Modulation of Small-Scale Superinertial Internal Waves by Near-Inertial Internal Waves

2016 ◽  
Vol 46 (12) ◽  
pp. 3529-3548 ◽  
Zhao Jing ◽  
Ping Chang

AbstractDynamics of small-scale (<10 km) superinertial internal waves (SSIWs) of intense vertical motion are investigated theoretically and numerically. It is shown that near-inertial internal waves (NIWs) have a pronounced influence on modulation of SSIW strength. In convergence zones of NIWs, energy flux of SSIWs converge and energy is transferred from NIWs to SSIWs, leading to rapid growth of SSIWs. The opposite occurs when SSIWs enter divergence zones of NIWs. The underlying dynamics can be understood in terms of wave action conservation of SSIWs in the presence of background NIWs. The validity of the theoretical finding is verified using realistic high-resolution numerical simulations in the Gulf of Mexico. The results reveal significantly stronger small-scale superinertial vertical motions in convergence zones of NIWs than in divergence zones. By removing near-inertial wind forcing, model simulations with identical resolution show a substantial decrease in the small-scale superinertial vertical motions associated with the suppression of NIWs. Therefore, these numerical simulations support the theoretical finding of SSIW–NIW interaction.

2020 ◽  
Vol 148 (10) ◽  
pp. 4247-4265 ◽  
Domingo Muñoz-Esparza ◽  
Robert D. Sharman ◽  
Stanley B. Trier

AbstractMesoscale numerical weather prediction (NWP) models are routinely exercised at kilometer-scale horizontal grid spacings (Δx). Such fine grids will usually allow at least partial resolution of small-scale gravity waves and turbulence in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). However, planetary boundary layer (PBL) parameterization schemes used with these NWP model simulations typically apply explicit subgrid-scale vertical diffusion throughout the entire vertical extent of the domain, an effect that cannot be ignored. By way of an example case of observed widespread turbulence over the U.S. Great Plains, we demonstrate that the PBL scheme’s mixing in NWP model simulations of Δx = 1 km can have significant effects on the onset and characteristics of the modeled UTLS gravity waves. Qualitatively, PBL scheme diffusion is found to affect not only background conditions responsible for UTLS wave activity, but also to control the local vertical mixing that triggers or hinders the onset and propagation of these waves. Comparisons are made to a reference large-eddy simulation with Δx = 250 m to statistically quantify these effects. A significant and systematic overestimation of resolved vertical velocities, wave-scale fluxes, and kinetic energy is uncovered in the 1-km simulations, both in clear-air and in-cloud conditions. These findings are especially relevant for upper-level gravity wave and turbulence simulations using high-resolution kilometer-scale NWP models.

2020 ◽  
Rianne Giesen ◽  
Ana Trindade ◽  
Marcos Portabella ◽  
Ad Stoffelen

&lt;p&gt;The ocean surface wind plays an essential role in the exchange of heat, gases and momentum at the atmosphere-ocean interface. It is therefore crucial to accurately represent this wind forcing in physical ocean model simulations. Scatterometers provide high-resolution ocean surface wind observations, but have limited spatial and temporal coverage. On the other hand, numerical weather prediction (NWP) model wind fields have better coverage in time and space, but do not resolve the small-scale variability in the air-sea fluxes. In addition, Belmonte Rivas and Stoffelen (2019) documented substantial systematic error in global NWP fields on both small and large scales, using scatterometer observations as a reference.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Trindade et al. (2019) combined the strong points of scatterometer observations and atmospheric model wind fields into ERA*, a new ocean wind forcing product. ERA* uses temporally-averaged differences between geolocated scatterometer wind data and European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) reanalysis fields to correct for persistent local NWP wind vector biases. Verified against independent observations, ERA* reduced the variance of differences by 20% with respect to the uncorrected NWP fields. As ERA* has a high potential for improving ocean model forcing in the CMEMS Model Forecasting Centre (MFC) products, it is a candidate for a future CMEMS Level 4 (L4) wind product. We present the ongoing work to further improve the ERA* product and invite potential users to discuss their L4 product requirements.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;References:&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Belmonte Rivas, M. and A. Stoffelen (2019): &lt;em&gt;Characterizing ERA-Interim and ERA5 surface wind biases using ASCAT&lt;/em&gt;, Ocean Sci., 15, 831&amp;#8211;852, doi: 10.5194/os-15-831-2019.&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;Trindade, A., M. Portabella, A. Stoffelen, W. Lin and A. Verhoef (2019), &lt;em&gt;ERAstar: A High-Resolution Ocean Forcing Product&lt;/em&gt;, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 1-11, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2019.2946019.&lt;/p&gt;

2020 ◽  
Vol 50 (4) ◽  
pp. 1087-1115 ◽  
Joseph M. D’Addezio ◽  
Gregg A. Jacobs ◽  
Max Yaremchuk ◽  
Innocent Souopgui

AbstractWe analyze high-resolution (1 km) simulations of the western Pacific, Gulf of Mexico, and Arabian Sea to understand submesoscale eddy dynamics. A mask based on the Okubo–Weiss parameter isolates small-scale eddies, and we further classify those with |ζ/f| ≥ 1 as being submesoscale eddies. Cyclonic submesoscale eddies exhibit a vertical depth structure in which temperature anomalies from the large-scale background are negative. Peak density anomalies associated with cyclonic submesoscale eddies are found at a depth approximately twice the mixed layer depth (MLD). Within anticyclonic submesoscale eddies, temperature anomalies are positive and have peak density anomalies at the MLD. The depth–depth covariance structure for the cyclonic and anticyclonic submesoscale eddies have maxima over a shallow region near the surface and weak off diagonal elements. The observed vertical structure suggests that submesoscale eddies have a shallower depth profile and smaller vertical correlation scales when compared to the mesoscale phenomenon. We test a two-dimensional submesoscale eddy dynamical balance. Compared to a geostrophic dynamical balance using only pressure gradient and Coriolis force, including velocity tendency and advection produces lower errors by about 20%. In regions with strong tides and associated internal waves (western Pacific and Arabian Sea), using the mixed layer integrated small-scale steric height within the dynamical equations produces the lowest magnitude errors. In areas with weak tides (Gulf of Mexico), using small-scale sea surface height (SSH) produces the lowest magnitude errors. Recovering a submesoscale eddy with the correct magnitude and rotation requires integration of small-scale specific volume anomalies well below the mixed layer.

2013 ◽  
Vol 714 ◽  
pp. 591-611 ◽  
Hans van Haren

AbstractIn the ocean, sloping bottom topography is important for the generation and dissipation of internal waves. Here, the transition of such waves to turbulence is demonstrated using an accurate bottom-pressure sensor that was moored with an acoustic Doppler current profiler and high-resolution thermistor string on the sloping side of the ocean guyot ‘Great Meteor Seamount’ (water depth 549 m). The site is dominated by the passage of strong frontal bores, moving upslope once or twice every tidal period, with a trail of high-frequency internal waves. The bore amplitude and precise timing of bore passage vary every tide. A bore induces mainly non-hydrostatic pressure, while the trailing waves induce mainly internal hydrostatic pressure. These separate (internal wave) pressure terms are independently estimated using current and temperature data, respectively. In the bottom-pressure time series, the passage of a bore is barely visible, but the trailing high-frequency internal waves are. A bore is obscured by higher-frequency pressure variations up to ${\sim} 4{\times} 1{0}^{3} ~\mathrm{cpd} \approx 80N$ (cpd, cycles per day; $N$, the large-scale buoyancy frequency). These motions dominate the turbulent state of internal tides above a sloping bottom. In contrast with previous bottom-pressure observations in other areas, infra-gravity surface waves contribute little to these pressure variations in the same frequency range. Here, such waves do not incur observed pressure. This is verified in a consistency test for large-Reynolds-number turbulence using high-resolution temperature data. The high-frequency quasi-turbulent internal motions are visible in detailed temperature and acoustic echo images, revealing a nearly permanently wave-turbulent tide going up and down the bottom slope. Over the entire observational period, the spectral slope and variance of bottom pressure are equivalent to internal hydrostatic pressure due to internal waves in the lower 100 m above the bottom, by non-hydrostatic pressure due to high-frequency internal waves and large-scale overturning. The observations suggest a transition between large-scale internal waves, small-scale internal tidal waves residing on thin (${{\sim} }1~\mathrm{m} $) stratified layers and turbulence.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 142-152
Mohammad Waliul Hasanat ◽  
Kamna Anum ◽  
Ashikul Hoque ◽  
Mahmud Hamid ◽  
Sandy Francis Peris ◽  

In developing countries, the role of women in the business sector is continuously improving. As a result, female enterprises have also been encouraged in Pakistan. This study is based on life cycle development phases from which women-owned enterprises have to go through in order to become successful. As a primary data source, face-to-face interviews with owners of successful women-owned enterprises were preferred. The data collection process was divided into two phases i.e. Phase-I and Phase-II. After data collection, qualitative analysis has been performed using NVIVO. Findings provide both generic and specific factors involved in life cycle development of women-owned enterprises. This study provides a detailed view of life cycle development model followed by successful women enterprises. The outcome of this research work is a theoretical finding which can be utilized by entrepreneurs owning small scale enterprises to improve their level of performance. Findings can also be helpful for potentially talented women interested in setting up their own business.

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