scholarly journals Cesarean delivery on maternal request and its influencing factors in Chongqing, China

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Ruibin Deng ◽  
Xian Tang ◽  
Jiaxiu Liu ◽  
Yuwen Gao ◽  
Xiaoni Zhong

Abstract Background A high rate of cesarean delivery has become a cause of global concern. Although the rate of cesarean delivery has declined over recent years, it remains at a high level largely because of cesarean delivery on maternal request (CDMR). Unnecessary cesarean delivery has limited significance in benefiting maternal and infant physical health; in some ways, it might pose potential risks instead. With the implementation of the “Two-child Policy” in China, an increasing number of women plan to have a second child. Accordingly, how to handle the CDMR rate in China remains an important issue. Methods Data were collected from a longitudinal follow-up study conducted in Chongqing, China, from 2018 to 2019. A structured questionnaire was administered to subjects for data collection. Basic information, including demographic characteristics, living habits, medical history, and follow-up data of pregnant women, as well as their families and society, was collected. Additionally, delivery outcomes were recorded. Logistic regression was performed to analyze the factors influencing CDMR. Results The rate of cesarean delivery in Chongqing, China was 36.01 %, and the CDMR rate was 8.42 %. Maternal request (23.38 %), fetal distress (22.73 %), and pregnancy complications (9.96 %) were the top three indications for cesarean delivery. Logistic regression analysis showed that older age (OR = 4.292, 95 % CI: 1.984–9.283) and being a primiparous woman (OR = 6.792, 95 % CI: 3.230-14.281) were risk factors for CDMR. In addition, CDMR was also associated with factors such as the tendency to choose cesarean delivery during late pregnancy (OR = 5.525, 95 % CI: 2.116–14.431), frequent contact with mothers who had undergone vaginal deliveries (OR = 0.547, 95 % CI: 0.311–0.961), and the recommendation of cesarean delivery by doctors (OR = 4.071, 95 % CI: 1.007–16.455). Conclusions “Maternal request” has become the primary indication for cesarean delivery. The occurrence of CDMR is related to both the personal factors of women during pregnancy and others. Medical institutions and obstetricians should continue popularizing delivery knowledge among pregnant women, enhancing their own professional knowledge about delivery, adhering to the standard indications for cesarean delivery, and providing pregnant women with adequate opportunities for attempting vaginal delivery.

Milena Martello Cristófalo ◽  
Carina Pita Lottenberg ◽  
Rômulo Negrini

Introdução: As condições de nascimento, em especial o parto cesáreo, impactam a curto e longo prazo a saúde infantil. Nesse estudo, tivemos como objetivo: Associar o parto cesárea a incidência de leucemias em crianças. Métodos: Trata-se de estudo observacional com pacientes dos Ambulatórios da Pediatria Oncológica, entre 0 a 14 anos, nascidos a termo, em tratamento ou acompanhamento por Leucemia Mieloblástica Aguda, Leucemia Linfoblástica Aguda, ou Leucemia Mielóide Crônica. A investigação sobre gestação e parto foi feita por meio de questionário, que aborda, após identificação do paciente, dados do diagnóstico e das condições de nascimento e parto das crianças. A incidência de parto cesarianas na amostragem foi comparada com as taxas brasileiras, segundo o DATASUS. Resultados: A taxa brasileira de cesarianas foi de 55,5% em 2016, enquanto nos pacientes estudados, 41,9% (IC 31,9-51,9) nasceram por cesarianas. Portanto, a incidência de cesáreas na população em questão é inferior à brasileira. Conclusão: A população estudada neste trabalho, crianças com diagnóstico de leucemia, não apresenta taxa de nascimentos por cesarianas superior à taxa nacional. Assim, a hipótese de que a taxa de cesarianas seria maior em uma população com diagnóstico de leucemia não foi confirmada. Portanto, apesar do que já fora proposto em estudos prévios não foi possível confirmar a associação entre parto cesariana com maior incidência de leucemia infantil. Novos trabalhos ainda são necessários para melhor entendimento da associação entre via de parto e diagnóstico de malignidades, especialmente populações com alta taxa de cesarianas.Descritores: Cesárea, Trabalho de parto, Fatores de risco, Leucemia, Neoplasias, CriançaABSTRACTAim: Birth conditions, in particular caesarean delivery, can impact on child health. In this study, our objective was: associate the cesarean delivery with incidence of leukemias in children. Methods: This is an observational study with outpatients from Pediatric Oncology Clinic, between 0 and 14 years old, born at term, undergoing treatment or having follow-up care due to acute myeloblastic leukemia, acute lymphoblastic leukemia, or chronic myeloid leukemia. The research of pregnancy and childbirth was done using a questionnaire, which addresses, after identification of the patient, data from the diagnosis and birth conditions. The sample’s cesarean delivery incidence was compared with the Brazilian rates, according to DATASUS. Results: The Brazilian cesarean rate was 55.5% in 2016, while in our sample, 41.9% (CI 31.9-51.9). Therefore, our incidence of Caesarean section is inferior compared to the Brazilian. Conclusion: The population studied, children diagnosed with leukemia, does not present a higher rate of caesarean birth than the national rate. Thus, the hypothesis that the cesarean rate would be higher in a population diagnosed with leukemia was not confirmed. Therefore, despite what has already been proposed in previous studies it was not possible to corroborate with the association between cesarean delivery and higher incidence of childhood leukemia. New studies are required to better understand the relation between delivery and diagnosis of malignancies, especially including populations with a high rate of caesarean sections.Keywords: Cesarian section; Labor, obstetric; Risk factors;  Leukemia; Neoplasms; Child

Mahvish Qazi ◽  
Najmus Saqib

Background: The aim of the study was to find out the reasons behind healthy women preferring cesarean section (CS) in the absence of obstetric and medical indications.Methods: This was a prospective study among women who came for delivery at ASCOMS, Jammu (Jammu and Kashmir), India a tertiary level teaching hospital. All women who underwent caesarean delivery for maternal request were included in this study.Results: The total number of deliveries during the study period (9 months) were 889. There were 636 (71.54%) vaginal deliveries and 253 (28.46%) CSs. Among 253 CSs, 25 (9.88%) had maternal request as their indication. Majority 13 (52%) of them were in the age group of 20 - 25 years. Multigravida opted for CS more than primigravida (17 versus 8). Most 10 (40%) of them were Graduates and 15 (60%) were working. Majority of them 13 (52%) were in class II socioeconomic status of Kuppuswamy’s scale. The various reasons for women requesting cesarean delivery were refusal of vaginal birth after cesarean section (VBAC), simultaneous tubectomy, painless delivery, prolonged infertility, afraid of neonatal outcome and astrological concerns.Conclusions: Most of the women who opted for cesarean delivery in our study was for preventable reasons like painless labor, previous negative birth experience and simultaneous tubectomy which would have been avoided by prior counseling starting from antenatal period and by providing labor analgesia. Proper education of the patient and personal involvement of the treating obstetrician in counselling the patient and her supporters can reduce cesarean delivery for maternal request.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (1) ◽  
pp. 241-247
Elvis Vieira da Silva ◽  
Mariana Amorim de Andrade Costa ◽  
Karine Cristine de Almeida ◽  
Laís Moreira Borges Araujo ◽  
Natália de Fátima Gonçalves Amâncio

Abstract Objectives: to describe the profile of prenatal and perinatal health by correlating it with sociodemographic and clinical conditions, verifying the effectiveness of health actions. Methods: quantitative, descriptive and retrospective research using data from the Live Birth Information System (Sinasc) of the municipality of Patos de Minas in the period of 2011 to 2015. Results: between 2011 and 2014 there was a reduction in the rate of vaginal births and a slight increase in 2015, however, the rates of cesarean delivery were higher than recommended by the Ministry of Health. In both types of delivery, most pregnant women attended seven or more prenatal consultations, however, this rate was significantly higher for pregnant women who underwent cesarean section. Maternal age > 35 years was also related to cesarean delivery, however, there was no significant relationship between type of delivery, the gestation time, birth weight and occurrence of maternal death. Conclusions: during the analyzed period there were more cesarean sections in relation to vaginal deliveries, with no significant change in the number of maternal deaths. A significant association was found between the highest number of prenatal consultations and maternal age > 35 years in pregnant women who underwent caesarean section. Verification of these associations can help in reorienting health practices in the region.

2017 ◽  
Vol 65 (1) ◽  
pp. 52-61 ◽  
Najara Barbosa ROCHA ◽  
Cléa Adas Saliba GARBIN ◽  
Artênio José Isper GARBIN ◽  
Orlando SALIBA ◽  
Suzely Adas Saliba MOIMAZ

ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze the influence of oral health conditions and socio-behavioral characteristics of pregnant women on the development of caries and their children's experiences, after 4 years of follow-up. Methods: It was conducted a longitudinal study of mother/child pairs by interview and oral clinical examination during pregnancy. Regular observations were made until the child had reached four years of age, at which time we performed a clinical examination of the children (n=73). The variables studied were: presence of caries in pregnancy (DMFT) and the child (deft), visit to the dentist, oral hygiene habits, diet, socioeconomic and behavioral factors, and were related to two study outcomes: presence of caries during the examination and experience of caries (deft≥1) in children of 4 years of age. Bivariate and logistic regression analyses were conducted with the variables (p<0.05 and 95% CI). Results: The average DMFT index of mothers during pregnancy was 12.09 (±2.88) and average deft index of children at 4 years was 1.79 (± 6.1). In the multiple logistic regression analysis, the presence of caries in children was associated with the presence of harmful habits (p=0.04). Caries in the child was statistically associated with brush sharing among family members (p=0.02). Conclusion: The results suggest that behavioral aspects are related to the presence and experience of caries in childhood.

A. Shanti Sri ◽  
Nazia Khanam

Background: Cesarean delivery on maternal request refers to a primary cesarean delivery performed because the mother requests this method of delivery in the absence of a standard medical/obstetrical indication for avoiding vaginal birth. The aim of the study was to find out the reasons behind, and the incidence of women preferring Cesarean section in the absence of obstetric and medical indications.Methods: This was a prospective study among women who came for delivery at Princess Esra Hospital, Deccan College of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, over a period of one year from 1st April 2015 to 31st March 2016. All women who underwent Cesarean delivery for maternal request were included in this study.Results: The total number of deliveries during the study period of one year was 2574. There were 1346 (52.29%) vaginal deliveries and 1228 (47.7%) cesarean deliveries. Among 1228 Cesarean deliveries, 87 (7.08%) had maternal request as their indication. Majority of them were in the age group of more than 35 years. Multigravidae opted for Cesarean delivery more than primigravidae (59 multigravidae vs 28 primigravidae). Among the various reasons for women requesting delivery cesarean were tocophobia, refusal of trial of labor after Cesarean section (TOLAC), concurrent sterilization, prolonged infertility and treatment conception, afraid of neonatal outcome (previous adverse neonatal outcome) and astrological concerns.Conclusions: Many of the women opted for Cesarean delivery in our study for preventable reasons like painless labor and concurrent sterilization which would have been easily avoided by prior counseling starting from antenatal period and by providing labor analgesia. Patient education and personal involvement of the treating obstetrician in counseling the patient and emotional support during labor can reduce Cesarean delivery for maternal request.

2020 ◽  
Maribel Rodríguez González ◽  
Martha L. Villarreal Morales ◽  
Aracelis Nieves Rodríguez ◽  
Edwin Soto Tapia ◽  
William Ramírez Cacho ◽  

Abstract Background: Limited data is available about the clinical features, management and neonatal outcomes of pregnant women COVID-19 positive. Case: At 37 WGA, a 34-year-old woman G3C1A1 of Puerto Rican origin presented to her follow-up perinatologist visit with flu-like symptoms and COVID-19 contact exposure history. After confirmation of COVID-19 infection and findings on chest radiography, she was successfully treated with ceftriaxone, azithromycin, hydroxychloroquine sulfate, and supportive measures. She had an uncomplicated cesarean delivery with no evidence of vertical transmission. The infant’s physical examination was unremarkable, without any clinical indication of infection.Conclusion: We describe the favorable clinical outcome of a delivery in a woman with COVID-19 in Puerto Rico. It highlights the importance of the rapid clinical management and the hospital coordinated response for the care of a COVID-19 positive pregnant patient at a point where there are no evidence-based or established guidelines. Universal screening for COVID-19 in pregnant women who are admitted for delivery should be considered as part of the hospitals COVID-19’s protocols to improve the staff and patient’s protection.

Lupus ◽  
2017 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 351-356 ◽  
A M Eudy ◽  
M Jayasundara ◽  
T Haroun ◽  
L Neil ◽  
A H James ◽  

Objective To determine reasons for cesarean and medically indicated deliveries in a registry of pregnant women with SLE compared to RA. Methods Pregnant women with SLE or RA were prospectively followed, and pregnancy outcomes were collected, including whether labor was spontaneous or medically indicated and delivery was vaginal or cesarean. Preterm birth was defined as a birth <37 weeks gestation. Differences in reasons for cesarean delivery and indication of delivery between term and preterm births were determined by Fisher’s exact test. Results Compared to RA pregnancies, SLE pregnancies had modestly higher rates of preterm birth (24% SLE vs 14% RA), pre-eclampsia (15% SLE vs 7% RA), and cesarean delivery (48% SLE vs 30% RA). The majority of preterm births among women with SLE were indicated (70%), most commonly for pre-eclampsia or the health of the infant or mother. The majority of preterm births among women with RA, however, were spontaneous, primarily due to premature rupture of membranes. Conclusion Pre-eclampsia and maternal SLE activity appear to be the key drivers for the high rate of preterm birth and medically indicated delivery in SLE. This contrasts with RA, where preterm labor is most often due to spontaneous onset of labor.

2013 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
Vegard Johansen

Introduction: Sickness presenteeism (SP) refers to the practice of going to work despite illness. This article describes the distribution of SP in Norway and Sweden. It also discusses relations between SP and various work characteristics and personal factors in the two countries. Methods: More than 2500 Norwegian and Swedish workers between 20 and 60 years of age answered a postal questionnaire. The Norwegian and Swedish samples are weighed and representative with regard to both variables of regional background and demography, but the response rate was low. The distribution of SP is measured by frequency (episodes in the previous year) and by length (total days of SP in the previous year). This study employed binary and multinomial logistic regression to detect which factors influence the frequency of SP. Results: Fifty-five per cent of the respondents in Norway and Sweden practised SP in the previous year. The frequency of SP episodes is similar in the two countries. Further, respondents with low/medium income, physical work, and managerial responsibilities report SP more often in both countries. Non-western immigrants, the less educated, and those employed by others are overrepresented with SP in Norway. Neither gender nor age had any particular influence. Discussion: In accordance with previous studies, this study among Norwegian and Swedish workers suggests that some SP during a working year may be more common than no SP. Our analyses of determinants of SP present some previously undocumented differences. Divisions between sedentary versus physical work and management versus non-management were important for SP in Norway and Sweden. Moreover, non-western immigrants are overrepresented with SP in Norway, but this pattern does not prevail in Sweden. Some possible causes for non-western immigrants to report more SP are suggested in the article, but we need more research to follow up on the missing correlation between ethnic background and SP in Sweden.  

1974 ◽  
Jerome Evans ◽  
Winston Chow ◽  
Marvin Eisen

Erhan Okuyan ◽  
Emre Gunakan ◽  
Sertaç Esin

Covid outbreak has been getting worse and spread affected all over the world. Pregnant patients are also vulnerable to respiratory diseases. We aimed to evaluate the awareness, emotional status, and behavior of pregnant during the COVID outbreak. This study's main benefit is to analyze the knowledge and understanding of pregnant women about the pandemic and draw attention to the prevention issues that need improvement. This research is a prospective observational study that 199 patients subjected to a questionnaire including 29 questions about patient characteristics, pregnancy information, knowledge about COVID19-infection, behavioral and emotional changes. 130 (65.3) of the patients stated an above-average knowledge level. Television was the most frequent information source (75.4%, n:150) and was the only information source for 90 (45.1%) of the patients. Sixty-nine patients used more than one information source. More than one prevention method uses by 149 (75%) of the patients. Washing hands (n:183, 92.0%) and cleaning the house (n:122, 61.3%) were the most preferred methods. Only 55 (27.6%) of the patients used a mask for prevention. 88(44.2%) of the patients stated that they preferred a shorter hospital stay, and 75 (37.7%) of the patients indicated that they postponed or avoided the pregnancy follow-up visits due to the COVID-19 issue. Pregnant women seem to be aware and stressed of COVID-19, but knowledge of what to do seems insufficient. Patients informed of risks of COVID infection, unplanned hospital admission, and chances of avoiding necessary visits and home birth demands.

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