scholarly journals "Microgranular" acute promyelocytic leukemia: a distinct clinical, ultrastructural, and cytogenetic entity

Blood ◽  
1980 ◽  
Vol 55 (2) ◽  
pp. 253-259 ◽  
HM Golomb ◽  
JD Rowley ◽  
JW Vardiman ◽  
JR Testa ◽  
A Butler

Abstract Three patients with acute leukemia, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and a specific acquired chromosome abnormality [t (15;17)] were found by transmission electron microscopy to have the typical distribution of granules seen in promyelocytes. However, the average granule sizes were 120, 170, and 180 nm, respectively, for the three patients, significantly less than the 250-nm resolution of light microscopy. We regard the leukemia in these three patients as comprising a distinct clinical, ultrastructural, and cytogenetic entity that we have chosen to call “microgranular” acute promyelocytic leukemia.

Blood ◽  
1980 ◽  
Vol 55 (2) ◽  
pp. 253-259 ◽  
HM Golomb ◽  
JD Rowley ◽  
JW Vardiman ◽  
JR Testa ◽  
A Butler

Three patients with acute leukemia, disseminated intravascular coagulation, and a specific acquired chromosome abnormality [t (15;17)] were found by transmission electron microscopy to have the typical distribution of granules seen in promyelocytes. However, the average granule sizes were 120, 170, and 180 nm, respectively, for the three patients, significantly less than the 250-nm resolution of light microscopy. We regard the leukemia in these three patients as comprising a distinct clinical, ultrastructural, and cytogenetic entity that we have chosen to call “microgranular” acute promyelocytic leukemia.

Blood ◽  
1972 ◽  
Vol 39 (5) ◽  
pp. 628-636 ◽  
Henry K. Tan ◽  
Bettye Wages ◽  
Harvey R. Gralnick

Abstract In this investigation, the cells of eight patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia were followed by light and electron microscopy. Promyelocytes from untreated patients were filled with large, splinter-shaped granules. The granules were lysosomes, with some showing the ultrastructural features of Auer bodies. In cases responsive to chemotherapy, promyelocytes contained only infrequently splinter-shaped lysosomes, while most lysosomes were of more uniform size and shape. The persistence of large numbers of splinter-shaped lysosomes within promyelocytes was associated with episodes of disseminated intravascular coagulation less responsive to heparin treatment. Promyelocytes from patients in remission were similar to promyeloctyes from nonleukemic bone marrow. The ultrastructural differences in lysosome morphology provide a better criterion for distinguishing malignant from normal promyelocytes than previously detectable by light microscopy alone.

Nakazo Watari ◽  
Yasuaki Hotta ◽  
Yoshio Mabuchi

It is very useful if we can observe the identical cell elements within the same sections by light microscopy (LM), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and/or scanning electron microscopy (SEM) sequentially, because, the cell fine structure can not be indicated by LM, while the color is; on the other hand, the cell fine structure can be very easily observed by EM, although its color properties may not. However, there is one problem in that LM requires thick sections of over 1 μm, while EM needs very thin sections of under 100 nm. Recently, we have developed a new method to observe the same cell elements within the same plastic sections using both light and transmission (conventional or high-voltage) electron microscopes.In this paper, we have developed two new observation methods for the identical cell elements within the same sections, both plastic-embedded and paraffin-embedded, using light microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and/or scanning electron microscopy (Fig. 1).

Bruce Mackay

The broadest application of transmission electron microscopy (EM) in diagnostic medicine is the identification of tumors that cannot be classified by routine light microscopy. EM is useful in the evaluation of approximately 10% of human neoplasms, but the extent of its contribution varies considerably. It may provide a specific diagnosis that can not be reached by other means, but in contrast, the information obtained from ultrastructural study of some 10% of tumors does not significantly add to that available from light microscopy. Most cases fall somewhere between these two extremes: EM may correct a light microscopic diagnosis, or serve to narrow a differential diagnosis by excluding some of the possibilities considered by light microscopy. It is particularly important to correlate the EM findings with data from light microscopy, clinical examination, and other diagnostic procedures.

George Guthrie ◽  
David Veblen

The nature of a geologic fluid can often be inferred from fluid-filled cavities (generally <100 μm in size) that are trapped during the growth of a mineral. A variety of techniques enables the fluids and daughter crystals (any solid precipitated from the trapped fluid) to be identified from cavities greater than a few micrometers. Many minerals, however, contain fluid inclusions smaller than a micrometer. Though inclusions this small are difficult or impossible to study by conventional techniques, they are ideally suited for study by analytical/ transmission electron microscopy (A/TEM) and electron diffraction. We have used this technique to study fluid inclusions and daughter crystals in diamond and feldspar.Inclusion-rich samples of diamond and feldspar were ion-thinned to electron transparency and examined with a Philips 420T electron microscope (120 keV) equipped with an EDAX beryllium-windowed energy dispersive spectrometer. Thin edges of the sample were perforated in areas that appeared in light microscopy to be populated densely with inclusions. In a few cases, the perforations were bound polygonal sides to which crystals (structurally and compositionally different from the host mineral) were attached (Figure 1).

2021 ◽  
Vol 123 (6) ◽  
pp. 151761
Tasuku Hiroshige ◽  
Kei-Ichiro Uemura ◽  
Shingo Hirashima ◽  
Kiyosato Hino ◽  
Akinobu Togo ◽  

Zootaxa ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 4521 (1) ◽  
pp. 145
LI SEN ◽  

Tokophrya species are either free-living or facultative ectosymbiotic suctorians associated with copepods, isopods, mysids, decapods and amphipods. Tokophrya huangmeiensis in particular is found to be epizoic with the redclaw crayfish Cherax quadricarinatus Von Martens, 1868, which has been observed as part of an ongoing investigation of freshwater ciliates biodiversity in Huanggang, Hubei, China (Tahir et al. 2017). This first study on T. huangmeiensis based on morphological features using light microscopy and small subunit ribosomal DNA sequence (Tahir et al. 2017), suggested that more detailed descriptions on the physiological and structural changes of this species should be done. Thus, in this study, we looked at the ultrastructures of T. huangmeiensis using electron microscopy, including both scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). 

Phytotaxa ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 207 (1) ◽  
pp. 135 ◽  
Giovanni Raul Bogota ◽  
Carina Hoorn ◽  
Wim Star ◽  
Rob Langelaan ◽  
Hannah Banks ◽  

Sabinaria magnifica is so far the only known species in the recently discovered tropical palm genus Sabinaria (Arecaceae). Here we present a complete description of the pollen morphology of this palm species based on light microscopy (LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). We also made SEM-based comparisons of Sabinaria with other genera within the tribe Cryosophileae. Pollen grains of Sabinaria magnifica resemble the other genera in the heteropolar, slightly asymmetric monads, and the monosulcate and tectate exine with perforate surface. Nevertheless, there are some clear differences with Thrinax, Chelyocarpus and Cryosophila in terms of aperture and exine. S. magnifica differs from its closest relative, Itaya amicorum, in the exine structure. This study shows that a combination of microscope techniques is essential for the identification of different genera within the Cryosophileae and may also be a necessary when working with other palynologically less distinct palm genera. 

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