scholarly journals On the Sexual Behaviour of the Italian Newt, Triturus Italicus (Caudata: Salamandridae)

1987 ◽  
Vol 57 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-30 ◽  
Cristina Giacoma ◽  
Max Sparreboom

The sexual behaviour of the Italian Newt Triturus italicus is characterized by an extended phase of static display. Tail fanning is the predominant movement during this stage. Shortly before creeping, a flicking tail movement is inserted in the display. Occasionally the male retreats in front of the female before turning to the spermatophore transfer phase. This behaviour is comparable to the retreat display of the T. vulgaris-helveticus-montandoni group. The long phase of static display resembles the behaviour of another species, T. boscai. In T. italicus, behaviours like retreat and tail touch by the female appear to be less stereotyped than in the T. vulgaris-helveticus-montandoni group.

1993 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 169-185 ◽  
Manuel Mouta Faria

AbstractThe sexual behaviour of Bosca's newt, Triturus boscai is characterized by an extended phase of static display, during which tail fanning is the main display. This behaviour is similar to that of another species, T. italicus. During the static display phase males may also push the females' throat with the snout, and perform tail flicking movements. Unlike the other small-bodied Triturus species, T. boscai males receive very little or no indication on the part of the female signalling them to begin the spermatophore transfer phase, and do not perform retreat display. As in T. italicus, the tail-touch behaviour by the female of T. boscai appears to be less stereotyped than in the T vulgaris-helveticus-montandoni group. Spermatophore transfer success was highest at the beginning of the sexual encounters, the so-called early sequences. These sequences had little or no fanning behaviour before the spermatophore transfer. Luring behaviours are often performed, mainly during the spermatophore transfer phase.

2002 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 393-405

AbstractThe courtship behaviour of pygmy newts, Triturus pygmaeus, consists of three phases: orientation, static display (often not clearly differentiated from each other) and spermatophore transfer. The repertoire of male sexual behaviour consists of nine different movements. Exhibition, an alert posture in which the male advances with small jumps around the female, is the most frequent behaviour. The predominant tail movement is slow fan, in which the tail is softly undulated from approximately 30° to 140°. In contrast to the tail lashes of the large Triturus species, the tail only occasionally beats against the male's flank and never touches the female. Bait mimic tail movements (described for T. boscai as flamenco) are used to attract the female's attention. The duration of sexual encounters was 2203 s on average, in which males displayed in about 81% of this time. Although the courtship of T. pygmaeus shows clear differences from that of its closest relative, T. marmoratus, it should nevertheless be grouped with the larger Triturus species: conspicuous tail movementes are used to attract the attention of the female, but no direct response is required of her to complete the courtship. En el cortejo de los tritones enanos, Triturus pygmaeus, se pueden distinguir tres fases diferentes: fase de orientación, fase de exhibición estática y fase de deposición del espermatóforo. Las dos primeras no se distinguen claramente, sino que frecuentemente se alternan entre sí. Los machos de esta especie realizan nueve pautas diferentes relacionadas con el comportamiento sexual. Entre ellas, destaca la que denominamos exhibición , en la que el macho, en una posición de alerta con todo su cuerpo muy estirado, realiza pequeños saltos alrededor de la hembra. Este comportamiento, que es el que se observa con mayor frecuencia, parece tener un papel importante como señal visual en el cortejo. Otra pauta importante por su frecuencia es la denominada abanico lento, en la que los machos ondulan lentamente su cola, a la vez que abren y cierran el ángulo (que oscila entre 30° y 140°) que ésta forma con su cuerpo. Otra pauta característica es el latigazo corto, un movimiento brusco de la cola similar al de otras especies de tritones, de las que se diferencia porque la cola sólo ocasionalmente alcanza a golpearse contra su propio cuerpo y nunca llega a tocar a la hembra. Se describe en esta especie una pauta de engaño, flamenco, en la que los movimientos de la cola imitan a los de supuestas presas con el fin de atraer rápidamente la atención de la hembra. Esta pauta había sido descrita anteriormente para T. boscai. La duración media de los cortejos fue de 2203 s, en los que el 81% de este tiempo los machos elaboran pautas de cortejo. Aunque el cortejo de T. pygmaeus muestra claras diferencias con la especie próxima, T. marmoratus, se considera que debe ser clasificado en el mismo grupo, entre los tritones de mayor tamaño, en las que el cortejo se caracteriza por el uso de comportamientos muy conspícuos para la atracción de la hembra, y en el que no se requiere un respuesta directa de la hembra para realizar la deposición del espermatóforo.

1985 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 11-22 ◽  
Anna Pecio ◽  
Jan Rafiński

AbstractIn its general pattern the sexual behaviour of Triturus montandoni most resembles that of Triturus helveticus. The courtship consists of three phases: orientation, static display and retreat display, followed by a spermatophore transfer phase. During display the male performs three tail movements: the fan, the whip, and the wave. The relative frequencies of tail movements and the duration of fanning bouts are the main difference between T montandoni, T. helveticus, and T. vulgaris. The phylogenetic relationships between these three species are discussed.

2000 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-11 ◽  
Sebastian Steinfartz ◽  
Max Sparreboom ◽  
Gunter Schultschik

AbstractThe courtship of all four species of the salamandrid genus Neurergus is described. The display behaviour is similar in all species, but there are differences in the temporal organisation of tail-fanning. The behaviour of these newt species resembles that of other Old World aquatic salamandrids in its general pattern, with tail-fanning the principal movement during the display phase. The spermatophore transfer phase includes a behaviour pattern during which the male turns back side-on to the female after spermatophore deposition and arrests her in a position where her cloaca is situated over the spot where the spermatophore was put down by the male. This movement is similar to the behaviour pattern described as ‘brake’ in all species of Triturus. In cladistic terms this shared behaviour pattern forms a synapomorphy for the genera Triturus and Neurergus.

2006 ◽  
Vol 25 (01/02) ◽  
pp. 37-43
M. Riesbeck ◽  
M. von Wilmsdorff ◽  
R. Krohmer ◽  
W. Wölwer ◽  
M. Jäger ◽  

ZusammenfassungAntipsychotika haben sich in der Langzeitbehandlung schizophren erkrankter Patienten als sehr effektiv erwiesen. Dennoch bedarf es weiterer Forschung, um die medikamentöse Langzeitbehandlung, insbesondere bei ersterkrankten schizophrenen Patienten zu optimieren. Unter dieser Zielsetzung wurde eine multizentrische klinische Studie im Rahmen des Kompetenznetzes Schizophrenie durchgeführt, die zwei Hauptfragestellungen untersucht: Gibt es Unterschiede in der Rezidivrate a) der postakuten einjährigen Erhaltungsmedikation mit einem niedrigdosierten typischen versus atypischen Antipsychotikum und b) anschließendem Fortführen versus Absetzen der neuroleptischen Medikation, jeweils ergänzt durch prodromgestützte Frühintervention. Erste Ergebnisse der abgeschlossenen Studie sprechen für eine rezidivprophylaktische Effektivität beider Neuroleptika bei einer hohen Abbruchquote. Dies verweist auf einen Bedarf an speziellen Programmen, um (ersterkrankte) schizophrene Patienten in der effektiven Behandlung zu halten. Entsprechend werden in einer Transfer-Phase Informations-und Fortbildungsmaterialien entwickelt, die zu einer verbesserten Versorgung ersterkrankter Patienten beitragen sollen.

2018 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  

In the present study, an attempt was made to study the effect of plant extract on Sexual behaviour of Mutant Strain (Curled) of Drosophila melanogaster. The LC50 has been estimated with 1% of the food media. The virgin females and males were isolated and fed with normal food media for three days. Then sub-lethal concentrations of 0.625 μl / 100 ml food, 1.2 μl /100 ml food, 2.5μl /100 / food of nicotine were mixed in food medium and allowed in flies to feed for two days. Then appropriate combination of untreated / treated males and females were introduced into the mating chamber. Courtship latency, mating latency and copulation duration were studied. After observation of the behaviour, mated flies were allowed to produce progeny. The sexual behaviour of bachelor male and virgin female obtained in the progeny was also studied. The pooled data were analyzed by student t-test and the result indicates p-value significant at 0.05 levels. The courtship latency was affected by in treatment but it is neither dose dependent nor sex dependent.

1967 ◽  
Vol 54 (2) ◽  
pp. 227-240 ◽  
F. Neumann ◽  
J. D. Hahn ◽  
M. Kramer

ABSTRACT Male newborn rats were injected with 2 mg of an antiandrogen (1,2α-methylene-6-chloro-pregna-4,6-dien-17α-ol-3,20-dione-17α-acetate = cyproterone acetate) daily from their 1st to their 14th day of life. The following effects of this treatment were observed in these animals after onset of sexual maturity: 84% of the animals are unable to reproduce. Penis: the frenulum is broadened to a lamina of triangular shape, which almost completely prevents the preputium from being pushed back. These males show a rather insufficient male sexual behaviour towards females in oestrus. After castration and ovar implantation, some of the treated animals show true corpora lutea and at attempts of cohabitation partially female sexual behaviour towards normal male animals. From these results it can be concluded, that differentiation of the penis is not completed at the time of birth. The infertility of the animals may be caused by the penile changes (difficulties with intromission) as well as by the aimless sexual behaviour. This aimless sexual behaviour, the ability to produce true corpora lutea and finally their partially female sexual attitude under the influence of the hormones from the implanted ovaries led to the conclusion, that the above described neonatal treatment apparently inhibited testosterone-depending post partum developments of sexual differentiation in hypothalamic centers.

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