost of executing a regression test suite while obtaining maximum fault detection coverage as if the entire test suite was executed. MOEAs achieve this by selecting set of test cases and determining the order of their execution. In this paper, three Multi Objective Evolutionary Algorithms, namely, NSGA-II, IBEA and MoCell are used to solve test case prioritization problems using the fault detection rate and branch coverage of each test case. The paper intends to find out what’s the most effective algorithm to be used in test cases prioritization problems, and which algorithm is the most efficient one, and finally we examined if changing the fitness function would impose a change in results. Our experiment revealed that NSGA-II is the most effective and efficient MOEA; moreover, we found that changing the fitness function caused a significant reduction in evolution time, although it did not affect the coverage metric.

Mathematics ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 7 (3) ◽  
pp. 232 ◽  
Roberto Ugolotti ◽  
Laura Sani ◽  
Stefano Cagnoni

Properly configuring Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) is a challenging task made difficult by many different details that affect EAs’ performance, such as the properties of the fitness function, time and computational constraints, and many others. EAs’ meta-optimization methods, in which a metaheuristic is used to tune the parameters of another (lower-level) metaheuristic which optimizes a given target function, most often rely on the optimization of a single property of the lower-level method. In this paper, we show that by using a multi-objective genetic algorithm to tune an EA, it is possible not only to find good parameter sets considering more objectives at the same time but also to derive generalizable results which can provide guidelines for designing EA-based applications. In particular, we present a general framework for multi-objective meta-optimization, to show that “going multi-objective” allows one to generate configurations that, besides optimally fitting an EA to a given problem, also perform well on previously unseen ones.

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