‘Frequent Sipping’: Bottled Water, the Will to Health and the Subject of Hydration

2012 ◽  
Vol 18 (3-4) ◽  
pp. 72-98 ◽  
Kane Race

This article examines how the formation of markets in bottled water has relied on assembling a particular subject: the subject of hydration. The discourse of hydration is a conspicuous feature of efforts to market bottled water, allowing companies to appeal to scientifically framed principles and ideas of health in order to position the product as an essential component in self-health and healthy lifestyles. Alongside related principles, such as the ‘8 × 8 rule’, hydration has done much to establish new practices of water drinking and consumption in which the consumer appears to be always at risk of dehydration and must engage in practices of ‘frequent sipping’. This article traces the emergence of the concept of hydration from its origins in exercise science and explores its circulation, contemporary uses and purchase. I argue that the appeal to biomedical languages and concepts found in the discourse of hydration connects with much broader ways of conceiving and acting upon the self that have become prevalent in contemporary society – what Rose and Novas call ‘biological citizenship’ – indicating how the ensemble of hydration participates in wider-ranging transformations in forms of rule. The story of hydration reveals how biomedical techniques of the self can be made to double up as ‘market devices’ by offering specific procedures for assessing the self and calculating the body’s needs. In order to grasp these developments, I position the health sciences, and health and fitness in particular, as a potent site of popular culture in which bodies learn to be affected by the procedures of scientific experiment. A critical grasp of this context is best enabled, I argue, by situating the producers and consumers of scientific principles and commercial products as embodied and looking at their interconnection in processes of emergence. Through these means, we can begin to develop a fully materialized account of the question: how have we become so thirsty?

Problemos ◽  
2011 ◽  
Vol 80 ◽  
pp. 158-171
Margus Vihalem

Straipsnyje analizuojama subjekto (kartais vadinamo savastimi) samprata Friedricho Nietzsche’s filosofijoje, remiamasi tekstais, susijusiais subjekto samprata, ypač gausybe pomirtinių fragmentų, paskelbtų kaip Nachlass Colli ir Montinari kritiniame leidime. Straipsnyje tvirtinama, jog subjekto reikšmės klausimas užima reikšmingą vietą Nietzsche’s filosofijoje ir yra būtinas jo valios valdyti morfologijos supratimo pamatas. Iškilaus filosofo pateikiama subjekto sąvokos kritika yra dažnai nuvertinama dėl šio klausimo fragmentiškumo jo raštuose. Straipsniu siekiama vėl pristatyti Nietzsche’ę kaip vieną iškiliausių šiuolaikinės antisubjekyvistinės mąstysenos proponentų ir parodyti, kodėl šio mąstytojo pateikiama subjekto sampratos kritika yra integrali dvidešimtojo amžiaus kritinės minties dalis.Pagrindiniai žodžiai: Nietzsche, subjektas, subjektiškumas, savastis.How to Get Rid of the Subject? On Some Aspects of Nietzsche’s Critique of SubjectivityMargus Vihalem SummaryThe article deals with the concept of the subject (also referred to as the self) in Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy and is based on a range of texts relating to the concept of the subject, especially his numerous posthumous fragments gathered as Nachlass in Colli/Montinari’s critical edition. The article argues that the question of the subject’s place and meaning in general carries crucial weight in Nietzsche’s thinking and forms an indispensable basis for understanding his morphology of the will to power. The importance of his critique of the concept of the subject is in fact largely overlooked, due to the fragmented treatment of this topic in his writings. This article is an attempt to re-establish Nietzsche as one of the most eminent proponents of the modern anti-subjectivist thinking and serves to indicate why his critique of the concept of the subject plays an integral role in the 20th century critical thinking.Keywords: Nietzsche, subject, subjectivity, self.

Filomena Antunes Sobral ◽  
Cláudia Figueiredo Simões

Metamorphoses is a project whose objective is to induce introspective thinking about the search for perfection through the image. It refers to the existence of metamorphic gaze when the reflection of the self reproduces itself in the mirror: there remains the manifest contemplation of the individual as a reflected element and simultaneously a second surreptitious image created by the projection of the self. It is evidenced the artistic interpretation of the relationship of the subject with his reflection conditioned by social and cultural experience.Many artists use their own bodies to convey a message through image manipulation, and this is the focus of the Metamorphoses project. Therefore, this paper intends to present the results of an artistic project that establishes a symbiotic connection between photography and video art to show a self-representation which was distorted by the mirror in order to question the ideas of identity and perfection. The conception of metaphors is emphasized by the manipulation of sound and image and the constant presence of the mirror in photographic and video art creation wants to highlight the narcissus myth as a symbolic representation of the culture of the selfies.Thus, the article wants to divulge the experience of a scientific and artistic project that manipulates photography and video to communicate distorted transformations which an altered look may originate and that resulted in an art exhibition that reflects the structure of contemporary society in which the appearance and construction of Ideal images seem to be the foundation of the postmodern.

Marta Crespo

Este artículo se propone trazar algunos apuntes que permitan pensar la particular incursión de Chantal Maillard en las escrituras del yo como materialización formal del proyecto poético y filosófico de la autora. Así, a partir de una lectura de Filosofía en los días críticos, la primera obra de Maillard presentada como diario, a la luz de las características tradicionales de este género literario, se buscará articular una reflexión en torno a las consecuencias de la elección del diario respecto de la pregunta por el sujeto y de la voluntad de destruir un pensamiento y un lenguaje sustentados en la metafísica y la ontología. The aim of this paper is drawing some notes on Chantal Maillard’s particular incursion in the self writing as a formal materialization of her poetical and philosophical project. From a reading of Filosofía en los días críticos, the first work of Maillard presented as a diary, in light of the traditional characteristics of this literary genre, this work will try to articulate a reflection on the consequences of choosing the diary regarding to the question of the subject and the will to destroy a thought and a language based on metaphysics and ontology.

2020 ◽  
Vol 24 (1) ◽  
pp. 26-48
Warren Swain

Intoxication as a ground to set aside a contract is not something that has proved to be easy for the law to regulate. This is perhaps not very surprising. Intoxication is a temporary condition of varying degrees of magnitude. Its presence does however raise questions of contractual autonomy and individual responsibility. Alcohol consumption is a common social activity and perceptions of intoxication and especially alcoholism have changed over time. Roman law is surprisingly quiet on the subject. In modern times the rules about intoxicated contracting in Scottish and English law is very similar. Rather more interestingly the law in these two jurisdictions has reached the current position in slightly different ways. This history can be traced through English Equity, the works of the Scottish Institutional writers, the rise of the Will Theory, and all leavened with a dose of judicial pragmatism.

1970 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 202-214
Олена Савченко

У статті розглядається рефлексивна компетентність як інтегративне особистісне утворення, що формується в ході набуття суб’єктом рефлексивного досвіду при застосуванні різних форм рефлексивної активності, спрямованих на розв’язання визначених рефлексивних задач. У структурі рефлексивної компетентності оцінно-мотиваційний компонент виконує наступні функції: оцінку форм рефлексивної активності та її результатів, прогнозування можливих змін у процесі розв’язування проблемно-конфліктних ситуацій, визначення пріоритетних завдань подальшого розвитку себе як суб’єкта рефлексивної активності. На когнітивному рівні функціонує система критеріїв оцінювання власних форм рефлексивної активності, яка характеризується ступенем когнітивної складності, що відображає рівень диференціації та інтеграції системи. Функціонування оцінно-мотиваційного компонента на метакогнітивному рівні забезпечує система здібностей до прогнозування власної активності. Особистісний рівень представлений системою життєвих задач на саморозвиток, які стимулюють суб’єкта докладати зусилля щодо розвитку в себе певних якостей, формування певних вмінь та знань. Розрізненість елементів компонента є індикатором незавершеності процесу формування його внутрішньої структури, низький рівень інтеграції окремих складових не дозволяє системі ефективно компенсувати недорозвинені елементи. Найбільшу вагу у внутрішній структурі оцінно-мотиваційного компонента має показник сформованості системи здібностей до прогнозування власної активності, що підтверджує системотвірну функцію структур метакогнітивного рівня. In the article the reflective competence is seen as an integrative personal formation which develops in the process of acquiring of the reflective experience, when the subject is using various forms of the reflective activity for the solving of specific reflective tasks. In the structure of the reflective competence the value-motivational component performs such functions: an evaluation of forms of the reflective activity and its results, a prediction of the possible changes in the process of solving of the problem-conflict situations, a determining of the priorities for further development of himself as a subject of the reflective activity. The system of the criteria of an evaluating of the reflective activity`s forms functions on the cognitive level of the reflective competence. The level of the cognitive complexity is the basic feature of this system. The predictive abilities` system, that allows to form the expectations of the activity`s results, presents the value-motivational component on the metacognitive level. The system of the life tasks for the self-development, which stimulates the subject to make efforts to develop his own qualities, to form specific skills and knowledge, functions on the personal level. The fragmentation of the elements is an indicator of the incompleteness of the formation of the internal structure of the value-motivational component. The low level of integration of the separate elements does not allow effectively to compensate the functioning of the unformed elements of the system. The index of the formation of the abilities to predict his own activity has the greatest meaning in the internal structure of the value-motivational component. These data confirm the hypothesis about the system-forming function of the metacognitive structures that unite other structures. Thus the development of the predictive abilities will promote the increase of the abilities to the prediction of the others` behavior. An adequate assessment of other people significantly reduces the inconsistency of his own expectations and estimations of others. The development of the predictive abilities creates favorable conditions for the formation of the life tasks for the self-development to increase their value in the system of other tasks

Ekaterina Galkina ◽  

The problem of the study is that it is not sufficiently studied what psychological barriers people face at the initial stage of professional activity as self-employed. The aim of the study is to study the features of psychological barriers at the initial stage of professional activity of self-employed people. Research hypothesis: at the initial stage of professional activity as self-employed people face psychological barriers in the organizational and creative areas of entrepreneurial activity. The problem of psychological barriers was considered in their works by S. Rubinstein, N. Podymov, I. Pavlov, R. Shakurov and others. The article formulates particular definitions of the main concepts. Methodology: analysis of an individual case using interviews with processing in the framework of interpretive phenomenology. Respondent: female, 34 years old, self-employed as a psychologist for 1 year. Results: psychological barrier of accepting financial responsibility, barrier of adherence to a certain professional culture, barrier of competence in the profession. Certain psychological barriers can arise in connection with certain underlying medical conditions. The conclusions are that psychological barriers are a complex mental education, can be overcome in stages, and motivation of the subject is important for overcoming barriers.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (4) ◽  
pp. 13-21
Todd Backes ◽  
Charlene Takacs

There are a wide range of options for individuals to choose from in order to engage in aerobic exercise; from outdoor running to computer controlled and self-propelled treadmills. Recently, self-propelled treadmills have increased in popularity and provide an alternative to a motorized treadmill. Twenty subjects (10 men, 10 women) ranging in age from 19-23 with a mean of 20.4 ± 0.8 SD were participants in this study. The subjects visited the laboratory on three occasions. The purpose of the first visit was to familiarize the subject with the self-propelled treadmill (Woodway Curve 3.0). The second visit, subjects were instructed to run on the self-propelled treadmill for 3km at a self-determined pace. Speed data were collected directly from the self-propelled treadmill. The third visit used speed data collected during the self-propelled treadmill run to create an identically paced 3km run for the subjects to perform on a motorized treadmill (COSMED T150). During both the second and third visit, oxygen consumption (VO2) and respiratory exchange ratio (R) data were collected with COSMED’s Quark cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) metabolic mixing chamber system. The VO2 mean value for the self-propelled treadmill (44.90 ± 1.65 SE ml/kg/min) was significantly greater than the motorized treadmill (34.38 ± 1.39 SE ml/kg/min). The mean R value for the self-propelled treadmill (0.91 ± 0.01 SE) was significantly greater than the motorized treadmill (0.86 ± 0.01 SE). Our study demonstrated that a 3km run on a self-propelled treadmill does elicit a greater physiological response than a 3km run at on a standard motorized treadmill. Self-propelled treadmills provide a mode of exercise that offers increased training loads and should be considered as an alternative to motorized treadmills.

2020 ◽  
Vol 63 (10) ◽  
pp. 74-87
Irina N. Sidorenko

 The author analyzes the conceptions of ontological nihilism in the works of S. Kierkegaard, F. Nietzsche, M. Heidegger, E. Jünger. On the basis of this analysis, violence is defined as a manifestation of nihilism, of the “will to nothingness” and hypertrophy of the self-will of man. The article demonstrates the importance of the problem of nihilism. The nihilistic thinking of modern man is expressed in the attitude toward a radical transformation of the world from the position of his “absolute” righteousness. The paradox of the current situation is that there is the reverse side of this transformative activity, when there is only the appearance of action and the dilution of responsibility. Confidence in the rightness of own views and beliefs increases the risk of the violent imposition of own vision of reality. Historical and philosophical reconstruction of the conceptions of nihilism allowed to reveal the following projects of its comprehension and resolution: (1) the project of “positing of values,” which consists in the transformation of the evaluation, which is understood as another perspective of positing values, leading to the affirmation of being; (2) the project of overcoming nihilism from the space of temporality, carried out through the resoluteness to accept the historicity of own existence; (3) the project of overcoming nihilism as the oblivion of being from the spatial perspective of the “line,” allowing to realize the “glimpse” of being. The author concludes that it is impossible to solve the problem of violence and its various forms of its manifestation without overcoming “ontological nihilism.” Significant role in solving the problem of ontological violence is assigned to philosophy as a critical and responsible form of thinking, which is capable to help a person to bear the burden of the world, to provide meanings and affirm being, as well as to unite people and resist the fundamentalist claims of exclusivity and rightness.

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (5) ◽  
pp. 135-150

The springboard for this essay is the author’s encounter with the feeling of horror and her attempts to understand what place horror has in philosophy. The inquiry relies upon Leonid Lipavsky’s “Investigation of Horror” and on various textual plunges into the fanged and clawed (and possibly noumenal) abyss of Nick Land’s work. Various experiences of horror are examined in order to build something of a typology, while also distilling the elements characteristic of the experience of horror in general. The essay’s overall hypothesis is that horror arises from a disruption of the usual ways of determining the boundaries between external things and the self, and this leads to a distinction between three subtypes of horror. In the first subtype, horror begins with the indeterminacy at the boundaries of things, a confrontation with something that defeats attempts to define it and thereby calls into question the definition of the self. In the second subtype, horror springs from the inability to determine one’s own boundaries, a process opposed by the crushing determinacy of the world. In the third subtype, horror unfolds by means of a substitution of one determinacy by another which is unexpected and ungrounded. In all three subtypes of horror, the disturbance of determinacy deprives the subject, the thinking entity, of its customary foundation for thought, and even of an explanation of how that foundation was lost; at times this can lead to impairment of the perception of time and space. Understood this way, horror comes within a hair’s breadth of madness - and may well cross over into it.

Pilar López de Santa María

Freedom is the focus of the first of the writings included in The Two Fundamental Problems of Ethics. The attention that Schopenhauer devotes to the subject does not stop here, however, since freedom appears recurrently in different parts of his system. It is linked to his theory of knowledge, metaphysics, aesthetics, and the denial of the will. This chapter follows that track and examines the presence in different contexts of Schopenhauerian thought of a freedom that is so undeniable as unexplainable. In this way will be shown Schopenhauer’s transition from the freedom of the voluntas to the freedom of noluntas [non-willing] and the state of great liberation that occurs because the will frees itself from itself. It is a transition that begins and ends at the same point: mystery

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