scholarly journals Performance of an Eddy Diffusivity–Mass Flux Scheme for Shallow Cumulus Boundary Layers

2010 ◽  
Vol 138 (7) ◽  
pp. 2895-2912 ◽  
Wayne M. Angevine ◽  
Hongli Jiang ◽  
Thorsten Mauritsen

Abstract Comparisons between single-column (SCM) simulations with the total energy–mass flux boundary layer scheme (TEMF) and large-eddy simulations (LES) are shown for four cases from the Gulf of Mexico Atmospheric Composition and Climate Study (GoMACCS) 2006 field experiment in the vicinity of Houston, Texas. The SCM simulations were run with initial soundings and surface forcing identical to those in the LES, providing a clean comparison with the boundary layer scheme isolated from any other influences. Good agreement is found in the simulated vertical transport and resulting moisture profiles. Notable differences are seen in the cloud base and in the distribution of moisture between the lower and upper cloud layer. By the end of the simulations, TEMF has dried the subcloud layer and moistened the lower cloud layer more than LES. TEMF gives more realistic profiles for shallow cumulus conditions than traditional boundary layer schemes, which have no transport above the dry convective boundary layer. Changes to the formulation and its parameters from previous publications are discussed.

2005 ◽  
Vol 5 (5) ◽  
pp. 8811-8849
J. Vilà-Guerau de Arellano ◽  
S.-W. Kim ◽  
M. C. Barth ◽  
E. G. Patton

Abstract. The distribution and evolution of reactive species in a boundary layer characterized by the presence of shallow cumulus over land is studied by means of two large-eddy simulation models: the NCAR and WUR codes. The study focuses on two physical processes that can influence the chemistry: the enhancement of the vertical transport by the buoyant convection associated with cloud formation and the perturbation of the photolysis rates below, in and above the clouds. It is shown that the dilution of the reactant mixing ratio caused by the deepening of the atmospheric boundary layer is an important process and that it can decrease reactant mixing ratios by 10 to 50 percent compared to very similar conditions but with no cloud formation. Additionally, clouds transport chemical species to higher elevations in the boundary layer compared to the case with no clouds which influences the reactant mixing ratios of the nocturnal residual layers following the collapse of the daytime boundary layer. Estimates of the rate of reactant transport based on the calculation of the integrated flux divergence range from to −0.2 ppb hr−1 to −1 ppb hr−1, indicating a net loss of sub-cloud layer air transported into the cloud layer. A comparison of this flux to a parameterized mass flux shows good agreement in mid-cloud, but at cloud base the parameterization underestimates the mass flux. Scattering of radiation by cloud drops perturbs photolysis rates. It is found that these perturbed photolysis rates substantially (10–40%) affect mixing ratios locally (spatially and temporally), but have little effect on mixing ratios averaged over space and time. We find that the ultraviolet radiance perturbation becomes more important for chemical transformations that react with a similar order time scale as the turbulent transport in clouds. Finally, the detailed intercomparison of the LES results shows very good agreement between the two codes when considering the evolution of the reactant mean, flux and (co-)variance vertical profiles.

2012 ◽  
Vol 69 (5) ◽  
pp. 1513-1533 ◽  
Kay Sušelj ◽  
João Teixeira ◽  
Georgios Matheou

Abstract In this study, the eddy diffusivity/mass flux (EDMF) approach is used to combine parameterizations of nonprecipitating moist convection and boundary layer turbulence. The novel aspect of this EDMF version is the use of a probability density function (PDF) to describe the moist updraft characteristics. A single bulk dry updraft is initialized at the surface and integrated vertically. At each model level, the possibility of condensation within the updraft is considered based on the PDF of updraft moist conserved variables. If the updraft partially condenses, it is split into moist and dry updrafts, which are henceforth integrated separately. The procedure is repeated at each of the model levels above. The single bulk updraft ends up branching into numerous moist and dry updrafts. With this new approach, the need to define a cloud-base closure is circumvented. This new version of EDMF is implemented in a single-column model (SCM) and evaluated using large-eddy simulation (LES) results for the Barbados Oceanographic and Meteorological Experiment (BOMEX) representing steady-state convection over ocean and the Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM) case representing time-varying convection over land. The new EDMF scheme is able to represent the properties of shallow cumulus and turbulent fluxes in cumulus-topped boundary layers realistically. The parameterized updraft properties partly account for the behavior of the tail of the PDF of moist conserved variables. It is shown that the scheme is not particularly sensitive to the vertical resolution of the SCM or the main model parameters.

2005 ◽  
Vol 44 (9) ◽  
pp. 1436-1452 ◽  
Wayne M. Angevine

Abstract A scheme is described that provides an integrated description of turbulent transport in free convective boundary layers with shallow cumulus. The scheme uses a mass-flux formulation, as is commonly found in cumulus schemes, and a 1.5-order closure, involving turbulent kinetic energy and eddy diffusivity. Both components are active in both the subcloud and cloud layers. The scheme is called “mass flux–diffusion.” In the subcloud layer, the mass-flux component provides nonlocal transport. The scheme combines elements from schemes that are conceptually similar but differ in detail. An entraining plume model is used to find the mass flux. The mass flux is continuous through the cloud base. The lateral fractional entrainment rate is constant with height, while the detrainment-rate profile reduces the mass flux smoothly to zero at the cloud top. The eddy diffusivity comes from a turbulent kinetic energy–length scale formulation. The scheme has been implemented in a simple one-dimensional (single column) model. Results of simulations of a standard case that has been used for other model intercomparisons [Atmospheric Radiation Measurement (ARM), 21 June 1997] are shown and indicate that the scheme provides good results. The model also simulates the profile of a conserved scalar; this capability is applied to a case from the 1999 Southern Oxidants Study Nashville (Tennessee) experiment, where it produces good simulations of vertical profiles of carbon monoxide in a cloud-topped boundary layer.

2005 ◽  
Vol 5 (12) ◽  
pp. 3219-3231 ◽  
J. Vilà-Guerau de Arellano ◽  
S.-W. Kim ◽  
M. C. Barth ◽  
E. G. Patton

Abstract. The distribution and evolution of reactive species in a boundary layer characterized by the presence of shallow cumulus over land is studied by means of two large-eddy simulation models: the NCAR and WUR codes. The study focuses on two physical processes that can influence the chemistry: the enhancement of the vertical transport by the buoyant convection associated with cloud formation and the perturbation of the photolysis rates below, in and above the clouds. It is shown that the dilution of the reactant mixing ratio caused by the deepening of the atmospheric boundary layer is an important process and that it can decrease reactant mixing ratios by 10 to 50 percent compared to very similar conditions but with no cloud formation. Additionally, clouds transport chemical species to higher elevations in the boundary layer compared to the case with no clouds which influences the reactant mixing ratios of the nocturnal residual layers following the collapse of the daytime boundary layer. Estimates of the rate of reactant transport based on the calculation of the integrated flux divergence range from to −0.2 ppb hr-1 to −1 ppb hr-1, indicating a net loss of sub-cloud layer air transported into the cloud layer. A comparison of this flux to a parameterized mass flux shows good agreement in mid-cloud, but at cloud base the parameterization underestimates the mass flux. Scattering of radiation by cloud drops perturbs photolysis rates. It is found that these perturbed photolysis rates substantially (10–40%) affect mixing ratios locally (spatially and temporally), but have little effect on mixing ratios averaged over space and time. We find that the ultraviolet radiance perturbation becomes more important for chemical transformations that react with a similar order time scale as the turbulent transport in clouds. Finally, the detailed intercomparison of the LES results shows very good agreement between the two codes when considering the evolution of the reactant mean, flux and (co-)variance vertical profiles.

2018 ◽  
Vol 75 (7) ◽  
pp. 2235-2255 ◽  
Neil P. Lareau ◽  
Yunyan Zhang ◽  
Stephen A. Klein

Abstract The boundary layer controls on shallow cumulus (ShCu) convection are examined using a suite of remote and in situ sensors at ARM Southern Great Plains (SGP). A key instrument in the study is a Doppler lidar that measures vertical velocity in the CBL and along cloud base. Using a sample of 138 ShCu days, the composite structure of the ShCu CBL is examined, revealing increased vertical velocity (VV) variance during periods of medium cloud cover and higher VV skewness on ShCu days than on clear-sky days. The subcloud circulations of 1791 individual cumuli are also examined. From these data, we show that cloud-base updrafts, normalized by convective velocity, vary as a function of updraft width normalized by CBL depth. It is also found that 63% of clouds have positive cloud-base mass flux and are linked to coherent updrafts extending over the depth of the CBL. In contrast, negative mass flux clouds lack coherent subcloud updrafts. Both sets of clouds possess narrow downdrafts extending from the cloud edges into the subcloud layer. These downdrafts are also present adjacent to cloud-free updrafts, suggesting they are mechanical in origin. The cloud-base updraft data are subsequently combined with observations of convective inhibition to form dimensionless “cloud inhibition” (CI) parameters. Updraft fraction and liquid water path are shown to vary inversely with CI, a finding consistent with CIN-based closures used in convective parameterizations. However, we also demonstrate a limited link between CBL vertical velocity variance and cloud-base updrafts, suggesting that additional factors, including updraft width, are necessary predictors for cloud-base updrafts.

2016 ◽  
Vol 144 (3) ◽  
pp. 1161-1177 ◽  
Hyeyum Hailey Shin ◽  
Jimy Dudhia

Abstract Planetary boundary layer (PBL) parameterizations in mesoscale models have been developed for horizontal resolutions that cannot resolve any turbulence in the PBL, and evaluation of these parameterizations has been focused on profiles of mean and parameterized flux. Meanwhile, the recent increase in computing power has been allowing numerical weather prediction (NWP) at horizontal grid spacings finer than 1 km, at which kilometer-scale large eddies in the convective PBL are partly resolvable. This study evaluates the performance of convective PBL parameterizations in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model at subkilometer grid spacings. The evaluation focuses on resolved turbulence statistics, considering expectations for improvement in the resolved fields by using the fine meshes. The parameterizations include four nonlocal schemes—Yonsei University (YSU), asymmetric convective model 2 (ACM2), eddy diffusivity mass flux (EDMF), and total energy mass flux (TEMF)—and one local scheme, the Mellor–Yamada–Nakanishi–Niino (MYNN) level-2.5 model. Key findings are as follows: 1) None of the PBL schemes is scale-aware. Instead, each has its own best performing resolution in parameterizing subgrid-scale (SGS) vertical transport and resolving eddies, and the resolution appears to be different between heat and momentum. 2) All the selected schemes reproduce total vertical heat transport well, as resolved transport compensates differences of the parameterized SGS transport from the reference SGS transport. This interaction between the resolved and SGS parts is not found in momentum. 3) Those schemes that more accurately reproduce one feature (e.g., thermodynamic transport, momentum transport, energy spectrum, or probability density function of resolved vertical velocity) do not necessarily perform well for other aspects.

2004 ◽  
Vol 132 (11) ◽  
pp. 2525-2538 ◽  
R. A. J. Neggers ◽  
A. P. Siebesma ◽  
G. Lenderink ◽  
A. A. M. Holtslag

Abstract Three closure methods for the mass flux at cloud base in shallow cumulus convection are critically examined for the difficult case of a diurnal cycle over land. The closure methods are first evaluated against large-eddy simulations (LESs) by diagnosing all parameters appearing in the closure equations during simulations of two different observed diurnal cycles of shallow cumulus. This reveals the characteristic behavior of each closure mechanism purely as a result of its core structure. With these results in hand the impact of each closure on the development of the cloudy boundary layer is then studied by its implementation in an offline single-column model of a regional atmospheric climate model. The LES results show that the boundary layer quasi-equilibrium closure typically overestimates the cloud-base mass flux after cloud onset, due to the neglect of significant moisture and temperature tendencies in the subcloud layer. The convective available potential energy (CAPE) adjustment closure is compromised by its limitation to compensating subsidence as the only CAPE breakdown mechanism and the use of a constant adjustment time scale. The closure method using the subcloud convective vertical velocity scale gives the best results, as it catches the time development of the cloud-base mass flux as diagnosed in LES.

2013 ◽  
Vol 70 (7) ◽  
pp. 1929-1953 ◽  
Kay Sušelj ◽  
João Teixeira ◽  
Daniel Chung

Abstract A single-column model (SCM) is developed for representing moist convective boundary layers. The key component of the SCM is the parameterization of subgrid-scale vertical mixing, which is based on a stochastic eddy-diffusivity/mass-flux (EDMF) approach. In the EDMF framework, turbulent fluxes are calculated as a sum of the turbulent kinetic energy–based eddy-diffusivity component and a mass-flux component. The mass flux is modeled as a fixed number of steady-state plumes. The main challenge of the mass-flux model is to properly represent cumulus clouds, which are modeled as moist plumes. The solutions have to account for a realistic representation of condensation within the plumes and of lateral entrainment into the plumes. At the level of mean condensation within the updraft, the joint pdf of moist conserved variables and vertical velocity is used to estimate the proportion of dry and moist plumes and is sampled in a Monte Carlo way creating a predefined number of plumes. The lateral entrainment rate is modeled as a stochastic process resulting in a realistic decrease of the convective cloudiness with height above cloud base. In addition to the EDMF scheme, the following processes are included in the SCM: a pdf-based parameterization of subgrid-scale condensation, a simple longwave radiation, and one-dimensional dynamics. Note that in this approach there are two distinct pdfs, one representing the variability of updraft properties and the other one the variability of thermodynamic properties of the surrounding environment. The authors show that the model is able to capture the essential features of moist boundary layers, ranging from stratocumulus to shallow-cumulus regimes. Detailed comparisons, which include pdfs, profiles, and integrated budgets with the Barbados Oceanographic and Meteorological Experiment (BOMEX), Dynamics and Chemistry of Marine Stratocumulus (DYCOMS), and steady-state large-eddy simulation (LES) cases, are discussed to confirm the quality of the present approach.

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