scholarly journals Reducing dengue fever cases at the lowest budget: a constrained optimization approach applied to Thailand

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Gerhart Knerer ◽  
Christine S. M. Currie ◽  
Sally C. Brailsford

Abstract Background With the challenges that dengue fever (DF) presents to healthcare systems and societies, public health officials must determine where best to allocate scarce resources and restricted budgets. Constrained optimization (CO) helps to address some of the acknowledged limitations of conventional health economic analyses and has typically been used to identify the optimal allocation of resources across interventions subject to a variety of constraints. Methods A dynamic transmission model was developed to predict the number of dengue cases in Thailand at steady state. A CO was then applied to identify the optimal combination of interventions (release of Wolbachia-infected mosquitoes and paediatric vaccination) within the constraints of a fixed budget, set no higher than cost estimates of the current vector control programme, to minimize the number of dengue cases and disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) lost. Epidemiological, cost, and effectiveness data were informed by national data and the research literature. The time horizon was 10 years. Scenario analyses examined different disease management and intervention costs, budget constraints, vaccine efficacy, and optimization time horizon. Results Under base-case budget constraints, the optimal coverage of the two interventions to minimize dengue incidence was predicted to be nearly equal (Wolbachia 50%; paediatric vaccination 49%) with corresponding coverages under lower bound (Wolbachia 54%; paediatric vaccination 10%) and upper bound (Wolbachia 67%; paediatric vaccination 100%) budget ceilings. Scenario analyses indicated that the most impactful situations related to the costs of Wolbachia and paediatric vaccination with decreases/ increases in costs of interventions demonstrating a direct correlation with coverage (increases/ decreases) of the respective control strategies under examination. Conclusions Determining the best investment strategy for dengue control requires the identification of the optimal mix of interventions to implement in order to maximize public health outcomes, often under fixed budget constraints. A CO model was developed with the objective of minimizing dengue cases (and DALYs lost) over a 10-year time horizon, within the constraints of the estimated budgets for vector control in the absence of vaccination and Wolbachia. The model provides a tool for developing estimates of optimal coverage of combined dengue control strategies that minimize dengue burden at the lowest budget.

2020 ◽  
Vol 14 (10) ◽  
pp. e0008805
Gerhart Knerer ◽  
Christine S. M. Currie ◽  
Sally C. Brailsford

Background and aims Dengue fever is a major public health problem in tropical/subtropical regions. Prior economic analyses have predominantly evaluated either vaccination or vector-control programmes in isolation and do not really consider the incremental benefits and cost-effectiveness of mixed strategies and combination control. We estimated the cost-effectiveness of single and combined approaches in Thailand. Methods The impacts of different control interventions were analysed using a previously published mathematical model of dengue epidemiology and control incorporating seasonality, age structure, consecutive infection, cross protection, immune enhancement and combined vector-host transmission. An economic model was applied to simulation results to estimate the cost-effectiveness of 4 interventions and their various combinations (6 strategies): i) routine vaccination of 1-year olds; ii) chemical vector control strategies targeting adult and larval stages separately; iii) environmental management/ public health education and awareness [EM/ PHEA]). Payer and societal perspectives were considered. The health burden of dengue fever was assessed using disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) lost. Costs and effects were assessed for 10 years. Costs were discounted at 3% annually and updated to 2013 United States Dollars. Incremental cost-effectiveness analysis was carried out after strategies were rank-ordered by cost, with results presented in a table of incremental analysis. Sensitivity and scenario analyses were undertaken; and the impact and cost-effectiveness of Wolbachia was evaluated in exploratory scenario analyses. Results From the payer and societal perspectives, 2 combination strategies were considered optimal, as all other control strategies were dominated. Vaccination plus adulticide plus EM/ PHEA was deemed cost-effective according to multiple cost-effectiveness criteria. From the societal perspective, incremental differences vs. adulticide and EM/ PHEA resulted in costs of $157.6 million and DALYs lost of 12,599, giving an expected ICER of $12,508 per DALY averted. Exploratory scenario analyses showed Wolbachia to be highly cost-effective ($343 per DALY averted) vs. other single control measures. Conclusions Our model shows that individual interventions can be cost-effective, but that important epidemiological reductions and economic impacts are demonstrated when interventions are combined as part of an integrated approach to combating dengue fever. Exploratory scenario analyses demonstrated the potential epidemiological and cost-effective impact of Wolbachia when deployed at scale on a nationwide basis. Our findings were robust in the face of sensitivity analyses.

2014 ◽  
Vol 76 (3) ◽  
pp. 697-717 ◽  
Marcos Amaku ◽  
Francisco Antonio Bezerra Coutinho ◽  
Silvia Martorano Raimundo ◽  
Luis Fernandez Lopez ◽  
Marcelo Nascimento Burattini ◽  

2018 ◽  
Vol 34 (4) ◽  
pp. 283-288
César Gutiérrez ◽  
Juan José Montenegro-Idrogo

Objetivo: Describir los conocimientos sobre transmisión, sintomatología, acciones de prevención y control frente a dengue en la región Piura, Perú. Material y métodos: Análisis secundario de la sección 700 (salud) de la Encuesta Nacional de Programas Estratégicos 2014, realizada por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística e Informática a 113 073 habitantes de ≥14 años a nivel nacional (5 131 en Piura). Se analizaron las preguntas 701 al 704 sobre conocimientos de dengue. Las respuestas fueron analizadas según características demográficas y provincia de residencia. Además, se comparó los resultados de toda la región frente al promedio nacional. Resultados: En Piura, el 78,4% refirió que la transmisión de dengue es por la picadura de un mosquito, (solo 54,5% a nivel nacional). Hubo diferencias entre zonas urbana (84%) y rural (58,2%), y entre provincias. Los síntomas más recordados fueron fiebre (79,7%), cefalea (56,4%), dolor de huesos/articulaciones (30,3%) y escalofríos (28,7%). 96,9% acudiría a un establecimiento de salud si presentara síntomas (97,8% a nivel nacional). Conocimiento sobre control de mosquito fue menor del 50% de medidas adecuadas. Conclusiones: El conocimiento sobre algunos aspectos del dengue es aún limitado en la región Piura, siendo ésta la más endémica a nivel nacional. Se debe enfatizar en educación sanitaria a nivel poblacional para frenar el avance alarmante de este problema.  1. Guzman MG, Harris E. Dengue. Lancet. 2015;385(9966):453-65.2. Rey JR, Philip Lounibos P. Ecología de Aedes aegypti y Aedes albopictus en América y transmisión enfermedades. Biomédica. 2015;35:177-85. 3. Bouyer J, Chandre F, Gilles J, Baldet T. Alternative vector control methods to manage the Zika virus outbreak: more haste, less speed. Lancet Glob Health. 2016;4(6):e364.  4. Hermann LL, Gupta SB, Manoff SB, Kalayanarooj S, Gibbons RV, Coller BA. Advances in the understanding, management, and prevention of dengue. J Clin Virol. 2015;64:153-9.  5. Bhatt S, Gething PW, Brady OJ, Messina JP, Farlow AW, Moyes CL, et al. The global distribution and burden of dengue. Nature. 2013;496:504–507. 6. Quintero J, Brochero H, Manrique-Saide P, Barrera-Pérez M, Basso C, Romero S, Petzold M, et al. Ecological, biological and social dimensions of dengue vector breeding in five urban settings of Latin America: a multi-country study. BMC Infect Dis. 2014;21:14:38. 7. Kroeger A, Lenhart A, Ochoa M, Villegas E, Levy M, Alexander N, et al. Effective control of dengue vectors with curtains and water container covers treated with insecticide in Mexico and Venezuela: cluster randomised trials. BMJ. 2006;332:1247–1252.  8. Paz-Soldán VA, Morrison AC, Cordova Lopez JJ, Lenhart A, Scott TW, Elder JP, et al. Dengue Knowledge and Preventive Practices in Iquitos, Peru. Am J Trop Med Hyg. 2015;93(6):1330-7.  9. Cáceres-Manrique FM, Vesga-Gómez C, Perea-Florez X, Ruitort M, Talbot Y. Conocimientos, Actitudes y Prácticas sobre Dengue en Dos Barrios de Bucaramanga, Colombia. Rev. salud pública. 2009;11(1):27-38. 10. Santos SL, Parra-Henao G, Silva MB, Augusto LG. Dengue in Brazil and Colombia: a study of knowledge, attitudes, and practices. Rev Soc Bras Med Trop. 2014;47(6):783-7. 11. Egedus VL, Ortega JM, Obando AA. Knowledge, perceptions, and practices with respect to the prevention of dengue in a mid-Pacific coastal village of Costa Rica. Rev Biol Trop. 2014;62(3):859-67.   12. Wong LP, AbuBakar S. Health beliefs and practices related to dengue fever: a focus group study. PLoS Negl Trop Dis. 2013;7(7):e2310.  13. Van Benthem BH, Khantikul N, Panart K, Kessels PJ, Somboon P, Oskam L. Knowledge and use of prevention measures related to dengue in northern Thailand. Trop Med Int Health. 2002;7(11):993- 1000. 14. Sala de Situación de Salud – Semana Epidemiológica N° 11 2017 [Internet]. Lima: Centro Nacional de Epidemiología, Prevención y Control de Enfermedades - Ministerio de Salud; 2017 [citado el 10 de octubre de 2017]. Disponible en: 15. Ferreira MC. Geographical distribution of the association between El Niño South Oscillation and dengue fever in the Americas: a continental analysis using geographical information system-based techniques. Geospat Health. 2014;9(1):141-51.  16. Encuesta Nacional de Programas Estratégicos 2011-2014 [Internet]. Lima: Instituto Nacional de estadística e Informática; 2015 [citado el 10 de octubre de 2016]. Disponible en: https://www.inei.gob. pe/media/MenuRecursivo/publicaciones_digitales/Est/Lib1291/libro.pdf 17. Palma-Pinedo H, Cabrera R, Yagui-Moscoso M. Factors behind people's reluctance towards dengue vector control actions in three districts in northern Peru. Rev Peru Med Exp Salud Publica. 2016;33(1):13-20.  18. OMS habla de una epidemia por dengue en región Piura [Internet]. Lima: CMP noticias; 2016 [citado el 10 de octubre de 2016]. Disponible en: dengue-en-la-region-piura/  19. Gyawali N, Bradbury RS, Taylor-Robinson AW. Knowledge, attitude and recommendations for practice regarding dengue among the resident population of Queensland, Australia. Asian Pac J Trop Biomed. 2016;6(4):360–366. 20. Malhotra G, Yadav A, Dudeja P. Knowledge, awareness and practices regarding dengue among rural and slum communities in North Indian city, India. Int J Med Science and Public Health. 2014;3(3):295-299.  21. Hairi F, Ong CH, Suhaimi A, Tsung TW, Sundaraj C, Soe MM, et al. A knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) study on dengue among selected rural communities in the Kuala Kangsar district. Asia Pac J Public Health. 2003;15(1):37-43.  22. Dhimal M, Aryal KK, Dhimal ML, Gautam I, Singh SP, Bhusal CL, et al. Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding dengue fever among the healthy population of highland and lowland communities in central Nepal. PLoS One. 2014;9(7):e102028.

2014 ◽  
Vol 2014 ◽  
pp. 1-11 ◽  
Adisak Bhumiratana ◽  
Apiradee Intarapuk ◽  
Suriyo Chujun ◽  
Wuthichai Kaewwaen ◽  
Prapa Sorosjinda-Nunthawarasilp ◽  

Over a past decade, an administrative decentralization model, adopted for local administration development in Thailand, is replacing the prior centralized (top-down) command system. The change offers challenges to local governmental agencies and other public health agencies at all the ministerial, regional, and provincial levels. A public health regulatory and legislative framework for dengue vector control by local governmental agencies is a national topic of interest because dengue control program has been integrated into healthcare services at the provincial level and also has been given priority in health plans of local governmental agencies. The enabling environments of local administrations are unique, so this critical review focuses on the authority of local governmental agencies responsible for disease prevention and control and on the functioning of local legislation with respect to dengue vector control and practices.

2018 ◽  
Vol 30 (4) ◽  
pp. 396-405 ◽  
Bipin Kumar Acharya ◽  
Chunxiang Cao ◽  
Min Xu ◽  
Wei Chen ◽  
Shreejana Pandit

This study describes spatiotemporal distribution and geospatial diffusion patterns of dengue outbreak of 2013 in Jhapa district, Nepal. Laboratory-confirmed dengue cases were collected from the District Public Health Office, Government of Nepal. Choropleth mapping technique, Global Moran’s Index, SaTScan, and standard deviational ellipse were used to map and quantify the outbreak dynamics. The results revealed heterogeneous distribution and globally autocorrelated patterns. Local clusters were observed in 3 major urban centers. The standard deviational ellipse demonstrated the outbreak occurred from the east and diffused to the west along the east-west highway in different weeks. The results of this study could be useful to public health authorities to plan and execute dengue control strategies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Wawan Kurniawan

ABSTRAK  Latar belakang: Demam Berdarah Dengue (DBD) disebabkan oleh virus Dengue dapat menyebabkan kematian. Pencegahan DBD yang dianggap paling tepat adalah Pemberantasan Sarang Nyamuk (PSN). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pelatihan pengendalian vektor Demam Berdarah pada siswa sekolah dasar terhadap Maya Index di Majalengka. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain quasi experiment (pretest-posttest control group design). Sebanyak 4 sekolah terpilih sebagai kelompok intervensi dan 4 sekolah lainnya sebagai kontrol. Subyek penelitian adalah siswa kelas IV-VI yang terdiri dari 171 siswa pada kelompok intervensi dan 163 pada kelompok kontrol. Instrumen yang digunakan adalah formulir pemantauan jentik berkala. Hasil: Jumlah rumah dengan kategori Maya Index tinggi berkurang dari 27,5% menjadi 9,4%. Terjadi penurunan angka BRI kategori tinggi pada kelompok intervensi dari 20,5% menjadi 1,8%. Pada kelompok kontrol tidak terjadi penurunan angka BRI kategori tinggi (22,1%), sebaliknya terjadi penurunan kategori rendah dari 34,4% menjadi 3,7%. Tidak terjadi penurunan angka HRI pada kelompok intervensi maupun kontrol. Kesimpulan: Pelatihan pengendalian vektor Demam Berdarah dapat menurunkan nilai BRI dan Maya Index, tetapi tidak berpengaruh terhadap nilai HRI. Tidak adanya perubahan nilai HRI menunjukkan bahwa kebersihan dan sanitasi lingkungan merupakan faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap probabilitas kejadian demam berdarah. Kata Kunci : Demam Berdarah, Maya Index, pelatihan, pengendalian vektor   ABSTRACT Background: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) caused by Dengue virus could cause death. The most appropriate prevention of Dengue is eradication of mosquito nests (PSN). This study aims to determine the effect of Dengue vector control training on elementary students towards Maya Index in Majalengka. Method: This study used quasi-experimental design (pretest-posttest control group design). A total of 4 schools were selected as intervention groups and 4 other schools as controls. The subjects were students in grades IV-VI consisting of 171 students in the intervention group and 163 in the control group. The instrument used was periodic larva monitoring form. Results: The number of houses with a high Maya Index category in the intervention group decreased from 27.5% to 9.4%. There was a decrease in the high BRI category in the intervention group from 20.5% to 1.8%. In the control group, there was no decrease in the high BRI category (22.1%), on the contrary, there was a decrease in the low category from 34.4% to 3.7%. There was no decrease in HRI rates both of intervention or control groups. Conclusion: Dengue Fever vector control training could decrease the value of BRI and Maya Index, but does not affect the value of HRI. The absence of changes in HRI  indicate that environmental hygiene and sanitation are factors that influence the probability of dengue fever occurrence. Keywords: Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever, Maya Index, training, vector control

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Abdou Talipouo ◽  
Konstantinos Mavridis ◽  
Elysée Nchoutpouen ◽  
Borel Djiappi-Tchamen ◽  
Emmanouil Alexandros Fotakis ◽  

AbstractCulex mosquitoes particularly Culex quinquefasciatus are important arboviral and filariasis vectors, however despite this important epidemiological role, there is still a paucity of data on their bionomics. The present study was undertaken to assess the insecticide resistance status of Cx. quinquefasciatus populations from four districts of Yaoundé (Cameroon). All Culex quinquefasciatus populations except one displayed high resistance to bendiocarb and malathion with mortalities ranging from 0 to 89% while high resistance intensity against both permethrin and deltamethrin was recorded. Molecular analyses revealed high frequencies of the ACE-1 G119S mutation (ranging from 0 to 33%) and kdr L1014F allele (ranging from 55 to 74%) in all Cx. quinquefasciatus populations. Significant overexpression was detected for cytochrome P450s genes CYP6AA7 and CYP6Z10, as well as for Esterase A and Esterase B genes. The total cuticular hydrocarbon content, a proxy of cuticular resistance, was significantly increased (compared to the S-lab strain) in one population. The study confirms strong insecticide resistance mediated by different mechanisms in Cx. quinquefasciatus populations from the city of Yaoundé. The expansion of insecticide resistance in Culex populations could affect the effectiveness of current vector control measures and stress the need for the implementation of integrated vector control strategies in urban settings.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Camila Lorenz ◽  
Marcia C. Castro ◽  
Patricia M. P. Trindade ◽  
Maurício L. Nogueira ◽  
Mariana de Oliveira Lage ◽  

AbstractIdentifying Aedes aegypti breeding hotspots in urban areas is crucial for the design of effective vector control strategies. Remote sensing techniques offer valuable tools for mapping habitat suitability. In this study, we evaluated the association between urban landscape, thermal features, and mosquito infestations. Entomological surveys were conducted between 2016 and 2019 in Vila Toninho, a neighborhood of São José do Rio Preto, São Paulo, Brazil, in which the numbers of adult female Ae. aegypti were recorded monthly and grouped by season for three years. We used data from 2016 to 2018 to build the model and data from summer of 2019 to validate it. WorldView-3 satellite images were used to extract land cover classes, and land surface temperature data were obtained using the Landsat-8 Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS). A multilevel negative binomial model was fitted to the data, which showed that the winter season has the greatest influence on decreases in mosquito abundance. Green areas and pavements were negatively associated, and a higher cover of asbestos roofs and exposed soil was positively associated with the presence of adult females. These features are related to socio-economic factors but also provide favorable breeding conditions for mosquitos. The application of remote sensing technologies has significant potential for optimizing vector control strategies, future mosquito suppression, and outbreak prediction.

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