scholarly journals Clinical interventions that influence vaginal birth after cesarean delivery rates: Systematic Review & Meta-Analysis

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (1) ◽  
Aireen Wingert ◽  
Lisa Hartling ◽  
Meghan Sebastianski ◽  
Cydney Johnson ◽  
Robin Featherstone ◽  

Abstract Background To systematically review the literature on clinical interventions that influence vaginal birth after cesarean (VBAC) rates. Methods We searched Ovid Medline, Ovid Embase, Wiley Cochrane Library, CINAHL via EBSCOhost; and Ovid PsycINFO. Additional studies were identified by searching for clinical trial records, conference proceedings and dissertations. Limits were applied for language (English and French) and year of publication (1985 to present). Two reviewers independently screened comparative studies (randomized or non-randomized controlled trials, and observational designs) according to a priori eligibility criteria: women with prior cesarean sections; any clinical intervention or exposure intended to increase the VBAC rate; any comparator; and, outcomes reporting VBAC, uterine rupture and uterine dehiscence rates. One reviewer extracted data and a second reviewer verified for accuracy. Meta-analysis was conducted using Mantel-Haenszel (random effects model) relative risks (VBAC rate) and risk differences (uterine rupture and dehiscence). Two reviewers independently conducted methodological quality assessments using the Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT). Results Twenty-nine studies (six trials and 23 cohorts) examined different clinical interventions affecting rates of vaginal deliveries among women with a prior cesarean delivery (CD). Methodological quality was good overall for the trials; however, concerns among the cohort studies regarding selection bias, comparability of groups and outcome measurement resulted in higher risk of bias. Interventions for labor induction, with or without cervical ripening, included pharmacologic (oxytocin, prostaglandins, misoprostol, mifepristone, epidural analgesia), non-pharmacologic (membrane sweep, amniotomy, balloon devices), and combined (pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic). Single studies with small sample sizes and event rates contributed to most comparisons, with no clear differences between groups on rates of VBAC, uterine rupture and uterine dehiscence. Conclusions This systematic review evaluated clinical interventions directed at increasing the rate of vaginal delivery among women with a prior CD and found low to very low certainty in the body of evidence for cervical ripening and/or labor induction techniques. There is insufficient high-quality evidence to inform optimal clinical interventions among women attempting a trial of labor after a prior CD.

PLoS ONE ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (7) ◽  
pp. e0253957
Giuseppe Chiossi ◽  
Roberto D’Amico ◽  
Anna L. Tramontano ◽  
Veronica Sampogna ◽  
Viola Laghi ◽  

Background As uterine rupture may affect as many as 11/1000 women with 1 prior cesarean birth and 5/10.000 women with unscarred uterus undergoing labor induction, we intended to estimate the prevalence of such rare outcome when PGE2 is used for cervical ripening and labor induction. Methods We searched MEDLINE, and the Cochrane library up to September 1st 2020. Retrospective and prospective cohort studies, as well as randomized controlled trials (RCTs) on singleton viable pregnancies receiving PGE2 for cervical ripening and labor induction were reviewed. Prevalence of uterine rupture was meta-analyzed with Freeman-Tukey double arcsine transformation among women with 1 prior low transverse cesarean section and women with unscarred uterus. Results We reviewed 956 full text articles to include 69 studies. The pooled prevalence rate of uterine rupture is estimated to range between 2 and 9 out of 1000 women with 1 prior low transverse cesarean (5/1000; 95%CI 2-9/1000, 122/9000). The prevalence of uterine rupture among women with unscarred uterus is extremely low, reaching at most 0.7/100.000 (<1/100.000.000; 95%CI <1/100.000.000–0.7/100.000, 8/17.684). Conclusions Uterine rupture is a rare event during cervical ripening and labor induction with PGE2.

2022 ◽  
Vol 226 (1) ◽  
pp. S540-S541
Katherine Gonzalez ◽  
Rachel Meislin ◽  
Jared T. Roeckner ◽  
Jordan McKinney ◽  
Luis Sanchez Ramos ◽  

Budi I Santoso ◽  
Raymond Surya ◽  
Karina K Firdaus ◽  
Surahman Hakim

  Objective: To investigate the association between interdelivery interval and uterine rupture in women with previous CD.   Methods: The formulation question was how long is the safest interdeliveryinterval to minimalize the risk of uterine rupture. Theauthors investigated in three databases including Pubmed,Cochrane, and Embase database. Inclusion criteria wereabstract answering the clinical question, written in Englishlanguage, and full-text paper availability.   Results: One systematic review, six cohort studies, and 1 casecontrolstudy were collected to compare the inter-pregnancyinterval to the risk of uterine rupture. The author retrievedseven articles suitable to the inclusion criteria after excluding tenarticles screened by the abstract and language. Then, the authoradded one article used in the systematic review. Hence, the criticalappraisal based on Validity, Importance, and Applicability (VIA)was performed for eight articles.   Conclusion: The inter-delivery interval 18 months is the safest time to avoid uterine rupture. Prostaglandin analogue induction should be avoided and for patients with a history of past cesarean using a single-layer closure to be educated about the increased risk. Keywords: cesarean delivery, inter-delivery interval, uterine rupture,vaginal birth after cesarean delivery

2011 ◽  
Vol 66 (12) ◽  
pp. 737-738
Joseph G. Ouzounian ◽  
David A. Miller ◽  
Christy J. Hiebert ◽  
Leah R. Battista ◽  
Richard H. Lee

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