Template Protection Using Multi Biometric Web Modulo Graph
To develop a complete biometric authentication system, security is highly needed. Even though there are several methods for storing fingerprint templates, they are compromised by the attacker leaving it as an unprotected system. In this paper, a novel method is proposed for protecting biometrics through an user defined graph named Web Modulo Graph. Feature vectors are extracted from the Left Fingerprint, Right Fingerprint and Palm Print during the enrollment process. The captured information from the biometrics are combined and stored in Web Modulo Graph where the insertion and traversal of feature vectors are unknown to the attacker. So even if the database or the graph structure is stolen by the attacker the correct sequence cannot be obtained. In this case, guessing the correct sequence is not almost possible as user defined graph is used and the system can achieve this with an Equal Error Rate (EER) of 4.8%. After various analyses, the proposed system is found to have high computational hardness.