Application of the Sads Diagnostic Interview to Forensic Psychiatry
1981 ◽
Vol 9
pp. 329-344
The Schedule of Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia (SADS), a sophisticated, semi-structured diagnostic interview, is introduced as a significant advance in forensic evaluations. Pertinent research on the SADS' development is summarized and its administration and use in the forensic setting are described in detail. Particular attention is focused on evaluations involving legal questions of sanity, fitness to stand trial, and treatability in delineating the clinical strengths and limitations of the SADS diagnostic interview.
1993 ◽
Vol 23
pp. 967-975
1987 ◽
Vol 32
pp. 287-290
2007 ◽
Vol 195
pp. 350-352
1998 ◽
pp. 97-130
2018 ◽
Vol 212
pp. 301-307
2006 ◽
Vol 188
pp. 278-283