Human Rights in the Global Society Environmental Migration and International Law

Emilie M. Hafner-Burton

In the last six decades, one of the most striking developments in international law is the emergence of a massive body of legal norms and procedures aimed at protecting human rights. In many countries, though, there is little relationship between international law and the actual protection of human rights on the ground. This book takes a fresh look at why it's been so hard for international law to have much impact in parts of the world where human rights are most at risk. The book argues that more progress is possible if human rights promoters work strategically with the group of states that have dedicated resources to human rights protection. These human rights “stewards” can focus their resources on places where the tangible benefits to human rights are greatest. Success will require setting priorities as well as engaging local stakeholders such as nongovernmental organizations and national human rights institutions. To date, promoters of international human rights law have relied too heavily on setting universal goals and procedures and not enough on assessing what actually works and setting priorities. This book illustrates how, with a different strategy, human rights stewards can make international law more effective and also safeguard human rights for more of the world population.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 153-179
Alessandro Suppa ◽  
Pavel Bureš

SummaryNowadays, an important role in the world is played by Multinational Corporations (MNCs). They hire, produce, and influence the international economy, but also, they exploit, pollute. Their business activities might have a worldwide effect on human lives. The question of the responsibility of MNCs has drawn the attention of many scholars, mainly from the study field labelled “Business and Human Rights”. The present paper does not examine the topic under the same approach. The authors aim at presenting the issue in a broader perspective, exploring the concept of due diligence both in international and corporate law. In this paper, authors strategically use the uniformity of national legislations as a possible and alternative solution to the issue. They are aware of three fundamental factors: 1) the definition of MNCs needs to be as clear as possible, so to avoid any degree of uncertainty; 2) the outsourcing phenomenon interacts with that definition; 3) in case of no possibility to include outsourcing in the definition of MNC, the original question arises in a significant way.

Bożena Drzewicka

Conceptions And Interpretations of Human Rights in Europe and Asia: Normative AspectsThe issue of confronting values between civilizations has become very important. It influences not only the level of international politics but also the international normative activity. It is very interesting for the modern international law and its doctrine. The most important factor of causing huge changes in the system of international law is still the international human rights protection and the international humanitarian law which is related to it. It is very difficult to create one catalogue of executive instruments and procedures but it is possible to influence the attitude toward the basic paradigms. The frictions appear from time to time and move to other planes. The West and Asia are still antagonists in the dialogue on the future of the world. The article is a contribution to the intercivilizational dialogue.

2015 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Salma Salma

The development of Islamic law studies in Indonesia is increasingly interesting to follow. the use of a multidisciplinary approach to Islamic sciences, making the science of Islamic law not only a normative-theological analysis but also integrated with many scientific fields both in the sciences and the humanities. Contemporary global issues require observers and Islamic law reviewers to seriously review Islamic law in depth, one of the global issues that is currently interesting and has become a topic of discussion among many is the issue of the protection of human rights. Human rights formulation in international law cannot be separated from the issue of foreign policy. This paper will conduct a theoretical study of how the concept of Islamic Law itself protects human rights and how it relates to its relationship with post-reform foreign policy. This paper uses a comparative study between legislation and texts (verses) both in the Koran and the hadith, a comparative-critical analysis method makes it easier for the author to find substance in terms of answering the problem statement in this study. The results or conclusions obtained are that human rights are a reflection of carrying out Islamic law in order to realize the nature of universal human benefit. Islam considers that human rights are in accordance with sharia principles, namely protecting one's right to life. This is a strong basis for the study of Islamic law in contributing to the development of human rights principles in the international communityKeywords: Islamic Law, Human Rights, Globalization, International LawPerkembangan kajian hukum Islam di Indonesia makin menarik untuk diikuti. penggunaan pendekatan multidisipliner ilmu-ilmu keislaman, membuat ilmu hukum Islam tidak hanya bersifat normatif-teologis analisanya tapi sudah terintegrasi dengan banyak bidang keilmuan baik ilmu-ilmu sains maupun humaniora. Isu-isu global yang sifatnya kontemporer mengharuskan para pengamat dan pengkaji hukum Islam untuk serius melakukan telaah ulang terhadap ilmu hukum Islam secara mendalam, salah satu isu global yang saat ini menarik dan menjadi perbincangan banyak kalangan adalah soal perlindungan hak asasi manusia. Rumusan HAM dalam hukum internasional tidak bisa dilepaskan dengan persoalan politik luar negeri. Tulisan ini akan melakukan kajian teoritik tentang bagaimana konsep Hukum Islam itu sendiri terhadap perlindungan hak asasi manusia dan bagaimana pula terkait hubungannya dengan politik luar negeri pasca reformasi. Tulisan ini menggunakan studi komparatif antara perundangundangan dengan teks (ayat) baik itu di dalam Al-Quran maupun hadits, metode analisis-kritis komparatif memudahkan penulis menemukan substansi dalam hal untuk menjawab rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini. Hasil atau kesimpulan yang didapat adalah HAM adalah refleksi untuk menjalankan syariat Islam demi mewujudkan hakikat kemaslahatan manusia secara universal. Islam memandang bahwa HAM sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip syariah yakni melindungi hak hidup seseorang. Hal ini merupakan dasar yang kuat untuk kajian hukum Islam dalam memberikan kontribusi pada perkembangan prinsip-prinsip hak asasi manusia di dalam masyarakat internasional.Kata Kunci: Hukum Islam, Hak Asasi Manusia, Globalisasi, Hukum Internasional

2020 ◽  
pp. 92-97
A. V. Kuznetsov

The article examines the norms of international law and the legislation of the EU countries. The list of main provisions of constitutional and legal restrictions in the European Union countries is presented. The application of the norms is described Human rights conventions. The principle of implementing legal acts in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic is considered. A comparative analysis of legal restrictive measures in the States of the European Union is carried out.

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