Pycnogaster ribesiglesiasii, a new species of Ephippigerini (Orthoptera: Tettigoniidae: Bradyporinae) from Catalonia (northeast of the Iberian Peninsula)

Zootaxa ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 4963 (1) ◽  
pp. 173-180

A new species of the genus Pycnogaster Graells, 1851 is described from Catalonia (Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula). Pycnogaster ribesiglesiasii n. sp. was collected in the Plana d’Ancosa in a calcicolous stepic scrub dominated mainly by thyme (Thymus vulgaris). L. ribesiglesiasii is compared to P. sanchezgomezi Bolívar, 1897 from which it can be separated mainly by the shape of the male cerci, the titillators and the male calling song. In addition, in the females by the protuberance of the seventh (7th) sclerite and the shape of subgenital plate.

Zootaxa ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4221 (1) ◽  
pp. 123 ◽  

A new species of the genus Lluciapomaresius Barat, 2012 is described from Serra de Llaberia in Catalonia (in the northeast of Iberian Peninsula). Lluciapomaresius nisae n. sp. was collected in a Mediterranean pine forest dominated by European black pine (Pinus nigra) and secondarily by Calcicolous rosemary scrub. L. nisae is compared to L. panteli (Navàs, 1899) from which it can be separated mainly by the shape of the male cerci, the titillators and the male calling song. Also in the females by the protuberances at the base of the ventral valves of the ovipositor. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 30 (2) ◽  
pp. 99-106
Nancy Collins ◽  
Carlos Gerardo Velazco-Macias

A new species of tree cricket, Neoxabea mexicanasp. nov., is described from northeast Mexico. Although it has morphological similarities to two other species found in Mexico, there are distinguishing characters, such as a well-developed tubercle on the pedicel, black markings on the maxillary palpi, one of the two pairs of spots on the female wings positioned at the base of the wings, stridulatory teeth count, and the pulse rate of the male calling song. The calling song description and pre-singing stuttering frequencies are provided. Character comparisons that rule out other species in the genus are presented. The common name given to this new species is Mexican tree cricket. Sound recordings and video are available online. We also make some clarification of the status of Neoxabea formosa (Walker, 1869), described as Oecanthus formosus, and present a key of Neoxabea in North and Central America.

Zootaxa ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 4664 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-102

The genus Saga is a genus of generally large predatory bush-cricket species. It includes 13 taxa in the Palaearctic region. In this research, eight species belonging to Saga (Tettigoniidae, Saginae) were sampled during field studies in different regions of Anatolia of Turkey between 2010 and 2018 (except one specimen). The bioacoustic parameters of these species recorded during the field or in laboratory conditions and the male calling song descriptions, as well as the oscillographic illustrations and distribution maps are given. A new population of Saga found from the South-Eastern Taurus (Hakkari province), which is affiliated to a new species and shows similarity to S. ephippigera, along with the morphological and bioacoustical descriptions of Saga hakkarica sp. n. Şirin & Taylan from Turkey, are also given. The relationships between the new species and the closest taxa are discussed using morphological and bioacoustical characters. The structural investigations of the male calling songs reveal three different bioacoustic groups affiliated to eight Anatolian Saga species; as (i) Ephippigera group (S. syriaca + (S. ephippigera + Saga hakkarica), (ii) Natoliae group (S. natoliae + (S. beieri + (S. longicaudata + S. puella) and (iii) S. cappadocica. 

Zootaxa ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 3361 (1) ◽  
pp. 33-44 ◽  

A new species for the genus Isophya, I. bumerangoides, is described from the Northeastern Black Sea Region of Turkey. Thenew species differs from closely related species in some aspects of morphology, mainly in male and female genitalia. Illustra-tions of external morphological characters and male and female songs are provided. Additional data on male calling song andfemale song of closely related bush-cricket Isophya rizeensis Sevgili, 2003 are also given. Scanning Electron Microscopeimages of stridulatory file of the other related species I. redtenbacheri Adelung, 1907 are provided. I. bumerangoides clearlybelongs to I. amplipennis group. Our bioacoustic results suggest that within the genus Isophya, changes in calling song seem to appear more slowly than those in external morphological characters as in most tettigoniid.

Zootaxa ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4236 (3) ◽  
pp. 553 ◽  

Megatibicen harenosus sp. n. is described from the Mescalero-Monahans shinnery sands of New Mexico and Texas, U.S.A. The new species is diagnosed from similar species, especially M. tremulus which it resembles closely, by male genital morphology, color pattern, calling song, and ecology. Seven characters from the male calling song are described from analysis of field recordings, of which all four temporal song characters are significantly different from M. tremulus. With one of the most southwestern distribution of any Megatibicen species, M. harenosus is a new addition to the rich, endemic, and understudied Mescalero-Monahans shinnery sands biota. The possibility that M. harenosus and M. tremulus are sister species is raised. The ecological, biological, and evolutionary species concepts support species status for M. harenosus, and an hypothesis of peripatric speciation in peripheral isolation is advanced. 

Zootaxa ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 4258 (3) ◽  
pp. 287

A new species of the genus Prionotropis Fieber, 1853 is described from Catalonia (Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula). Prionotropis ancosae n. sp. was collected in a calcicolous stepic scrub dominated mainly by thyme (Thymus vulgaris). P. ancosae n. sp. is characterized by the following characters: the pronotum in dorsal view narrow and in lateral view with the principal transverse sulcus between prozona and metazona clearly incised; mesosternal lobes equal width than long and width than mesosternal interspace; tegmina extend at most to the end of second abdominal segment in the females and the end of abdomen in the males; inside hind femora at the base to the middle part and inside hind tibiae blue; and phallic complex with the penis valves long. This new species is compared to the similar species P. flexuosa (Serville, 1838). In Catalonia two species of genera Prionotropis Fieber, 1853 are present, P. flexuosa and P. ancosae n. sp. 

2002 ◽  
Vol 24 (3) ◽  
pp. 189-197 ◽  
C. Zamora-Muñoz ◽  
M.A. González ◽  
J. Picazo-Muñoz ◽  
J. Alba-Tercedor

2007 ◽  
Vol 87 (5) ◽  
pp. 1117-1120
Juan Moreira ◽  
Julio Parapar

A new species of Synelmis (Annelida: Polychaeta: Pilargidae), Synelmis urgorrii sp. nov., is described from the continental slope off north-western Spain. The new species is characterized by having antennae, peristomial cirri and parapodial cirri cirriform, lateral antennae located in the proximal third of the prostomium, notospines starting on chaetigers 7–11, well-developed neuropodial lobe and asymmetrical furcate chaetae, those of anterior chaetigers distinctly spinulated.

2011 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 567-576 ◽  
Cheyenn Rotgers ◽  
David M. Alba ◽  
Josep M. Robles ◽  
Isaac Casanovas-Vilar ◽  
Jordi Galindo ◽  

Sociobiology ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 65 (2) ◽  
pp. 215 ◽  
Kiko Gómez ◽  
David Martinez ◽  
Xavier Espadaler

A phylogenetic tree of the Iberian Aphaenogaster species - except for A. splendida (Roger) - and a key to the worker caste of all Iberian Aphaenogaster species are proposed. The position of A. striativentris Forel and A. cardenai Espadaler is discussed, stating the possibility that this second species may belong to a new, undescribed genus. Aphaenogaster ulibeli n. sp. is described from the Iberian Peninsula. Its closest relatives are A. gibbosa (Latreille) and A. striativentris. Its habitat seems to be restricted to caducifolia forests in the Western Central Massif. 

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