scholarly journals Risk‐of‐falling related outcomes improved in community‐dwelling older adults after a 6-week sideways walking intervention: a feasibility and pilot study

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Andreas Skiadopoulos ◽  
Nick Stergiou

Abstract Background Aging increases fall risk and alters gait mechanics and control. Our previous work has identified sideways walking as a potential training regimen to decrease fall risk by improving frontal plane control in older adults’ gait. The purposes of this pilot study were to test the feasibility of sideways walking as an exercise intervention and to explore its preliminary effects on risk-of-falling related outcomes. Methods We conducted a 6-week single-arm intervention pilot study. Participants were community-dwelling older adults ≥ 65 years old with walking ability. Key exclusion criteria were neuromusculoskeletal and cardiovascular disorders that affect gait. Because initial recruitment rate through University of Nebraska at Omaha and Omaha community was slower than expected (3 participants∙week− 1), we expanded the recruitment pool through the Mind & Brain Health Labs registry of the University of Nebraska Medical Center. Individualized sideways walking intervention carried out under close supervision in a 200 m indoor walking track (3 days∙week− 1). Recruitment and retention capability, safety, and fidelity of intervention delivery were recorded. We also collected (open-label) walking speed, gait variability, self-reported and performance-based functional measures to assess participants’ risk-of-falling at baseline and post-intervention: immediate, and 6 weeks after the completion of the intervention. Results Over a 7-month period, 42 individuals expressed interest, 21 assessed for eligibility (21/42), and 15 consented to participate (15/21). Most of the potential participants were reluctant to commit to a 6-week intervention. Desired recruitment rate was achieved after revising the recruitment strategy. One participant dropped out (1/15). Remaining participants demonstrated excellent adherence to the protocol. Participants improved on most outcomes and the effects remained at follow-up. No serious adverse events were recorded during the intervention. Conclusions Our 6-week sideways walking training was feasible to deliver and demonstrated strong potential as an exercise intervention to improve risk-of-falling outcomes in community-dwelling older adults. In a future trial, alternative clinical tools should be considered to minimize the presence of ceiling/floor effects. A future large trial is needed to confirm sideways walking as a fall prevention intervention. Trial registration identifier: NCT04505527. Retrospectively registered 10 August 2020.

2020 ◽  
Andreas Skiadopoulos ◽  
Nick Stergiou

Abstract BackgroundAging increases fall risk and alters gait mechanics and control. Our previous work has identified sideways walking as a potential training regimen to decrease fall risk by improving frontal plane control in older adults’ gait. The purposes of this pilot study were to test the feasibility of sideways walking as an exercise intervention and to explore its preliminary effects on risk-of-falling related outcomes.MethodsWe conducted a 6-week single-arm intervention pilot study. Participants were community-dwelling older adults ≥ 65 years old with walking ability. Key exclusion criteria were neuromusculoskeletal and cardiovascular disorders that affect gait. Individualized sideways walking intervention carried out under close supervision in a 200 m indoor walking track (3 days∙week− 1). Recruitment and retention capability, safety, and fidelity of intervention delivery were recorded. We also collected (open-label) walking speed, gait variability, self-reported and performance-based functional measures to assess participants’ risk-of-falling at baseline and post-intervention: immediate, and 6 weeks after the completion of the intervention.ResultsOver a 7-month period, 42 individuals expressed interest, 21 assessed for eligibility (21/42), and 15 consented to participate (15/21). Most of the potential participants were reluctant to commit to a 6-week intervention. Desired recruitment rate was achieved after revising the recruitment strategy. One participant dropped out (1/15). Remaining participants demonstrated excellent adherence to the protocol. Participants improved on most outcomes and the effects remained at follow-up. No serious adverse events were recorded during the intervention.ConclusionOur 6-week sideways walking training was feasible to deliver and demonstrated strong potential as an exercise intervention to improve risk-of-falling outcomes in community-dwelling older adults. In a future trial, alternative clinical tools should be considered to minimize the presence of ceiling/floor effects. A future large trial is needed to confirm sideways walking as a fall prevention intervention.Trial identifier: NCT04505527. Retrospectively registered 10 August 2020.Trial fundingCenter for Research in Human Movement Variability, National Institutes for Health, University of Nebraska Collaboration Initiative.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
M. Hide ◽  
Y. Ito ◽  
N. Kuroda ◽  
M. Kanda ◽  
W. Teramoto

AbstractThis study investigates how the multisensory integration in body perception changes with increasing age, and whether it is associated with older adults’ risk of falling. For this, the rubber hand illusion (RHI) and rubber foot illusion (RFI) were used. Twenty-eight community-dwelling older adults and 25 university students were recruited. They viewed a rubber hand or foot that was stimulated in synchrony or asynchrony with their own hidden hand or foot. The illusion was assessed by using a questionnaire, and measuring the proprioceptive drift and latency. The Timed Up and Go Test was used to classify the older adults into lower and higher fall-risk groups. No difference was observed in the RHI between the younger and older adults. However, several differences were observed in the RFI. Specifically, the older adults with a lower fall-risk hardly experienced the illusion, whereas those with a higher fall-risk experienced it with a shorter latency and no weaker than the younger adults. These results suggest that in older adults, the mechanism of multisensory integration for constructing body perception can change depending on the stimulated body parts, and that the risk of falling is associated with multisensory integration.

Marina Arkkukangas ◽  
Karin Strömqvist Bååthe ◽  
Julia Hamilton ◽  
Anna Ekholm ◽  
Michail Tonkonogi

Studien undersöker genomförbarheten av ett nytt judoinspirerat träningsprogram för äldre personer, Judo4Balance. Vi utvärderade genomförbarheten inför en fullskalig studie genom att följa studieprocess, resurshantering och vetenskapliga aspekter. Ytterligare utfallsmått var fysisk funktion, tilltro till egen förmåga att utföra aktiviteter utan att falla samt falltekniker. Interventionen bedömdes vara genomförbar, med vissa ändringar i träningsprogrammets längd. Vi kunde se signifikanta förbättringar av fysisk funktion och falltekniker. När det gäller tilltro till egen förmåga att utföra aktiviteter utan att falla fann vi ingen motsvarande skillnad. Judo4Balance är ett genomförbart och effektivt träningsprogram för äldre personer. Studien bidrar till ett säkert och noggrant planerat protokoll för en större studie. Resultaten tyder på att interventionen kan vara effektiv för att förebygga fallolyckor och minska risken för skador vid ett eventuellt fall.   Pilot study of the feasibility of Judo4Balance – a fall preventive exercise programme targeting older adults living in their own homes The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of Judo4Balance, a novel judo-inspired exercise intervention for community-dwelling older adults. The feasibility of carrying out a full-scale study was evaluated by the following: the study process, resource management and scientific aspects. The outcome measures evaluated were physical performance, fall related self-efficacy and fall techniques (backwards and forwards) among the older adults. The intervention was judged to be feasible in the different settings, with some changes regarding duration of the intervention. Significant improvements were seen in physical performance and fall techniques, but not for fall related self-efficacy. Judo4Balance is a feasible intervention for active older adults. This study will provide a safe and thoroughly planned protocol for the planned study and provides indication of appropriate setting depending on the target group. The results suggest that the intervention could be efficent in preventing fall accidents, or lower the risk of injury in case of a fall.

2021 ◽  
Vol 79 (1) ◽  
Hsin-Hung Ho ◽  
I-Yao Fang ◽  
Yi-Chien Yu ◽  
Yi-Ping Huang ◽  
I-Ling Kuo ◽  

Abstract Background Falls among older adults are a serious public health problem. Many studies indicate that positive functional fitness performance decreases the risk of falls. A limited amount of previous study has investigated the association between broad functional fitness and the fall risk. This study examines the associations between functional fitness and the risk of falling among community-dwelling older adults. Methods Three waves of cross-sectional data were collected from 2017 to 2019 in Taipei City, Taiwan. Six hundred sixty-five participants aged ≥65 years were randomly recruited from 12 districts of Taipei. Eight functional fitness tests (i.e., back scratch, chair-sit and-reach, 8-ft up-and-go, 30-s sit-to-stand, 30-s arm curl, 30-s single-leg stance, 2-min step, and hand grip strength tests) were performed to record the physical performance of older subjects. A Chinese version of the fall-risk questionnaire (FRQ) was used to calculate the fall risk scores. Linear regression and logistic regression were utilized to estimate the relationships of each functional fitness and fall risk. Result The results showed that 37.45% of older adults had a high risk of falling. It was found for each functional fitness that performance was linearly associated with the risk of falling. Moreover, older adults with low-performance levels in all functional fitness except back-scratching were more likely to have a higher risk of falling. Conclusions Our study indicated that functional fitness performance appears to provide valid predictive guidance for reducing the risk of falling among the older population.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (7) ◽  
pp. e0235952
Antoneta Granic ◽  
Christopher Hurst ◽  
Lorelle Dismore ◽  
Emma Stevenson ◽  
Avan A. Sayer ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 792-802.e2
Berber G. Dorhout ◽  
Annemien Haveman-Nies ◽  
Ellen J.I. van Dongen ◽  
Nick L.W. Wezenbeek ◽  
Esmée L. Doets ◽  

Susan Greimel ◽  
Jean F Wyman ◽  
Lin Zhang ◽  
Fang Yu

Abstract Background Recruiting older adults with Alzheimer’s disease (AD) dementia into clinical trials is challenging requiring multiple approaches. We describe recruitment and screening processes and results from the FIT-AD Trial, a single site, pilot randomized controlled trial testing the effects of a 6-month aerobic exercise intervention on cognition and hippocampal volume in community-dwelling older adults with mild-to moderate AD dementia. Methods Ten recruitment strategies and a four-step screening process were used to ensure a homogenous sample and exercise safety. The initial target sample was 90 participants over 48 months which was increased to 96 to allow those in the screening process to enroll if qualified. A tertiary analysis of recruitment and screening rates, recruitment yields and costs, and demographic characteristics of participants was conducted. Results During the 48-month recruiting period, 396 potential participants responded to recruitment efforts, 301 individuals were reached and 103 were tentatively qualified. Of these, 67 (69.8%) participants completed the optional magnetic resonance (MRI) imaging and seven were excluded due to abnormal MRI findings. As a result, we enrolled 96 participants with a 2.92 screen ratio, 2.14 recruitment rate, and 31.9% recruitment yield. Referrals (28.1%) and Alzheimer’s Association events/services (21.9%) yielded over 49% of the enrolled participants. Total recruitment cost was $ 38,246 or $ 398 per randomized participant. Conclusions A multi-prong approach involving extensive community outreach was essential in recruiting older adults with AD dementia into a single-site trial. For every randomized participant, three individuals needed to be screened. Referrals were the most cost-effective recruitment strategy.

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