Crime, Police, and Samosudy in Petrograd in the Russian Revolution and Sociological Theories of Anomie

2016 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 275-296
Tsuyoshi Hasegawa

This article attempts to assess the importance of social breakdown in the Russian Revolution. It argues that Petrograd experienced an unprecedented rise in violent crime from March to October, which reduced the society to a state of anomie. The article introduces the sociological concepts of anomie developed by Emile Durkheim and Robert Merton. Introducing Durkheim’s theory that anomie results from the breakdown of “organic solidarity” that assures cohesion in an advanced society, and Merton’s theory that anomie arises when the cultural structures and the social structures break down, the article attempts to examine how these theories can be applicable to the reality of Petrograd during the revolution. Durkheim argues that when “organic solidarity” fails, “mechanical solidarity,” characterized by collective conscious, emotion, and violence, takes over. In this article this theory is applied to explain the violence in samosudy. The article further attempts to identify those who committed crime, who participated in samosudy, and where crime and samosudy took place. It argues that crime and samosudy took place in the central and southern districts of Petrograd with a mixed population of predominantly urban poor and the lower rung of the middle class, rather than in the working-class neighborhoods. It argues that samosudy were reflections of the frustrations of the urban poor, who achieved momentary empowerment by exerting violence against petty criminals. Popular violence committed by criminal acts and by samosudy provided an important background for the Bolshevik assumption of power.

2019 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
pp. 41
Umi Hanifah

Kajian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perubahan yang terjadi pada masyarakat Samin Bojonegoro dengan menggunakan teori Pembagian Kerja dan Solidaritas Sosial Emile Durkheim. Yaitu perubahan sosial dari masyarakat tradisional menuju masyarakat modern. Menurut Emile Durkheim, peningkatan sistem pembagian kerja pada masyarakat berimplikasi pada perubahan tipe solidaritas sosialnya, yaitu pada masyarakat dengan sistem pembagian kerja yang sangat sedikit akan menghasilkan tipe soli-daritas mekanik, sedangkan pada masyarakat dengan pembagian kerja yang kompleks akan menghasilkan tipe solidaritas organik. Dimulai dengan mendeskripsikan kehidupan masyarakat Samin dari asal usul, ajaran yang diikuti dan perubahan sosial yang terjadi pada mereka. Bentuk kajian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif. Data dalam kajian ini digunakan untuk memahami dan menafsirkan makna peristiwa serta pola tingkah laku masyarakat Samin Bojonegoro. Adapun data yang diperoleh berasal dari dokumen sejarah Samin dan bahan kepustakaan berupa buku, video film maupun jurnal ilmiah. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat diketahui bahwa kondisi masyarakat Samin Bojonegoro telah mengalami transformasi dari tradisional menuju masyarakat modern. Meskipun telah mengalami perubahan dan modernisasi di segala bidang, masyarakat Samin masih identik dengan masyarakat mekanik dalam hal solidaritas. Hal tersebut dikarenakan masyarakat Samin masih menjunjung tinggi ajaran Saminisme dan mengamalkannya sampai sekarang yang berimplikasi pada kesadaran kolektif yang tinggi., meskipun mengalami berbagai transformasi, masyarakat Samin masih memegang teguh ajaran leluhurnya, yaitu Saminisme.Kata Kunci: Transformasi Sosial; Suku Samin; Pembagian Kerja Emile Durkheim; Solidaritas Organik; Solidaritas MekanikThis study aims to analyze the changes that occur in the Samin Bojonegoro community by using Emile Durkheim’s Division of Work and Social Solidarity. Namely the social change from traditional society to modern society. According to Durkheim, an increase in the system of division of labor in society has implications for changes in the type of social solidarity, that is, in societies with very little division of labor will produce a type of mechanical solidarity, whereas in societies with complex division of labor will produce types of organic solidarity. It starts by describing the lives of the Samin people from their origins, the teachings that are followed and the social changes that occur in them. The form of this study is qualitative research. The data in this study are used to understand and interpret the meaning of events and the behavior patterns of the Samin Bojonegoro community. The data obtained comes from historical documents Samin and literature materials in the form of books, video films and scientific journals. Based on the results of the study it can be seen that the condition of the Samin Bojonegoro community has undergone a transformation from traditional to modern society. Although it has undergone changes and modernization in all fields, the Samin community is still synonymous with a mechanical society in terms of solidarity. That is because the Samin community still upholds the teachings of Saminism and practices it until now which has implications for high collective consciousness., Despite undergoing various transformations, the Samin community still upholds the teachings of its ancestors, namely Saminism.Keywords: Social Transformation; Samin Tribe; Emile Durkheim Division of Work, Organic Solidarity; Mechanical Solidarity

A. J. Paravantes

David Émile Durkheim was a founding figure of sociology in France. His conceptual development of the "division of labour" (1893) remains key to a sociological understanding of modernity; in social terms, the highly-divided "organic" solidarity of modern nations and industrial society stood against the simplified "mechanical" solidarity of traditional communities.

Patricia Anderson

The emergence of the Covid-19 pandemic brought many changes to daily life in Canada. One such behavior that surfaced was what could be defined as ‘panic hoarding,’ namely, the purchasing of items such as toilet paper, sanitizer and disinfectant in far greater quantities per person than other times, which risked the creation of shortages across communities. In order to understand such behavior, this article will use ideas from Émile Durkheim to analyze the relationship of social media and its impact on the behavior of panic hoarding. In particular, Durkheim’s concepts of collective consciousness show how social media provides enough impetus to make the case that this pandemic is better defined by mechanical than organic solidarity. We can see social media as the vehicle through which collective consciousness can be experienced, and more immediately so at this time, insofar as we see how it influences panic hoarding behavior. We can also see that social media’s use of memes can be likened to totems, and that they give clues to the values we hold at this time.  

Firman Oktavianus Hutagaol ◽  
Iky Sumarthita P. Prayitno

This paper is the result of observations and analysis of religious sociology on the traditional mangongkal holi rituals in Pahae Julu, North Tapanuli Regency, North Sumatra. This paper aims to explore and explain the social and cultural values contained in this traditional ritual. This ritual survives and adheres to the Toba Batak tribe even though its implementation has been adapted to the teachings of Christianity prevailing in the Batak Land. Some of the social and cultural values contained in the ritual still survive and are important for the Toba Batak people. To approach this problem, theoretical references from Emile Durkheim and Max Weber are used. Data was collected through literature studies, interviews, and direct observations of these traditional rituals in the Pahae Julu area, as well as qualitative analysis. This paper concludes that this traditional ritual contains mechanical solidarity and the role of the charismatic ritual leader for the Batak people.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 7-15
Jafar Jafar ◽  
Aji Qamara Hakim

ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to find out and describe in-depth the Solidarity of Madurese immigrants in Jemparing Village, Long Ikis District, Paser Regency. The research method used in this research is descriptive explorative research. In this research, the researcher wants to explore more deeply related to Madurese ethnic values ​​and norms, leadership systems, community stratification systems, community religious rituals, routine community activities that attach the community, conflict resolution mechanisms within the community and outside the community, mechanisms network building with Madurese ethnic communities in other areas and solidarity with Madurese immigrants in Jemparing Village using Emile Durkheim's theory of organic solidarity and mechanical solidarity. The results showed that the Solidarity of Madurese Immigrants in Perantau, Jemparing Village, Long Ikis District, Paser Regency, was going well, meaning that the solidarity that was built was quite solid. This is based on the patterns of interaction that are built between fellow Madurese ethnicities and with the surrounding community through several methods. Also, to be accepted in the local community, Madurese immigrants who are in Jemparing Village try to accept the customs/culture of the local community as a process of assimilation but do not forget their local customs/culture. Apart from that, organic solidarity and mechanical solidarity can go hand in hand in the daily life of Madurese immigrants who are in Jemparing Village, to be precise in the Ombe area. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan menggambarkan secara mendalam mengenai Solidaritas Imigran Madura di Perantauan Desa Jemparing Kecamatan Long Ikis Kabupaten Paser.Metode penelitian yang peneliti gunakan pada penelitian kali ini yaitu jenis penelitian deskriptif exsploratif. Pada penelitian kali ini peneliti ingin mengexsplor jauh lebih dalam terkait dengan nilai dan norma Etnis Madura, sistem kepemimpinan, system stratifikasi komunitas, ritual-ritual keagamaan komunitas, kegiatan-kegiatan rutin komunitas yang melekatkan komunitas, mekanisme penyelesaian konflik dalam komunitas dan luar komunitas, mekanisme pembangunan jaringan dengan komunitas Etnis Madura di wilayah lain dan solidaritas Imigran Madura di Desa Jemparing dengan menggunakan teori dari Emile Durkheim tentang solidaritas organik dan soldaritas mekanik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Solidaritas Imigran Madura di Perantauan Desa Jemparing Kecamatan Long Ikis Kabupaten Paser berjalan dengan baik, artinya bahwa solidaritas yang terbangun cukup solid. Hal itu berdasar pada pola interaksi yang dibangun baik antar sesama etnis Madura maupun dengan masyarakat sekitar melalui beberapa metode. Selain itu untuk dapat diterima dalam masyarakat setempat Imigran Madura yang berada di Desa Jemparing mencoba menerima adat-istiadat/budaya masyarakat setempat sebagai proses pembauran, tetapi tidak melupakan adat-istiadat/budaya local mereka. Selain itu solidaritas organik dan solidaritas mekanik dapat berjalan beriringan di dalam kehidupan sehari-hari Imigran Madura yang berada di Desa Jemparing, tepatnya di wilayah Ombe.

2003 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-56
Jean-Pierre Sodini

The archaeological remains of late antique sites can be interpreted in terms of what they can tell us about ancient social structures. This is more straightforward when examining the social structures of the upper classes, who possessed the attributes that allow them to be recognised as such. These attributes occur on a Mediterranean-wide basis and include lavishly decorated residences (in both urban and rural environments), monumental funerary structures within churches, splendid garments, precious table wares and implements, and the insignia of rank in the form of jewellery such as gold brooches, fibulae, or belt buckles. The middle class is also traceable in the cities (mostly in the form of craftsmen) and in the countryside, where small landowners and peasants could share similar lifestyles, marked in some regions (such as the Near East and Asia Minor) by conspicuous levels of wealth. However, the lives of these middle classes could change abruptly, casting them into poverty and consequently making them difficult to trace archaeologically. Nonetheless, judicious interpretation of the material remains in tandem with the evidence of documentary and epigraphic sources allows us to make some suggestions as to the social structures of Late Antiquity.

Sayed Mohammad Anoosheh ◽  
Mohammed Hussein Oroskhan

The beginning of twentieth century experienced significant changes affecting different parts of society. Such considerable changes not only influenced the appearance of the society but also dramatically changed the social bonds gripping different kinds of people together. In this regard, Emile Durkheim as the father modern sociology thoroughly reexamined the previously settled notion of sociology and brought about a new perspective studying the social bonds. With regard to his two main principles namely mechanical solidary and organic solidarity, he justifies the relationships among the individual within the traditional and modern society. Nevertheless, he mentioned that out of few rare situations, the individual may commit a type of suicide which is totally the consequent effect of society on individual. Hence, through this study it is tried to reconsider Shirley Jackson's "The Lottery" in the light of Durkheim's theory. In this case, it is revealed that while previously it was believed that the main character of the story is killed mercilessly by his friends and families, she has indeed committed altruistic suicide as the result of being so much integrated within the structure of the society.

2020 ◽  
William Abbiss

This article offers a ‘post-heritage’ reading of both iterations of Upstairs Downstairs: the LondonWeekend Television (LWT) series (1971–5) and its shortlived BBC revival (2010–12). Identifying elements of subversion and subjectivity allows scholarship on the LWT series to be reassessed, recognising occasions where it challenges rather than supports the social structures of the depicted Edwardian past. The BBC series also incorporates the post-heritage element of self-consciousness, acknowledging the parallel between its narrative and the production’s attempts to recreate the success of its 1970s predecessor. The article’s first section assesses the critical history of the LWT series, identifying areas that are open to further study or revised readings. The second section analyses the serialised war narrative of the fourth series of LWT’s Upstairs, Downstairs (1974), revealing its exploration of female identity across multiple episodes and challenging the notion that the series became more male and upstairs dominated as it progressed. The third section considers the BBC series’ revised concept, identifying the shifts in its main characters’ positions in society that allow the series’ narrative to question the past it evokes. This will be briefly contrasted with the heritage stability of Downton Abbey (ITV, 2010–15). The final section considers the household of 165 Eaton Place’s function as a studio space, which the BBC series self-consciously adopts in order to evoke the aesthetics of prior period dramas. The article concludes by suggesting that the barriers to recreating the past established in the BBC series’ narrative also contributed to its failure to match the success of its earlier iteration.

2020 ◽  
William Abbiss

This article offers a ‘post-heritage’ reading of both iterations of Upstairs Downstairs: the LondonWeekend Television (LWT) series (1971–5) and its shortlived BBC revival (2010–12). Identifying elements of subversion and subjectivity allows scholarship on the LWT series to be reassessed, recognising occasions where it challenges rather than supports the social structures of the depicted Edwardian past. The BBC series also incorporates the post-heritage element of self-consciousness, acknowledging the parallel between its narrative and the production’s attempts to recreate the success of its 1970s predecessor. The article’s first section assesses the critical history of the LWT series, identifying areas that are open to further study or revised readings. The second section analyses the serialised war narrative of the fourth series of LWT’s Upstairs, Downstairs (1974), revealing its exploration of female identity across multiple episodes and challenging the notion that the series became more male and upstairs dominated as it progressed. The third section considers the BBC series’ revised concept, identifying the shifts in its main characters’ positions in society that allow the series’ narrative to question the past it evokes. This will be briefly contrasted with the heritage stability of Downton Abbey (ITV, 2010–15). The final section considers the household of 165 Eaton Place’s function as a studio space, which the BBC series self-consciously adopts in order to evoke the aesthetics of prior period dramas. The article concludes by suggesting that the barriers to recreating the past established in the BBC series’ narrative also contributed to its failure to match the success of its earlier iteration.

2018 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 92
V. V. Gorshkova ◽  
A. A. Melnikova

The article considers the contradictions and conflicts that are characteristic of modern Russian society. The processes of social disintegration are analyzed and interpreted as a result of fundamental social and economic transformations. The problems of economic inequality are presented in the historical perspective in close connection with the previous stages of Russia's socioeconomic development. Significant polarization of the population is one of the most significant conflict factors in modern society, which leads to an increase in protest moods and may in the long term threaten social upheavals. Nevertheless, dissatisfaction with the socio-economic situation does not lead to ideas of the unification and consolidation of society, but find expression in social conflicts. The emergence and development of social conflicts is influenced by a number of factors: economic, ethnic, religious. One of the most important characteristics of society is its social structure. After the collapse of the USSR, the previous social structure was abolished, and a new social reality was formed in Russia. When considering the stratification structure of society, most attention is paid to the middle class, which is considered the backbone of a stable society. The middle class in Russia is in the stage of formation, it is hardly possible to speak of a complete analogy with the middle class of Western society. The share of middle class in society can be estimated in different ways depending on the methodological approaches used by researchers. An important consequence of the transformation of the social structure was the problem of marginalization, since the dismantling of the old social structure and the slow formation of the new one put the social status and place in the division of labor system of many individuals into question. The sharp impoverishment of representatives of prestigious professions led to a reassessment of their situation, especially for the younger generation. When analyzing the origins of social conflicts in modern Russian society, it is necessary to consider the issue of the attitude of the broad masses of the population to power and national elites. It should be noted that power in Russia historically takes shape around specific leaders and does not have an institutional character. The most significant factor shaping the attitude towards the authorities and the elite in general in Russian society are the economic results of the market reforms that have taken place. Only a small part of the population believes that they won as a result of the changes that have taken place, the natural consequence of which is the population's distrust of the authorities and, in general, political institutions.

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