Moral Reasoning in Behaviorally Disordered Adolescents from Alternative and Traditional High Schools

1991 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-35 ◽  
Kimberly A. Schonert ◽  
Gordon N. Cantor

Very few studies have examined moral reasoning in students identified as having behavioral disorders and enrolled in a special education setting. Furthermore, little attention has been paid to the impact of alternative education programs designed for behaviorally disordered youth on moral reasoning development. This research examined the moral reasoning of behaviorally disordered adolescents enrolled in alternative and traditional high school settings. The results indicate that behaviorally disordered high school students enrolled in either an alternative or traditional school setting are significantly lower in moral reasoning compared to their non-behaviorally disordered peers. The moral reasoning of the behaviorally disordered students enrolled in an alternative setting is similar to that of like students enrolled in a traditional school setting. The correlation between time (months) spent in the alternative setting and moral reasoning is positive, but not significant.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
Brad Grot ◽  
Annette Abel ◽  
Holly Abel

This investigation queried the phenomenological perspective of the school counselor within the high school setting. The counselors’ perspective was sought in this qualitative investigation to determine the impact of bullying on the academically at-risk population. The literature at present has neglected a population of high school students. The omitted population is the academically at-risk population. Researchers have identified many sub-populations of the “at risk” school category that traditionally included: culture, ethnicity, gender, race, religion, and sexual orientation. The academically at-risk student is another category and is inclusive of traditional “at risk” students. This population experiences (1) a grade point average below 2.0—C, (2) absenteeism more than 15 days in a 90-day semester and (3) behavioral issues that impact successful matriculation. At present, no research has been conducted about the academically at-risk high school student, and how bullying, contextually, impacts students, and how their counselors understand and perceive bullying.

Franciani Cassia Sentanin ◽  
Ariane Carolina da Rocha ◽  
Kenia Naara Parra ◽  
Marcos R. V. Lanza ◽  
Ana Claudia Kasseboehmer

2021 ◽  
pp. 002205742110259
Tarak Dridi

Digital media literacy has become an intrinsic component in shaping high school students’ knowledge acquisition and critical thoughts. Over the last two decades, internet and computers have been the implemented tools to reach such goals and promote the students’ learning. This article looks for the impact of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) on Tunisian secondary school students by detecting their technical skills as well as their critical understanding. This quantitative study relies on a self-reporting approach and targets 150 Tunisian secondary students. It proves the necessary consideration of technological and social variables in helping sort out major digital handicaps related to secondary students and displays the interconnectedness between the different dimensions of digital media literacy. It also displays that Tunisian high school students cannot be referred to as digital-media literate people. The study contributes to the field of digital media literacy as it offers a solid empirical background to build on and indicates the necessity of integrating digital media literacy into the school-based initiatives.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-64
Gian Paolo Barbetta ◽  
Paolo Canino ◽  
Stefano Cima

Abstract The availability of cheap Wi-Fi internet connections has encouraged schools to adopt Web 2.0 platforms for teaching, with the intention of stimulating students’ academic achievement and participation in school. Moreover, during the recent explosion of the SARS-CoV-2 crisis that forced many countries to close schools (as well as offices and factories), the widespread diffusion of these applications kept school systems going. Despite their widespread use as teaching tools, the effect of adopting Web 2.0 platforms on students’ performance has never been rigorously tested. We fill this gap in the literature by analyzing the impact of using Twitter as a teaching tool on high school students’ literature skills. Based on a large-scale, randomized controlled trial that involved 70 schools and about 1,500 students, we find that using Twitter to teach literature has an overall negative effect on students’ average achievement, reducing standardized test scores by about 25 percent of a standard deviation. The negative effect is stronger on students who usually perform better.

2021 ◽  
Vol 8 (12) ◽  
pp. 374-377
Prapattra Hongwisat ◽  
Thanawat Wuthikanokkan ◽  
Nathakan Preechakansakul

Covid-19 are one of the viruses that were widely spreaded in 2019 and are still separate until nowadays. Thailand is one of the countries that are highly infected. The majority of people who are infected with this virus tend to have mild to severe respiratory symptoms. Furthermore, anyone can get sick, and it can lead to death. However, the most common symptoms of this virus are fever, cough, tiredness, and loss of taste or smell, on the other hand, characteristics in a minority of people, such as diarrhea and headaches. Due to the impact of the Covid-19 virus, people have to change their lifestyle to the online form. These changes have impacted mostly on economics and education in particular countries, so this problem also affects anxiety among high school students; who must prepare to apply to the university during the COVID-19 outbreak. In addition, we have collected 151 answers from high school students by surveying in order to know the feelings for entrance to the university during the pandemic situation. We found out that 81.3% of the students are highly affected by covid, and only 0.7% of students are slightly affected. We also found out that 55% of the students are worried about university entrance, and only 2.6% of the students were not worried at all. According to the result, most of the students in Thailand are facing the problem about their education and their entrance for the university which are caused by Covid-19. This may lead to illnesses like depression and anxiety. Keywords: Students, Learning, COVID-19, Thailand, University.

2020 ◽  
A.V. Mahova ◽  
A.V. Nelipa

The materials of this article include methodological materials that form the basis for an optional course for secondary and high school students, which examines the issues, the nature and characteristics of the information space and the impact of its components on everyday life.

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