Sociotechnical Transformative Effects of an ICT Project in Rural Bangladesh

2020 ◽  
Vol 64 (13) ◽  
pp. 1871-1888 ◽  
Larry Stillman ◽  
Mauro Sarrica ◽  
Misita Anwar ◽  
Anindita Sarker ◽  
Manuela Farinosi

The purpose of this article is to provide lessons from the field about an Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) project (Participatory Research and Ownership With Technology, Information and Change [PROTIC]) concerned with the use of mobile phones by women in remote villages in Bangladesh. The Bangladeshi government considers that the role of ICT in social and economic transformation is significant for the country’s development. International nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) also regard ICT as important but are challenged as how to use them effectively for their programs and how to deal with long-term sustainability, digital divides, gender, and cultural issues. This article considers the PROTIC project as a modeling force for innovation and pressure on established sociotechnical structures. In this analysis, we follow what Donner defines as the “interrelationship” perspective, as applied to ICT4D. In particular, the notions of niche, regime, and landscape will be used to frame the changes that a village-level project may activate or respond to at the micro, meso, and macro levels of sociotechnical interaction. A mixed methods approach has been implemented during the 4 years of the project to monitor its outcomes, including interviews with project participants, reports of monthly consultations and training with villagers, extensive surveys, analysis of the Facebook profile of the project, and field notes and interviews with local NGOs and international NGO staff. Results show that the women villagers have undergone a transformation in attitudes, skills, and practices associated with mobile phone use. Transformations at individual and community niche levels have in turn influenced the conceptual framework of local and international NGOs and have also contributed to the reorientation of other regime actors, such as universities, major NGOs, and the government. Methodological constraints as well as the complexity of conducting international fieldwork with multiple actors will also be discussed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 460-470 ◽  
Xiwen Chen

Purpose Bottlenecked by rural underdevelopment, China’s overall development is bound to be inadequate and unbalanced. Through a brief retrospect of the reform directed against the “equalitarianism (egalitarianism)” in China’s rural areas, as well as the Chinese Government’s conceptual transformation and systemic construction and improvement thereof, the purpose of this paper is to clarify the panoramic significance of rural reform; the necessity, priority, and long-term nature of the current rural development; and the important role of public policy in doing so. It also looks ahead to consider the prospects for future rural reform. Design/methodology/approach This paper first reviews the rural reforms that were carried out in 1978. Second, it introduces the government’s conceptual change regarding rural reform and the establishment and improvement of the system that underlies it. Finally, the future of rural reform is envisaged. Findings The initial rural reforms brought extensive and profound changes to China’s rural areas. The experience of rural reform has been referred to and escalated by other fields of study. Hence, rural reforms have become something of global significance. Moreover, since the government can undertake reforms well beyond the reach of farmers, its views must be modified in a timely manner, and only then may it reasonably construct and improve the system pertaining to the “three rural issues (agriculture, rural areas, and farmers).” Originality/value This paper reviews the rural reforms carried out in 1978. It introduces the government’s change of concept with respect to rural reforms and the establishment and improvement of the system based on the “three rural issues,” thus looking forward to the future of rural reforms. The findings of this paper are of significance to the formulation of future agricultural policies.

2019 ◽  
Vol 1 (02) ◽  
pp. 216-227
Abustan Abustun

Dalam perjalanan ketatanegaraan Indonesia, sistem pemerintahan desa kembali mulai diseragamkan melalui Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan peran lembaga pemerintahan desa dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan berkelanjutan di pedesaan serta tata kelola kebijakan pembangunan desa melalui pemanfaatan Dana Desa. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah penelitian hukum empiris. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa faktor pendukung pelaksanaan tugas Kepala Desa di Kecamatan Trucuk yaitu adanya pengarahan, bimbingan, serta pelatihan bagi Kepala Desa dalam menyusun rancangan peraturan desa untuk mewujudkan percepatan pembangunan desa yang berkelanjutan. Sedangkan faktor yang menghambat pelaksanaan tugas Kepala Desa di Kecamatan Trucuk yaitu rendahnya partisipasi masyarakat dalam menyikapi program kerja yang dijalankan oleh pemerintah desa serta rendahnya kesadaran masyarakat dalam memelihara fasilitas umum yang ada di desa. Pemerintahan desa yang baik adalah sebuah kerangka institusional untuk memperkuat otonomi desa karena secara substantif desentralisasi dan otonomi desa bukan hanya masalah pembagian kewenangan antarlevel pemerintah, melainkan sebagai upaya membawa pemerintah untuk lebih dekat dengan masyarakat. Pemerintah desa yang kuat dan otonom tidak akan bermakna bagi masyarakat tanpa ditopang oleh transparansi, akuntabilitas, responsivitas, dan partisipasi masyarakat.   IMPLEMENTATION OF ACCELERATION OF VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT IN REALIZING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT BASED ON LAW NUMBER 6 YEAR 2014 ABOUT VILLAGE Abstract In the course of the Indonesian state administration, the village government system began to be uniform again through Law Number 6 of 2014 concerning Villages. This research aims to explain the role of village government institutions in the implementation of sustainable development in rural areas and the governance of village development policies through the use of Village Funds. The method used in this research is empirical legal research. The results of this research explain that the supporting factors for the implementation of the duties of the village head in Trucuk Village are direction, guidance, and training for village heads in drafting village regulations to realize the acceleration of sustainable village development. Meanwhile, the factors that hinder the implementation of the duties of the village head in Trucuk Village are the low participation of the community in responding to the work programs run by the village government and the low awareness of the community in maintaining public facilities in the village. Good village governance is an institutional framework to strengthen village autonomy because substantively decentralization and village autonomy are not just a matter of sharing authority between levels of government, but as an effort to bring the government closer to the community. A strong and autonomous village government will not be meaningful to the community without being supported by transparency, accountability, responsiveness and community participation.  

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1 (39)) ◽  
pp. 55-78
Oana-Maria BÎRLEA

This article aims to explain the use and role of cute, adora- ble characters in Japanese advertising. Kawaii culture or the “culture of cute” has become known worldwide mainly because of Hello Kitty, the cat which led the “pink globalization”, as Yano (2013) states. In this paper we have attempted to reveal the symbolism of these apparent meaning- less cute signs and characters. Starting from Hofstede’s theory of cultural dimensions (2001, 2003, 2010), which shows how a society’s culture influ- ences the values of its members, we intended to show how are these kawaii characters used in Japanese advertising and how they fit cultural specif- ics. Used either in non-commercial, educational or commercial advertising, cute personae can make the target audience feel more comfortable, secure and cooperating (Murakami, 2005). In this paper we have discussed the role of three iconic characters: the emblematic Hello Kitty, Kumamon, the lovely bear created by the government of Kumamoto Prefecture (Japan) and Gudetama, a lazy egg yolk produced by the Japanese company Sanrio in 2014. The selected characters reflect different types and personalities and each of them serves a specific purpose, but via the analysis conveyed we conclude that perhaps their main aim is to persuade and create a long-term relationship with the public.

2012 ◽  
pp. 1148-1164
Cathrine T. Nengomasha

Governments have turned to the use of information and communication technologies with the aim of improving service delivery, encouraging citizens in the decision making process, and enhancing accountability, transparency, and effectiveness. Effective inclusive participation of citizens in the government of their country requires access to information through modern technologies. Access to information is vital for transparency, accountability, participation, and the rule of law – all hallmarks of democratic governance. This chapter looks at the role of librarians and records managers in promoting e-government. Their traditional role of collecting, organizing, preserving, and disseminating information places them in a very significant position in e-governance implementation. However, in an electronic environment, they face a number of challenges which include economic, technological, and information literacy. The role played by these professionals, and the challenges each meet are discussed. Some recommendations are provided to enhance the role of these professionals in e-government implementation.

Tolga Demirbas

The “power of the purse” is one of the fundamental powers of the parliament. This power is defined as a parliament’s authority to determine the amount of public expenditures to be made and the category and amount of taxes to be collected from citizens. To exercise this power, parliaments must debate and review the budget drawn up by the government to ensure that it reflects the preferences of citizens. Nevertheless, it is quite apparent that parliaments today do not sufficiently debate government budgets and do not completely exercise their existing authority. This development weakens the political function of the budget process and sometimes leads to non-optimal budget outcomes. Information and communication technologies (ICTs), particularly websites, are significant tools that parliaments have at their disposal to address this problem. When they are effectively designed, parliamentary websites can contribute to more efficient outcomes to the budget process by enabling the members of a parliament and the citizens they represent to involve themselves in that process. This chapter addresses the potential contributions of parliamentary websites to the budget process. These contributions promise to make budget information more transparent and understandable. This chapter engages in this task by using a content-analysis methodology to examine the website of the Turkish parliament.

2020 ◽  
Vol 35 (8) ◽  
pp. 1855-1863 ◽  
Stina Järvholm ◽  
Anders Enskog ◽  
Catrina Hammarling ◽  
Pernilla Dahm-Kähler ◽  
Mats Brännström

Abstract STUDY QUESTION How is a women’s self-image affected by uterus transplantation (UTx)? SUMMARY ANSWER Women experienced receiving a uterus in both positive and negative ways, but in general, their self-image was positively affected; regardless of whether they have given birth to a child or not, recipients describe themselves as being ‘back to normal’ after the hysterectomy to remove the transplanted uterus. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY UTx has repeatedly proved to be a successful treatment for absolute uterine factor infertility. However, there has been no previous qualitative long-term research into the self-image of women undergoing UTx. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION This complete, prospective cohort study included the nine recipients of the first UTxs performed in Sweden mostly in 2013. Interviews took place in the 5 years following surgery. PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING, METHODS Eight out of the nine recipients had congenital absence of the uterus, a characteristic of Mayer–Rokitansky–Küster–Hauser syndrome, and one recipient lacked a uterus after a radical hysterectomy due to cervical cancer. The mean age of participants was 31.5 years at inclusion and at this time they all lived in stable marital relationships. Post-transplantation, interviews were performed annually for 5 years, comprising a total of 43 interviews. The interview followed a semi-structured guide. All interviews (median duration of around 25 minutes) were recorded, transcribed verbatim and then analysed by thematic approach. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE The joys and frustrations of becoming a ‘complete’ woman are seen as a master theme, which influences the three underlying subthemes, a changed self-perception, a changed body and a changed sexuality. Each of these subthemes have three underlying categories. LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION The small sample size is a limitation. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS The results provide information that will be helpful in pre-operative screening procedures and in the psychological support offered both to women who experienced successful and unsuccessful outcomes following UTx. STUDY FUNDING/COMPETING INTEREST(S) Funding was received from the Jane and Dan Olsson Foundation for Science; the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation; an ALF grant from the Swedish state under an agreement between the government and the county councils; the Swedish Research Council; a Ferring Pharmaceuticals scholarship in memory of Robert Edwards; and the Iris Jonzén-Sandblom and Greta Jonzén Foundation. The authors have no competing interests. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER NCT01844362.

2019 ◽  
Vol 33 (1) ◽  
pp. 27-41 ◽  
Suzanne Jozefowicz ◽  
Merlin Stone ◽  
Eleni Aravopoulou

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to explain the rise of geospatial data, its importance for business and some of the problems associated with its development and use. Design/methodology/approach The paper reviews a certain amount of previously published literature but is based mainly on analysis of the very large number of responses to a consultation paper on geospatial data published by the UK Government. Findings The findings are that while there is strong appreciation of the potential benefits of using geospatial data, there are many barriers to the development, sharing and use of geospatial data, ranging from problems of incompatibility in data definitions and systems to regulatory issues. The implication for governments and for providers and users of geospatial data relates to the need to take a long-term approach to planning in resolving the issues identified. Research limitations/implications The research findings are limited to the UK, but similar findings would be likely in any other large Western country. Practical implications This paper confirms the need for a strong and coherent approach to the planning of geospatial data and systems for the establishment of a clear basis for the different parties to work together and the need to clearly separate the roles of the government in establishing frameworks and standards and the role of the private sector in developing applications and solutions. Social implications Society is increasingly dependent on the use of geospatial data, in improving living standards and dealing with social problems. The recommendations identified in this paper, if followed, will facilitate these improvements. Originality/value The value of this paper is the tight synthesis that it provides of a wide ranging and complex range of responses to the UK Government consultation and placing these responses in the wider context of the development of geospatial data.

2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 146
Wahdania Suardi ◽  
Suswanta Suswanta

This study aims to describe the role of the government-private and role of the government-NGO coalition in Green Open Space Based Urban Governance in Makassar City. This type of research is qualitative, research conducted to systematically search for and compile all data obtained, both interview data, field notes and other data that support research. The results of this study indicate that the confidence of the private / private sector in the city government green open space policy is still low because the government's political will problem is that it does not involve all components in the private sector. One of the strategies is optimizing planters in RTR in strategic areas such as in the Untia region. The strategy that is pressed on the private sector is segmentation of activities that can increase green open space. Decisions taken by the private or private sector are based on the mission of the organization itself which has environmental concerns as outlined through CSR programs, the program is not intervened by the city government. Although there have been Regional Regulations Number 3 of 2014 concerning the arrangement and management of green open spaces but not yet assessed WALHI has provided significant progress for the addition of RTH in Makassar Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peran koalisi pemerintah-swasta dan peran koalisi pemerintah-LSM Dalam Tata Kelola Perkotaan Berbasis Ruang Terbuka Hijau (RTH) di Kota Makassar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah kualitatif, penelitian yang dilakukan untuk mencari dan menyusun secara sistematis seluruh data yang diperoleh baik itu data hasil wawancara, catatan lapangan dan data-data lain yang sifatnya menunjang penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa keyakinan sektor swasta/privat terhadap kebijakan RTH pemerintah kota masih rendah karena persoalan political will dari pemerintah yang kurang melibatkan seluruh komponen pada sektor swasta. Salah satu strateginya adalah optimalisasi penanam pada RTR Kawasan strategis seperti di Kawasan Untia. Strategi yang ditekan pada pihak swasta adalah segmentasi pada kegiatan yang dapat meningkatkan ruang terbuka hijau. Keputusan yang diambil sektor privat atau swasta adalah berdasarkan misi dari organisasi itu sendiri yang memiliki kepedulian terhadap lingkungan yang dituangkan melalui program CSR, program tersebut tidak mendapat intervensi oleh pemerintah kota. Meskipun telah ada Peraturan Daerah Nomor 3 Tahun 2014 tentang penataan dan pengelolaan ruang terbuka hijau namun belum dinilai WALHI memberikan kemajuan berarti bagi penambahan RTH di Kota Makassar

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 230
Robist Hidayat

<p><em>Abstra</em><em>k</em><strong><em> -</em></strong> <strong>Kesehatan merupakan faktor penting  kehidupan, tak terkecuali  kaum urban di perkotaan besar di Indonesia, banyak permasalahan terjadi, prasarana idak memadai, kehidupan yang buruk menimbulkan masalah serius baik sekarang dan masa yang akan datang. Salah satu bagian kaum urban adalah pemuda, merupakan kaum di antara anak-anak dan juga dewasa. Sehingga di harapkan memiliki solusi untuk menghadapi permsaalahan tersebut.</strong><strong> </strong><strong>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaiman peranan pemuda mengkaji permasalahan yang terjadi sehingga bisa mendapatkan solusi sederhana untuk mengatasi permasalahan kaum urban diperkotaan besar. Adapun metode yang digunakan penulis yakni metode deskriptif, mengkaji serta menganalisis literasi-literasi yang ada dan menyimpulkan menjadi sebuah solusi dari permasalahan yang penulis ungkapkan. Adapun hasil dari penelitian ini ,bahwa permasalahan kaum urban terletak pada tidak adanya program yang jelas serta terperinci secara baik, baik itu dari pemerintah daerah maupun pusat. Sehingga hal ini menjadi permasalahan bersama bukan salah satu pihak semata. Adapun yang bisa pemuda berikan solusi: yakni mencangkup program dan juga kebijakan, program yang di berikan yakni terdiri 3 tahap,</strong><strong> </strong><strong>yaitu: jangka pendek, menengah dan panjang. Adapun alasannya yaitu program tersebut di  terapkan sesuai dengan kebutuhan kaum urban serta kebijakan yang  merupakan wewenang dari pemerintah. Bisa disimpulkan, pemuda memiliki peranan penting dalam mengkaji ataupun memberikan solusi yang terbaik untuk kesehatan kaum urban.</strong></p><p><em>Abstract </em><strong>- Health is an important factor of life, including urban in large urban areas in Indonesia, many problems occur, infrastructure is inadequate, a bad life causes serious problems both now and in the future. One part of the urban community is youth, is a family among children and also adults. So that it is expected to have a solution to deal with these problems. This study aims to see how the role of youth examines the problems that occur so that they can get a simple solution to overcome urban problems in large cities. The method used by the author is descriptive method, reviewing and analyzing existing literacy and concluding to be a solution to the problems that the writer reveals. The results of this study, that the problem of urbanites lies in the absence of a clear and well-detailed program, both from the local and central government. So this matter becomes a common problem, </strong><strong>not</strong><strong> only one part. As for what the youth can provide a solution: namely covering the program and also the policy, the program provided is consisting of</strong><strong> </strong><strong>3 stages, namely: short, medium and long term. The reason is that the program is implemented in accordance with the needs of the urbanites and policies that are the authority of the government. It can be concluded, youth have an important role in assessing or providing the best solution for urban health.</strong></p><p><strong><em>Keywords</em></strong> – <em>Role of Youth, </em><em>Urban Community Health, Problems, Programs</em><em></em></p>

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 155-166
M.Daimul Abror ◽  
Heri Sunarno

AbstractThe voter turnout 3 last period (1999-2009) has decreased significantly. At 1999 92.6%choseen and 7.3% abstains, at 2004 84.1% choseen and 15.9% abstains, at 2009 70.9%choosen and 29.1% abstains. ( These conditions encourage KPURI toform Volunteer Democracy (VD) as an agent that helps the socialization of Election 2014.This study aims to comprehensively assess the role of VD as "Election Marketer" in PrincipalAgency Theory (PAT) perspective. This study uses qualitative research with case studyapproach. The results are (1) Relation between KPUD Pasuruan with VD is KPUDPasuruan (principal) provide delegates to VD (agent) (2). Contract model of VD in twoaspects, the type of contract that the contract model is short Term Contracts, and the type ofboth relationship are relation between government and civil society; (3) In carrying out itsrole as election marketer, VD fulfill four criteria in PAT perspective. The weakness of themodel contract of VD are Short Term Contracts must be solved by entering into a Long TermContracts to be interwoven communication simultaneously between the government in thiscase between KPUD Pasuruan with VD as the embodiment of Civil Societies participation isrepresented by five segments groups of voters.keywords: Volunteers Democracy, Election Marketer, ElectionAbstrakTingkat partisipasi pemilih 3 periode terakhir (1999–2009) mengalami penurunan sangatsignifikan, yakni Pemilu 1999 memilih 92,6% dan Golput 7,3%, Pemilu 2004 memilih 84,1%dan golput 15,9% Pemilu 2009 memilih 70,9% dan golput 29,1%. ( tersebut mendorong KPURI untuk membentuk Relawan Demokrasi (RELASI)sebagai agen yang membantu sosialisasi Pemilu 2014. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkajisecara komprehensif tentang peran RELASI sebagai “Election Marketer” dalam perpektifPrincipal Agency Theory (PAT). Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatifdengan pendekatan studi kasus. Penelitian ini menghasilkan (1) Hubungan RELASI denganKPUD Kabupaten Pasuruan adalah KPUD Kabupaten Pasuruan (principal) memberikandelegasi kepada RELASI (agent) (2). Model kontrak RELASI teridentifikasi pada dua aspek,yakni dari jenis kontrak bahwa model kontrak RELASI bersifat short Term Contracts, danjenis hubungan KPUD Kabupaten Pasuruan dengan RELASI mendeskripsikan hubunganantara pemerintah dengan civil society; (3) Dalam menjalankan perannya sebagai electionmarketer, RELASI memenuhi empat persyaratan dalam perspektif PAT. Kelemahan modelkontrak RELASI yang masih bersifat Short Term Contracts harus segera dipecahkansolusinya dengan mengadakan kontrak yang bersifat Long Term Contracts agar dapatterjalin komunikasi yang simultan antara pihak pemerintah dalam hal ini KPUD KabupatenPasuruan dengan RELASI sebagai perwujudan dari Civil Societies participation yangterwakili oleh lima segmen kelompok pemilih.keywords: Relawan Demokrasi, Election Marketer, Pemilihan Umum

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