Mesoscale, tidal and seasonal/interannual drivers of the Weddell Sea overturning circulation

Abstract The Weddell Sea supplies 40–50% of the Antarctic BottomWaters that fill the global ocean abyss, and therefore exerts significant influence over global circulation and climate. Previous studies have identified a range of different processes that may contribute to dense shelf water (DSW) formation and export on the southern Weddell Sea continental shelf. However, the relative importance of these processes has not been quantified, which hampers prioritization of observational deployments and development of model parameterizations in this region. In this study a high-resolution (1/12°) regional model of the southern Weddell Sea is used to quantify the overturning circulation and decompose it into contributions due to multi-annual mean flows, seasonal/interannual variability, tides, and other sub-monthly variability. It is shown that tides primarily influence the overturning by changing the melt rate of the Filchner-Ronne Ice Shelf (FRIS). The resulting ~0.2 Sv decrease in DSW transport is comparable to the magnitude of the overturning in the FRIS cavity, but small compared to DSW export across the continental shelf break. Seasonal/interannual fluctuations exert a modest influence on the overturning circulation due to the relatively short (8-year) analysis period. Analysis of the transient energy budget indicates that the non-tidal, sub-monthly variability is primarily baroclinically-generated eddies associated with dense overflows. These eddies play a comparable role to the mean flow in exporting dense shelf waters across the continental shelf break, and account for 100% of the transfer of heat onto the continental shelf. The eddy component of the overturning is sensitive to model resolution, decreasing by a factor of ~2 as the horizontal grid spacing is refined from 1/3° to 1/12°.

2020 ◽  
Katherine Hutchinson ◽  
Julie Deshayes ◽  
Jean-Baptiste Sallee ◽  
Julian Dowdeswell ◽  
Casimir de Lavergne ◽  

<p>The physical oceanographic environment, water mass mixing and transformation in the area adjacent to Larsen C Ice Shelf (LCIS) are investigated using hydrographic data collected during the Weddell Sea Expedition 2019. The results shed light on the ocean conditions adjacent to a thinning LCIS, on a continental shelf that is a source region for the globally important water mass, Weddell Sea Deep Water (WSDW). Modified Weddell Deep Water (MWDW), a comparatively warmer water mass of circumpolar origin, is identified on the continental shelf and is observed to mix with local shelf waters, such as Ice Shelf Water (ISW), which is a precursor of WSDW. Oxygen measurements enable the use of a linear mixing model to quantify contributions from source waters revealing high levels of mixing in the area, with much spatial and temporal variability. Heat content anomalies indicate an introduction of heat, presumed to be associated with MWDW, into the area via Jason Trough. Furthermore, candidate parent sources for ISW are identified in the region, indicating the potential for the circulation of continental shelf waters into the ice shelf cavity. This highlights the possibility that offshore climate signals are conveyed under LCIS. ISW is observed within Jason Trough, likely exiting the sub-ice shelf cavity en route to the Slope Current. This onshore-offshore flux of water masses links the region of the Weddell Sea adjacent to northern LCIS to global ocean circulation and Bottom Water characteristics via its contribution to ISW and hence WSDW properties. </p><p>What remains to be clarified is whether MWDW found in Jason Trough has a direct impact on basal melting and thus thinning of LCIS. More observations are required to investigate this, in particular direct observations of ocean circulation in Jason Trough and underneath LCIS. Modelling experiments could also shed light on this, and so preliminary results based on NEMO global simulations explicitly representing the circulation in under-ice shelf seas, will be presented. </p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 49 (8) ◽  
pp. 2043-2074 ◽  
Andrew L. Stewart ◽  
Andreas Klocker ◽  
Dimitris Menemenlis

AbstractAll exchanges between the open ocean and the Antarctic continental shelf must cross the Antarctic Slope Current (ASC). Previous studies indicate that these exchanges are strongly influenced by mesoscale and tidal variability, yet the mechanisms responsible for setting the ASC’s transport and structure have received relatively little attention. In this study the roles of winds, eddies, and tides in accelerating the ASC are investigated using a global ocean–sea ice simulation with very high resolution (1/48° grid spacing). It is found that the circulation along the continental slope is accelerated both by surface stresses, ultimately sourced from the easterly winds, and by mesoscale eddy vorticity fluxes. At the continental shelf break, the ASC exhibits a narrow (~30–50 km), swift (>0.2 m s−1) jet, consistent with in situ observations. In this jet the surface stress is substantially reduced, and may even vanish or be directed eastward, because the ocean surface speed matches or exceeds that of the sea ice. The shelfbreak jet is shown to be accelerated by tidal momentum advection, consistent with the phenomenon of tidal rectification. Consequently, the shoreward Ekman transport vanishes and thus the mean overturning circulation that steepens the Antarctic Slope Front (ASF) is primarily due to tidal acceleration. These findings imply that the circulation and mean overturning of the ASC are not only determined by near-Antarctic winds, but also depend crucially on sea ice cover, regionally-dependent mesoscale eddy activity over the continental slope, and the amplitude of tidal flows across the continental shelf break.

2019 ◽  
Vol 32 (16) ◽  
pp. 5289-5303 ◽  
Kaitlin A. Naughten ◽  
Adrian Jenkins ◽  
Paul R. Holland ◽  
Ruth I. Mugford ◽  
Keith W. Nicholls ◽  

ABSTRACT Open-ocean polynyas in the Weddell Sea of Antarctica are the product of deep convection, which transports Warm Deep Water (WDW) to the surface and melts sea ice or prevents its formation. These polynyas occur only rarely in the observational record but are a near-permanent feature of many climate and ocean simulations. A question not previously considered is the degree to which the Weddell polynya affects the nearby Filchner–Ronne Ice Shelf (FRIS) cavity. Here we assess these effects using regional ocean model simulations of the Weddell Sea and FRIS, where deep convection is imposed with varying area, location, and duration. In these simulations, the idealized Weddell polynyas consistently cause an increase in WDW transport onto the continental shelf as a result of density changes above the shelf break. This leads to saltier, denser source waters for the FRIS cavity, which then experiences stronger circulation and increased ice shelf basal melting. It takes approximately 14 years for melt rates to return to normal after the deep convection ceases. Weddell polynyas similar to those seen in observations have a modest impact on FRIS melt rates, which is within the range of simulated interannual variability. However, polynyas that are larger or closer to the shelf break, such as those seen in many ocean models, trigger a stronger response. These results suggest that ocean models with excessive Weddell Sea convection may not be suitable boundary conditions for regional models of the Antarctic continental shelf and ice shelf cavities.

Ocean Science ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 185-202 ◽  
G. D. Williams ◽  
M. Hindell ◽  
M.-N. Houssais ◽  
T. Tamura ◽  
I. C. Field

Abstract. Southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina), fitted with Conductivity-Temperature-Depth sensors at Macquarie Island in January 2005 and 2010, collected unique oceanographic observations of the Adélie and George V Land continental shelf (140–148° E) during the summer-fall transition (late February through April). This is a key region of dense shelf water formation from enhanced sea ice growth/brine rejection in the local coastal polynyas. In 2005, two seals occupied the continental shelf break near the grounded icebergs at the northern end of the Mertz Glacier Tongue for several weeks from the end of February. One of the seals migrated west to the Dibble Ice Tongue, apparently utilising the Antarctic Slope Front current near the continental shelf break. In 2010, immediately after that year's calving of the Mertz Glacier Tongue, two seals migrated to the same region but penetrated much further southwest across the Adélie Depression and sampled the Commonwealth Bay polynya from March through April. Here we present observations of the regional oceanography during the summer-fall transition, in particular (i) the zonal distribution of modified Circumpolar Deep Water exchange across the shelf break, (ii) the upper ocean stratification across the Adélie Depression, including alongside iceberg C-28 that calved from the Mertz Glacier and (iii) the convective overturning of the deep remnant seasonal mixed layer in Commonwealth Bay from sea ice growth. Heat and freshwater budgets to 200–300 m are used to estimate the ocean heat content (400→50 MJ m−2), flux (50–200 W m−2 loss) and sea ice growth rates (maximum of 7.5–12.5 cm day−1). Mean seal-derived sea ice growth rates were within the range of satellite-derived estimates from 1992–2007 using ERA-Interim data. We speculate that the continuous foraging by the seals within Commonwealth Bay during the summer/fall transition was due to favorable feeding conditions resulting from the convective overturning of the deep seasonal mixed layer and chlorophyll maximum that is a reported feature of this location.

2021 ◽  
Cara Nissen ◽  
Ralph Timmermann ◽  
Mario Hoppema ◽  
Judith Hauck

<p>Deep and bottom water formation regions have long been recognized to be efficient vectors for carbon transfer to depth, leading to carbon sequestration on time scales of centuries or more. Precursors of Antarctic Bottom Water (AABW) are formed on the Weddell Sea continental shelf as a consequence of buoyancy loss of surface waters at the ice-ocean or atmosphere-ocean interface, which suggests that any change in water mass transformation rates in this area affects global carbon cycling and hence climate. Many of the models previously used to assess AABW formation in present and future climates contained only crude representations of ocean-ice shelf interaction. Numerical simulations often featured spurious deep convection in the open ocean, and changes in carbon sequestration have not yet been assessed at all. Here, we present results from the global model FESOM-REcoM, which was run on a mesh with elevated grid resolution in the Weddell Sea and which includes an explicit representation of sea ice and ice shelves. Forcing this model with ssp585 scenario output from the AWI Climate Model, we assess changes over the 21<sup>st</sup> century in the formation and northward export of dense waters and the associated carbon fluxes within and out of the Weddell Sea. We find that the northward transport of dense deep waters (σ<sub>2</sub>>37.2 kg m<sup>-3</sup> below 2000 m) across the SR4 transect, which connects the tip of the Antarctic Peninsula with the eastern Weddell Sea, declines from 4 Sv to 2.9 Sv by the year 2100. Concurrently, despite the simulated continuous increase in surface ocean CO<sub>2</sub> uptake in the Weddell Sea over the 21<sup>st</sup> century, the carbon transported northward with dense deep waters declines from 3.5 Pg C yr<sup>-1</sup> to 2.5 Pg C yr<sup>-1</sup>, demonstrating the dominant role of dense water formation rates for carbon sequestration. Using the water mass transformation framework, we find that south of SR4, the formation of downwelling dense waters declines from 3.5 Sv in the 1990s to 1.6 Sv in the 2090s, a direct result of the 18% lower sea-ice formation in the area, the increased presence of modified Warm Deep Water on the continental shelf, and 50% higher ice shelf basal melt rates. Given that the reduced formation of downwelling water masses additionally occurs at lighter densities in FESOM-REcoM in the 2090s, this will directly impact the depth at which any additional oceanic carbon uptake is stored, with consequences for long-term carbon sequestration.</p>

2019 ◽  
Vol 6 ◽  
Adrienne Hoarfrost ◽  
John Paul Balmonte ◽  
Sherif Ghobrial ◽  
Kai Ziervogel ◽  
John Bane ◽  

1983 ◽  
Vol 34 (1) ◽  
pp. 65 ◽  
E Wolanski ◽  
GL Pickard

A time series of 50 days duration was obtained of sea levels and winds and of temperature and currents at six depths from 27 to 104 m at 18�19'S.,147�21'E. on the continental shelf break between the Great Barrier Reef and the Coral Sea. The sea-level signal had a predominantly mixed solar and lunar semidiurnal tidal period. The currents consisted of a semidiurnal tidal component oriented primarily cross-shelf, except near the sea floor, superimposed on a low-frequency, predominantly longshore, southward component, coherent with depth, in geostrophic balance, and modulated by the longshore wind component Large fluctuations in temperature were observed, consisting of a low-frequency component, possibly generated by internal Kelvin waves, and iiucruarions of predominantiy solar semidiurnai iidai period. The latter fiiictuations are interpreted as evidence of internal tides of amplitude up to 110 m that may be generated by the interaction of the longshore currents with topographic irregularities in the shelf. It is suggested that, during any long-term studies of water properties near the shelf break, some additional monitoring of short-term temporal variations should be carried out to avoid data aliasing by internal tides. The bottom boundary layer appears to be very active in vertical mixing. Internal tides may be very important in introducing other water components, e.g. nutrients, to the outer Great Barrier Reef.

2015 ◽  
Vol 45 (9) ◽  
pp. 2315-2338 ◽  
Alon Stern ◽  
Louis-Philippe Nadeau ◽  
David Holland

AbstractThe interaction between an Antarctic Circumpolar Current–like channel flow and a continental shelf break is considered using eddy-permitting simulations of a quasigeostrophic and a primitive equation model. The experimental setup is motivated by the continental shelf of the West Antarctic Peninsula. Numerical experiments are performed to study how the width and slope of an idealized continental shelf topography affect the characteristics of the flow. The main focus is on the regime where the shelfbreak width is slightly greater than the eddy scale. In this regime, a strong baroclinic jet develops on the shelf break because of the locally stabilizing effect of the topographic slope. The velocity of this jet is set at first order by the gradient of the background barotropic geostrophic contours, which is dominated by the slope of the topography. At statistical equilibrium, an aperiodic cycle is observed. Initially, over a long stable period, an upper-layer jet develops over the shelf break. Once the vertical shear reaches the critical condition for baroclinic instability, the jet becomes unstable and drifts away from the shelf break. The cross-shelf mixing is intrinsically linked with the jet drifting, as most of the meridional flux occurs during this instability period. Investigation of the zonal momentum budget reveals that a strong Reynolds stress divergence inversion across the jet is associated with a drifting event, accelerating one flank of the jet and decelerating the other. The hypothesis that jet drifting may be due to one flank of the jet being more baroclinically unstable than the other is tested using topographic profiles with variable curvatures.

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