scholarly journals The Authoritarian Temptation, and Its Radical Left Expressions

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 159-169
Laurence Whitehead

Abstract No political regime can be entirely immune from authoritarian temptations. This article focuses on the distinctive sources and dynamics that apply to post-revolutionary regimes. To prevail in bringing about radical and irreversible change they will require an effective security apparatus that overcomes the backlash that will arise from the previous order. These security requirements provide the first source of authoritarian temptation, but there are three more. Once the regime is firmly established the new rulers can choose what restraints on their conduct to accept. It is tempting to dispense with healthy channels of feedback. Moreover, even the most successful of revolutionary regimes polarise opinion between the old order and the new. And when material hardships arise loyalty may be rewarded above market rationality. In conjunction these amount to a serious set of authoritarian temptations. But there are also some countervailing considerations. A durably successful radical regime must counterbalance the requirements for unity and discipline against the need for creativity and adaptability. Initial emancipatory ambitions may be updated and renewed in order to inspire future generations and legitimise the revolutionary process. Such regimes can seesaw between authoritarian and empowering tendencies, rather than relying on repression alone to keep them in existence. Their legitimation strategy will contain three main components: i) reaffirming and updating their emancipatory origins; ii) downplaying/excusing any authoritarian “deviations”; iii) projecting future prospects for inclusionary development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 389
Yaghoob Javadi ◽  
Solmaz Azizzadeh Asl

Education especially “teaching” is considered as a valuable profession through which future generations are generated and educated. In order to have a successful educational system, the main components of the system must work together. It is believed that teachers are active decision-makers of any educational system who can bring on success to the education, accounting for about 30 percent of the variance on pupils’ achievement. Based on different studies, developing rapport, critical thinking, self-efficacy, establishing clear goals, effective interpersonal communication, and a supportive classroom climate are some of the main determinant factors the teachers’ effectiveness. Among various variables which are related to teachers, identity is one of the important elements that affect teachers' performance. Neuro-linguistic programming, on the other hand, is considered as an approach which is claimed to help achieve excellence in performance and identity. It is also considered as a supplementary technique in teaching profession which helps the teachers to develop outstanding skills. In this article, the researcher defines the concept of teacher’s identity as a key element effective in the teaching profession. Then some factors that have significant impact on teachers’ effectiveness are taken into account. Also, the definition of neuro-linguistics programming, some of its characteristics, and its implications for developing teacher’s identity and teacher’s effectiveness are discussed.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 (2) ◽  
T. Zatonatska ◽  
O. Anisimova ◽  
D. Zatonatskiy

With the development of globalization processes and sufficient free movement of labor, and skilled personnel, the problem of legal and illegal migration has gradually become part of public policy for many countries. The aim of the article is to determine the priorities of the state migration policy for legal, illegal migrants and refugees and to form recommendations for the development of clear and transparent rules of the state migration policy taking into account the international legal field and in the context of economic security. An analysis of the main trends in the migration processes was conducted and it was found that over the past 30 years there has been a rapid increase in the number of international migrants and refugees, which puts pressure on the economies of host countries. It has been proven that migration affects the main components of national security, and the impact on the country's economic security is particularly pronounced. As a result, national security requirements must be taken into account when formulating state migration policy. The main components of the state migration policy were identified, the analysis of the main theories and approaches to the migration policy in relation to legal migration was carried out. The main problems of the state policy on illegal migration and refugees have been identified. The state migration policy is analyzed on the example of the EU countries and their overcoming of the migration crisis and the refugee crisis. The state determines the main priorities of migration policy based on national and economic security requirements. There are two main aspects of state migration policy: targeted attraction of immigrants and policy on illegal migration and refugees. There are three main approaches to attracting immigrants - encouraging all types of immigration, creating maximum barriers to immigration, and encouraging specific target groups of immigrants. With regard to illegal immigration, the state can take a tough stance or allow it to replenish the workforce. State policy on refugees is determined by the norms of international law. It has been argued that national migration policies need to be adapted to the current world economy, and that the main priorities include transparency, long-term forecasting of labor market needs, clear criteria for migrant admission and combating illegal migration, which is part of international crime.

Mohd Ab Malek Md Shah ◽  
Mohd Harun Shahudin ◽  
Sulaiman Mahzan ◽  
Rani Diana Othman ◽  
Jeniwaty Mohd Jody

Objective - In relation to this, this paper is aimed at portraying the elements of hisbah with regard to the contemporaneous atmosphere; namely ombudsman within the ambit of the modern world. Methodology/Technique - In the process of playing its important role of enjoining good and forbidding evil, this system has been evolved in accordance with the surrounding atmosphere wonderfully. It should be emphasized that the fundamental doctrines and principles has been rooted since the period of the Prophet's lifetime. Consequently, this administration system of justice later has been developed luxuriously to be institutionalized, together with own identity and entity during the period of Al-Mawardi (died 450 H). Simultaneously, the fuqaha has played such significant roles by virtue of this remarkably scenario, that is, for the purpose of governing the principles of justice in the society properly. Findings - The institution of hisbah has been acknowledged as one of the main components of Islamic judicial institutions which has a link with various institutions, inter alia, qada', mazalim and also shurtah. Novelty - In addition, it is hoped that; throughout this paper, a better understanding could be gained pertaining to the future prospects of hisbah holistically. Type of Paper: Review Keywords : hisbah; muhtasib; future prospect; justice

Лемещенко Наталія

Agriculture is an important branch of the Ukrainian economy. Its’ development directly affects the country’s food security. The defining concept of the development of this industry is the concept of sustainable development. Sustainable development is a model of society’s development, which involves establishing a balance between satisfying the needs of mankind and protecting the interests of future generations. Three main components lie in the basis of the concept of sustainable development - economic, environmental and social. However, the implementation of the key aspects of sustainable development requires the appropriate institutional support that is explored in this article.

Tamari Meir

The objective of this chapter is to investigate the balance between private property and economic freedom needed for wealth formation, on the one hand, and morality and communal justice, on the other. The state, Jewish ethics, and economic freedom are the main components of this article. Wealth creation, preservation, and transference to future generations are fundamental necessities of human existence. Fittingly, it has been the focus of religious, political, and philosophical thought, and social movements since the beginning of time. This article proceeds to state that Judaism does not see poverty as spiritual or desirable, nor the creation or increase of private individual wealth as evil or immoral. Because of Judaism's insistence on the legitimacy of economic activity and the essential reality of private property, both of these two causes of economic immorality require the constraint of enough. This article concludes by saying that the recognition of moral and social responsibilities is required to stabilize society.

Ekaterina Bobrova ◽  
Elena Kitova

Today, international academic cooperation of universities is going through a tough period due to political and economic challenges. The authors consider the main causes of this and show how the situation could be improved through the development of local academic programs, such as LEADER Project. This joint educational project, focused on entrepreneurship and management skills, is arranged by Richard Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario (Canada). The program has 11 years of positive experience at Baikal State University in Irkutsk and it has proved to be successful and viable. The article provides analysis of the projects strengths and the main components of its success. Attention is also drawn to the specific features and potential advantages of using the case method as a modern teaching procedure, as well as to the innovative format of the project and its mutually beneficial character. The authors analyze the results of a feedback survey of the participants and instructors in order to find out their takeaways from the project, its possible drawbacks and future development prospects. The key conclusions refer to the importance of retaining international academic contacts.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (9) ◽  
pp. 1141
Neda Hedayat ◽  
Reza Raissi ◽  
Solmaz Azizzadeh Asl

In the world we live in, education is praised as a base for training and nurturing future generations and teaching is considered as a valuable profession through which future generations are flourished. The main components of each educational system must work well in order to create a successful system and achieve the desired results. Teachers are considered as one of the key determinant factors and active decision-makers of any educational system. Learners are also taken into account as one of the main elements of the system who are instructed to reach some educational goals. Neuro-linguistic programming (NLP), with high potential for English teaching and learning, is regarded as a supplementary technique which helps the teachers to develop outstanding skills like critical thinking, self-efficacy, and rapport which are necessary to bring on success and achievement to the education and to support learners to achieve excellence in their performance. The article first presents a brief history and definition of NLP. Then it is followed by some information about the main pillars of neuro-linguistic programming. The discussion then turns to understanding some of the implications of NLP for English language teachers and learners and its potential for educational success.

H. Engelhardt ◽  
R. Guckenberger ◽  
W. Baumeister

Bacterial photosynthetic membranes contain, apart from lipids and electron transport components, reaction centre (RC) and light harvesting (LH) polypeptides as the main components. The RC-LH complexes in Rhodopseudomonas viridis membranes are known since quite seme time to form a hexagonal lattice structure in vivo; hence this membrane attracted the particular attention of electron microscopists. Contrary to previous claims in the literature we found, however, that 2-D periodically organized photosynthetic membranes are not a unique feature of Rhodopseudomonas viridis. At least five bacterial species, all bacteriophyll b - containing, possess membranes with the RC-LH complexes regularly arrayed. All these membranes appear to have a similar lattice structure and fine-morphology. The lattice spacings of the Ectothiorhodospira haloohloris, Ectothiorhodospira abdelmalekii and Rhodopseudomonas viridis membranes are close to 13 nm, those of Thiocapsa pfennigii and Rhodopseudomonas sulfoviridis are slightly smaller (∼12.5 nm).

C. Wolpers ◽  
R. Blaschke

Scanning microscopy was used to study the surface of human gallstones and the surface of fractures. The specimens were obtained by operation, washed with water, dried at room temperature and shadowcasted with carbon and aluminum. Most of the specimens belong to patients from a series of X-ray follow-up study, examined during the last twenty years. So it was possible to evaluate approximately the age of these gallstones and to get information on the intensity of growing and solving.Cholesterol, a group of bile pigment substances and different salts of calcium, are the main components of human gallstones. By X-ray diffraction technique, infra-red spectroscopy and by chemical analysis it was demonstrated that all three components can be found in any gallstone. In the presence of water cholesterol crystallizes in pane-like plates of the triclinic crystal system.

W. J. Abramson ◽  
H. W. Estry ◽  
L. F. Allard

LaB6 emitters are becoming increasingly popular as direct replacements for tungsten filaments in the electron guns of modern electron-beam instruments. These emitters offer order of magnitude increases in beam brightness, and, with appropriate care in operation, a corresponding increase in source lifetime. They are, however, an order of magnitude more expensive, and may be easily damaged (by improper vacuum conditions and thermal shock) during saturation/desaturation operations. These operations typically require several minutes of an operator's attention, which becomes tedious and subject to error, particularly since the emitter must be cooled during sample exchanges to minimize damage from random vacuum excursions. We have designed a control system for LaBg emitters which relieves the operator of the necessity for manually controlling the emitter power, minimizes the danger of accidental improper operation, and makes the use of these emitters routine on multi-user instruments.Figure 1 is a block schematic of the main components of the control system, and Figure 2 shows the control box.

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