Ergonomic Screening of Assembly Tasks in Automotive Industries
2000 ◽
Vol 44
pp. 5-409-5-412
The screening tool “Design Check” (DC) allows the detection of ergonomic deficits in workplace layouts. DC was recently developed in a joint research project of the Ergonomics Institute, Darmstadt University of Technology (IAD) and Porsche AG, Stuttgart, promoted by the German Federal Ministry of Technology (BMBF). DC focuses onto the evaluation of industrial work tasks with special respect to assembly tasks. The checklist was designed to identify risk situations generated by physical workplace demands. DC was developed and tested at the assembly lines of Porsche automotive industries, Stuttgart, Germany.
2001 ◽
2002 ◽
Vol 41
pp. 2067
Advancements in NORM metrology – Results and impact of the European joint research project MetroNORM
2017 ◽
Vol 126
pp. 273-278
2010 ◽
Vol 10
pp. 714-717