Stimulation of Transferrin Receptor Expression by Enhanced Heme Biosynthesis in Murine Erythroleukemia Cells.

Blood ◽  
2004 ◽  
Vol 104 (11) ◽  
pp. 3200-3200
Chun-Nam Lok ◽  
Prem Ponka

Abstract In erythroid cells iron uptake from transferrin (Tf) is utilized largely for heme synthesis. Here we provide evidence that Tf receptor (TfR) expression and cellular uptake of iron from Tf is stimulated by enhanced heme synthesis. Incubation of murine erythroleukemia (MEL) cells with 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) resulted in an increase in TfR expression accompanied by enhanced uptake of iron from Tf and incorporation of iron into heme. ALA-mediated enhancement of TfR mRNA expression was completely prevented by succinylacetone, an inhibitor of ALA dehydratase, and N-methylprotoporphyrin, an inhibitor of ferrochelatase, indicating that the effect of ALA required its metabolism to heme. Treatment of cells with ALA was associated with enhanced iron regulatory protein-2 (IRP-2) binding activity, which could be blocked by inhibitors of heme synthesis and supplementation of the culture medium with a permeable iron chelate or Tf. In all cases, IRP-2 activities were correlated exactly with TfR mRNA levels. Thus, in addition to the previously characterized transcriptional up-regulation of TfR expression in differentiating erythroid cells, increased TfR expression mediated by enhanced heme biosynthesis may ensure sufficient iron availability for optimal heme synthesis and prevent possible protoporphyrin accumulation under conditions of inadequate iron supply.

Blood ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 115 (4) ◽  
pp. 860-869 ◽  
Daniel R. Crooks ◽  
Manik C. Ghosh ◽  
Ronald G. Haller ◽  
Wing-Hang Tong ◽  
Tracey A. Rouault

AbstractMammalian ferrochelatase, the terminal enzyme in the heme biosynthetic pathway, possesses an iron-sulfur [2Fe-2S] cluster that does not participate in catalysis. We investigated ferrochelatase expression in iron-deficient erythropoietic tissues of mice lacking iron regulatory protein 2, in iron-deficient murine erythroleukemia cells, and in human patients with ISCU myopathy. Ferrochelatase activity and protein levels were dramatically decreased in Irp2−/− spleens, whereas ferrochelatase mRNA levels were increased, demonstrating posttranscriptional regulation of ferrochelatase in vivo. Translation of ferrochelatase mRNA was unchanged in iron-depleted murine erythroleukemia cells, and the stability of mature ferrochelatase protein was also unaffected. However, the stability of newly formed ferrochelatase protein was dramatically decreased during iron deficiency. Ferrochelatase was also severely depleted in muscle biopsies and cultured myoblasts from patients with ISCU myopathy, a disease caused by deficiency of a scaffold protein required for Fe-S cluster assembly. Together, these data suggest that decreased Fe-S cluster availability because of cellular iron depletion or impaired Fe-S cluster assembly causes reduced maturation and stabilization of apo-ferrochelatase, providing a direct link between Fe-S biogenesis and completion of heme biosynthesis. We propose that decreased heme biosynthesis resulting from impaired Fe-S cluster assembly can contribute to the pathogenesis of diseases caused by defective Fe-S cluster biogenesis.

Blood ◽  
1995 ◽  
Vol 85 (10) ◽  
pp. 2962-2966 ◽  
R Oria ◽  
L Sanchez ◽  
T Houston ◽  
MW Hentze ◽  
FY Liew ◽  

Nitric oxide (NO) is known to increase the affinity of the intracellular iron-regulatory protein (IRP) for iron-response elements (IREs) in transferrin receptor and ferritin mRNAs, suggesting that it may act as a regulator of cellular iron metabolism. In this study, exogenous NO produced by adding the NO-generator S-nitroso-N-acetyl penicillamine gave a dose-dependent upregulation of transferrin receptor expression by K562 erythroleukemia cells and increased levels of transferrin receptor mRNA. NO did not affect the affinity of transferrin binding by the transferrin receptor. NO alone did not alter intracellular ferritin levels, but it did abrogate the inhibitory effect of the iron chelator desferrioxamine and potentiated the stimulatory effect of additional iron. NO also caused some increase in ferritin mRNA levels, which might mask any IRP-/IRE-mediated inhibitory effect of NO on ferritin translation. Although NO did not affect net iron uptake, it increased release of iron from K562 cells pulsed previously with 59Fe, and subcellular fractionation showed that it also increased the proportion of intracellular iron bound to ferritin. These findings provide direct evidence that NO can affect cellular iron metabolism and suggest that NO produced in vivo by activated bone marrow macrophages might affect erythropoiesis.

Blood ◽  
2010 ◽  
Vol 116 (21) ◽  
pp. 4254-4254
Daniel Garcia Santos ◽  
Jesse Eisenberg ◽  
Matthias Schranzhofer ◽  
Prem Ponka

Abstract Abstract 4254 Heme is indispensable for the function of all aerobic cells as a prosthetic group of innumerable proteins. However, “free heme” (uncommitted) can initiate the formation of free radicals and cause lipid peroxidation, which can lead to cellular damage and tissue injury. Therefore, the rate of heme biosynthesis and catabolism must be well balanced by tight control mechanisms. The highest amounts of organismal heme (75-80%) are present in circulating red blood cells (RBC), whose precursors synthesize heme with rates that are at least one order of magnitude higher (on the per cell basis) than those in the liver – the second most active heme producer in the body. The degradation of heme is exclusively carried out by heme oxygenases 1 and 2 (HO1 and HO2), which catalyze the rate-limiting step in the oxidative degradation of heme. Although the heme-inducible HO isoform, HO1, has been extensively studied in hepatocytes and many other non-erythroid cells, virtually nothing is known about the expression of HO1 in developing RBC. Similarly, it is unknown whether HO1 plays any role in erythroid cell development under physiological or pathophysiological conditions. Using both a murine erythroleukemia cell line (MEL) and primary erythroid cells isolated from mouse fetal livers, we have demonstrated that during erythroid differentiation HO1 is up-regulated at both mRNA and protein levels. This increase in HO1 can be prevented by succinylacetone (SA), an inhibitor of heme synthesis that blocks 5-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase. These data suggest that in developing RBC, in addition to the continuous assembly of heme with globin chains, there is an increase in levels of uncommitted heme, which upregulates HO1 expression. Additionally, we have shown that down-regulation of HO1 via siRNA increased hemoglobinization in differentiating MEL cells. In contrast, induction of HO1 expression by NaAsO2 reduced the hemoglobinization of MEL cells. This effect could be reversed to control levels by the addition of HO1 inhibitor tin-protophorphyrin (SnPP). These results show that in differentiating erythroid cells the balance between levels of heme and HO1 have to be tightly regulated to maintain hemoglobinization at appropriate levels. Our results lead us to propose that disturbances in HO1 expression could play a role in some pathophysiological conditions such as thalassemias. Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

Blood ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 126 (23) ◽  
pp. 405-405
Yvette Y Yien ◽  
Caiyong Chen ◽  
Jiahai Shi ◽  
Liangtao Li ◽  
Daniel E. Bauer ◽  

Abstract Red cells synthesize large quantities of heme during terminal differentiation. Central to erythropoiesis is the transport and trafficking of iron within the cell. Despite the importance of iron transport during erythroid heme synthesis, the molecules involved in intracellular trafficking of iron are largely unknown. In a screen for genes that are up-regulated during erythroid terminal differentiation, we identified FAM210B, a predicted multi-pass transmembrane mitochondrial protein as an essential component of mitochondrial iron transport during erythroid differentiation. In zebrafish and mice, Fam210b mRNA is enriched in differentiating erythroid cells and liver (fetal and adult), which are tissues that require large amounts of iron for heme synthesis. Here, we report that FAM210B facilitates mitochondrial iron import during erythroid differentiation and is essential for hemoglobin synthesis. Zebrafish are anemic when fam210b is silenced using anti-sense morpholinos (Fig. A). CRISPR knockout of Fam210b caused a heme synthesis defect in differentiating Friend murine erythroleukemia (MEL) cells. PPIX levels in Fam210b deficient cells are normal, demonstrating that Fam210b does not participate in synthesis of the heme tetrapyrrole ring. Consistent with this result, supplementation of Fam210b deficient MEL cells with either aminolevulinic acid, the first committed substrate of the heme synthesis pathway or a chemical analog of protoporphyrin IX failed to chemically complement the heme synthesis defect. While Fam210b was not required for basal housekeeping heme synthesis, Fam210b deficientcells showed defective total cellular and mitochondrial iron uptake during erythroid differentiation (Fig. B). As a result, Fam210b deficient cells had defective hemoglobinization. Supplementation of Fam210b-/- MEL cells with non-transferrin iron chelates restored erythroid differentiation and hemoglobin synthesis; whereas, similar chemical complementation could not be achieved in the Tmem14c-/- cells, which have a primary defect in tetrapyrrole transport. (Fig. C). Our findings reveal that FAM210B is required for optimal mitochondrial iron import during erythroid differentiation for hemoglobin synthesis. It may therefore function as a genetic modifier for mitochondriopathies, anemias or porphyrias. Figure 1. Figure 1. Disclosures Bauer: Biogen: Research Funding; Editas Medicine: Consultancy. Orkin:Editas Inc.: Consultancy.

Blood ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 128 (22) ◽  
pp. 3874-3874
Tomoaki Ueda ◽  
Takafumi Yokota ◽  
Yasuhiro Shingai ◽  
Yukiko Doi ◽  
Tomohiko Ishibashi ◽  

Abstract We previously reported that endothelial cell-selective adhesion molecule (ESAM), which was initially identified as an endothelial cell-specific antigen, is an effective lifelong hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) marker in mice and humans (Yokota Blood 2009; Ishibashi Exp Hematol 2016). Prior to the advent of the first definitive HSC, ESAM was already expressed on hemogenic endotherium in the developing aorta of murine embryos. We also reported that ESAM expression on HSCs is functionally important for adult hematopoiesis because ESAM deficiency causes life-threatening myelo-suppression, especially severe anemia, after administration of 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) (Sudo J Immunol 2012, PLoS One 2016). Collective data obtained from the genotyping of newborn ESAM knockout (KO) mice suggested that the number of homozygous (homo) ESAM KO mice was about half of that expected as per the Mendelian ratio. The functional significance of ESAM in the development of hematopoiesis, however, has yet to be determined. Thus, in the present study we have analyzed how ESAM deletion affects hematopoietic development in fetuses of ESAM KO mice. Unexpectedly, the frequency and the size of ESAM homo KO fetuses were comparable to those of wildtype (WT) or heterozyqous KO littermates at embryonic day (E) 14.5. However, we found that the liver of ESAM homo KO fetuses contained significantly fewer mononuclear cells. FACS analyses revealed that all the tested hematopoietic cell populations, including lineage- Sca1+cKitHigh (LSK) and LSK CD150+ CD48- HSCs, B220+ B cells, Gr1+ myeloid cells, and Ter119+ erythroid cells, were significantly decreased in the ESAM homo KO fetal liver. Erythroid differentiation was thought to be delayed in ESAM homo KO fetuses because Ter119+ mature erythroid cells significantly decreased whereas CD71+ Ter119- immature cells significantly increased. HSC-enriched LSK cells from E14.5 ESAM homo KO mice produced fewer numbers of blood cells in MS5 co-culture than those from the others, particularly B-lineage cells, suggesting that the growth and differentiation potential of HSCs is impaired in the absence of ESAM. Although ESAM-deficient fetuses grew without an apparent malfunction in developing organs until E14.5, we found that life-threatening events occurred in 3 days following E14.5. Approximately half of homo KO fetuses exhibited severe anemia at E15.5 and died before E17.5. Quantitative real-time PCR analyses from E16.5 ESAM KO homo fetal livers revealed a significant reduction in messenger RNA (mRNA) levels for adult globins (α and β major). In addition, the mRNA level for an erythroid-specific isoenzyme of 5-aminolevulinic acid synthase 2 (ALAS2), the first and rate-limiting enzyme in the heme biosynthesis pathway, was also found to be reduced in the liver of E16.5 ESAM KO homo fetuses. To learn more about molecular mechanisms involved in the developmental failure of hematopoiesis in ESAM KO fetuses, we performed RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) of LSK cells sorted from E14.5 WT and ESAM KO homo mice. We found that, while transcripts for embryonic globins (ζ and Ey) remained substantially, those for adult globins (α, β major, and β minor) were markedly down-regulated in ESAM-KO HSCs. The results suggested that ESAM deficiency disturbs the globin switch from embryonic to adult type. ALAS2 was insufficiently induced in LSK cells of ESAM KO fetal livers, which presumably results in defects in heme biosynthesis. During the embryonic development, rapid and explosive production of erythroid cells is imperative to support the growth and survival of fetuses. To meet the physiological requirement, definitive erythropoiesis occurs in the developing liver and replaces primitive erythropoiesis. Our data suggest that ESAM expression is indispensable for the development of definitive erythropoiesis. In conclusion, we have revealed that ESAM plays a critical role in the development of definitive hematopoiesis. Approximately half of ESAM KO homo fetuses died between E15.5 and E17.5, at least partly due to the delay of adult hemoglobin synthesis in the absence of ESAM. Disclosures Yokota: SHIONOGI & CO., LTD.: Research Funding. Doi:Yakult Honsha Co.,Ltd.: Speakers Bureau. Shibayama:Novartis Pharma: Honoraria, Research Funding, Speakers Bureau; Celgene: Honoraria, Research Funding, Speakers Bureau; Takeda: Speakers Bureau; Chugai Pharmaceutical: Speakers Bureau; Ono Pharmaceutical: Speakers Bureau. Kanakura:Chugai Pharmaceutical: Research Funding; Pfizer: Research Funding; Shionogi: Research Funding; Kyowa Hakko Kirin: Research Funding; Fujimotoseiyaku: Research Funding; Toyama Chemical: Research Funding; Bristol Myers: Research Funding; Alexionpharma: Research Funding; Nippon Shinyaku: Research Funding; Astellas: Research Funding; Eisai: Research Funding.

1998 ◽  
Vol 18 (7) ◽  
pp. 3699-3707 ◽  
Sarah M. Jacobs-Helber ◽  
Amittha Wickrema ◽  
Michael J. Birrer ◽  
Stephen T. Sawyer

ABSTRACT The transcription factor AP1 has been implicated in the induction of apoptosis in cells in response to stress factors and growth factor withdrawal. We report here that AP1 is necessary for the induction of apoptosis following hormone withdrawal in the erythropoietin (EPO)-dependent erythroid cell line HCD57. AP1 DNA binding activity increased upon withdrawal of HCD57 cells from EPO. A dominant negative AP1 mutant rendered these cells resistant to apoptosis induced by EPO withdrawal and blocked the downregulation of Bcl-XL. JunB is a major binding protein in the AP1 complex observed upon EPO withdrawal; JunB but not c-Jun was present in the AP1 complex 3 h after EPO withdrawal in HCD57 cells, with a concurrent increase injunB message and protein. Furthermore, analysis of AP1 DNA binding activity in an apoptosis-resistant subclone of HCD57 revealed a lack of induction in AP1 DNA binding activity and no change injunB mRNA levels upon EPO withdrawal. In addition, we determined that c-Jun and AP1 activities correlated with EPO-induced proliferation and/or protection from apoptosis. AP1 DNA binding activity increased over the first 3 h following EPO stimulation of HCD57 cells, and suppression of AP1 activity partially inhibited EPO-induced proliferation. c-Jun but not JunB was present in the AP1 complex 3 h after EPO addition. These results implicate AP1 in the regulation of proliferation and survival of erythroid cells and suggest that different AP1 factors may play distinct roles in both triggering apoptosis (JunB) and protecting erythroid cells from apoptosis (c-Jun).

Blood ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 122 (21) ◽  
pp. 427-427 ◽  
Barry H. Paw ◽  
Yvette Y. Yien ◽  
Raymond F Robledo ◽  
Iman J. Schultz ◽  
Naoko Takahashi-Makise ◽  

Abstract Red cells synthesize large amounts of heme during terminal differentiation. Central to this process is the transport and trafficking of heme synthesis intermediates within the cell. Despite the importance of transport during heme synthesis, the molecules involved in this process are largely unknown. In a screen for genes that are upregulated during erythroid terminal differentiation, we identified Tmem14c, a predicted multi-pass transmembrane protein as an essential component of the porphyrin metabolism pathway. Here, we report that Tmem14c facilitates the synthesis of mitochondrial protoporphyrin IX from coproporphyrinogen III and is thus required for heme synthesis. Tmem14c is a mitochondrial inner-membrane protein enriched in vertebrate hematopoietic tissues and is required for terminal erythropoiesis. Tmem14c gene-trap mouse embryos are severely anemic and mostly die by E13.5 (Fig. A). Fetal liver erythroid cells derived from gene-trap embryos experience maturation arrest. shRNA silencing of Tmem14c in Friend murine erythroleukemia (MEL) cells results in a significant decrease in de-novo heme synthesis. The biochemical defect is due to a decrease in mitochondrial protoporphyrin IX synthesis, while cytoplasmic porphyrin levels remain normal (Fig. B). The heme synthesis defect in Tmem14c-silenced MEL cells is complemented with a protoporphyrin IX analog. These data show the role of Tmem14c in regulating the terminal steps in mitochondrial porphyrin trafficking. Our findings collectively demonstrate that Tmem14c is required for the transport of mitochondrial porphyrins in developing erythroid cells. Due to its inner-mitochondrial localization and its relative proximity to heme synthetic enzymes coproporphyrinogen oxidase and protoporphyrinogen oxidase (Rhee et al., 2013 Science), Tmem14c can function as a molecular adaptor that facilitates the interaction of proteins involved in porphyrin transport, or as a protoporphyrinogen IX transporter (Fig. C). The identification of Tmem14c as an essential regulator of porphyrin transport and heme synthesis provides a novel genetic tool for exploring erythropoiesis and disorders of heme synthesis such as porphyria and anemia. Disclosures: No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

Blood ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 126 (23) ◽  
pp. 3352-3352
Daniel Garcia dos Santos ◽  
Matthias Schranzhofer ◽  
Nam Lok Chun ◽  
Amel Hamdi ◽  
Prem Ponka

Abstract The transferrin receptor (TfR) is a membrane glycoprotein whose only clearly defined function is to mediate cellular uptake of iron (Fe) from a plasma glycoprotein, transferrin. Iron uptake from diferric transferrin (Tf) involves the binding of transferrin to the TfR followed by internalization of Tf within an endocytic vesicle by receptor-mediated endocytosis. Iron is then released from transferrin within endosomes by a combination of Fe3+ reduction by Steap3 (likely when transferrin is still bound to TfR) and a decrease in pH (~pH 5.5). Following this, Fe2+ is transported across the endosomal membrane by DMT1. Transferrin receptors are highly expressed on immature erythroid cells, placental tissue, and rapidly dividing cells, both normal and malignant. In proliferating nonerythroid cells the expression of TfR is negatively regulated post-transcriptionally by intracellular iron through iron responsive elements (IREs) in the 3' untranslated region (UTR) of transferrin receptor mRNA. IREs are recognized by specific cytoplasmic proteins (iron regulatory proteins; IRPs) that, in the absence of iron in the labile pool, bind to the IREs of transferrin receptor mRNA, preventing its degradation. On the other hand, the expansion of the labile iron pool leads to a rapid degradation of transferrin receptor mRNA that is not protected, since IRPs are not bound to it. However, some cells and tissues with specific requirements for iron probably evolved mechanisms that can override the IRE/IRP-dependent control of transferrin receptor expression. We previously documented that the TfR gene promoter contains an erythroid active element that stimulates the receptor gene transcription upon induction of hemoglobin synthesis (1). In this study we have demonstrated that incubation of erythroid cells with 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) increased TfR expression as well as iron incorporation into heme. This effect of ALA can be completely prevented by the inhibitors of heme biosynthesis (succinylacetone [blocks ALA dehydratase] or N-methylprotoporphyrin [blocks ferrochelatase]), indicating that the effect of ALA requires its metabolism to heme. The induction of TfR mRNA expression by ALA is primarily a result of increased mRNA synthesis, since the effect of ALA can be abolished by actinomycin D. Moreover, we found that the TfR promoter was activated in vitro by the addition of ALA or hemin to murine erythroleukemia (MEL) cells induced to differentiate using DMSO. Furtehermore, site-directed mutation of erythroid active element (1) in the TfR promoter abolished the effects of ALA or hemin. These results indicate that heme may directly or indirectly interact with the TfR promoter, consequently enhancing the gene expression. Hence, our results show that in erythroid cells heme serves as a positive feedback regulator that maintains high TfR levels thus ensuring adequate iron availability for hemoglobin synthesis. In conclusion, erythroid cells, which are the most avid consumers of iron in the organism, use a transcriptional mechanism to maintain very high transferrin receptor levels. 1 Chun-Nam Lok Ponka P. (2000) Identification of an Erythroid Active Element in the Transferrin Receptor Gene. J. Biol. Chem. 275: 24185-24190. Disclosures No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

Blood ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 128 (22) ◽  
pp. 541-541
Raymond T Doty ◽  
Xiaowei Yan ◽  
Christopher Lausted ◽  
Zhantao Yang ◽  
Li Liu ◽  

Abstract GATA1 promotes the transcription of ALAS2, the first and rate limiting step of heme synthesis, and the transcription of many other erythroid-specific genes. It also increases its own transcription while silencing proliferation genes active in early progenitors and thus assures that erythroid differentiation correctly initiates. Heme then transcriptionally and translationally upregulates globin to guarantee adequate hemoglobin production in each cell as it matures. In mice lacking the heme exporter, FLVCR1, excess heme and ROS accumulate and erythropoiesis fails at the CFU-E/proerythroblast stage, resulting in a severe macrocytic anemia (HGB 4.4±0.97 vs 14.8±0.57 g/dL; MCV 66.9±6.2 vs 48.4±0.65 fL). To determine how excess heme causes ineffective erythropoiesis and whether heme is key to terminating differentiation in normal erythroid cells, we performed RNA sequencing of single early erythroid cells (BFU-E to basophilic erythroblasts) from wildtype control and Flvcr1-deleted mice and linked this transcription data to the total quantity of Ter119 on that cell. Principal component analysis (PCA) identified 4 transcriptionally unique clusters A, B, C, & D, which contained cells with negative, low, intermediate, and high Ter119 levels respectively. α- and β-globin transcription were highly correlated (r=0.975), occurred in all cells, increased as Ter119 expression increased, and upregulated in Flvcr1-deleted cells. Gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA) comparing control cells to Flvcr1-deleted cells revealed excess heme results in significant downregulation of the hallmark heme metabolism pathway genes (heme biosynthesis and erythroid differentiation genes), upregulation of the ribosome pathway genes, and no alteration of the P53 pathway genes. All eight heme biosynthetic enzyme genes were expressed equivalently in cluster A cells from control and Flvcr1-deleted mice; however expression in Flvcr1-deleted cells was significantly reduced in clusters B-D. Of the 181 erythroid differentiation genes in the hallmark heme pathway, Gata1 had the greatest reduction (67%) in Flvcr1-deleted cells. Coupled two-way clustering analysis (CTWC) identified 150 genes co-regulated with Gata1 including 106 known GATA1 target genes which were all poorly upregulated in Flvcr1-deleted cells in clusters B-D. Independent microarray analysis of mRNA from control and Flvcr1-deleted CD71+ erythroid cells confirmed low Gata1 mRNA and low GATA1-dependent gene expression in the Flvcr1-deleted cells. To determine if excess heme was directly responsible for Gata1 downregulation, we treated K562, HEL-R, and primary human erythroid marrow cells with aminolevulinic acid (ALA) and iron to increase endogenous heme synthesis. In the primary cells, GATA1 protein decreased by 30-43% (p=0.03) within 15 minutes and 66% by 90 minutes (similar decreases observed in cell lines), suggesting that heme disrupts GATA1 protein function resulting in the loss of autoregulation and reduced GATA1 mRNA. Of 88 genes in the ribosome pathway, 73 were significantly upregulated in Flvcr1-deleted cells, including 16 of the 17 ribosomal protein genes linked to Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA) or del(5q) myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). When heme synthesis was induced in primary human erythroid marrow cells with ALA and iron, the transcription of ribosome protein genes such as Rps19, Rps14, and Rpl35 increased, further supporting the concept that heme assures sufficient ribosome production for globin protein synthesis. While P53 activation is a key factor in ineffective erythropoiesis caused by ribosomal protein imbalance (i.e., DBA and del(5q) MDS), GSEA did not reveal any increased activation of the P53 pathway in Flvcr1-deleted cells. To confirm that P53 was not involved in the ineffective erythropoiesis caused by excess heme, we generated mice lacking both P53 and FLVCR1. These double mutant mice had severe macrocytic anemia (HGB 2.4±0.70 g/dL; MCV 56.5±4.3 fL) comparable to mice lacking just FLVCR1. Thus, GATA1 turns on heme synthesis and initiates the erythroid differentiation program. GATA1 with heme assure each cell's appropriate progression. Then heme turns off GATA1 to end differentiation. By linking excess heme to prematurely low GATA1, our data may also explain the ineffective (early termination of) erythropoiesis in DBA and reconcile the observations of Sci Transl Med 8:338ra67, 2016 and Nat Med 20:748, 2014. Disclosures No relevant conflicts of interest to declare.

Blood ◽  
2003 ◽  
Vol 101 (7) ◽  
pp. 2575-2583 ◽  
Khalid Hafid-Medheb ◽  
Yvette Augery-Bourget ◽  
Marie-Nathalie Minatchy ◽  
Nicole Hanania ◽  
Jacqueline Robert-Lézénès

Bcl-XL is essential for the survival and normal maturation of erythroid cells, especially at the late stage of erythroid differentiation. It remains unclear whether Bcl-XL serves only as a survival factor for erythroid cells or if it can induce a signal for differentiation. We have previously shown that dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) induction of erythroid differentiation in murine erythroleukemia (MEL) cells correlates with delay of apoptosis and specific induction of Bcl-XL. In this study, we investigate the contribution of Bcl-2 and Bcl-XL to survival and erythroid differentiation by generating stable MEL transfectants expressing these antiapoptotic regulators. Overexpression of Bcl-2 completely prevented apoptosis of MEL cells before and after DMSO induction, whereas overexpression of Bcl-XL only delayed it. Overexpression of Bcl-2 or Bcl-XL neither induced spontaneous erythroid differentiation nor accelerated DMSO-induced differentiation. Inhibition of Bcl-XL by antisense transcripts accelerated apoptosis in DMSO-treated MEL cells and blocked the synthesis of hemoglobin without altering the growth arrest associated with terminal erythroid differentiation. An antisense oligonucleotide to Bcl-XL did not induce apoptosis in MEL cells overexpressing Bcl-2 but greatly decreased their hemoglobin synthesis when treated with DMSO, suggesting that Bcl-XL is necessary for erythroid differentiation independently of its antiapoptotic function. Importantly, Bcl-XL antisense transcripts prevented heme synthesis but not globin mRNA induction in DMSO-treated MEL cells. Furthermore, inhibition of hemoglobin synthesis by Bcl-XLantisense was reversed by addition of exogenous hemin. Finally, Bcl-XL localized to mitochondria during MEL erythroid differentiation, suggesting that it may mediate a critical mitochondrial transport function related to heme biosynthesis.

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