scholarly journals A phylogenomic study of Steganinae fruit flies (Diptera: Drosophilidae): strong gene tree heterogeneity and evidence for monophyly

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
Guilherme Rezende Dias ◽  
Eduardo Guimarães Dupim ◽  
Thyago Vanderlinde ◽  
Beatriz Mello ◽  
Antonio Bernardo Carvalho

Abstract Background The Drosophilidae family is traditionally divided into two subfamilies: Drosophilinae and Steganinae. This division is based on morphological characters, and the two subfamilies have been treated as monophyletic in most of the literature, but some molecular phylogenies have suggested Steganinae to be paraphyletic. To test the paraphyletic-Steganinae hypothesis, here, we used genomic sequences of eight Drosophilidae (three Steganinae and five Drosophilinae) and two Ephydridae (outgroup) species and inferred the phylogeny for the group based on a dataset of 1,028 orthologous genes present in all species (> 1,000,000 bp). This dataset includes three genera that broke the monophyly of the subfamilies in previous works. To investigate possible biases introduced by small sample sizes and automatic gene annotation, we used the same methods to infer species trees from a set of 10 manually annotated genes that are commonly used in phylogenetics. Results Most of the 1,028 gene trees depicted Steganinae as paraphyletic with distinct topologies, but the most common topology depicted it as monophyletic (43.7% of the gene trees). Despite the high levels of gene tree heterogeneity observed, species tree inference in ASTRAL, in PhyloNet, and with the concatenation approach strongly supported the monophyly of both subfamilies for the 1,028-gene dataset. However, when using the concatenation approach to infer a species tree from the smaller set of 10 genes, we recovered Steganinae as a paraphyletic group. The pattern of gene tree heterogeneity was asymmetrical and thus could not be explained solely by incomplete lineage sorting (ILS). Conclusions Steganinae was clearly a monophyletic group in the dataset that we analyzed. In addition to ILS, gene tree discordance was possibly the result of introgression, suggesting complex branching processes during the early evolution of Drosophilidae with short speciation intervals and gene flow. Our study highlights the importance of genomic data in elucidating contentious phylogenetic relationships and suggests that phylogenetic inference for drosophilids based on small molecular datasets should be performed cautiously. Finally, we suggest an approach for the correction and cleaning of BUSCO-derived genomic datasets that will be useful to other researchers planning to use this tool for phylogenomic studies.

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 ◽  
Martha Kandziora ◽  
Petr Sklenář ◽  
Filip Kolář ◽  
Roswitha Schmickl

A major challenge in phylogenetics and -genomics is to resolve young rapidly radiating groups. The fast succession of species increases the probability of incomplete lineage sorting (ILS), and different topologies of the gene trees are expected, leading to gene tree discordance, i.e., not all gene trees represent the species tree. Phylogenetic discordance is common in phylogenomic datasets, and apart from ILS, additional sources include hybridization, whole-genome duplication, and methodological artifacts. Despite a high degree of gene tree discordance, species trees are often well supported and the sources of discordance are not further addressed in phylogenomic studies, which can eventually lead to incorrect phylogenetic hypotheses, especially in rapidly radiating groups. We chose the high-Andean Asteraceae genus Loricaria to shed light on the potential sources of phylogenetic discordance and generated a phylogenetic hypothesis. By accounting for paralogy during gene tree inference, we generated a species tree based on hundreds of nuclear loci, using Hyb-Seq, and a plastome phylogeny obtained from off-target reads during target enrichment. We observed a high degree of gene tree discordance, which we found implausible at first sight, because the genus did not show evidence of hybridization in previous studies. We used various phylogenomic analyses (trees and networks) as well as the D-statistics to test for ILS and hybridization, which we developed into a workflow on how to tackle phylogenetic discordance in recent radiations. We found strong evidence for ILS and hybridization within the genus Loricaria. Low genetic differentiation was evident between species located in different Andean cordilleras, which could be indicative of substantial introgression between populations, promoted during Pleistocene glaciations, when alpine habitats shifted creating opportunities for secondary contact and hybridization.

2020 ◽  
Michael J. Sanderson ◽  
Michelle M. McMahon ◽  
Mike Steel

AbstractTerraces in phylogenetic tree space are sets of trees with identical optimality scores for a given data set, arising from missing data. These were first described for multilocus phylogenetic data sets in the context of maximum parsimony inference and maximum likelihood inference under certain model assumptions. Here we show how the mathematical properties that lead to terraces extend to gene tree - species tree problems in which the gene trees are incomplete. Inference of species trees from either sets of gene family trees subject to duplication and loss, or allele trees subject to incomplete lineage sorting, can exhibit terraces in their solution space. First, we show conditions that lead to a new kind of terrace, which stems from subtree operations that appear in reconciliation problems for incomplete trees. Then we characterize when terraces of both types can occur when the optimality criterion for tree search is based on duplication, loss or deep coalescence scores. Finally, we examine the impact of assumptions about the causes of losses: whether they are due to imperfect sampling or true evolutionary deletion.

2020 ◽  
Ishrat Tanzila Farah ◽  
Md Muktadirul Islam ◽  
Kazi Tasnim Zinat ◽  
Atif Hasan Rahman ◽  
Md Shamsuzzoha Bayzid

AbstractSpecies tree estimation from multi-locus dataset is extremely challenging, especially in the presence of gene tree heterogeneity across the genome due to incomplete lineage sorting (ILS). Summary methods have been developed which estimate gene trees and then combine the gene trees to estimate a species tree by optimizing various optimization scores. In this study, we have formalized the concept of “phylogenomic terraces” in the species tree space, where multiple species trees with distinct topologies may have exactly the same optimization score (quartet score, extra lineage score, etc.) with respect to a collection of gene trees. We investigated the presence and implication of terraces in species tree estimation from multi-locus data by taking ILS into account. We analyzed two of the most popular ILS-aware optimization criteria: maximize quartet consistency (MQC) and minimize deep coalescence (MDC). Methods based on MQC are provably statistically consistent, whereas MDC is not a consistent criterion for species tree estimation. Our experiments, on a collection of dataset simulated under ILS, indicate that MDC-based methods may achieve competitive or identical quartet consistency score as MQC but could be significantly worse than MQC in terms of tree accuracy – demonstrating the presence and affect of phylogenomic terraces. This is the first known study that formalizes the concept of phylogenomic terraces in the context of species tree estimation from multi-locus data, and reports the presence and implications of terraces in species tree estimation under ILS.

2020 ◽  
Mahim Mahbub ◽  
Zahin Wahab ◽  
Rezwana Reaz ◽  
M. Saifur Rahman ◽  
Md. Shamsuzzoha Bayzid

AbstractMotivationSpecies tree estimation from genes sampled from throughout the whole genome is complicated due to the gene tree-species tree discordance. Incomplete lineage sorting (ILS) is one of the most frequent causes for this discordance, where alleles can coexist in populations for periods that may span several speciation events. Quartet-based summary methods for estimating species trees from a collection of gene trees are becoming popular due to their high accuracy and statistical guarantee under ILS. Generating quartets with appropriate weights, where weights correspond to the relative importance of quartets, and subsequently amalgamating the weighted quartets to infer a single coherent species tree allows for a statistically consistent way of estimating species trees. However, handling weighted quartets is challenging.ResultsWe propose wQFM, a highly accurate method for species tree estimation from multi-locus data, by extending the quartet FM (QFM) algorithm to a weighted setting. wQFM was assessed on a collection of simulated and real biological datasets, including the avian phylogenomic dataset which is one of the largest phylogenomic datasets to date. We compared wQFM with wQMC, which is the best alternate method for weighted quartet amalgamation, and with ASTRAL, which is one of the most accurate and widely used coalescent-based species tree estimation methods. Our results suggest that wQFM matches or improves upon the accuracy of wQMC and ASTRAL.AvailabilitywQFM is available in open source form at

2015 ◽  
Leonardo de Oliveira Martins ◽  
David Posada

The history of particular genes and that of the species that carry them can be different due to different reasons. In particular, gene trees and species trees can truly differ due to well-known evolutionary processes like gene duplication and loss, lateral gene transfer or incomplete lineage sorting. Different species tree reconstruction methods have been developed to take this incongruence into account, which can be divided grossly into supertree and supermatrix approaches. Here, we introduce a new Bayesian hierarchical model that we have recently developed and implemented in the program Guenomu, that considers multiple sources of gene tree/species tree disagreement. Guenomu takes as input the posterior distributions of unrooted gene tree topologies for multiple gene families, in order to estimate the posterior distribution of rooted species tree topologies.

Yuancheng Wang ◽  
James H Degnan

Phylogenomic datasets often contain sequence alignments on different subsets of taxa for different genes. A major goal of phylogenetics is often to combine estimated gene trees from many loci into an overall estimate of a species tree. When data are missing for some combinations of genes and taxa, supertree methods can be used to combine gene trees on different subsets of taxa into an overall tree. However, studies of the performance of supertree methods when gene tree conflict is due to incomplete lineage sorting are needed to understand their statistical properties in this setting.We find that Matrix Representation with Parsimony (MRP), the most commonly used supertree method, can in many cases infer the species tree in spite of high levels of conflict in the input gene trees. However, for some species trees with short branches, MRP can be increasingly likely to return a tree other than the species tree as the number of loci increases. In some cases, deleting taxa at random or using estimated (rather than known) gene trees can either improve or hinder MRP for recovering the species tree.Although MRP is able to handle large amounts of conflict in the input gene trees, MRP is not statistically consistent for estimating species trees when gene trees arise under the multispecies coalescent model. However, triplet MRP is statistically consistent in this setting.

2019 ◽  
Mazharul Islam ◽  
Kowshika Sarker ◽  
Trisha Das ◽  
Rezwana Reaz ◽  
Md. Shamsuzzoha Bayzid

AbstractBackgroundSpecies tree estimation is frequently based on phylogenomic approaches that use multiple genes from throughout the genome. However, estimating a species tree from a collection of gene trees can be complicated due to the presence of gene tree incongruence resulting from incomplete lineage sorting (ILS), which is modelled by the multi-species coalescent process. Maximum likelihood and Bayesian MCMC methods can potentially result in accurate trees, but they do not scale well to large datasets.ResultsWe present STELAR (Species Tree Estimation by maximizing tripLet AgReement), a new fast and highly accurate statistically consistent coalescent-based method for estimating species trees from a collection of gene trees. We formalized the constrained triplet consensus (CTC) problem and showed that the solution to the CTC problem is a statistically consistent estimate of the species tree under the multi-species coalescent (MSC) model. STELAR is an efficient dynamic programming based solution to the CTC problem which is highly accurate and scalable. We evaluated the accuracy of STELAR in comparison with SuperTriplets, which is an alternate fast and highly accurate triplet-based supertree method, and with MP-EST and ASTRAL – two of the most popular and accurate coalescent-based methods. Experimental results suggest that STELAR matches the accuracy of ASTRAL and improves on MP-EST and SuperTriplets.ConclusionsTheoretical and empirical results (on both simulated and real biological datasets) suggest that STELAR is a valuable technique for species tree estimation from gene tree distributions.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (5) ◽  
pp. e0251107
Ayed A. R. Alanzi ◽  
James H. Degnan

Species trees, which describe the evolutionary relationships between species, are often inferred from gene trees, which describe the ancestral relationships between sequences sampled at different loci from the species of interest. A common approach to inferring species trees from gene trees is motivated by supposing that gene tree variation is due to incomplete lineage sorting, also known as deep coalescence. One of the earliest methods motivated by deep coalescence is to find the species tree that minimizes the number of deep coalescent events needed to explain discrepancies between the species tree and input gene trees. This minimize deep coalescence (MDC) criterion can be applied in both rooted and unrooted settings. where either rooted or unrooted gene trees can be used to infer a rooted species tree. Previous work has shown that MDC is statistically inconsistent in the rooted setting, meaning that under a probabilistic model for deep coalescence, the multispecies coalescent, for some species trees, increasing the number of input gene trees does not make the method more likely to return a correct species tree. Here, we obtain analogous results in the unrooted setting, showing conditions leading to inconsistency of the MDC criterion using the multispecies coalescent model with unrooted gene trees for four taxa and five taxa.

2020 ◽  
Fernando Lopes ◽  
Larissa R Oliveira ◽  
Amanda Kessler ◽  
Yago Beux ◽  
Enrique Crespo ◽  

Abstract The phylogeny and systematics of fur seals and sea lions (Otariidae) have long been studied with diverse data types, including an increasing amount of molecular data. However, only a few phylogenetic relationships have reached acceptance because of strong gene-tree species tree discordance. Divergence times estimates in the group also vary largely between studies. These uncertainties impeded the understanding of the biogeographical history of the group, such as when and how trans-equatorial dispersal and subsequent speciation events occurred. Here we used high-coverage genome-wide sequencing for 14 of the 15 species of Otariidae to elucidate the phylogeny of the family and its bearing on the taxonomy and biogeographical history. Despite extreme topological discordance among gene trees, we found a fully supported species tree that agrees with the few well-accepted relationships and establishes monophyly of the genus Arctocephalus. Our data support a relatively recent trans-hemispheric dispersal at the base of a southern clade, which rapidly diversified into six major lineages between 3 to 2.5 Ma. Otaria diverged first, followed by Phocarctos and then four major lineages within Arctocephalus. However, we found Zalophus to be non-monophyletic, with California (Z. californianus) and Steller sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus) grouping closer than the Galapagos sea lion (Z. wollebaeki) with evidence for introgression between the two genera. Overall, the high degree of genealogical discordance was best explained by incomplete lineage sorting resulting from quasi-simultaneous speciation within the southern clade with introgresssion playing a subordinate role in explaining the incongruence among and within prior phylogenetic studies of the family.

2022 ◽  
XiaoXu Pang ◽  
Da-Yong Zhang

The species studied in any evolutionary investigation generally constitute a very small proportion of all the species currently existing or that have gone extinct. It is therefore likely that introgression, which is widespread across the tree of life, involves "ghosts," i.e., unsampled, unknown, or extinct lineages. However, the impact of ghost introgression on estimations of species trees has been rarely studied and is thus poorly understood. In this study, we use mathematical analysis and simulations to examine the robustness of species tree methods based on a multispecies coalescent model under gene flow sourcing from an extant or ghost lineage. We found that very low levels of extant or ghost introgression can result in anomalous gene trees (AGTs) on three-taxon rooted trees if accompanied by strong incomplete lineage sorting (ILS). In contrast, even massive introgression, with more than half of the recipient genome descending from the donor lineage, may not necessarily lead to AGTs. In cases involving an ingroup lineage (defined as one that diverged no earlier than the most basal species under investigation) acting as the donor of introgression, the time of root divergence among the investigated species was either underestimated or remained unaffected, but for the cases of outgroup ghost lineages acting as donors, the divergence time was generally overestimated. Under many conditions of ingroup introgression, the stronger the ILS was, the higher was the accuracy of estimating the time of root divergence, although the topology of the species tree is more prone to be biased by the effect of introgression.

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