Velocity Structure of Internal Tide Beams Emanating from Kaena Ridge, Hawaii
Abstract Observations are reported of the semidiurnal (M2) internal tide across Kaena Ridge, Hawaii. Horizontal velocity in the upper 1000–1500 m was measured during eleven ~240-km-long shipboard acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) transects across the ridge, made over the course of several months. The M2 motions are isolated by means of harmonic analysis and compared to numerical simulations using the Princeton Ocean Model (POM). The depth coverage of the measurements is about 3 times greater than similar past studies, offering a substantially richer view of the internal tide beams. Sloping features are seen extending upward north and south from the ridge and then downward from the surface reflection about ±40 km from the ridge crest, closely matching theoretical M2 ray paths and the model predictions.