scholarly journals Physician-Assisted Suicide: The Legal Slippery Slope

2001 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-31 ◽  
Robert M. Walker
2018 ◽  
Vol 44 (10) ◽  
pp. 657-660 ◽  
Eric Blackstone ◽  
Stuart J Youngner

In 1989, Susan Wolf convincingly warned of a troublesome consequence that should discourage any movement in American society towards physician-assisted death—a legal backlash against the gains made for limiting life-sustaining treatment. The authors demonstrate that this dire consequence did not come to pass. As physician-assisted suicide gains a foothold in USA and elsewhere, many other slippery slope arguments are being put forward. Although many of these speculations should be taken seriously, they do not justify halting the new practice. Instead, our courts, regulatory agencies, journalists, professional organisations and researchers should carefully monitor and study it as it unfolds, allowing continuous improvement just as our society has done in implementing the practice of limiting life-sustaining treatment.

Sani Ibrahim Salihu ◽  
Yuhanif Yusof ◽  
Rohizan Halim

Abstract: Euthanasia is one of the concepts that stifled debate among academics, lawyers, religious scholars and even politicians. The reason being that it is killing human being although forcompassionate reason, and with voluntary consent of the victim. Opponents of legalizing it, rely on the fear of slippery slope, sacred nature of life and question of inheritance. Despite the aforementioned factors, some countries legalised it while it remains a crime in the majority of other countries including Nigeria. We wrote this paper with the aim of highlighting and reinforcing the prohibition of the practice using Nigerian laws. Doctrinal method was employed to achieve the above objectives. In the process both primary and secondary legal materials were fully considered. The scope of the paper was limited to substantive provisions of both the penal code and the criminal code of Nigeria respectively. The aforementioned laws deal with the offence of murder by conduct or omission. However, there is no mention of the direct act of euthanasia, but from the reading of the laws inference can be drawn relating to withholding and withdrawing medical treatment leading to death. The finding of the paper is that although there is an elaborate provision regarding the prohibition of euthanasia under the criminal code, the law is not so adequate under the penal code and both laws are independent of themselves. Since both laws are applied at different geopolitical zones in Nigeria, the inadequacy of the laws will affect the administration of criminal justice in Nigeria. The paper therefore suggests an amendment to the penal code to fill the gap it has created.   Keywords: Euthanasia, Physician assisted suicide, Slippery slope, Murder, Nigeria.   Abstrak: Euthanasia telah menimbulkan konflik antara ahli akademik, peguam, tokoh agama dan juga ahli politik. Ini adalah kerana ia mematikan atau membunuh manusia sekalipun dilakukan atas dasar simpati dan dengan persetujuan mangsa. Pihak yang menentang euthanasia berpegang kepada faktor-faktor ‘slippery slope’, kesucian nyawa dan isu peninggalan. Walaupun begitu, terdapat negara yang mempraktikkan euthanasia manakala negara yang tidak berbuat demikian adalah kerana mengganggap ia sebagai satu jenayah termasuklah Nigeria. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk membincangkan berkaitan larangan perlaksanaan euthanasia berdasarkan undang-undang yang ada di Nigeria. Kaedah doktrinal digunakan untuk mencapai objektif kajian. Kedua-dua data primer dan sekunder turut digunakan dalam proses ini. Skop kajian pula hanya memfokuskan kepada peruntukan undang-undang ada dalam kanun keseksaan dan kanun jenayah. Undang-undang ini ada kaitan dengan kesalahan membunuh sama ada melalui melakukan sesuatu perbuatan atau ketinggalan. Walaupun tidak dinyatakan secara langsung, tetapi perbuatan menahan dan menarik balik rawatan perubatan yang membawa kepada kematian boleh dianggap sebagai euthanasia. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa walaupun terdapat peruntukan berhubung larangan terhadap euthanasia di bawah kanun jenayah, tetapi ia tidak mencukupi di bawah kanun keseksaan dan kedua-dua undang-undang ini adalah bebas daripada satu sama lain. Memandangkan kedua-dua undang- undang ini digunakan di zon yang berbeza di Nigeria, kelemahan undang-undang ini akan mempengaruhi pentadbiran keadilan jenayah di Nigeria. Oleh itu, artikel ini mencadangkan pindaan dilakukan kepada kanun jenayah bagi mengatasi masalah ini.   Kata Kunci: Euthanasia, ‘Physician assisted suicide’, ‘Slippery slope’, Bunuh, Nigeria.

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (4) ◽  
pp. 7-17
A. V. Antipov

This article analyzes the slippery slope argument and its application to the problem of legalizing euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. The argument is often referred to in discussions of abortion, in vitro fertilization, etc., but it has been little developed in the Russian-language literature. This explains the relevance and novelty of this article. The focus is on the ways of representation of the argument in research. It distinguishes its main types: logical (disintegrating into no-principle distinction argument and the soritical argument), empirical (or psychological argument), and non-logical (metaphorical). Each of these types of argument is constructed according to a certain principle and has a number of features and critiques. A common place for criticism of an argument is its focus on the future so that it makes reasoning probabilistic. The logical type of argument is centered around denoting the transition between the original event and its adverse consequences and denotes the action of social factors to accelerate the transition. The no-principal distinction argument implies that there is no moral distinction between the events at the beginning and the end of the slope. The soritical argument involves intermediate steps between questionable and unacceptable practices. The conceptual slope is another variant of the logical kind of argument. The empirical argument illustrates a situation of changing societal values which results in an easier acceptance of morally disapproved practices. The metaphorical argument is used to illustrate the metaphor of slope and the situation of the accumulation of small problems that lead to serious undesirable results. The non-logical kind of argument centers around the routinization of practice, desensitization, and exploitation of unprotected groups in society. Exploitation can be called the victims' slope. It grounds its consideration on the abuse of the practice being administered. Application of the ethical methodology (theoretical-logical and empirical-historical) to the types of arguments and ways of their application allows us to highlight the value component of the argument, to determine its dilemma nature and to correlate it with bioethical principles. The application of bioethical principles to suppress the transition to undesirable consequences is critiqued on the basis of particularly difficult cases in which one is unable to articulate one's decision. The criticism of the argument is built on the probabilistic nature of the reasoning, the lack of reflection on the underlying premise and the lack of empirical evidence. It concludes that the slippery slope argument is incapable of being the only valid justification for rejecting the practices of physician-assisted suicide and euthanasia.

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