Uncovering the nuances of criminal motivations and modus operandi in the Russian Far East: A wildlife crime case study

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 205979912110220
Allison Skidmore

Wildlife crime is a relatively new line of inquiry for scholars of criminology; traditionally it has been the purview of conservation science. However, as conservation is fundamentally about changing human behavior, the value of a criminological perspective to understand both the theoretical underpinnings of wildlife crime commission and practical mitigation strategies is being increasingly recognized. Based on an ethnographic case study on the poaching and trafficking of Amur tigers in the Russian Far East, this article reflects upon the use of criminological ethnographic methods to understand the complexity and subtleties of wildlife crime by directly interviewing the poachers, middlemen, buyers, and smugglers involved. The article seeks transparency on how qualitative methods can be successfully employed to engage in fieldwork with active criminals in peripheral settings.

Crime Science ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Allison Skidmore

AbstractPoaching is the most direct threat to the persistence of Amur tigers. However, little empirical evidence exists about the modus operandi of the offenders associated with this wildlife crime. Crime science can aid conservation efforts by identifying the patterns and opportunity structures that facilitate poaching. By employing semi-structured interviews and participants observation with those directly involved in the poaching and trafficking of Amur tigers in the Russian Far East (RFE), this article utilizes crime script analysis to break down this criminal event into a process of sequential acts. By using this framework, it is possible account for the decisions made and actions taken by offenders before, during and after a tiger poaching event, with the goal of identifying weak points in the chain of actions to develop targeted intervention strategies. Findings indicate poaching is facilitated by the ability to acquire a firearm, presence of roads that enable access to remote forest regions, availability of specific types of tools/equipment, including heat vision googles or a spotlight and a 4 × 4 car, and a culture that fosters corruption. This crime script analysis elucidates possible intervention points, which are discussed alongside each step in the poaching process.

2009 ◽  
pp. 305-322 ◽  
Dale Miquelle ◽  
Igor Nikolaev ◽  
John Goodrich ◽  
Boris Litvinov ◽  
Evgeny Smirnov ◽  

2020 ◽  
Vol 12 (4-5) ◽  
pp. 172-180
Haijing Zhu ◽  

This article examines and summarizes the problems of development and exchange of experience and cooperation between Chinese and Russian primary and secondary schools, and also indicates the priority areas of the dynamics of exchange and cooperation between partner schools. The purpose of the article is to analyze the inter-action of educational institutions in Heihe District with educational institutions in the Russian Far East. The novelty of the topic is to notice the problems of cooperation and communication between Russian and Chinese international partner schools for the de-velopment of communication. To this end, the author describes in detail examples of interaction between Russian and Chinese international partner schools and analyzes the exchange and cooperation activities between them.

2006 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 185-196 ◽  
Tomasz Wites

Abstract The paper presents spatial differentiation and causes of depopulation processes that began in Magadan Oblast in the Russian Far East after the fall of the Soviet Union. In the region under investigation, depopulation is very intensive. The analysis of changes in population in the lower-lever administrative units allows for showing the differences in spatial distribution of depopulation in individual regions [“rayons”]. During the research surveys, allowing for a fuller understanding of the conditions and the process of depopulation, were conducted.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (10) ◽  
pp. 105007 ◽  
K M Bergen ◽  
T Loboda ◽  
J P Newell ◽  
V Kharuk ◽  
S Hitztaler ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 21 (3 (1)) ◽  
pp. 26-29
Elena A. Grigorieva ◽  
Evgeniy N. Suprun

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