Ultrastructural localization of pancreatic polypeptide in the F cell of the dog pancreas.

1978 ◽  
Vol 26 (12) ◽  
pp. 1103-1108 ◽  
M H Greider ◽  
D J Gersell ◽  
R L Gingerich

The F cell of the dog pancreas has been identified as the specific cell type containing pancreatic polypeptide. This localization of pnacreatic polypeptide was accomplished by immunocytochemical staining of ultrathin sections and direct electron microscopic identification. Verification of the specificity of the reaction was obtained by blocking experiments on serial sections of the same cell. It is proposed that the name F cell be used for defining in all species the islet cell that contains pancreatic polypeptide.

1979 ◽  
Vol 27 (9) ◽  
pp. 1293-1295 ◽  
H D Coulter ◽  
R P Elde

Electron microscopic identification of elements containing neurophysin-like immunoreactivity can be accomplished in rat posterior pituitary that has been frozen-dried and fixed with OsO4 vapor. Alternating serial ultrathin sections are placed on grids and glass slides. The sections on the slides are stained for neurophysin using immunofluorescence histochemistry, and the resultant images are superimposed on electron micrographs from the adjacent sections. The method provides several advantages for the localization of neuropeptide immunoreactivity in nervous tissue.

1986 ◽  
Vol 34 (6) ◽  
pp. 719-726 ◽  
A I Lukinius ◽  
J L Ericsson ◽  
M K Lundqvist ◽  
E M Wilander

This study was performed with the aim of ultrastructurally localizing serotonin and polypeptide YY (PYY) in the endocrine cells of the human rectum. Existing basic methods for immunolocalization of antigenic sites in ultrathin sections were tested and modified to allow reproducible results with distinct localization of marker (colloidal gold probes coupled either to IgG or protein A). Probes signifying presence of serotonin were distinctly localized over all heteromorphous granules in argentaffin cells and, in addition, over some of the more monomorphous, rounded granules in a second cell type whose granules all were covered by probes showing localization of the PYY antigen. The results suggest that serotonin in endocrine cells of the gut is not confined to the enterochromaffin type but may also be present in trace amounts in non-enterochromaffin endocrine cells storing peptide hormones. Since probes marking sites of PYY were deposited over some heteromorphous granules in enterochromaffin cells, the evidence obtained also suggests that PYY may occur in low concentration in these cells. The distribution of probes in the sections indicated that antigenic sites were confined to granules in the cells.

Gertraude Wittig

The fine structure of insect hemocytes has been the subject of very few investigations. In particular, the hemocytes of Lepidoptera have received almost no attention. The study presented here was carried out on the armyworm, Pseudaletia unipuncta. Hemocytes of the larva were fixed 2 to 4 days after molt to the sixth instar and studied in ultrathin sections.Microplasmatocytes (Fig. 1) were the most important phagocytes of army-worm hemolymph. They were relatively small, spherical cells with a small, round or lobed nucleus. Distensions of the perinuclear cisterna (p) were frequent and sometimes continuous with the rough endoplasmic reticulum (e). The latter formed greatly distended cisternae which almost filled the whole cytoplasm. The cisternae contained an amorphous material which appeared to be condensed in certain sacs (at e). Mitochondria (m) were rare, and they had tubular cristae. Up to four Golgi complexes (g) were identified in a microplasmatocyte section. Structured granules (sg) were specific for this cell type. Microfibrils (f) traversed the whole cytoplasm but were most frequent around the nucleus (N) and under the cell membrane.

1994 ◽  
Vol 107 (6) ◽  
pp. 1429-1436 ◽  
V. Cirulli ◽  
D. Baetens ◽  
U. Rutishauser ◽  
P.A. Halban ◽  
L. Orci ◽  

Endocrine cell types are non-randomly distributed within pancreatic islets of Langerhans. In the rat, insulin-secreting B-cells occupy the core of the islets and are surrounded by A-, D- and PP-cells, secreting glucagon, somatostatin and pancreatic polypeptide, respectively. Furthermore, dissociated islet cells have the ability in vitro to form aggregates with the same cell-type organization as native islets (pseudoislets). These observations suggest that a differential expression of cell adhesion molecules (CAMs) might characterize B- and non-B-cells (A-, D- and PP-cells), and be in part responsible for the establishment and maintenance of islet architecture. Indirect immunofluorescence using antibodies against CAMs and islet hormones was performed on serial sections of the splenic and duodenal parts of the rat pancreas. Staining for the Ca(2+)-dependent CAM E-cadherin was detected on both exocrine and endocrine tissue and was uniform over the entire islet section, in both pancreatic regions. By contrast, staining for the Ca(2+)-independent neural CAM (N-CAM) was restricted to endocrine tissue and nerve endings. Furthermore, N-CAM staining of endocrine cells was stronger in the islet periphery, a region composed mostly of non-B-cells. Serial sections demonstrate that cells staining strongly for N-CAM in the splenic part correspond to glucagon cells and in the duodenal part to pancreatic polypeptide cells. Within pseudoislets in vitro a stronger staining for N-CAM was also observed on peripheral cells, corresponding to non-B-cells.

1984 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 117-121 ◽  
C D Figueroa ◽  
I Caorsi ◽  
J Subiabre ◽  
C P Vío

The cellular and subcellular localization of immunoreactive kallikrein was studied in the rat kidney using the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method for the electron microscope. The effect of various tissue-processing protocols on ultrastructural preservation and immunocytochemical staining was evaluated by fixing kidneys with four different mixtures. The tissues were immunostained and further stained with OsO4 or silver methenamine. The best ultrastructural and immunocytochemical staining was obtained with Zamboni's-glutaraldehyde fixative. The kallikrein-immunoreactive cell type was identified, according to its localization and ultrastructural features, as the connecting-tubule cell. Immunoreactive kallikrein was concentrated mainly in the upper one-third of the cell and at both sides of the nuclei, and to a less extent was associated with the plasma membranes and basolateral infoldings. The immunoreactivity was related to free polyribosomes, the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER), and the Golgi complex, suggesting that kallikrein is actively synthesized in this particular type of cell.

2017 ◽  
Vol 34 (03) ◽  
pp. 178-185 ◽  
N. Gorgees ◽  
V. Khalid

AbstractThis comprehensive study was undertaken to reveal the ovarian histomorphology in the oligochaetous clitellte, Dendrobaena atheca Cernosvitov. Efforts were, in fact, made to obtain proper histological preparations. So, various types of thin serial sections of ovaries were carefully obtained, stained and examined. Two small ovaries, at the beginning of breeding seasons, were seen in segment thirteen. Subsequently, they extremely increased in size and became fully formed. They demonstrated six principal cell types: peritoneal cell, follicular cell, stromal cell, oogonium, oocyte and trophocyte (nurse cell). The first three cell types were somatic, whereas the other three were germ and germ-line. All cell types were, as much as possible, properly described. Dividing oogonia were seen to produce oocytes and trophocytes simultaneously. The produced cells were seen to be interconnected. The stromal cell, a newly described cell type, exhibited several specific cell characteristics. Ovaries showed no internal lumens. The small ovaries showed only two distinct histological zones, whereas the large ones showed three such zones. Germ and germ-line cells showed an obvious arrangement in ovarian zones. Accordingly, the chief conclusions are: (1) ovaries are nutrimental due to presence of trophocytes (2) ovaries are solid and not sac-like organs due the lack of internal cavity (3) stromal cell can be considered a new cell type as it demonstrates several specific cell features (4) Ovarian zonation is caused by production and arrangement of germ and germ-line cells (5) intercellular connections are due to incomplete cell divisions.

Kosuke Ueda ◽  
Hiroto Washida ◽  
Nakazo Watari

IntroductionHemoglobin crystals in the red blood cells were electronmicroscopically reported by Fawcett in the cat myocardium. In the human, Lessin revealed crystal-containing cells in the periphral blood of hemoglobin C disease patients. We found the hemoglobin crystals and its agglutination in the erythrocytes in the renal cortex of the human renal lithiasis, and these patients had no hematological abnormalities or other diseases out of the renal lithiasis. Hemoglobin crystals in the human erythrocytes were confirmed to be the first case in the kidney.Material and MethodsTen cases of the human renal biopsies were performed on the operations of the seven pyelolithotomies and three ureterolithotomies. The each specimens were primarily fixed in cacodylate buffered 3. 0% glutaraldehyde and post fixed in osmic acid, dehydrated in graded concentrations of ethanol, and then embedded in Epon 812. Ultrathin sections, cut on LKB microtome, were doubly stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate.

G. Rowden ◽  
M. G. Lewis ◽  
T. M. Phillips

Langerhans cells of mammalian stratified squamous epithelial have proven to be an enigma since their discovery in 1868. These dendritic suprabasal cells have been considered as related to melanocytes either as effete cells, or as post divisional products. Although grafting experiments seemed to demonstrate the independence of the cell types, much confusion still exists. The presence in the epidermis of a cell type with morphological features seemingly shared by melanocytes and Langerhans cells has been especially troublesome. This so called "indeterminate", or " -dendritic cell" lacks both Langerhans cells granules and melanosomes, yet it is clearly not a keratinocyte. Suggestions have been made that it is related to either Langerhans cells or melanocyte. Recent studies have unequivocally demonstrated that Langerhans cells are independent cells with immune function. They display Fc and C3 receptors on their surface as well as la (immune region associated) antigens.

F.W. Van Leeuwen

In order to obtain specific and optimal ultrastructural localization of vasopressin and oxytocin in the hypothalamo-neurohypophyseal system of the rat, 2 staining procedures and several tissue treatments were evaluated using neurohypophyseal tissue. It appeared from these studies that post-embedding staining with the unlabeled antibody enzyme method developed by Sternberger allows greater dilution of the first antibody (anti-vasopressin, 1:4800) than the indirect procedure (1:320) using a peroxidase conjugate as second antibody. Immersion fixation with 4% formalin during 24 hours gave better results (general ultrastructure, immunoreactivity) than those obtained by perfusion fixation with 2.5% glutaraldehyde-1% paraformaldehyde or freeze substitution.Since no reliable specificity tests were performed at the electron microscopical level, tests were developed for antibodies against both vasopressin and oxytocin. For anti-vasopressin plasma neural lobes of homozygous Brattleboro rats, that are lacking vasopressin by a genet- ical defect, were used. For antibodies against both hormones serial sections were used that were alternately incubated with the antibodies.

George E. Childs ◽  
Joseph H. Miller

Biochemical and differential centrifugation studies have demonstrated that the oxidative enzymes of Acanthamoeba sp. are localized in mitochondria and peroxisomes (microbodies). Although hartmanellid amoebae have been the subject of several electron microscopic studies, peroxisomes have not been described from these organisms or other protozoa. Cytochemical tests employing diaminobenzidine-tetra HCl (DAB) and hydrogen peroxide were used for the ultrastructural localization of peroxidases of trophozoites of Hartmanella sp. (A-l, Culbertson), a pathogenic strain grown in axenic cultures of trypticase soy broth.

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