Habermas and the critique of political economy

2020 ◽  
pp. 019145372091993
J.F Dorahy

In recent years, a series of key social, political and economic events has placed the critique of capitalism very much on the theoretical agenda. Responding to these developments, many have begun to express the need for a rapprochement between social criticism and the critique of political economy. The present essay represents a contribution to the recovery of the project that was once synonymous with critical theory itself via a critical engagement with the early writings of Jürgen Habermas. Not only is Habermas’ explicit engagement with the critique of political economy among the most substantial to be found within the mainstream tradition of critical theory, his early social-theoretical insights into the emergent ‘primacy of the political’ in late capitalism can be taken as representative of a number of broader trends in late-20th-century thought which sought to go beyond the premises and categories of Marx’s economic works. Simply put, no reappraisal of the relationship between critical theory and the critique of political economy can succeed, I submit, without taking seriously Habermas’s path-breaking and wide-ranging innovations.

1996 ◽  
Vol 26 (102) ◽  
pp. 17-36
Frank Biermann

This essay cxplores the political economy of ocean space, i.e. the political process of appropriation and exploitation of the seas by human societies in the 20th century. The analysis focuses on two developments: the progrcssing acquisition of ocean space and marine resourccs by coastal states, and the establishment of a substantial body of legal rules governing the remaining freedom rights of states, in particular in the area of environmental protection and the safety of life at sea. A third important aspect of ocean politics is discussed in the final pmt of the essay: the growing disturbance, pmtly even destruction of marine ecosystems. The pollution of the marine environment has resulted in a paradigmatic shift in the relationship between human societies and the seas which necessitates fundamentally new approaches in the governance of ocean space.

Dario A. Euraque

The relationship between historically specific ideas of race and national identity in Central America between the onset of Spanish colonialism in the region, in about 1500, and the end of the 20th century is very complicated. The relationship is rooted not only in the political economy of the region and subregions that were under Spanish colonialism, but also in Spain’s resistance to incursions of British colonialism in the area, particularly on the North Coast, well into the late 18th century, and in some areas of Central America into the 1850s. The nexus between the political economy of nation-state formation in the postcolonial setting deepened after break of the Federation of Central America in the late 1830s, especially after the rise of coffee and bananas as major regional exports. Independent governments in Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica tried to impose “imagined political communities” over these exports that would be different from the colonial identities designed by the Spanish imperialism of the past. In this 20th century context, mestizaje, or ladinizaje, became state sanctioned; it promoted racialized national identities in each of these countries, mostly the idea of ethnicity, albeit with critical regional and subregional differences, particularly between Guatemala and Costa Rica. Historiographies that have been influenced by postmodern sensibilities, particularly critical race theory, the new cultural history, and subaltern studies, have influenced recent understanding of the political economy of race and nationality in Central America.

Ralph Henham

This chapter argues that the relationship between penal policy and the political economy provides important insights into the political and institutional reforms required to minimize harsh and discriminatory penal policies. However, the capacity of sentencing policy to engage with this social reality in a meaningful way necessitates a recasting of penal ideology. To realize this objective requires a profound understanding of sentencing’s social value and significance for citizens. The greatest challenge then lies in establishing coherent links between penal ideology and practice to encourage forms of sentencing that are sensitive to changes in social value. The chapter concludes by explaining how the present approach taken by the courts of England and Wales to the sentencing of women exacerbates social exclusion and reinforces existing divisions in social morality. It urges fundamental changes in ideology and practice so that policy reflects a socially valued rationale for the criminalization and punishment of women.

2019 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 1142-1161 ◽  
Shira Zilberstein

Standard narratives on the relationship between art and urban development detail art networks as connected to sources of dominant economic, social, and cultural capital and complicit in gentrification trends. This research challenges the conventional model by investigating the relationship between grassroots art spaces, tied to marginal and local groups, and the political economy of development in the Chicago neighborhood of Pilsen. Using mixed methods, I investigate Do–It–Yourself and Latinx artists to understand the construction and goals of grassroots art organizations. Through their engagements with cultural representations, space and time, grassroots artists represent and amplify the interests of marginal actors. By allying with residents, community organizations and other art spaces, grassroots artists form a social movement to redefine the goals and usages of urban space. My findings indicate that heterogeneous art networks exist and grassroots art networks can influence urban space in opposition to top–down development.

2019 ◽  
Vol 48 (1) ◽  
pp. 296-311
Paul Stephan

Abstract Four new publications provide an overview of the relationship between Nietzsche’s philosophical thought and his political commitments. Together they highlight the true complexity of Nietzsche’s politics, since some of his ideas can be adapted to anarchist and right-wing positions as much as, for instance, to Frankfurt School critical theory. At the same time, these contributions underscore the limitations of a strictly positivist, or philological approach, since any assessment of Nietzsche’s politics cannot be detached from the political faultlines of the present.

2021 ◽  
Vol 72 (3) ◽  
pp. 201-213
Christoph Von Blumröder

The term "Neue Musik" was coined for a special concept of fundamental musical innovation within Austro-German music theory of the early 20th century, and it found no terminological equivalent beyond the German language. Established by Paul Bekker with his lecture “Neue Musik” in 1919, composers such as Stockhausen or Ligeti embraced the term with its emphatic claim to innovation and new departures. However, one hundred years on the term "Neue Musik" is often used mainly as a synonym for any type of contemporary music. This article questions whether the term "Neue Musik" is still an appropriate framework for a current theory of musical composition. Not only have the specific musical circumstances changed within the course of the 20th century, but also the political and social conditions have altered drastically after two world wars which had given special impulses to those composers who strove for a new foundation of music after 1918 and 1945 respectively. This article argues that the age of "Neue Musik" has come to an end in the late 20th century, and thus it is now necessary to introduce alternative terminological concepts and methodical directions for music historiography.

Virittäjä ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 122 (3) ◽  
Lotta Aarikka

Artikkelissa tarkastellaan suomalaisen murteentutkimuksen historiaa suomen kielen alalla ilmestyneiden murteita käsittelevien väitöskirjojen lähdeluetteloiden avulla. Artikkelissa käsitellään dialektologian ja sosiolingvistiikan suhdetta sekä perustellaan sitä, miksi alueellisen vaihtelun tutkimushistoriaa on tarpeen tarkastella kokonaisuutena. Aineistona on 41 väitöskirjan lähdeluetteloista koostettu lähdetietokanta, jota analysoidaan tekijä-, nimike- ja julkaisuvuositietojen näkökulmasta.  Lähdetietokannan viitatuin sadasosa tekijöistä kattaa 27 tutkijaa, joihin on viitattu lähdetietokannassa 40–316 kertaa. Yhteensä tähän tekijäjoukkoon viitataan lähdetietokanta-aineistossa 2 672 kertaa. Yli 10 kertaa lähdeluetteloissa mainittuja tekijöitä on 150. Miesten tekemään tutkimukseen viitataan useammin kuin naisten ja kotimaisten tutkijoiden tekemään tutkimukseen useammin kuin ei-kotimaisten. Murteita käsittelevissä väitöskirjoissa ei viitata juuri lainkaan tutkimukseen, joka olisi kotimaisten ja ei-kotimaisten tutkijoiden yhteistyössä tekemää. Sekä tekijöiden sukupuolen että kotimaisuuden näkökulmasta on havaittavissa paitsi laaja väitöskirjakohtainen vaihtelu myös tendenssi kohti kansainvälistymistä ja naisten tasavertaisempaa edustusta tutkimusalalla. Aineiston kumulatiivinen luonne aiheuttaa vanhojen nimikkeiden painottumisen. Tämä näkyy esimerkiksi siitä, että uusimmat pelkän frekvenssin perusteella viitatuimmiksi määritetyt teokset ovat ilmestyneet vuonna 1966. Tätä vinoutumista voi tasapainottaa tarkastelemalla viitattujen nimikkeiden julkaisuvuoteen suhteutettua suhdelukua. Myös siten, että tarkasteluun ottaa nimikkeet, joihin on viitattu neljäsosassa väitöskirjoja (88 kpl), on joukko vähemmän homogeeninen. Julkaisuvuosien ja nimikkeiden jakautumista verrattaessa voi perustellusti todeta, että 1900-luvun loppupuoliskolla ilmestyneisiin nimikkeisiin viittaaminen on heterogeenisempää kuin vuosisadan alkupuoliskolla ilmestyneisiin. Tätä selittävät paitsi tutkimuksen monimuotoistuminen myös sen määrän kasvu. Lähdeluetteloiden tarkasteleminen tuo uuden näkökulman tutkimushistorian analysointiin. Se todentaa empiirisesti, keihin ja mihin tutkimuksiin tieteenalalla viitataan. Kvantitatiivisen luonteensa vuoksi näkökulma tarjoaa myös paljon lisäkysymyksiä laadulliselle jatkotutkimukselle.   Dialect study in the light of citations This article considers research history on dialects in Finland. It examines the relationship of dialectology and sociolinguistics in the study of dialects and explains why they must be understood as one continuous research history. The data used in this article comes from a citation database compiled from the bibliographies of 41 doctoral theses. In the citation database, 27 researchers comprise the most cited 1%; they have been cited between 40 and 316 times. The most cited 1% has been cited in the database a total of 2,672 times, while 150 individual researchers have been cited over 10 times. Men are cited more often than women, and Finnish researchers have been cited more frequently than non-Finnish ones. There are almost no citations to research that has been conducted jointly by a Finnish and non-Finnish researcher. The variation in citing women and non-Finnish researchers is great, and there is a tendency towards more international and equal citing. The cumulative nature of the data means that older research is over-represented. This can be deduced from the fact that the newest frequently cited research dates from 1966. This distortion can be balanced by creating and analysing a ratio based on the year in which individual works were published. Also, when looking at the research that has been cited in a quarter of all dissertations (88), the data becomes less homogenous. When analysing the amount of research published, it is justified to say that citing in the late 20th century is more heterogeneous than it was at the beginning of the century. The diversification and increased volume of research explains this change.  The article demonstrates how a quantitative perspective, based on citations, can enhance our understanding of research history. It verifies with empirical data whom and which research has been cited over the years. Finally, the article concludes what kinds of questions concerning research history arise and can still be answered by further investigating the citation database.  

2009 ◽  
Vol 49 ◽  
Ciska Raventós Vorst

RESUMEN: Este artículo analiza el proceso de cambio político que se inició en Costa Rica en 1998 y que aún no concluye, ubicándolo en el contexto de la historia política de la segunda mitad del siglo XX. Revisa luego las explicaciones que se han dado para el brusco quiebre en el comportamiento electoral de 1998, analiza la relación entre abstención y declive de los dos partidos tradicionales en el período 1998-2006 y se detiene a estudiar algunos rasgos del comportamiento electoral de los ciudadanos en el 2006. Concluye planteando una interpretación preliminar sobre el momento político en que se encuentra el país.ABSTRACT: This article analyzes the process of ongoing political change that has taken place in Costa Rica since 1998. It is analyzed in the context of the political history of the second half of the 20th century. This article reviews the explanations of the sudden shift in electoral behaviour in 1998, analyzes the relationship between electoral abstention and the decline of the two traditional parties between 1998 and 2006, and it studies some characteristics of voting behaviour in 2006. The paper concludes with a preliminary interpretation of the current political situation.

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