scholarly journals Neuropathy, claw toes, intrinsic muscle volume, and plantar aponeurosis thickness in diabetic feet

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Tadashi Kimura ◽  
Eric D. Thorhauer ◽  
Matthew W. Kindig ◽  
Jane B. Shofer ◽  
Bruce J. Sangeorzan ◽  
2020 ◽  
Tadashi Kimura ◽  
Eric D Thorhauer ◽  
Matthew W Kindig ◽  
Bruce J Sangeorzan ◽  
William R Ledoux

Abstract Background: The objective of this study was to explore the relationship between claw toe deformity, peripheral neuropathy, intrinsic muscle volume, and plantar aponeurosis thickness using computed tomography (CT) images of diabetic feet. Methods: Forty randomly-selected subjects with type 2 diabetes were selected for each of the following four groups (n = 10 per group): 1) peripheral neuropathy with claw toes, 2) peripheral neuropathy without claw toes, 3) non-neuropathic with claw toes, and 4) non-neuropathic without claw toes. The intrinsic muscles of the foot were segmented from processed CT images. Plantar aponeurosis thickness was measured in the reformatted sagittal plane at 20% of the distance from the most inferior point of calcaneus to the most inferior point of the second metatarsal. Five measurement sites in the medial-lateral direction were utilized to fully characterize the plantar aponeurosis thickness. A linear mixed effects analysis on the effect of peripheral neuropathy and claw toe deformity on plantar aponeurosis thickness and intrinsic muscle volume was performed. Results: Presence of claw toe deformity ( p = 0.008) and presence of neuropathy ( p = 0.039) were both associated with decreased intrinsic muscle volume. Subjects with both neuropathy and claw toe deformity had significantly thicker plantar aponeurosis tissue compared with the other three permutation subgroups ( p < 0.001). A negative correlation was observed between plantar aponeurosis thickness and intrinsic muscle volume ( R 2 = -0.3233, p < 0.001). Conclusions: In subjects with claw toe deformity, there were strong relationships between smaller intrinsic foot muscle volumes and thicker plantar aponeurosis tissue. Intrinsic muscle atrophy and plantar aponeurosis thickening may be related to the development of claw toes.

2008 ◽  
Vol 1 (S1) ◽  
William R Ledoux ◽  
Jason Schoen ◽  
Matthew Lovell ◽  
Elizabeth Huff

2019 ◽  
Vol 51 (Supplement) ◽  
pp. 855-856
Ulisses T. Taddei ◽  
Alessandra B. Matias ◽  
Fernanda IA Ribeiro ◽  
Irene S. Davis ◽  
Isabel CN Sacco

2000 ◽  
Vol 26 (10) ◽  
pp. 941-945 ◽  
Gregory J. Kricorian ◽  
Carl F. Schanbacher ◽  
Paul A. Kelly ◽  
Richard G. Bennett

2021 ◽  
pp. 026921552110034
Nico Nitzsche ◽  
Alexander Stäuber ◽  
Samuel Tiede ◽  
Henry Schulz

Objective: This meta-analysis aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of low-load Resistance Training (RT) with or without Blood Flow Restriction (BFR) compared with conventional RT on muscle strength in open and closed kinetic chains, muscle volume and pain in individuals with orthopaedic impairments. Data sources: Searches were conducted in the PubMed, Web of Science, Scopus and Cochrane databases, including the reference lists of randomised controlled trials (RCT’s) up to January 2021. Review method: An independent reviewer extracted study characteristics, orthopaedic indications, exercise data and outcome measures. The primary outcome was muscle strength of the lower limb. Secondary outcomes were muscle volume and pain. Study quality and reporting was assessed using the TESTEX scale. Results: A total of 10 RCTs with 386 subjects (39.2 ± 17.1 years) were included in the analysis to compare low-load RT with BFR and high or low-load RT without BFR. The meta-analysis showed no significant superior effects of low-load resistance training with BFR regarding leg muscle strength in open and closed kinetic chains, muscle volume or pain compared with high or low-load RT without BFR in subjects with lower limb impairments. Conclusion: Low-load RT with BFR leads to changes in muscle strength, muscle volume and pain in musculoskeletal rehabilitation that are comparable to conventional RT. This appears to be independent of strength testing in open or closed kinetic chains.

Sandra J. Shultz ◽  
Randy J. Schmitz ◽  
Anthony S. Kulas ◽  
Jeffrey D. Labban ◽  
Hsin‐Min Wang

Animals ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 915
Johanna Dietrich ◽  
Stephan Handschuh ◽  
Robert Steidl ◽  
Alexandra Böhler ◽  
Gerhard Forstenpointner ◽  

As the longissimus dorsi muscle is the largest muscle in the equine back, it has great influence on the stability of the spine and facilitates proper locomotion. The longissimus muscle provides support to the saddle and rider and thereby influences performance in the horse. Muscular dysfunction has been associated with back disorders and decline of performance. In general, muscle function is determined by its specific intramuscular architecture. However, only limited three-dimensional metrical data are available for the inner organisation of the equine longissimus dorsi muscle. Therefore, we aimed at investigating the inner architecure of the equine longissimus. The thoracic and lumbar longissimus muscles of five formalin-fixed cadaveric horse backs of different ages and body types were dissected layerwise from cranial to caudal. Three-dimensional coordinates along individual muscle fibre bundles were recorded using a digitisation tool (MicroScribe®), to capture their origin, insertion and general orientation. Together with skeletal data from computed tomography (CT) scans, 3D models were created using imaging software (Amira). For further analysis, the muscle was divided into functional compartments during preparation and morphometric parameters, such as the muscle fascicle length, pennation angles to the sagittal and horizontal planes, muscle volume and the physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA), were determined. Fascicle length showed the highest values in the thoracic region and decreased from cranial to caudal, with the cranial lumbar compartment showing about 75% of cranial fascicle length, while in most caudal compartments, fascicle length was less than 50% of the fascicle length in thoracic compartments. The pennation angles to the horizontal plane show that there are differences between compartments. In most cranial compartments, fascicles almost run parallel to the horizontal plane (mean angle 0°), while in the caudal compartment, the angles increase up to a mean angle of 38°. Pennation angles to the sagittal plane varied not only between compartments but also within compartments. While in the thoracic compartments, the fascicles run nearly parallel to the spine, in the caudal compartments, the mean angles range from 0–22°. The muscle volume ranged from 1350 cm3 to 4700 cm3 depending on body size. The PCSA ranged from 219 cm2 to 700 cm2 depending on the muscle volume and mean fascicle length. In addition to predictable individual differences in size parameters, there are obvious systemic differences within the muscle architecture along the longissimus muscle which may affect its contraction behaviour. The obtained muscle data lay the anatomical basis for a specific biomechanical model of the longissimus muscle, to simulate muscle function under varying conditions and in comparison to other species.

1993 ◽  
Vol 18 (4) ◽  
pp. 454-460 ◽  
R. L. LESTER ◽  
P. J. SMITH ◽  
G. MOTT ◽  

A clinical and electromyographic study of major nerve transections at the wrist in 22 patients has shown that electrical recovery nearly always occurs in the intrinsic muscles, despite the absence of clinically detectable function. There appears to be a level of electrical reinnervation above which clinically detectable intrinsic muscle power is usually present. This level would appear to be 50% of the contralateral maximum evoked muscle action potential; above this the “myth” of clinical recovery becomes a reality.

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