Notodiaptomus incompositus (Brian, 1925) (Copepoda, Calanoida) reared in the laboratory: growth experiments and reproductive aspects
The calanoid copepodNotodiaptomus incompositus(Brian, 1925) is an important contributor in limnic environments in Southern South America, where it can attain high densities and contribute significantly to the total zooplankton biomass in water bodies in Argentina, Uruguay and Brazil. However, little is known about the reproductive biology of this species. In the present study, biological aspects like developmental time, egg production and growth rate were assessed through cultures in the laboratory where copepods were fedChlamydomonascf.pumilioniformis(Chlamydophyceae) cultured in WC medium. The average time of egg incubation was 51 h at 20°C and the mean development time from nauplii to adult was 14 days. The carbon weights ofN. incomposituseggs and females were 0.08 and 2.38 μg C, respectively. The growth rates of all copepodite stages were determined and ranged between 0.073 and 0.447 day−1. This study revealed interesting reproductive aspects of the copepodN. incompositus, generating information that will be of great relevance for future studies with this species.