Problems With Reliability of Speech Variables for Use in Quality Registries for Cleft Lip and Palate—Experiences From the Swedish Cleft Lip and Palate Registry

2018 ◽  
Vol 55 (8) ◽  
pp. 1051-1059 ◽  
Jan-Olof Malmborn ◽  
Magnus Becker ◽  
Kristina Klintö

Objective: To test the reliability of the speech data in the Swedish quality registry for cleft lip and palate. Design: Retrospective study. Setting: Primary care university hospital. Participants: Ninety-four children born with cleft palate with or without cleft lip between 2005 and 2009 who had been assessed and registered in the quality registry at the age of 5 years. Main Outcome Measures: Data in the registry on percent oral consonants correct, percent oral errors, percent nonoral errors, perceived velopharyngeal function (PVPF), and intelligibility were compared with results based on reassessments by 3 independent raters from audio recordings. Agreement was calculated by the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), quadratic weighted kappa, and percentage agreement. Results: Absolute agreement calculated by average measures ICC for percent oral consonants correct, percent oral errors, and percent nonoral errors was above >0.90. Single measures ICC for percent oral consonants correct was 0.82, for percent oral errors 0.69, and for percent nonoral errors 0.83. The kappa coefficient for PVPF was 0.5 to 0.59 and for intelligibility 0.65 to 0.77. Exact percentage agreement for PVPF was 33% and for intelligibility 47.8%. Conclusions: The data on oral consonants correct and nonoral errors in the quality registry seem to be reliable. The data on oral errors, PVPF, and intelligibility should be interpreted with caution. If differences among treatment centers are detected, one should go back and examine the collected raw data before drawing any definitive conclusions about treatment outcome.

2018 ◽  
Vol 55 (10) ◽  
pp. 1399-1408 ◽  
Kristina Klintö ◽  
Evelina Falk ◽  
Sara Wilhelmsson ◽  
Björn Schönmeyr ◽  
Magnus Becker

Objective: To evaluate speech in 5-year-olds with cleft palate with or without cleft lip (CP±L) treated with primary palatal surgery in 1 stage with muscle reconstruction according to Sommerlad at about 12 months of age. Design: Retrospective study. Setting: Primary care university hospital. Participants: Eight 5-year-olds with cleft soft palate (SP), 22 with cleft soft/hard palate (SHP), 33 with unilateral cleft lip and palate, and 17 with bilateral CLP (BCLP). Main Outcome Measures: Percent oral consonants correct (POCC), percent consonants correct adjusted for age (PCC-A), percent oral errors, percent nonoral errors, and variables related to velopharyngeal function were analyzed from assessments of audio recordings by 3 independent speech-language pathologists. Results: The median POCC was 75.4% (range: 22.7%-98.9%), median PCC-A 96.9% (range: 36.9%-100%), median percent oral errors 3.4% (range: 0%-40.7%), and median percent nonoral errors 0% (range: 0%-20%), with significantly poorer results in children with more extensive clefts. The SP group had significantly less occurrence of audible nasal air leakage than the SHP and the BCLP groups. Before age 5 years, 1.3% of the children underwent fistula surgery and 6.3% secondary speech improving surgery. At age 5 years, 15% of the total group was perceived as having incompetent velopharyngeal function. Conclusions: Speech was poorer in many children with more extensive clefts. Children with CP±L had poorer speech compared to normative data of peers without CP±L, but the results indicated relatively good speech compared to speech of children with CP±L in previous studies.

Marie Pegelow ◽  
Kristina Klintö ◽  
Gudrun Stålhand ◽  
Mathias Lemberger ◽  
Malin Vesterbacka ◽  

Summary Objectives The present study validated data that had been reported to the Swedish Quality Registry for Cleft Lip and Palate (CLP) under new requirements from 2016, when use of the 5-year-old (5YO) and the Modified Huddart and Bodenham (MHB) indices for rating occlusion in children born with unilateral CLP (UCLP) was introduced. Materials and methods The sample included blinded study casts (n = 97) and photos (n = 4) of 5-year-old children who had been born with UCLP in 2009−2011 and were enrolled at one of six cleft centres in Sweden. Fourteen orthodontists from the centres assessed the patients (n = 101) using the 5YO and the MHB indices. Median 5YO and MHB scores of the 14 assessments were compared with original registry data (n = 61). Each centre devised code keys to protect the identities of their patients in the registry. Results Interrater agreement among the 14 orthodontists was good for the 5YO index (quadratic-weighted kappa: 0.72−0.92) and the MHB index (intraclass correlation coefficient: 0.991−0.994). Comparisons of median 5YOs for each identifiable child with their registry data (n = 61) found total agreement for 70.5 per cent. Comparisons between median MHBs and registry data showed very good or good agreement in 93.4 per cent of the cases. Limitations Two teams lost their code keys, which reduced the sample to 61 patients. Conclusions The dentoalveolar outcome data in the CLP registry was trustworthy. There was good agreement among the Swedish cleft teams assessing the 5YO and MHB indices in children born with UCLP at age 5 years.

2020 ◽  
Vol 57 (6) ◽  
pp. 715-722 ◽  
Karin Brunnegård ◽  
Emilie Hagberg ◽  
Christina Havstam ◽  
Åsa Okhiria ◽  
Kristina Klintö

Objective: To assess the reliability of speech variables and speech-related quality indicators in the Swedish quality registry for cleft lip and palate (CLP). Design: Retrospective study. Setting: Primary care university hospitals. Participants: Fifty-two 5-year-old children with unilateral CLP and 41 with bilateral CLP. Main Outcome Measures: Registry data for “percent nonoral errors” and “perceived velopharyngeal competence” (VPC) were compared to reassessments by 4 independent judges based on audio recordings. Interjudge agreement for “percent consonants correct” (PCC) and the reliability of 3 quality indicators were also assessed. Agreement was calculated with single measures intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) for articulation outcomes, quadratic weighted κ and ICC for VPC, and percentage agreement and κ for quality indicators. Results: When the agreement between registry data and the judges’ reassessments was assessed, the ICC was 0.79 for percent nonoral errors. For VPC, the κ coefficient was 0.66 to 0.75 and the ICC was 0.73. Interjudge agreement for PCC calculated with ICC was 0.85. For the quality indicator “proportion of children with ≥86% correct consonants,” all 4 judges were in agreement for 72% of the cases. For “proportion of children without nonoral speech errors” and “proportion of children with competent or marginally incompetent velopharyngeal function,” the agreement between registry data and the 4 judges was 89% and 85%, respectively. Conclusions: The results indicate that registry data on PCC, percent nonoral errors, VPC, and the quality indicators “proportion of children without nonoral speech errors” and “proportion of children with competent or marginally incompetent velopharyngeal function” are reliable.

2019 ◽  
Vol 57 (4) ◽  
pp. 448-457 ◽  
Gillian de Boer ◽  
Viviane Christina de Castro Marino ◽  
Jeniffer de Cassia Rillo Dutka ◽  
Maria Inês Pegoraro-Krook ◽  
Tim Bressmann

Objective: Reliable perceptual and instrumental assessment of oral–nasal balance disorders is a persistent problem in speech-language pathology. The goal of the study was to evaluate whether nasalance-based preclassification of oral–nasal balance disorders improves listener agreement. Design: Retrospective listening study. Setting: Tertiary university hospital. Participants: Fifty-four randomly selected recordings of patients with repaired unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP). Three experienced speech-language pathologists participated as expert listeners. Interventions: Two listening experiments were based on nasalance scores and audio recordings of speakers with repaired UCLP. The speakers were preclassified as normal, hypernasal, hyponasal, or mixed based on their nasalance scores. Initially, the listeners determined the diagnostic category of the oral–nasal balance for 62 audio recordings (8 repeats). Six months later, they listened to 38 of the recordings (6 repeats) along with a spreadsheet indicating the nasalance-based categories for the oral–nasal balance. The listeners confirmed, or rejected and corrected, the nasalance-based preclassification. Main Outcome Measures: Intralistener, interlistener agreement, and agreement between listener categories and nasalance-based oral–nasal balance categories. Results: In the first study, the agreement between the listeners’ diagnostic category and the nasalance-based category was 45.1% and the interlistener agreement was 36.7%. In the second study, the agreement between the listeners’ category and the nasalance-based category was 67.1% (75% agreement for the correct nasalance-based categories and 41.7% for the misclassifications), and the interlistener agreement was 85.4%. Conclusions: Preclassification of oral–nasal balance disorders based on nasalance scores may help listeners achieve better diagnostic accuracy and higher agreement.

2006 ◽  
Vol 43 (5) ◽  
pp. 557-562 ◽  
Michael Mars ◽  
Puneet Batra ◽  
Emma Worrell

Objective: To assess the validity of the 5-year index by subjecting study models at the age of 5 years to both the 5-year index and the Goslon yardstick, and then relating these results to the Goslon ratings at 10 years. Design: Retrospective study. Setting: Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden. Patients: Study models of 94 patients with unilateral cleft lip and palate (UCLP) were evaluated at the ages of 5 and 10 years. The dental arch relationships were judged and categorized by using the Goslon yardstick for the 10-year models and both the Goslon yardstick and the 5-year index for the 5-year models. Results: When used for 5- and 10-year models, the Goslon yardstick showed a kappa score of 0.539 (weighted kappa = 0.579) with a moderate strength of agreement. However, 5-year index scores at 5 years compared with the Goslon scores at 10 years showed a kappa score of only 0.043 (weighted kappa = 0.090), showing poor strength of agreement. Goslon scores at 10 years showed improvement in 14 cases when graded by the same Goslon yardstick at 5 years, whereas there was improvement in 23 cases when the 5-year models were graded by the 5-year index (actual improvement in scores in UCLP cases is highly unlikely). Conclusions: Although use of the Goslon yardstick at 5 years has demonstrated some inherent flaws in its use at that age, these drawbacks are fewer than those when the 5-year index is used at 5 years of age.

2006 ◽  
Vol 43 (5) ◽  
pp. 606-611 ◽  
Jan Lilja ◽  
Michael Mars ◽  
Anna Elander ◽  
Lars Enocson ◽  
Catharina Hagberg ◽  

Objective: To evaluate the dental arch relationships for a consecutive series from Goteborg, Sweden, who had delayed hard palate closure. Design: Retrospective study. Setting: Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Goteborg, Sweden. Patients: The dental study models of 104 consecutive unilateral cleft lip and palate subjects. The study cohort was born between 1979 and 1994. Longitudinal records were available at ages 5 (n = 94), 10 (n = 97), 16 (n = 59), and 19 years (n = 46). Five assessors rated models according to the GOSLON Yardstick on two separate occasions each. Interventions: These patients had been operated upon according to the Goteborg protocol of delayed hard palate closure (at age 8 years). Results: 85% of subjects were rated in groups 1 and 2 (excellent or very good outcome), 12% were rated in group 3 (satisfactory), and 3% were assigned to group 4 (poor). No patients presented in Group 5 (very poor). Weighted kappa statistics for double determination of Yardstick allocation for five assessors demonstrated values between .65 and .90 for interrater agreement (good/very good) and between .70 and .90 for intrarater agreement (very good). Conclusions: Delayed hard palate closure as practiced in Goteborg since 1979 has produced the best GOSLON Yardstick ratings in a consecutive series of patients ever recorded worldwide, since the Yardstick was first used in 1983. However, it is noteworthy that a new protocol has been introduced in Goteborg since 1994, in which hard palate closure is done at 3 years due to concerns regarding speech.

2020 ◽  
pp. 105566562098024
Kim Bettens ◽  
Laura Bruneel ◽  
Cassandra Alighieri ◽  
Daniel Sseremba ◽  
Duncan Musasizib ◽  

Objective: To provide speech outcomes of English-speaking Ugandan patients with a cleft palate with or without cleft lip (CP±L). Design: Prospective case–control study. Setting: Referral hospital for patients with cleft lip and palate in Uganda. Participants: Twenty-four English-speaking Ugandan children with a CP±L (15 boys, 9 girls, mean 8.4 years) who received palatal closure prior to 6 months of age and an age- and gender-matched control group of Ugandan children without cleft palate. Interventions: Comparison of speech outcomes of the patient and control group. Main Outcome Measures: Perceptual speech outcomes including articulation, resonance, speech understandability and acceptability, and velopharyngeal composite score (VPC-sum). Information regarding speech therapy, fistula rate, and secondary surgery. Results: Normal speech understandability was observed in 42% of the patients, and 38% were judged with normal speech acceptability. Only 16% showed compensatory articulation. Acceptable resonance was found in 71%, and 75% of the patients were judged perceptually to present with competent velopharyngeal function based on the VPC-sum. Additional speech intervention was recommended in 25% of the patients. Statistically significant differences for all these variables were still observed with the control children ( P < .05). Conclusions: Overall, acceptable speech outcomes were found after early primary palatal closure. Comparable or even better results were found in comparison with international benchmarks, especially regarding the presence of compensatory articulation. Whether this approach is transferable to Western countries is the subject for further research.

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Kristina Klintö ◽  
Maria Sporre ◽  
Magnus Becker

Abstract Background When evaluating speech in children with cleft palate with or without cleft lip (CP/L), children with known syndromes and/or additional malformations (CP/L+) are usually excluded. The aim of this study was to present speech outcome of a consecutive series of 5-year-olds born with CP/L, and to compare speech results of children with CP/L + and children with CP/L without known syndromes and/or additional malformations (CP/L-). Methods One hundred 5-year-olds (20 with CP/L+; 80 with CP/L-) participated. All children were treated with primary palatal surgery in one stage with the same procedure for muscle reconstruction. Three independent judges performed phonetic transcriptions and rated perceived velopharyngeal competence from audio recordings. Based on phonetic transcriptions, percent consonants correct (PCC) and percent non-oral errors were investigated. Group comparisons were performed. Results In the total group, mean PCC was 88.2 and mean percent non-oral errors 1.5. The group with bilateral cleft lip and palate (BCLP) had poorer results on both measures compared to groups with other cleft types. The average results of PCC and percent non-oral errors in the CP/L + group indicated somewhat poorer speech, but no significant differences were observed. In the CP/L + group, 25 % were judged as having incompetent velopharyngeal competence, compared to 15 % in the CP/L- group. Conclusions The results indicated relatively good speech compared to speech of children with CP/L in previous studies. Speech was poorer in many children with more extensive clefts. No significant differences in speech outcomes were observed between CP/L + and CP/L- groups.

2004 ◽  
Vol 41 (4) ◽  
pp. 410-415 ◽  
Yu-Fang Liao ◽  
Chiung-Shing Huang ◽  
Ya-Yu Tsai ◽  
M. Samuel Noordhoff

Objective To evaluate the possible association between the size of the premaxilla in infants and craniofacial morphology in children with complete bilateral cleft lip and palate (CBCLP) and identify the characteristics of craniofacial morphology in children with CBCLP with median facial dysplasia (MFD). Design Retrospective study. Setting A university hospital craniofacial center. Subjects Thirty-four patients with nonsyndromic CBCLP, 24 boys and 10 girls, had large premaxilla (LP group). Thirty-six patients with nonsyndromic CBCLP, 16 boys and 20 girls, had small premaxilla (SP group). Thirteen CBCLP patients with MFD, five boys and eight girls (MFD group). Main Outcome Measures Infant maxillary dental cast at the age of 1 year was used to measure the size of the premaxilla. Cephalometric analysis was used to determine craniofacial morphology in children at the age of 5 years. Results The size of the premaxilla in infants with CBCLP varied greatly. The LP group tended to have a longer maxilla and a more protruded maxilla, producing a better interjaw relation. The opposite phenomena were observed in the MFD group; the SP group yielded results between those of the LP and the MFD groups. Conclusion The size of the premaxilla in infants with CBCLP can be used to predetermine subsequent craniofacial morphology at the age of 5 years. Children with nonsyndromic CBCLP had craniofacial characteristics that differed significantly from those of children with CBCLP with median facial dysplasia.

2018 ◽  
Vol 56 (3) ◽  
pp. 390-394
Yuta Nakajima ◽  
Shunsuke Yuzuriha ◽  
Fumio Nagai ◽  
Kenya Fujita ◽  
Masahiko Noguchi

Objective: In unilateral cleft lip and palate, the reconstructed nasal floor is sometimes uplifted regardless of the reconstructive method used. We used a 5-0 absorbable anchoring suture, the oronasal transfixion suture (ONT suture), to fasten the reconstructed nasal floor to the orbicularis oris muscle to prevent this deformity. This study was performed to evaluate the effects of the ONT suture. Design: Blind retrospective study of photography and chart review. Setting: Shinshu University Hospital, tertiary care, Nagano, Japan. Private practice. Patients: Ninety-three consecutive patients with unilateral complete cleft lip and palate who had undergone primary nasolabial repair in our department and affiliated hospitals between 1999 and 2011 participated in this study. Finally, 45 patients were included. Interventions: The ONT suture was put in place at the time of primary nasolabial repair. Main Outcome Measure: The height of the nasal floor was evaluated on submental view photographs at 5 years old. Results: The ONT suture was applied in 21 patients. The height of the nasal floor on the cleft side was significantly closer to that on the noncleft side with the ONT suture than without the ONT suture ( P = .008). Conclusions: The ONT suture is effective to prevent uplifted nasal floor deformity on the cleft side// in unilateral complete cleft lip and palate at the time of primary nasolabial repair.

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