Nomadic life archiving across platforms: Hyperlinked storage and compartmentalized sharing

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 796-815
Yang Wang ◽  
Sun Sun Lim

People are today located in media ecosystems in which a variety of ICT devices and platforms coexist and complement each other to fulfil users’ heterogeneous requirements. These multi-media affordances promote a highly hyperlinked and nomadic habit of digital data management which blurs the long-standing boundaries between information storage, sharing and exchange. Specifically, during the pervasive sharing and browsing of fragmentary digital information (e.g. photos, videos, online diaries, news articles) across various platforms, life experiences and knowledge involved are meanwhile classified and stored for future retrieval and collective memory construction. For international migrants who straddle different geographical and cultural contexts, management of various digital materials is particularly complicated as they have to be familiar with and appropriately navigate technological infrastructures of both home and host countries. Drawing on ethnographic observations of 40 Chinese migrant mothers in Singapore, this article delves into their quotidian routines of acquiring, storing, sharing and exchanging digital information across a range of ICT devices and platforms, as well as cultural and emotional implications of these mediated behaviours for their everyday life experiences. A multi-layer and multi-sited repertoire of ‘life archiving’ was identified among these migrant mothers in which they leave footprints of everyday life through a tactical combination of interactive sharing, pervasive tagging and backup storage of diverse digital content.

2019 ◽  
Vol 15 (01) ◽  
pp. 1-8
Ashish C Patel ◽  
C G Joshi

Current data storage technologies cannot keep pace longer with exponentially growing amounts of data through the extensive use of social networking photos and media, etc. The "digital world” with 4.4 zettabytes in 2013 has predicted it to reach 44 zettabytes by 2020. From the past 30 years, scientists and researchers have been trying to develop a robust way of storing data on a medium which is dense and ever-lasting and found DNA as the most promising storage medium. Unlike existing storage devices, DNA requires no maintenance, except the need to store at a cool and dark place. DNA has a small size with high density; just 1 gram of dry DNA can store about 455 exabytes of data. DNA stores the informations using four bases, viz., A, T, G, and C, while CDs, hard disks and other devices stores the information using 0’s and 1’s on the spiral tracks. In the DNA based storage, after binarization of digital file into the binary codes, encoding and decoding are important steps in DNA based storage system. Once the digital file is encoded, the next step is to synthesize arbitrary single-strand DNA sequences and that can be stored in the deep freeze until use.When there is a need for information to be recovered, it can be done using DNA sequencing. New generation sequencing (NGS) capable of producing sequences with very high throughput at a much lower cost about less than 0.1 USD for one MB of data than the first sequencing technologies. Post-sequencing processing includes alignment of all reads using multiple sequence alignment (MSA) algorithms to obtain different consensus sequences. The consensus sequence is decoded as the reversal of the encoding process. Most prior DNA data storage efforts sequenced and decoded the entire amount of stored digital information with no random access, but nowadays it has become possible to extract selective files (e.g., retrieving only required image from a collection) from a DNA pool using PCR-based random access. Various scientists successfully stored up to 110 zettabytes data in one gram of DNA. In the future, with an efficient encoding, error corrections, cheaper DNA synthesis,and sequencing, DNA based storage will become a practical solution for storage of exponentially growing digital data.

2018 ◽  
Henry H. Lee ◽  
Reza Kalhor ◽  
Naveen Goela ◽  
Jean Bolot ◽  
George M. Church

AbstractDNA is an emerging storage medium for digital data but its adoption is hampered by limitations of phosphoramidite chemistry, which was developed for single-base accuracy required for biological functionality. Here, we establish a de novo enzymatic DNA synthesis strategy designed from the bottom-up for information storage. We harness a template-independent DNA polymerase for controlled synthesis of sequences with user-defined information content. We demonstrate retrieval of 144-bits, including addressing, from perfectly synthesized DNA strands using batch-processed Illumina and real-time Oxford Nanopore sequencing. We then develop a codec for data retrieval from populations of diverse but imperfectly synthesized DNA strands, each with a ~30% error tolerance. With this codec, we experimentally validate a kilobyte-scale design which stores 1 bit per nucleotide. Simulations of the codec support reliable and robust storage of information for large-scale systems. This work paves the way for alternative synthesis and sequencing strategies to advance information storage in DNA.

2020 ◽  
Zhi Ping ◽  
Haoling Zhang ◽  
Shihong Chen ◽  
Qianlong Zhuang ◽  
Sha Joe Zhu ◽  

AbstractChamaeleo is currently the only collection library that focuses on adapting multiple well-established coding schemes for DNA storage. It provides a tool for researchers to study various coding schemes and apply them in practice. Chamaeleo adheres to the concept of high aggregation and low coupling for software design which will enhance the performance efficiency. Here, we describe the working pipeline of Chamaeleo, and demonstrate its advantages over the implementation of existing single coding schemes. The source code is available at, it can be also installed by the command of pip.exe, “pip install chamaeleo”. Alternatively, the wheel file can be downloaded at Detailed documentation is available at SummaryDNA is now considered to be a promising candidate media for future digital information storage in order to tackle the global issue of data explosion. Transcoding between binary digital data and quanternary DNA information is one of the most important steps in the whole process of DNA digital storage. Although several coding schemes have been reported, researchers are still investigating better strategies. Moreover, the scripts of these coding schemes use different programming languages, software architectures and optimization contents. Therefore, we here introduce Chamaeleo, a library in which several classical coding schemes are collected, to reconstruct and optimize them. One of the key features of this tool is that we modulize the functions and make it feasible for more customized way of usage. Meanwhile, developers can also incorporate their new algorithms according to the framework expediently. Based on the benchmark tests we conducted, Chamaeleo shows better flexibility and expandability compared to original packages and we hope that it will help the further study and applications in DNA digital storage.

2017 ◽  
Vol 49 (12) ◽  
pp. 2702-2717 ◽  
Jim Thatcher

Recent years have seen an explosion in the investment into and valuation of mobile spatial applications. With multiple applications currently valued at well over one billion U.S. dollars, mobile spatial applications and the data they generate have come to play an increasingly significant role in the function of late capitalism. Empirically based upon a series of interviews conducted with mobile application designers and developers, this article details the creation of a digital commodity termed ‘location.’ ‘Location’ is developed through three discursive poles: Its storing of space and time as digital data object manipulable by code, its spatial and temporal immediacy, and its ability to ‘add value’ or ‘tell a story’ to both end-users and marketers. As a commodity it represents the sum total of targeted marking information, including credit profiles, purchase history, and a host of other information available through data mining or sensor information, combined with temporal immediacy, physical location, and user intent. ‘Location’ is demonstrated to exist as a commodity from its very inception and, as such, to be a key means through which everyday life is further entangled with processes of capitalist exploitation.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Jung Min Lee ◽  
Mo Beom Koo ◽  
Seul Woo Lee ◽  
Heelim Lee ◽  
Junho Kwon ◽  

AbstractSynthesis of a polymer composed of a large discrete number of chemically distinct monomers in an absolutely defined aperiodic sequence remains a challenge in polymer chemistry. The synthesis has largely been limited to oligomers having a limited number of repeating units due to the difficulties associated with the step-by-step addition of individual monomers to achieve high molecular weights. Here we report the copolymers of α-hydroxy acids, poly(phenyllactic-co-lactic acid) (PcL) built via the cross-convergent method from four dyads of monomers as constituent units. Our proposed method allows scalable synthesis of sequence-defined PcL in a minimal number of coupling steps from reagents in stoichiometric amounts. Digital information can be stored in an aperiodic sequence of PcL, which can be fully retrieved as binary code by mass spectrometry sequencing. The information storage density (bit/Da) of PcL is 50% higher than DNA, and the storage capacity of PcL can also be increased by adjusting the molecular weight (~38 kDa).

2006 ◽  
Vol 25 (3) ◽  
pp. 116 ◽  
Charles W. Bailey Jr.

Three critical issues—a dramatic expansion of the scope, duration, and punitive nature of copyright laws; the ability of Digital Rights Management (DRM) systems to lock-down digital content in an unprecedented fashion; and the erosion of Net neutrality, which ensures that all Internet traffic is treated equally—are examined in detail and their potential impact on libraries is assessed. How legislatures, the courts, and the commercial marketplace treat these issues will strongly influence the future of digital information for good or ill.

Zhanna V. Umanskaya ◽  

The author explores ways to visualize the everyday life of the Brezhnev period’s soviet childhood in a Eugeniya Dvoskina’s drawings cycle «#forthosewhoremember». Comparing the artist’s work with other modern visual nostalgic projects, the significance of the selected source is justified: this cycle allows us to give an idea of the visual environment of the child, typical kinds of the children’s territory, public and private areas in the collective memory of the generation. Based on the methodology of visual sociology (P. Shtompka, O.V. Gavrishina), the author analyzes the reasons for the cycle’s perception of the older generation as uniquely “Soviet” and raises the question about markers of “Soviet childhood”. The universality and heritability of many children’s practices makes them timeless, so the design of the material world and symbols of Soviet ideology are main signs of the historical era. Compositional and graphic solutions of images play an important role for the viewer’s perception. Knowledge of nature and artistic skill allows the artist to create heroes with accurate behavioral characteristics and evokes, in addition to visual, almost all types of sensory memory (tactile, motor, audio). The use of accompaniment text, often in the form of speech formulas, is crucial for this effect. If we consider this cycle in the logic of S.”Boym’s reasoning about nostalgia, drawings about soviet childhood can be attributed to the procedural type of nostalgia, which is characterized by irony and contradictory attitude to the past. Eugeniya Dvoskina’s work provides a complex multi-faceted visualization of the everyday life of Soviet childhood in the 60–80s of the XX century.

2020 ◽  
pp. 19-43
Henri Schildt

This chapter examines digitalization as a set of new normative ideals for managing and organizing businesses, enabled by new technologies. The data imperative consists of two mutually reinforcing goals: the pursuit of omniscience—the aspiration of management to capture the world relevant to the company through digital data; and the pursuit of omnipotence—an aspiration of managers to control and optimize activities in real-time and around the world through software. The data imperative model captures a self-reinforcing cycle of four sequential steps: (1) the creation and capture of data, (2) the combination and analysis of data, (3) the redesign of business processes around smart algorithms, and (4) the ability to control the world through digital information flows. The logical end-point of the data imperative is a ‘programmable world’, a conception of society saturated with Internet-connected hardware that is able to capture processes in real time and control them in order to optimize desired outcomes.

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