Weathering of granodiorite and micaschists, and soil pollution at Mt. Mottarone (northern Italy)

2001 ◽  
Vol 65 (3) ◽  
pp. 415-425 ◽  
E. Salvioli-Mariani ◽  
L. Toscani ◽  
G. Venturelli

AbstractAt the top of Mt. Mottarone a thin level of micaschist, covered by soil, rests on granodioritic rocks. Both rock types underwent weathering with generation of new minerals and variation of the original chemical composition. The weathering produced phyllosilicates and Fe- and Al-hydroxides. Mass balance calculations on the basis of Zr immobility indicate that at least As, Bi, Cd, Mo and Sb were added to the micaschist, whereas the other elements were removed; the soil was also enriched in As, Bi, Cd, Mo and Sb during weathering. Dry and wet pollution was responsible for the addition of the elements listed above. On the other hand, Ca, Na, Mo and Sr were surely removed from the granodiorite during weathering, whereas Bi and Cu were added by percolation from the overlying micaschist. The chemical features of a spring issuing from granodiorite agree well with the element budget as deduced from the rock transformation. This is not the case, however, for a spring issuing from the micaschist.

Blood ◽  
1978 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 339-346
P Pich ◽  
G Saglio ◽  
C Camaschella ◽  
O David ◽  
MA Vasino ◽  

We report the case of an Italian infant girl from Polesine (Po delta region in northern Italy) who was heterozygous for Hb Hasharon and alpha-thalassemia, did not synthesize any normal HbA, and had 3% HbH on electrophoresis. Hematologic and biosynthetic studies on Hb Hasharon carriers of the propositus' family suggest the possibility that the Hb Hasharon gene is linked to an alpha-thalassemia gene. On the other hand, in the Askenazy carriers of Hb Hasharon, Hb Harsharon is probably linked to a normal alpha gene. In comparing Hb Hasharon's behavior with that of other alpha variants, particularly HbG Philadelphia, frequent recombinations between alpha structural genes were suggested. The possible identity between the single alpha locus and the alpha2- thalassemia genotype is discussed.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (S332) ◽  
pp. 249-253
Łukasz Tychoniec ◽  
Charles L. H. Hull ◽  
John J. Tobin ◽  
Ewine F. van Dishoeck

AbstractThe youngest low-mass protostars are known to be chemically rich, accreting matter most vigorously, and producing the most powerful outflows. Molecules are unique tracers of these phenomena. We use ALMA to study several outflow sources in the Serpens Main region. The most luminous source, Ser-SMM1, shows the richest chemical composition, but some complex molecules are also present in S68N. No emission from complex organics is detected toward Ser-emb 8N, which is the least luminous in the sample. We discuss whether these differences reflect an evolutionary effect or whether they are due to different physical structures. We also analyze the outflow structure from these young protostars by comparing emission of CO and SiO. EHV molecular jets originating from SMM1-a,b and Ser-emb 8N contrast with no such activity from S68N, which on the other hand presents a complex outflow structure.

М.Г. Абрамзон ◽  
А.А. Завойкин ◽  
В.Д. Кузнецов ◽  
И.А. Сапрыкина

В статье впервые публикуются серебряные монеты конца 6 середины 5 в. до н.э. из раскопок Фанагории. Этот нумизматический материал имеет важное значение для уточнения датировки слоев поздней архаики ранней классики на акрополе Фанагории и открытого в них целого ряда объектов жилищ, общественных зданий, фортификационных сооружений. С другой стороны, археологический контекст находок монет позволяет корректировать хронологию некоторых типов самих монет. Для этих целей особенно важны находки монет, которые происходят из разных уровней жизни общественного здания (294), построенного во второй половине 6 в. до н.э. и с перестройками дожившего до середины 5 в. до н.э. Кроме того, большое значение имеют находки монет в слое разрушения древнейших оборонительных сооружений Фанагории (679), которые погибли ок. 480 г. до н.э. К этому же времени относится клад боспорских серебряных монет, спрятанный под стеной дома (205). В целом хронология ранних серебряных монет, найденных на раскопе Верхний город , согласуется с характеристиками этого района города в период поздней архаики ранней классики (примерно до середины 5 в. до н.э.), что позволяет, опираясь на фанагорийские материалы, четко определить рубеж, отделяющий датировки более поздних монетных типов. Публикуемая коллекция представляет собой ценный источник информации о денежном обращении ранней Фанагории, а исследование химического состава металла монет дает возможность подойти к решению вопросов об источниках серебра для ранней боспорской чеканки и атрибуции ряда выпусков. The article is the first publication of the 6th first half of the 5th century B.C. silver coins from excavations at Phanagoria. These numismatic finds are most important for the verification of the date of the Late Archaic and Early Classical layers at the acropolis of Phanagoria and a number of structures discovered there dwellings, public buildings, fortifications. On the other hand, the archaeological context of numismatic finds allows us to verify the chronology of certain types of coins. Most important in this connection are coin finds from different levels of a public building (294) erected in the second half of the 6th century B.C., which existed, after a number of reconstructions, till the middle of the 5th century B.C. There are also important coin finds from the ruined fortifications of Phanagoria (679) destroyed circa 480 B.C. A hoard of Bosporan silver coins concealed under the wall of a dwelling (205) belongs to the same period. In general, the chronology of early silver coins found in the excavation site the Upper City agrees with the features of this area in the Late Archaic and Early Classic times (approximately before 450 B.C.), which allows us to define the border dating later coin types. The collection presented here is a valuable evidence for the currency in early Phanagoria, and the study of the chemical composition of the coin alloy allows us to find out the sources of silver for the Early Bosporos coins and the attribution for a number of issues.

2012 ◽  
pp. 26-37
Elena Granata ◽  
Paolo Pileri

The mafia in Northern Italy has been able to consolidate its presence by counting on the advantages offered by impoverished contexts with weak social relationships and weak economic and political structures. On the other hand, the mafia itself has been at the centre of processes that have impoverished and weakened communities in a vicious circle, which people have only recently become aware of. The authors reflect on the habitats of the mafia, alluding to those conditions which afford opportunities and to the fragility, porosity and permeability of institutions and to the legal and procedural uncertainties, which facilitate ambiguous and at times criminal behaviours.

1959 ◽  
Vol 196 (4) ◽  
pp. 859-865 ◽  
Robert O. Scow

Rats were thyroidectomized-hypophysectomized at weaning and 5 weeks later treated for 36 days with either growth hormone (0.1 or 0.5 mg/day), thyroxine (2.5 µg/day), or both. Growth hormone stimulated growth of all tissues whereas thyroxine accelerated growth of only muscle and certain viscera. The growth response of some tissues to thyroxine was as pronounced as that to growth hormone. Administration of thyroxine increased the response to growth hormone of only the tissues that grew when thyroxine was given alone. Although thyroxine had no effect on the amount of bone protein in growth hormone treated and untreated rats, it had a pronounced effect on the morphology (length and maturation) of bone. The amount of collagen in muscle increased with dosage of growth hormone; thyroxine had no effect on this response. Myosin, on the other hand, increased with growth hormone dosage only in those animals also given thyroxine. Thyroxine given alone increased myosin deposition in muscle but had no effect on collagen in muscle, bone or skin.

1906 ◽  
Vol 45 (1) ◽  
pp. 133-150 ◽  
J. D. Falconer

The lavas of the Bathgate and Linlithgow Hills occur, as already described, in a series of zones alternating with sedimentary deposits. So far as their field characters are concerned they may be grouped with convenience into two classes: fine-grained, columnar, basaltic types, usually porphyritic with augite and olivine, rarely with felspar, and coarser-grained, doleritic types, usually much decomposed, not evidently porphyritic or porphyritic with olivine alone. The yellow crusts of the compact lavas are minutely vesicular and pumiceous, while steam-cavities are rare in the interior. The doleritic lavas on the other hand are coarsely vesicular and amygdaloidal above and below, and frequently also throughout. The blue basaltic types are relatively very fresh; the doleritic types are frequently entirely decomposed into a whitish, earthy material, with knots of limonite, calcite, and quartz, similar in many respects to the white trap of the coal-fields. Good examples of this mode of weathering may be found in the Riccarton Burn. The differences in texture are probably to be referred not so much to differences in chemical composition as to the effect of variation in the quantity of water vapour contained in the successive flows. The coarse and open structure of the dolerites has evidently also given freer scope to the action of decomposing influences than the more compact structure of the basalts. Both types are much veined by such secondary minerals as calcite, siderite, limonite, quartz, chalcedony, and various zeolites. Frequently cavities in the veins, steam-holes in the pumiceous crusts, and even vesicles within the solid rocks, are found filled with brown viscous pitch or black lustrous asphalt. Such occurrences undoubtedly indicate that these rocks have been subjected to some slight extent to post-volcanic pneumatolytic action.

2021 ◽  
pp. 151-178
Federico Del Tredici

At the end of the Middle Ages in Lombardy it was common for a rural lord and his subjects to be defined as friends. By comparing Lombardy to other areas of central and northern Italy, the essay underlines the exceptional nature of this situation, and questions its causes. Such a phenomenon had two main underlying reasons: on the one hand, the peculiar political relationship between city and countryside that distinguished Lombardy since the late thirteenth century; on the other hand, the strong consensual character of the Lombard lordship in the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries.

2020 ◽  
Vol 112 ◽  
pp. 5-10
Dominik Sierant ◽  
Andrzej Antczak

Comparison of the chemical composition of domestic common hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) wood and exotic yakal (Shorea astylosa Foxw.) wood. The study was carried out to compare the chemical composition of domestic hornbeam wood with exotic yakal wood, which is an endemic species occurring in the Philippines. Species of similar structural structure occurring in different areas were studied. Extractives, cellulose (including α-cellulose), holocellulose (including hemicelluloses), lignin and ash contents were analyzed. The obtained results indicated lower content of cellulose, α-cellulose, lignin, extractives and ash in hornbeam wood as compared to yakal wood. On the other hand, a much higher amount of hemicelluloses (by 12 percentage points) was found in hornbeam wood. Probably, the main reason for the differences in the chemical composition of wood were different habitat and climatic conditions, in which the studied species were growing.

Blood ◽  
1978 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 339-346 ◽  
P Pich ◽  
G Saglio ◽  
C Camaschella ◽  
O David ◽  
MA Vasino ◽  

Abstract We report the case of an Italian infant girl from Polesine (Po delta region in northern Italy) who was heterozygous for Hb Hasharon and alpha-thalassemia, did not synthesize any normal HbA, and had 3% HbH on electrophoresis. Hematologic and biosynthetic studies on Hb Hasharon carriers of the propositus' family suggest the possibility that the Hb Hasharon gene is linked to an alpha-thalassemia gene. On the other hand, in the Askenazy carriers of Hb Hasharon, Hb Harsharon is probably linked to a normal alpha gene. In comparing Hb Hasharon's behavior with that of other alpha variants, particularly HbG Philadelphia, frequent recombinations between alpha structural genes were suggested. The possible identity between the single alpha locus and the alpha2- thalassemia genotype is discussed.

2019 ◽  
Vol 631 ◽  
pp. A75 ◽  
J. Krtička ◽  
J. Janík ◽  
I. Krtičková ◽  
S. Mereghetti ◽  
F. Pintore ◽  

Context. Hot subdwarfs are helium burning objects in late stages of their evolution. These subluminous stars can develop winds driven by light absorption in the lines of heavier elements. The wind strength depends on chemical composition which can significantly vary from star to star. Aims. We aim to understand the influence of metallicity on the strength of the winds of the hot hydrogen-rich subdwarfs HD 49798 and BD+18° 2647. Methods. We used high-resolution UV and optical spectra to derive stellar parameters and abundances using the TLUSTY and SYNSPEC codes. For derived stellar parameters, we predicted wind structure (including mass-loss rates and terminal velocities) with our METUJE code. Results. We derived effective temperature Teff = 45 900 K and mass M = 1.46 M⊙ for HD 49798 and Teff = 73 000 K and M = 0.38 M⊙ for BD+18° 2647. The derived surface abundances can be interpreted as a result of interplay between stellar evolution and diffusion. The subdwarf HD 49798 has a strong wind that does not allow for chemical separation and consequently the star shows solar chemical composition modified by hydrogen burning. On the other hand, we did not find any wind in BD+18° 2647 and its abundances are therefore most likely affected by radiative diffusion. Accurate abundances do not lead to a significant modification of wind mass-loss rate for HD 49798, because the increase of the contribution of iron and nickel to the radiative force is compensated by the decrease of the radiative force due to other elements. The resulting wind mass-loss rate Ṁ = 2.1 × 10−9 M⊙ yr−1 predicts an X-ray light curve during the eclipse which closely agrees with observations. On the other hand, the absence of the wind in BD+18° 2647 for accurate abundances is a result of its peculiar chemical composition. Conclusions. Wind models with accurate abundances provide more reliable wind parameters, but the influence of abundances on the wind parameters is limited in many cases.

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