Twenty one years of HIV/AIDS medicines in the newspaper: patents, protest, and philanthropy

2017 ◽  
Vol 40 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-93 ◽  
Thomas Owen

In 1996, highly active antiretrovirals (ARVs) were released to the public, radically altering the health prospects of people living with HIV and AIDS. In the two decades since, ARVs have become the subject of intense political debate and social justice mobilization. In particular, ARV intellectual property patent protections have become a high-profile trade and diplomacy issue, while major philanthropic organizations have entered the fray to support large-scale treatment programs. This article maps 21 years of HIV/AIDS medicines coverage in mainstream newspapers to illustrate these developments and contestations. It demonstrates two main processes: first, where civil society mobilization successfully promoted ARVs onto the media and policy agenda, and second, where issue fragmentation and a changing political and media context saw ARVs dramatically exit the news coverage, despite the continuing catastrophic scale of the global HIV/AIDS medicines crisis.

2018 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Fithamlak Bistegen Solomon ◽  
Banchalem Nega Angore ◽  
Hailu Chare Koyra ◽  
Efrata Girma Tufa ◽  
Tezera Moshago Berheto ◽  

2002 ◽  
Johannes van Dam ◽  
Sherry Hutchinson

As of December 2001, the number of people living with HIV/AIDS is estimated at 40 million, and most live in the developing world. Advances in the development and availability of antiretroviral (ARV) drugs have led to a paradigm shift in most of the industrialized world, where highly active ARV therapy has resulted in a significant reduction in the prevalence of AIDS-related morbidity and mortality. In most of the developing world, however, the focus of national programs and international support continues to be on prevention and care in the absence of ARV treatment. While the moral imperative to provide the best possible treatment for people with AIDS-related disease is widely recognized, national governments and donors have been reluctant to enter into this endeavor citing numerous concerns. Ministries of health and the international donor community need guidance on developing and implementing effective HIV/AIDS treatment programs. To explore and prioritize operations research questions about access to treatment for HIV/AIDS, the Horizons Program convened a two-day meeting of international researchers and program managers in Washington, DC, on June 12–13, 2001. This report presents the findings and recommendations discussed at the meeting.

2017 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 92
Arrum Firda Ayu Maqfiroch ◽  
Zahroh Shaluhiyah

ABSTRAKPenanggulangan HIV AIDS membutuhkan keterlibatan dari berbagai pihak. Salah satu pihak yang terlibat adalah OHIDHA. OHIDHA merupakan anggota keluarga yang hidup bersama ODHA dan memberikan dukungan kepada ODHA. Stigma di Kabupaten Sukoharjo dan Grobogan masih tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor apakah yang menentukan respons OHIDHA dalam upaya penanggulangan HIV AIDS di Kabupaten Sukoharjo dan Grobogan.Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Teknik pengambilan data kuantitatif melalui wawancara dengan kuesioner. Penelitian ini didukung dengan penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengambilan data FGD. Jumlah responden adalah 92 OHIDHA, proporsi 50% dan selang kepercayaan 95%. Analisis data menggunakan analisis univariat dengan distribusi frekuensi, bivariat menggunakan Chi-Square dan multivariat menggunakan regresi logistik.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variabel yang berhubungan dengan respons OHIDHA adalah hubungan dengan ODHA (p-value=0,001), lama hidup dengan ODHA (p-value=0,030), lama mengetahui status ODHA (p-value=0,001) dan sikap (p-value=0,005). Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa sikap (p-value=0,006) merupakan variabel yang mempunyai pengaruh paling signifikan dibanding variabel lainnya.Kata Kunci : OHIDHA, respons, Grobogan, Sukoharjo Respons of People Living With HIV AIDS to Control HIV and AIDS in Sukoharjo and Grobogan District; Controlling HIV and AIDS requird the involvement of various sector. One of the sector involved is People Living With HIV AIDS (PLWHA).  PLWHA is a family member who lives with people living with HIV and provide support to people living with HIV. Stigma in Sukoharjo and Grobogan still high. This study aims to determine the factors that determine whether the PLWHA response in control to HIV and AIDS in Sukoharjo Grobogan. This research was a quantitative study with cross sectional approach. Quantitative data collection techniques through interviews with questionnaires . This research was supported by qualitative research with FGD. The number of respondents was 92 PLWHA, the proportion of 50% and 95% confidence interval . Analysis of the data using univariate analysis with frequency distribution, bivariate using Chi-Square and multivariate using logistic regression. The results showed that the variables related to the PLWHA response is a relationship with people living with HIV ( p = 0,001 ) , long life with people living with HIV ( p = 0.030 ) , longer know the status of PLWHA ( 0.001 ) and attitude ( p = 0.005 ). Multivariate analysis showed that the attitude (p value = 0,006) was a variable that has the most significant effect compared to other variables .Keywords : AIDS , response , Grobogan , Sukoharjo

2016 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 213-217
Endah Tri Suryani

The spread of HIV and AIDS in Indonesia over the last five years is quite high. United NationsAIDS (UNAIDS) even dub Indonesia as an Asia’s country with most spread of HIV/AIDS. However thefear of stigma and discrimination against PLWHA (people living with HIV/AIDS) remains a majorobstacle. The purpose of this research was to describe self stigma of HIV/AIDS in poly Cendana NgudiWaluyo Hospital Wlingi based questionnaire ISMI (Internalized Stigma of Mental Illness) that includeda portrait of alienation, acceptance of stereotypes, experience of discrimination, social withdrawal,and rejection of stigma. The samples were 27 people with HIV/AIDS. The results showed that generallyself stigma of HIV/AIDS were low 44.4% (12 patients). This result, indicated that the motivation ofpeople living with HIV/AIDS as well as their moral support was instrumental in lowering self-stigma.Recommendations from this study were expected for health care to prevent and overcome self stigma ofHIV/AIDS.

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 43-52
David Ufuoma Adje ◽  
Felicia Esemekiphorar Williams ◽  
Chukwuka Nicholas Bezugbe ◽  
Dauda Audi Dangiwa

Background:       Adherence to Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) is critical in achieving treatment goals, avoiding antimicrobial resistance, preventing treatment failure and improving the patient’s quality of life. Objectives: To assess the knowledge of antiretroviral therapy (ART) and adherence to antiretroviral (ARVs) medicines amongst People Living With HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) accessing care in two Nigerian Military HIV/AIDS Treatment sites. Methods: Four hundred patients on HAART who visited the study sites during the study period were recruited for the study using systematic random sampling method. A semi-structured, pretested, interviewer-administered questionnaire was used to obtain demographic details. Patients’ knowledge of HIV was assessed using an 8-item questionnaire while adherence was measured using the Simplified Medication Adherence Questionnaire (SMAQ). Results: The predominant age group was 31-40 years (46.4%). There were more females (69%) than males (31%). Only 45.5% answered knowledge questions correctly. The adherence level in this study was 64.0%. The major reasons cited for non-adherence included being away from home (23.6%), forgetfulness (17.1%), busy schedule (14%), need to conceal medication (12.7%) and feeling better (11.6%). Conclusion: Patients’ knowledge of ART and adherence to ARVs medicines were sub-optimal. Appropriate strategies to improve patients’ knowledge of ART and adherence to ARVs are recommended.

2019 ◽  
Vol 34 (5) ◽  
pp. 1529-1535
Rumiana Budjeva

Stigma is a powerful tool for social control. It can be used to differentiate, exclude or exert pressure on certain individuals or groups of people who have certain characteristics. Stigma does great harm to both the individual and society as a whole. The main objective of stigma is to maintain visible the negative qualities of the individual in order to place them in a disadvantaged position and lasting social and psychological isolation. However, stigma goes beyond the level of the individual and becomes a social problem when it affects wider categories of people. The main purpose of the report is to seek adequate scientific approaches and methods to understanding and study of the phenomenon social stigma. Stigmatized people are often subject to rejection and social exclusion. In its extreme forms stigma turns into discrimination which directly violates their civil and human rights. Stigma and discrimination, seen as violations of fundamental human rights, can occur at different levels: political, economic, social, psychological and institutional. As social processes through which social control is created and maintained, generating, legitimizing and reproducing social inequality, stigma and discrimination are at the heart of the vicious circle in which some groups of people are underestimated and others feel superior and untouchable. To illustrate the process of stigmatization, we will use the example of people living with HIV / AIDS. Theory of stigmatization plays an important explanatory role in the experience of a comprehensive understanding of the social relations of phenomena such as HIV / AIDS. The deep understanding of the mechanisms by which stigma and discriminatory attitudes affect the overall life of people living with HIV / AIDS will help us not only to treat adequate them, but to form a workable and effective action against the spread of the disease. From the moment when scientists are confronted with HIV and AIDS, the social response to fear, denial, stigma and discrimination has accompanied the epidemic. It can be said that HIV and AIDS are more of a social phenomenon than a pure biological or medical problem. It leads to an unfounded sense of shame and guilt and a sense of futility. Stigma incites depression and despair, causes lack of self-esteem. It pushes people to mental and social isolation and deprives them of support and care, increasing their vulnerability. In this way, stigma exacerbates the negative impact of the disease and increases the risk of its spread.

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