Emergency Endovascular Total Arch Exclusion With an Off-the-Shelf Bimodular Device
2021 ◽
pp. 155698452110503
A patient with a history of surgery for type A acute aortic dissection was readmitted for aortic arch and descending aortic dissection with rupture at the isthmus and periaortic hematoma. Due to the high surgical risk, the aortic team chose an endovascular approach, and the patient successfully underwent emergency total arch exclusion with an off-the-shelf, bimodular, single-branch device. The main module was deployed in the aortic arch and in the brachiocephalic trunk, and the second module was deployed in the ascending aorta. Despite the good perioperative outcome with no cerebrovascular events, the patient died 20 days later because of sudden iliac rupture.
2020 ◽
1993 ◽
Vol 55
pp. 864-867
2017 ◽
Vol 69
pp. 2085
2018 ◽
Vol 11