The plaque lipid lysophosphatidic acid stimulates platelet activation and platelet-monocyte aggregate formation in whole blood: involvement of P2Y1 and P2Y12 receptors

Blood ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 103 (7) ◽  
pp. 2585-2592 ◽  
Nadine Haserück ◽  
Wolfgang Erl ◽  
Dharmendra Pandey ◽  
Gabor Tigyi ◽  
Philippe Ohlmann ◽  

Abstract Despite the fact that lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) has been identified as a main platelet-activating lipid of mildly oxidized low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and human atherosclerotic lesions, it remains unknown whether it is capable of activating platelets in blood. We found that LPA at concentrations slightly above plasma levels induces platelet shape change, aggregation, and platelet-monocyte aggregate formation in blood. 1-alkyl-LPA (16:0 fatty acid) was almost 20-fold more potent than 1-acyl-LPA (16:0). LPA directly induced platelet shape change in blood and platelet-rich plasma obtained from all blood donors. However, LPA-stimulated platelet aggregation in blood was donor dependent. It could be completely blocked by apyrase and antagonists of the platelet adenosine diphosphate (ADP) receptors P2Y1 and P2Y12. These substances also inhibited LPA-induced aggregation of platelet-rich plasma and aggregation and serotonin secretion of washed platelets. These results indicate a central role for ADP-mediated P2Y1 and P2Y12 receptor activation in supporting LPA-induced platelet aggregation. Platelet aggregation and platelet-monocyte aggregate formation stimulated by LPA was insensitive to inhibition by aspirin. We conclude that LPA at concentrations approaching those found in vivo can induce platelet shape change, aggregation, and platelet-monocyte aggregate formation in whole blood and suggest that antagonists of platelet P2Y1 and P2Y12 receptors might be useful preventing LPA-elicited thrombus formation in patients with cardiovascular diseases.

2008 ◽  
Vol 14 (3) ◽  
pp. 295-302 ◽  
I. Anita Jagroop ◽  
Dimitri P. Mikhailidis

There is evidence linking raised plasma fibrinogen (fib) and platelet hyperactivity with vascular events. One way to inhibit platelets is to block the platelet membrane glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa receptor, which binds circulating fib or von Willebrand factor and cross-links platelets at the final common pathway to platelet aggregation. Tirofiban is a potent and specific fib receptor antagonist, used in the treatment of unstable angina. The authors assessed the effect of tirofiban on spontaneous platelet aggregation (SPA), fib-induced, serotonin (5HT)-induced, and adenosine diphosphate (ADP)-induced aggregation in whole blood by calculating the percentage free platelet count. These various agonists were used alone and in combination. The authors also measured the effect of tirofiban on agonists-induced (ADP, 5HT) platelet shape change (PSC). The effect of fib on PSC was also evaluated in platelet-rich plasma using a high-resolution (0.07 fL) channelyzer. Tirofiban significantly inhibited SPA, fib (2, 4, 8 g/L), ADP, ADP + fib combination, and 5HT-induced aggregation. Tirofiban had no effect on agonist-induced PSC. There was no apparent change in platelet volume with fib. In conclusion, tirofiban does not appear to have an effect on PSC, an early phase of platelet activation. Tirofiban seems to be a nonspecific and an effective inhibitor of platelet aggregation (a later phase of platelet activation) in whole blood. The clinical significance of these findings remains to be established.

1981 ◽  
A K Sim ◽  
A P McCraw ◽  
L Caprino ◽  
F Antonetti ◽  
L Morelli

Ditazole (4,5-diphenyl-2-diethanolamino-oxazole), a weak anti-inflammatory drug, has been shown to be a potent inhibitor of platelet aggregation, adhesiveness and bleeding time. Acetylsalicylic acid (ASA), dipyridamole and a combination of these two drugs induced a platelet shape change which was much shorter lasting than their effect on platelet aggregation. Conversely, similar doses of ditazole induced a potent shape change but no effect on aggregation. Ditazole has now been shown to reversibly antagonise thromboxane A2 (TXA2)-induced contraction of rabbit aortic strips at an optimal concentration of 25 μm in the perfusate. Separately, over a dose range of 50-400 mg/kg/p.o., TXA2 production was inhibited between 39% and 85% in spontaneously clotted rabbit blood. In addition, we have shown that TXA2 formation following arachidonic acid-induced aggregation of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is similarly inhibited. Ditazole however did not inhibit prostacyclin (PGI2) production in rabbit aortic rings following oral drug administration over a dose range of 50-400 mg/kg. At 1000 and 2000 mg/kg PGI2 production was inhibited by 23% and 41% respectively. TXA2 and PGI2 levels were measured by radioimmunoassay of their stable derivatives TXB2 and 6-keto-PGF1α. It is suggested that the mode of action of ditazole may be more specific than the cyclo-oxygenase/PG-synthetase blocking activity of most other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

1983 ◽  
Vol 50 (04) ◽  
pp. 852-856 ◽  
P Gresele ◽  
C Zoja ◽  
H Deckmyn ◽  
J Arnout ◽  
J Vermylen ◽  

SummaryDipyridamole possesses antithrombotic properties in the animal and in man but it does not inhibit platelet aggregation in plasma. We evaluated the effect of dipyridamole ex vivo and in vitro on platelet aggregation induced by collagen and adenosine- 5’-diphosphate (ADP) in human whole blood with an impedance aggregometer. Two hundred mg dipyridamole induced a significant inhibition of both ADP- and collagen-induced aggregation in human blood samples taken 2 hr after oral drug intake. Administration of the drug for four days, 400 mg/day, further increased the antiplatelet effect. A significant negative correlation was found between collagen-induced platelet aggregation in whole blood and dipyridamole levels in plasma (p <0.001). A statistically significant inhibition of both collagen (p <0.0025) and ADP-induced (p <0.005) platelet aggregation was also obtained by incubating whole blood in vitro for 2 min at 37° C with dipyridamole (3.9 μM). No such effects were seen in platelet-rich plasma, even after enrichment with leukocytes. Low-dose adenosine enhanced in vitro inhibition in whole blood.Our results demonstrate that dipyridamole impedes platelet aggregation in whole blood by an interaction with red blood cells, probably involving adenosine.

1987 ◽  
Vol 65 (7) ◽  
pp. 642-650 ◽  
Jon. M. Gerrard ◽  
Laura L. Beattie ◽  
Jan M. McCrae ◽  
Sandra Singhroy

Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a lysophospholipid that is produced during thrombin stimulation of platelets, which can promote platelet aggregation. The mechanism of the effect of LPA was explored in normal platelets and in platelets from a patient with a storage pool deficiency (SPD). A comparison with other lysophospholipids showed that only LPA exerted significant effects to cause or potentiate platelet aggregation. Aspirin, an inhibitor of prostaglandin endoperoxide synthetase, had little effect on LPA-induced aggregation, but completely blocked LPA-induced serotonin secretion. LPA also promoted phosphorylation of myosin light chain (MLC), a 47 kilodalton (kDa) protein, and actin-binding protein. Aspirin significantly inhibited the phosphorylation of the 47-kDa and actin-binding proteins at 3–8 min after the addition of LPA, but had no effect on protein phosphorylation within the 1st min and had no significant effect on MLC phosphorylation. In SPD platelets, aspirin partially inhibited both aggregation and phosphorylation of the 47-kDa protein (< 30% inhibition) and MLC (< 40% inhibition) at time points of 1 min or less. The addition of ADP to SPD platelets enhanced the LPA response in platelets either pretreated or not pretreated with aspirin. Studies with SPD platelets indicate that thromboxane and secreted ADP contribute to, but are not necessary for, LPA-induced aggregation and phosphorylation. A23187 (a calcium ionophore) and LPA showed some selectivity to promote MLC as opposed to the 47-kDa protein phosphorylation, particularly at low concentrations of agonists and at earlier time points. The protein phosphorylation changes seen are consistent with a role for MLC phosphorylation in the granule centralization promoted with LPA.

2007 ◽  
Vol 98 (12) ◽  
pp. 1266-1275 ◽  
Ruben Xavier ◽  
Ann White ◽  
Susan Fox ◽  
Robert Wilcox ◽  
Stan Heptinstall

SummaryThe effects on platelet function of temperatures attained during hypothermia used in cardiac surgery are controversial. Here we have performed studies on platelet aggregation in whole blood and platelet-rich plasma after stimulation with a range of concentrations of ADP, TRAP, U46619 and PAF at both 28°C and 37°C. Spontaneous aggregation was also measured after addition of saline alone. In citrated blood, spontaneous aggregation was markedly enhanced at 28°C compared with 37°C. Aggregation induced by ADP was also enhanced. Similar results were obtained in hirudinised blood. There was no spontaneous aggregation in PRP but ADP-induced aggregation was enhanced at 28°C. The P2Y12 antagonist AR-C69931 inhibited all spontaneous aggregation at 28°C and reduced all ADP-induced aggregation responses to small, reversible responses. Aspirin had no effect. Aggregation was also enhanced at 28°C compared with 37°C with low but not high concentrations of TRAP and U46619. PAF-induced aggregation was maximal at all concentrations when measured at 28°C, but reversal of aggregation was seen at 37°C. Baseline levels of platelet CD62P and CD63 were significantly enhanced at 28°C compared with 37°C. Expression was significantly increased at 28°C after stimulation with ADP, PAF and TRAP but not after stimulation with U46619. Overall, our results demonstrate an enhancement of platelet function at 28°C compared with 37°C, particularly in the presence of ADP.

1977 ◽  
G. R. Favis ◽  
R. W. Colman

Halofenate (Hal) has previously been shown to inhibit epinephrine (Epi) and ADP induced platelet aggregation and C14-serotonin release. We further investigated the site of action of Hal by examining platelet shape change as a membrane event and malondialdehyde (MDA) formation as a measure of prostaglandin synthesis. Platelet-rich-plasma (PRP) with and without Hal wasdiluted in an EDTA buffer and examined in a spectrophotometer modified for stirring and maintained at 37°. ADP induced increase in absorbance was recorded and the velocity of the shape change curve was plotted against ADP concentration. MDA production was measured by the thiobarbituric acid assay and utilized a DEAE-52 cellulose column to concentrate the chromogen. Hal in pharmacologic concentrations (.96mM) had no effect on Epi induced primary aggregation or on ADP induced shape change. However, at higher than pharmacologic amounts (3.36mM), Hal did inhibit ADP induced shape change. Epi-induced MDA formation (.18μM-.33μM) normally occurs concomitant with the second phase of aggregation and serotonin release but was markedly decreased by Hal (.06μM-.085μM). This inhibition was not due to a direct effect on prostaglandin synthesis since sodium arachi-donate (1mM) caused secondary aggregation in PRP treated with Hal but not PRP treated with aspirin (4mM). Hal (.96mM) does not seem to inhibit platelet aggregation through an inhibition of ADP induced shape change or of Epi induced primary aggregation. Since Hal treated platelets respond to arachidonate, Hal must work at some earlier step than arachidonate induced prostaglandin synthesis. We suggest that this may be an alteration of the platelet membrane structure which makes ADP and Epi binding sites less accessible or which impairs arachidonic acid release by phospholipase. Decreased MDA formation and inhibition of aggregation would then be secondary to this membrane change.

Blood ◽  
1979 ◽  
Vol 54 (3) ◽  
pp. 659-672 ◽  
AC Cox ◽  
P Inyangetor ◽  
CT Esmon ◽  
BN White

Abstract Platelets provide a procoagulant activity for the conversion of prothrombin to thrombin during normal hemostatis. This activity designated as platelet prothrombin-converting activity (PPCA) was monitored as rate of thrombin production in a two-stage assay using gel- filtered bovine platelets, factor Xa, and prothrombin. Expression of PPCA was not associated with ADP-induced release or platelet shape change but was associated with aggregation. Release of the contents of dense bodies, measured by release of 14C-5-hydroxytryptamine, was not required for expression of PPCA during platelet aggregation. During the PPCA assay, 5-hydroxytrypamine was released, but only after onset of thrombin production. Furthermore, the release of 5-hydroxytryptamine was retarded during the assay by the addition of 2 mM theophylline and 100 nM prostaglandin E1 without a comparable reduction in PPCA. In addition, 125I-factor-Xa was bound in greater amounts to platelets (aspirin-treated) after ADP-induced aggregation (without detectable release) than to unactivated control platelets. Finally, the PPCA of the ADP-activated platelets was saturated with respect to factors Xa and Va at less than 1 nM concentrations, indicating that the aggregation induced by ADP leads to the exposure of specific procoagulant sites by some process other than dense body secretion.

2007 ◽  
Vol 98 (07) ◽  
pp. 192-200 ◽  
Joseph Jakubowski ◽  
You FuLi ◽  
Marc Barnard ◽  
Marsha Fox ◽  
Matthew Linden ◽  

SummaryThe novel thienopyridine prodrug prasugrel, a platelet P2Y12 ADP receptor antagonist, requires in vivo metabolism for activity. Although pharmacological data have been collected on the effects of prasugrel on platelet aggregation,there are few data on the direct effects of the prasugrel’s active metabolite, R-138727, on other aspects of platelet function. Here we examined the effects of R-138727 on thrombo-inflammatory markers of platelet activation, and the possible modulatory effects of other blood cells, calcium, and aspirin. Blood (PPACK or citrate anticoagulated) from healthy donors pre- and post-aspirin was incubated with R-138727 and the response to ADP assessed in whole blood or platelet-rich plasma (PRP) by aggregometry and flow cytometric analysis of leukocyte-platelet aggregates,platelet surface P-selectin, and GPIIb-IIIa activation. Low-micromolar concentrations of R-138727 resulted in a rapid and consistent in-hibition of these ADP-stimulated thrombo-inflammatory markers.These rapid kinetics required physiological calcium levels, but were largely unaffected by aspirin. Lower IC50 values in whole blood relative to PRP suggested that other blood cells affect ADP-induced platelet activation and hence the net inhibition by R-138727. R-138727 did not inhibit P2Y12-mediated ADP-induced shape change, even at concentrations that completely inhibited platelet aggregation, confirming the specificity of R-138727 for P2Y12. In conclusion, R-138727, the active metabolite of prasugrel, results in rapid, potent, consistent, and selective inhibition of P2Y12-mediated up-regulation of thromboinflammatory markers of platelet activation.This inhibition is enhanced in the presence other blood cells and calcium,but not aspirin.

Blood ◽  
2005 ◽  
Vol 106 (11) ◽  
pp. 4018-4018
Anna M. Dyszkiewicz-Korpanty ◽  
Anne Kim ◽  
James D. Burner ◽  
Eugene P. Frenkel ◽  
Ravindra Sarode

Abstract The reported incidence of aspirin (ASA) resistance ranges from 5 to 30%. Various platelet function assays have been employed to detect aspirin resistance in patients with cardio- and cerebrovascular disease. Such a high proposed incidence of ASA resistance poses a critical need for a rapid point-of -care (POC) platelet function test. Unfortunately, no uniformly accepted definition of ASA resistance exists. Platelet aggregation studies that have been used to define ASA resistance are time consuming and require special technical expertise. The Ultegra Rapid Platelet Function -ASA (RPFA-ASA) has been developed as a POC test that is performed without sample processing. This optical method measures agglutination of fibrinogen-coated beads upon platelet activation with arachidonic acid. In the presence of aspirin effect, however, the agglutination of the beads is inhibited. The described cutoff of ≥ 550 Aspirin Reaction Units (ARU) is termed non-responsiveness to ASA based on a preclinical study and subsequent correlation with epinephrine-induced platelet aggregation in platelet rich plasma. Since RPFA-ASA uses whole blood, we validated its performance characteristics against a classic whole blood platelet aggregation assay (WBA). We studied 50 healthy volunteers, aged 25–75 (24 men, 26 women) with normal CBC, who had not ingested anti-platelet drugs for 14 days prior to the study. Baseline studies included WBA (dual channel aggregometer, Chrono-log Inc., Havertown, PA) using both arachidonic acid (AA -0.5; 0.25 mM) and collagen (1; 2 μg/mL) as well as an RPFA-ASA assay (Accumetrics Inc., San Diego, CA). These studies were repeated after 3 days of ASA (325 mg/d) intake. Based on a review of the literature, we defined an adequate ASA response as a completely inhibited AA-induced platelet aggregation and at least 30% inhibition of collagen-induced aggregation (both concentrations of the agonist). Thus, those with &lt; 30% inhibition of aggregation response to collagen were considered ASA resistant. Eleven subjects were ASA resistant by WBA (20%; 8 females and 3 males (aged 25–63). In contrast, since all 50 subjects achieved ARU values of &lt; 550 ARU, none were recognized as an ASA non-responder by the RPFA-ASA. While the current cutoff of &lt; 550 ARU posed by the Ultegra RPFA-ASA does identify those who have taken ASA, the assay is unable to recognize ASA non-responders. Thus, based on these data, the appropriate cutoff for the recognition of ASA resistance by the RPFA-ASA should be re-adjusted to a significantly lower level to ensure appropriate assay results.

1987 ◽  
D A F Chamone ◽  
M Ivany-Silva ◽  
C Cassaro ◽  
G Bellotti ◽  
C Massumoto ◽  

Guarana, a methylxanthine obtained from the seeds of Paullinia cupana has been largely used in the Amazon region by native indians during centuries as stimulant. We evaluated the effect of guarana on ex-vivo and in vitro platelet aggregation induced by adenosine-5-diphosphate (ADP) in human and rat whole blood with an impedance (Chrono-Log, model 500) and in their platelet rich plasma (PRP) with an optical aggregometer (Chrono-Log, model 440). Ex-vivo studies were carried out after single oral intake of guarana. Seven healthy volunteers (5 male and 2 female) aged 19-26 years who had taken no drugs for 10 days before, ingested 8gm of crude powder of guarana. Blood samples were drawn before and 1 hour after guarana intake. We observed a significative inhibition of platelet aggregation in whole blood meanwhile PRP was un changed as compared to basal values. In vitro studies were performed in whole blood and PRP from human volunteers and male Wis-tar rats. The combined effect of guarana and adenosine was also studied. A control aggregation was always run with saline. The results demonstrated an inhibition statistically significative (p < 0.001) of platelet aggregation in whole blood. Differently from whole blood the PRP with the same concentration of guarana did not result in inhibition of ADP induced aggregation when eva luated with the impedance method. The blood incubation with adenosine and guarana resulted in synergistic inhibitory effect that was much more strinking in whole blood than in PRP. Guarana fails to inhibit aggregation of rat platelets.Our results demonstrate that guarana prevents platelet aggregation in whole blood which depends on red blood cells, probably involving adenosine.

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