Application of Shear Wave Elastography in the Diagnosis of Thyroid Nodules of Thyroid Imaging Report and Data System

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 864-867
Jia Zheng ◽  
Xiaoxin Wang ◽  
Xianjing Han ◽  
Chunyan Li ◽  
Jianan Wang ◽  

The purpose of this study is to explore whether shear wave elastography has diagnostic value in distinguishing benign and malignant thyroid imaging report and data system (TI-RADS) nodules, so as to provide more accurate information for clinical diagnosis and treatment of thyroid nodules. In this study, 134 patients with thyroid nodules who underwent ultrasound examination from February 2018 to October 2018 are collected. Firstly, according to the diagnostic criteria proposed by Horvath, TI-RADS grading is performed on them, and 78 patients with TI-RADS4 single solid nodules are screened out. Secondly, conventional ultrasound examination is performed on all the researchers, and shear wave elastographies are obtained 1 week after the examination. Thirdly, parameters of each lesion are measured by ultrasound physicians, and the maximum, minimum and average values of Young's modulus of each lesion are recorded. The results show that the mean and maximum of Young's modulus of benign lesions are (26.31 ± 9.88) kPa and (51.36 ± 14.51) kPa, respectively, the mean and maximum of Young's modulus of malignant lesions are (48.36 ± 16.53) and (69.15 ± 19.98) kPa, respectively, and the area under the ROC curve of Emean and Emax is 0.852 and 0.748, respectively. Therefore, shear wave elastography is a new type of ultrasound elastography, which has the advantages of objectivity and little influence from operators without artificial pressure. It has high sensitivity, specificity and accuracy in diagnosing benign and malignant thyroid nodules. Among them, the average value of Young's modulus has the greatest diagnostic value.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 863-868
Xiaoyun Wang ◽  
Suhong, Zhao ◽  
Weihua Zhao ◽  
Xianhua Zhao

Benign and malignant thyroid cancer diagnosis is crucial. Our study intends to evaluate the role of shear wave elastography (SWE) and thyroid imaging report and data system (TI-RADS) in diagnosing the benign and malignant thyroid nodules. 100 thyroid nodules patients were recruited and evaluated by SWE and TI-RADS before fine needle biopsy and/or surgery. The maximum elastic index (Emax), mean elasticity index of thyroid nodules (Emean), minimum elastic index (Emin) and elastic ratio (ER) was measured and compared between different imaging. Ultrasound diagnosis showed solid nodules with significant hypoechoic, unclear boundary, and microcalcification. TI-RADS value was measured based on suspected ultrasound features. Combination of SWE and TI-RADS was performed. Among the 100 nodules, 38 were benign (38.0%), 62 were malignant (62.0%), and malignant nodules had significantly elevated SWE and TI-RADS compared with benign nodules (P < 0.001). The optimal SWE threshold for Emax was 51.95 kPa, with a sensitivity of 81.44% and specificity of 83.19%. There were two methods for combining SWE and TI-RADS. One was sequential detection, with a specificity of 95.80%, positive similarity ratio of 18.16 and PPV of 96.73%; the other was parallel detection method with a sensitivity of 94.85%, negative similarity ratio of 0.07 and PPV of 90.00%. Our results suggest that combination of SWE and TI-RADS might be applied to identify benign and malignant thyroid cancers.

2015 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 74 ◽  
Sorin M. Dudea ◽  
Carolina Botar Jid

Thyroid elastography has become, lately, one of the main focuses in thyroid imaging. With more than one hundred papers published on this subject, the core of accumulated knowledge justifies the need for a comprehensive review on the topic. The paper presents the various elastographic techniques used for thyroid assessment. Both strain and shear wave elastography, with all their variants, are discussed. Thereafter the paper proceeds to a detailed description of the technical peculiarities, diagnostic value, limitations and pitfalls for each technique. Although the main accent is placed on thyroid nodules, the applications of elastography in other thyroid disease, diffuse or focal, are also presented. The results of the available metaanalyses are re- viewed and the proven value of the technique is highlighted. Still unanswered questions and directions for future research are emphasized, whenever appropriate.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-10
Xia Jiang ◽  
Li Li ◽  
Hong-Yuan Xue

BACKGROUND: In the past ten years, liver biopsies have been used as a method to accurately diagnose the stage of fibrosis. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to evaluate whether body position and exercise affect the measurement of liver Young’s modulus of healthy volunteers by real-time shear wave elastography (RT-SWE). Methods: RT-SWE was used to measure liver Young’s modulus in the supine and left lateral positions of 70 healthy volunteers at rest and measure the liver Young’s modulus in the lying position before exercise, and at zero, five, and ten minutes of rest after exercise. RESULTS: The liver Young’s modulus in the left lateral position was significantly higher than in the supine position (P< 0.05), and the measured value in the supine position was more stable than the left lateral position. The liver Young’s modulus measured at zero minutes after exercise was significantly higher than that measured before exercise (P< 0.05). The liver Young’s modulus measured at five minutes after exercise was significantly higher than that measured at zero minutes after exercise (P<0.05) and was not statistically different from the measured value before exercise (P> 0.05). The liver Young’s modulus measured at ten minutes after exercise was significantly higher from that measured at zero minutes after exercise (P< 0.05) and was not statistically different from the measured value at five minutes after exercise (P> 0.05). CONCLUSION: Body position and exercise have a significant impact on the measurement of liver Young’s modulus. It is recommended that the examinees take a supine position during the measurement, and measurement should be conducted at least ten minutes after exercise.

Fariba Zarei ◽  
Mohammad Reza Sasani ◽  
Banafsheh Zeinali Rafsanjani ◽  
Mahdi Saeedi Moghadam

Introduction: Thyroid nodules are the most common findings among adults. Usually, Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy (FNAB) can be used to distinguish the malignant and benign lesions. Application of a non-invasive method for determining the chance of malignancy in a nodule is desirable. Thyroid Imaging Reporting and Data System (TIRADS) was introduced to decrease the unnecessary FNABs and to optimize the management of these patients. The objective of this study was to assess the adherence of radiologist’s reports to TIRADS, after 10 years from the introduction of this system to radiologists in Fars Province. Methods: In this retrospective study, sonography report of the patients, who were referred to hospital for FNAB was assessed. If the patients did not have the previous sonography reports or the report was unreadable, they would be excluded from the study. Composition, echogenicity, shape, size, and margin were assessed and scored in this study. As the reports noted to each of the above-mentioned issues, score 1 was assigned to them. SPSS version 15 was used to analyze the data and calculated the standard deviation. Results: Sonography reports of 111 out of 250 patients was evaluated. The mean score of sonography reports from 5 was 2.63±0.86. The percentage of adherence of sonography reports to the expression of the first five categories was 52.61±17.25 %. Echogenic foci were also evaluated in the patients that it existed. The radiologists were reported them in almost 81% of cases. Conclusion: Overall adherence of sonographic report to TIRADS was 57.34%. The adherence can be definitely improved by training the radiologists.

В исследование было включено 96 пациентов с подозрением на рак предстательной железы. Всем пациентам выполнялось мультипараметрическое трансректальное ультразвуковое исследование предстательной железы и семенных пузырьков на аппарате Aixplorer (Supersonic Imagine, Франция) с помощью высокочастотного внутриполостного датчика, работающего в диапазоне частот 3-12 МГц. Предстательная железа была разделена на 12 секторов для ультразвуковой оценки (серошкальная эхография, энергетическое допплеровское картирование, эластография сдвиговой волной) и последующей системной биопсии предстательной железы (каждый из секстантов основания, средней части и верхушки железы справа и слева подразделялся на латеральный и медиальный субрегионы - итого 12 секторов). В случаях выявления очаговых изменений, подозрительных на злокачественность, в дополнение к системной биопсии проводили прицельную биопсию. Для статистического анализа использовали следующие показатели модуля Юнга: среднее арифметическое из трех Emean, измеренных в каждом секторе (aveEmean) (1), и максимальное из трех Emean, измеренных в каждом секторе (maxEmean) (2). При выявлении очаговых изменений при эластографии сдвиговой волной был применен аналогичный подход. Для последующего анализа значения aveEmean и maxEmean привязывали к конкретным биопсийным пробам (раздельная маркировка биоптатов) с последующей морфологической верификацией. Было проанализировано 1308 биоптатов. По результатам морфологического исследования рак предстательной железы был выявлен в 275 образцах (основная группа). Остальные образцы составили группу сравнения (n = 1033). Значения aveEmean и maxEmean в основной группе и группе сравнения достоверно различаются при P 0,0001. При проведении корреляционного анализа в основной группе выявлены заметные достоверные корреляции суммы Глисона, с одной стороны, и aveEmean (rS - 0,558, P 0,0001), maxEmean (rS - 0,548, P 0,0001) - с другой. Чувствительность диагностического теста “aveEmean > 35,4 кПа - рак предстательной железы” (n = 1308) равна 85,1%, специфичность - 85,8%, AUC - 0,908. Чувствительность диагностического теста “maxEmean > 37,9 кПа - рак предстательной железы” (n = 1308) равна 88,4%, специфичность - 80,4%, AUC - 0,912. Чувствительность прогностического теста “aveEmean > 59,2 кПа - рак предстательной железы” (n = 275) (прогнозирование морфологически значимого рака предстательной железы) равна 76,8%, специфичность - 77,7%, AUC - 0,807. Чувствительность прогностического теста “maxEmean > 62,7 кПа - рак предстательной железы” (n = 275) (прогнозирование морфологически значимого рака предстательной железы) равна 79,3%, специфичность - 71,5%, AUC - 0,802. Эластография сдвиговой волной показывает большую информативность в диагностике рака предстательной железы, меньшую - в прогнозировании морфологической значимости (ISUP grade ≥ 3). Ключевые слова: ультразвуковая эластография сдвиговой волной, жесткость, модуль Юнга, предстательная железа, рак предстательной железы, ultrasound shear wave elastography, stiffness, Young’s modulus, prostate, prostate cancer

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 334-338
Qing Yang ◽  
Wenhong Zhou ◽  
Jiyu Li ◽  
Guojun Wu ◽  
Feng Ding ◽  

Objective: To compare the diagnostic value of shear wave elastography (SWE) and real-time elastography (RTE) in the diagnosis of benign and malignant thyroid nodules. Methods: A total of 34 patients who ever received thyroidectomy in our hospital from January 2016 to January 2018 were identified. Meanwhile, all the patients received SWE and RTE before surgery, and all the diagnoses were confirmed by pathological examinations. With respect to SWE technique, the Subject Operating Characteristics (ROC) curves were drawn, in order to obtain the optimal threshold and then make differential diagnoses of benign and malignant thyroid nodules. In terms of RTE, the Rago 5 scoring method was utilized to make differential diagnoses of benign and malignant thyroid nodules. Besides, the pathological examinations after surgery could be considered as the golden standard. At last, the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of SWE and RTE were calculated, respectively. Results: A total of 51 thyroid nodules were identified, and 41 nodules were benign, 10 nodules were malignant. On the basis of ROC curves, with respect to SWE, the best threshold for differential diagnosis of benign and malignant thyroid nodules is 38.3 kPa. The sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value, and negative predictive value of SWE were 72.7% (8/11), 85% (34/40), 82.4% (42/51), 68.4% (13/19), and 87.5% (35/40), respectively. And the diagnostic indicators of RTE were 81.8% (9/11), 87.5% (35/40), 84.3% (43/51), 73.7% (14/19), and 90.0% (36/40). The sensitivity of quasi-static elastography in differential diagnosis of benign and malignant thyroid nodules with diameter ≤1 cm was 87.5% (7/8), and the sensitivity of SWE was 50.0% (5/10). In addition, the accuracy of SWE in differential diagnosis of benign and malignant thyroid nodules with diameter ≥3 cm was 100% (6/6), and the accuracy of RTE for this kind of thyroid nodules was 66.7% (4/6). Conclusion: Both SWE and RTE technology have good application value in differential diagnosis of benign and malignant thyroid nodules. But, SWE is preferable when making diagnosis of benign and malignant thyroid nodules with diameter ≥3 cm, and RTE was superior in detecting benign and malignant thyroid nodules with diameter ≤1 cm.

В статье представлены три клинических наблюдения, которые демонстрируют полезность ультразвуковой информации, полученной при мультипараметрическом трансректальном ультразвуковом исследовании, в оценке местного распространения рака предстательной железы. Ультразвуковая картина верифицирована данными мультипараметрической магнитно-резонансной томографии и трансректальной мультифокальной системной пункционной биопсии предстательной железы из 12 точек под контролем ультразвукового исследования, дополненной прицельной биопсией из подозрительных на злокачественность очагов, выявленных при мультипараметрическом трансректальном ультразвуковом исследовании. Представлен краткий обзор литературы, который показывает, что на сегодняшний день мультипараметрическая ультразвуковая диагностика не позволяет с приемлемой диагностической точностью выполнить предоперационное стадирование рака предстательной железы. Как и другие методы ультразвуковой диагностики (серошкальная визуализация, 3D-визуа лизация, цветокодированные допплерографические режимы), эластография сдвиговой волной не рассматривается в рутинной практике среди инструментальных методов, осуществляющих стадирование по категории Т. Но в тех случаях, когда врач ультразвуковой диагностики выявляет с помощью эластографии сдвиговой волной (как и с помощью серошкального и цветокодированных допплерографических режимов) признаки экстрапростатического распространения опухоли или прорастания опухоли в семенные пузырьки, он может указать эти данные в протоколе ультразвукового исследования. Ключевые слова: ультразвуковая эластография сдвиговой волной, жесткость, модуль Юнга, предстательная железа, рак предстательной железы, стадирование, экстрапростатическое распространение, инвазия в семенные пузырьки, ultrasound shear wave elastography, stiffness, Young’s modulus, prostate, prostate cancer, staging, extraprostatic extension, seminal vesicle invasion

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