Association Between Salivary Flow Rate and the Use of Systemic Medication Among 76-, 81-, and 86-year-old Inhabitants in Helsinki, Finland

1992 ◽  
Vol 71 (12) ◽  
pp. 1875-1880 ◽  
T.O. Narhi ◽  
J.H. Meurman ◽  
A. Ainamo ◽  
J.M. Nevalainen ◽  
K.G. Schmidt-Kaunisaho ◽  

The aim of this study was to examine salivary flow rate and its association with the use of medication in a representative sample of 76-, 81-, and 86-year-old subjects, totaling 368. In this study, 23% (n = 80) of the subjects were unmedicated. From one to three daily medications were used by 47% (n = 168) and more than four medications by 30% (n = 104). The most commonly used medications were nitrates, digitalis or anti-arrhythmic drugs (47.7%), analgesics and antipyretics (32.6%), and diuretics (29.5%). The mean number used daily was significantly higher in 86-year-olds than in the two younger age groups (p < 0.01). No significant differences in this respect were found between genders. Among the unmedicated subjects, 76-year-olds had significantly higher stimulated salivary flow rates than did the 81-year-olds (p < 0.05). Unmedicated women showed significantly lower unstimulated (p < 0.01) and stimulated flow rates than did men (p < 0.05). Stimulated salivary flow rate was also significantly higher in the 76-year-old medicated subjects than in the medicated 86-year-old subjects (p < 0.05). No statistically significant differences were found in unstimulated salivary flow rates among the three age groups. Medicated women showed significantly lower unstimulated salivary flow rates than men (p < 0.001), although the difference in stimulated saliva flow was not significant. A statistically significant difference in unstimulated and stimulated salivary flow rates was found between unmedicated persons and those who took from four to six, or more than seven, prescribed medications daily.

1992 ◽  
Vol 71 (6) ◽  
pp. 1275-1278 ◽  
M. Navazesh ◽  
R.A. Mulligan ◽  
V. Kipnis ◽  
P.A. Denny ◽  
P.C. Denny

Unstimulated and chewing-stimulated whole saliva samples were obtained from 42 healthy Caucasians; 21 were between 18 and 35 years of age, and 21 between 65 and 83 years of age. The unstimulated salivary flow rate was significantly lower in the aged group, but the stimulated flow rate was significantly higher in the aged than in the young group. Both groups showed significantly increased flow during salivary stimulation. MG1 and MG2 concentrations in unstimulated and stimulated saliva samples were significantly lower in the aged group. There were no significant correlations between salivary flow rates and MG1 and MG2 concentrations.

2020 ◽  
Vol 32 (2) ◽  
Rizki Amalina ◽  
Mahdalena Mahdalena ◽  
Grahita Aditya

Introduction: Saliva contains numerous proteins and electrolytes that may serve as biomarkers of pathological conditions, including periodontitis. Saliva flow also influenced by pathological conditions, such as periodontitis. Therefore, saliva analysis, as one of the biomarker source needs to be examined. This study was aimed to analyse the differences salivary inorganic ions levels (calcium, phosphate, and bicarbonate) and salivary flow rate in periodontitis and non-periodontitis patients. Methods: This research was analytic-observational using two groups, the healthy periodontal group consisting of 21 people (PI scores between 0-0.2) and the periodontitis group consisting of 21 people (PI scores between 0.7-8.0). Unstimulated saliva was collected using a passive drolling method. The calcium, phosphate and bicarbonate levels in the saliva were analysed using UV/Vis spectrophotometers. Results: Calcium, phosphate and bicarbonate levels in saliva were different between groups. Salivary flow rate also different between groups. There was a significant difference (p = 0.00) in the calcium, phosphate and bicarbonate levels between groups (t-test), and also significantly different (p = 0.000) salivary flow rate between groups. The higher the salivary flow rate, the higher the levels of calcium, phosphate and bicarbonate would be. Conclusion: Periodontitis condition increases the level of salivary inorganic ions and salivary flow rate because of periodontal inflammation. This inflammation mainly because of plaque deposition and calculus. Increased level of inorganic ions in the saliva such as calcium, phosphate, and bicarbonate, and also the salivary flow rate indicates the existence of a periodontal disease.

2018 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
pp. 161
Lutfi Laili N ◽  
Febrina Rahmayanti ◽  
Afi Savitri Sarsito

Objective: The objective of this study is to determine the profiles of saliva between sexes, age groups, types of systemic disease, medications, and xerostomia on an elderly population in Depok.Methods: The study was observational analytical with a cross-sectional study design. Sampling was through a consecutive sampling technique in subjects aged ≥60 years living in Depok. Subjects were examined for their saliva’s volume, stimulated and unstimulated salivary analysis, pH, and buffer capacity. Subjects answered fox questionnaires about xerostomia and questionnaires about systemic diseases and medications.Results: Gender had a significant difference in salivary flow rate but was not significant to pH or buffer capacity. There were no significant differences between types of salivary profile among age, systemic diseases, and medications. The correlation coefficient between xerostomia and stimulated flow rate was higher (0.426) than the unstimulated flow rate (0.303).Conclusion: The unstimulated and stimulated flow rates exhibited a significant difference between men and women but did not differ significantly between age groups, systemic diseases, or medications. The pH and buffer capacity was not significantly different between sexes, age groups, type of systemic diseases, or medications. Xerostomia was associated with salivary flow rate.

2020 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 37
Dyah Ayu Lestari ◽  
Regina TC. Tandelilin ◽  
Friska Ani Rahman

Introduction: The Yogyakarta Special Region ranks sixth for highest number of smokers of the 33 provinces in Indonesia. Smokers account for 31.6% of the total population. Sleman Regency ranks fourth in daily consumption of cigarettes of the five regencies or cities in Yogyakarta. The body part most exposed to direct cigarette smoke is the oral cavity. Saliva is a liquid secreted inside the oral cavity to act as a buffer. Nicotine content in conventional cigarettes is known to diminish the salivary flow rate and the acidity (pH) of the saliva. A continual decrease in saliva pH over time may cause dental caries. The use of electronic cigarettes is a nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) method to help people quit smoking; they emit a lower nicotine level than conventional cigarettes. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the saliva pH, salivary flow rates, and caries index of electronic cigarette smokers. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional method to compare the saliva pH, salivary flow rate, and caries index of 30 smokers of electronic cigarettes and 30 non-smokers as a control group. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 22.0 software and considered statistically significant at p < 0.05. Results: The Mann-Whitney analysis showed a significant difference in the saliva pH between electronic cigarette smokers and non-smokers. Independent T-Test analysis showed no significant difference in the salivary flow rates of the two groups. The Mann-Whitney analysis also showed no significant difference in the caries index of the groups. Conclusion: Results indicated that there is a significant difference in the saliva pH of electronic cigarette smokers, while the salivary flow rates and caries indices of electronic cigarette smokers and non-smokers were similar.

e-GIGI ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 5 (2) ◽  
Feiby Rawung ◽  
Jane Wuisan ◽  
Michael A. Leman

Abstract: Mouthwash is one of the accessible oral healthcare and practical for use by the community. Various commercial products contain more than one active ingredient; the most common one is alcohol with varied concentrations from 6% to 26%. Mouthwash with high concentration of alcohol can cause some effects to some users, like burning and dry sensation of the oral mucosa. Dry oral mucosa caused by reduced saliva production will be more susceptible to irritation. Reduced amount of saliva also causes lower oral pH which leads to increased growth of cariogenic bacteria. This study was aimed to investigate the influence of alcoholic mouthwash to salivary flow and salivary pH. This was a quasi-experiment study with before and after treatment groups. The population study was students of Dental Medical Education Program of Medical Faculty of University of Sam Ratulangi, Manado, batch 2012, with a total of 30 respondents obtained by using purposive sampling method. The T test showed that salivary flow rate before and after treatment had no significant difference (p >0.05) based on T test. Moreover, the Wilcoxon test showed that there was no significant difference of salivary pH between before and after treatment (p >0.05). Conclusion: There was no effect of rinsing with alcoholic mouthwash on salivary flow and salivary pH.Keywords: alcoholic mouthwash, salivary flow rate, salivary pH Abstrak: Obat kumur merupakan salah satu produk perawatan kesehatan gigi dan mulut yang mudah diperoleh dan praktis digunakan sendiri oleh masyarakat. Berbagai produk komersial mengandung lebih dari satu bahan aktif; salah satunya yaitu alkohol dengan konsentrasi bervariasi dari 6% hingga 26,9%. Kandungan alkohol yang tinggi dapat menimbulkan efek bagi sebagian pengguna, seperti sensasi terbakar dan kering di area mukosa mulut disebabkan berkurangnya saliva yang memudahkan terjadinya iritasi. Berkurangnya saliva juga menyebabkan pH mulut rendah sehingga pertumbuhan bakteri kariogenik meningkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh obat kumur beralkohol terhadap laju aliran saliva dan pH saliva. Jenis penelitian ialah eksperimen semu dengan kelompok sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan. Populasi penelitian yaitu mahasiswa Angkatan Tahun 2012 Program Studi Pendidikan Dokter Gigi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado yang berjumlah 30 responden, diperoleh dengan purposive sampling. Hasil uji T berpasangan mennunjukkan data laju aliran saliva sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan tidak memiliki perbedaan bermakna (p >0,05). Berdasarkan uji Wilcoxon, data pH saliva sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan tidak memiliki perbedaan bermakna (p >0,05). Simpulan: Tidak terdapat pengaruh berkumur dengan obat kumur beralkohol terhadap laju aliran saliva dan pH saliva.Kata kunci: obat kumur beralkohol, laju aliran saliva, pH saliva

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (10) ◽  
pp. 460-465
Kiki Erika Tampubolon ◽  
Wilda Hafny Lubis ◽  
Awaluddin Saragih ◽  

Endocrine and biological changes occur in postmenopausal women, the production of steroid sex hormones that affect the health of the oral cavity, with the reduction of all or part of estrogen resulting in xerostomia (dry mouth). The treatment of Xerostomia was carried out using local, mechanical and chemical stimulation. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of gargling of green tea steeping on salivary flow rates in postmenopausal women with xerostomia at Darussalam Public Health Center in Medan.This is an experimental study using the design of control group, pretest-posttest and the non-probability of purposive sampling. Fourty menopausal women with xerostomia were used as sample. The treatment group gargled with green tea steeping while the control group gargled with distilled water. Saliva was collected into the pots for three minutes before and after treatment by spitting method. The analytical test used was the paired T-test and the unpaired.The results showed that there was an increase in salivary flow rate with green tea brushing rinse by 0.281750 ml/min and with aquades rinsing by 0.03335 ml/min. Furthermore, there was an effect of gargling with green tea steeping, namely an increase in the flow rate of saliva and this research can be an alternative treatment to relieve xerostomia in menopausal women.The green tea gargling was better in stimulating salivary flow rate.

2019 ◽  
Vol 0 (0) ◽  
Marwa Mrag ◽  
Asma Kassab ◽  
Asma Omezzine ◽  
Raoua Belkacem Chebil ◽  
Fatma Ben Fredj Ismail ◽  

Summary Background The purpose of the present study was to assess saliva reliability in diagnosis and monitoring type 2 diabetes instead of blood. Methods Blood and unstimulated whole saliva were collected from 300 type 2 diabetic subjects and 300 healthy controls in fasting. Then, the salivary flow rate was calculated. All parameters including glucose, urea, amylase, total protein, albumin, C-reactive protein (CRP), immunoglobulin A (IgA), potassium, calcium and chloride were assessed in the supernatant, using an autoanalyzer. Oral exam was conducted by a single examiner on full mouth excluding third molars. Statistical analysis was performed by the SPSS 20.0 version. Results Saliva screening showed that glucose, urea, amylase, total protein, potassium, calcium and chloride were significantly higher in patients compared to controls (p < 0.05). Whereas, the IgA level and salivary flow rate were significantly reduced in patients (p < 0.05). No significant difference was found in albumin and CRP levels (p = 0.05). There was a significant positive correlation between salivary and plasma glucose levels (r = 0.887, and r = 0.900, p < 0.001), as well as, salivary and blood urea (r = 0.586, and r = 0.688, p < 0.001) in patients and controls, respectively. Conclusions From this study, saliva could be suggested as a useful diagnostic tool for type 2 diabetes.

2006 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 8-12 ◽  
Sandra Regina Torres ◽  
Marcio Nucci ◽  
Estevão Milanos ◽  
Renata Pessoa Pereira ◽  
Alessandra Massaud ◽  

The salivary flow rate (SFR) in healthy individuals may vary according to different factors. There is a scarcity of studies from different geographical areas that analyze SFR variations in children. The aim of this study was to verify stimulated salivary flow rate (SFR) variations in 6 to 12-year-old children, from four different public schools of Rio de Janeiro and correlate these data to gender, age, type of dentition, and health status. Clinical data were taken from the children's medical records that were kept at those schools. Oral examination and sialometry were performed in every child. Salivary flow rate was obtained by chewing-stimulated whole saliva under standard conditions. There were significant differences in SFR according to age (p = 0.0003). Six and 12-year-old children showed the lowest SFR, and when they were excluded from the analysis, no significant differences were found (p = 0.21). There were also significant differences in SFR among children from different public schools (p = 0.0009). The gender did not show any correlation to SFR, even when children were stratified by age (p = 0.36). Correlation between SFR and deciduous, mixed or permanent dentition was not found as well. These results show that the analyzed clinical variables did not seem to influence SFR in this children population.

2019 ◽  
Vol 24 (2) ◽  
Iwona Przywitowska ◽  
Urszula Kaczmarek ◽  
Grzegorz Bartnicki ◽  
Alina Wrzyszcz-Kowalczyk

Introduction. Data regarding salivary flow and the levels of salivary components in developmental age are scarce and not fully consistent. Aim. The aim of the study was to compare unstimulated mixed saliva flow rate, pH and total protein in children aged between 5 and 18 years to obtain information on the functional maturation of salivary glands during the developmental period. Material and methods. A total of 90 children and adolescents (both sexes) aged between 5 and 18 years were examined. All subjects were caries-free (ICDA II score zero). Unstimulated mixed saliva was sampled from all patients to assess pH, total protein and flow rate. The subjects were divided into age groups 5-6, 13-14 and 18 years. The study was approved by the Bioethics Committee of the University (No. Nr KB-335/2013). Results. Significantly lower salivary flow rates were observed in 5-6 year olds vs. 13-14 and 18-year-olds. In contrast, pH values were significantly higher in the youngest group compared to older age groups. Total protein was the lowest in 5-6 year olds, higher in 13-14 year olds and the highest at the age of 18 years (significant difference between age groups of 5-6 and 18 years). A decreasing trend in pH values and an increasing one in protein levels were observed between the age groups. Considering the entire group of subjects, a positive correlation between age and salivary flow rate and protein levels, and a negative correlation with pH were found. Moreover, pH and protein levels decreased with increasing salivary flow. Conclusions. Unstimulated mixed saliva flow rate and total protein increase, while pH levels decrease between the ages of 5 to 18 years.

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