scholarly journals Receiver-extension strategy for time-domain full waveform inversion using a relocalization approach

Geophysics ◽  
2021 ◽  
pp. 1-85
Ludovic Métivier ◽  
Romain Brossier

A receiver-extension strategy is presented as an alternative to recently promoted source-extension strategies, in the framework of high resolution seismic imaging by full waveform inversion. This receiver-extension strategy is directly applicable in time-domain full waveform inversion, and unlike source-extension methods it incurs negligible extra computational cost. After connections between difference source-extension strategies are reviewed, the receiver-extension method is introduced and analyzed for single-arrival data. The method results in a misfit function convex with respect to the velocity model in this context. The method is then applied to three exploration scale synthetic case studies representative of different geological environment, based on: the Marmousi model, the BP 2004 salt model, and the Valhall model. In all three cases the receiver-extension strategy makes it possible to start full waveform inversion with crude initial models, and reconstruct meaningful subsurface velocity models. The good performance of the method even considering inaccurate amplitude prediction due to noise, imperfect modeling, and source wavelet estimation, bodes well for field data applications.

2020 ◽  
Vol 222 (1) ◽  
pp. 610-627 ◽  
Peng Guo ◽  
Gerhard Visser ◽  
Erdinc Saygin

SUMMARY Seismic full waveform inversion (FWI) is a state-of-the-art technique for estimating subsurface physical models from recorded seismic waveform, but its application requires care because of high non-linearity and non-uniqueness. The final outcome of global convergence from conventional FWI using local gradient information relies on an informative starting model. Bayesian inference using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling is able to remove such dependence, by a direct extensive search of the model space. We use a Bayesian trans-dimensional MCMC seismic FWI method with a parsimonious dipping layer parametrization, to invert for subsurface velocity models from pre-stack seismic shot gathers that contain mainly reflections. For the synthetic study, we use a simple four-layer model and a modified Marmousi model. A recently collected multichannel off-shore seismic reflection data set, from the Lord Howe Rise (LHR) in the east of Australia, is used for the field data test. The trans-dimensional FWI method is able to provide model ensembles for describing posterior distribution, when the dipping-layer model assumption satisfies the observed data. The model assumption requires narrow models, thus only near-offset data to be used. We use model stitching with lateral and depth constraints to create larger 2-D models from many adjacent overlapping submodel inversions. The inverted 2-D velocity model from the Bayesian inference can then be used as a starting model for the gradient-based FWI, from which we are able to obtain high-resolution subsurface velocity models, as demonstrated using the synthetic data. However, lacking far-offset data limits the constraints for the low-wavenumber part of the velocity model, making the inversion highly non-unique. We found it challenging to apply the dipping-layer based Bayesian FWI to the field data. The approximations in the source wavelet and forward modelling physics increase the multimodality of the posterior distribution; the sampled velocity models clearly show the trade-off between interface depth and velocity. Numerical examples using the synthetic and field data indicate that trans-dimensional FWI has the potential for inverting earth models from reflection waveform. However, a sparse model parametrization and far offset constraints are required, especially for field application.

Geophysics ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 84 (1) ◽  
pp. R1-R10 ◽  
Zhendong Zhang ◽  
Tariq Alkhalifah ◽  
Zedong Wu ◽  
Yike Liu ◽  
Bin He ◽  

Full-waveform inversion (FWI) is an attractive technique due to its ability to build high-resolution velocity models. Conventional amplitude-matching FWI approaches remain challenging because the simplified computational physics used does not fully represent all wave phenomena in the earth. Because the earth is attenuating, a sample-by-sample fitting of the amplitude may not be feasible in practice. We have developed a normalized nonzero-lag crosscorrelataion-based elastic FWI algorithm to maximize the similarity of the calculated and observed data. We use the first-order elastic-wave equation to simulate the propagation of seismic waves in the earth. Our proposed objective function emphasizes the matching of the phases of the events in the calculated and observed data, and thus, it is more immune to inaccuracies in the initial model and the difference between the true and modeled physics. The normalization term can compensate the energy loss in the far offsets because of geometric spreading and avoid a bias in estimation toward extreme values in the observed data. We develop a polynomial-type weighting function and evaluate an approach to determine the optimal time lag. We use a synthetic elastic Marmousi model and the BigSky field data set to verify the effectiveness of the proposed method. To suppress the short-wavelength artifacts in the estimated S-wave velocity and noise in the field data, we apply a Laplacian regularization and a total variation constraint on the synthetic and field data examples, respectively.

2021 ◽  
Vol 40 (5) ◽  
pp. 324-334
Rongxin Huang ◽  
Zhigang Zhang ◽  
Zedong Wu ◽  
Zhiyuan Wei ◽  
Jiawei Mei ◽  

Seismic imaging using full-wavefield data that includes primary reflections, transmitted waves, and their multiples has been the holy grail for generations of geophysicists. To be able to use the full-wavefield data effectively requires a forward-modeling process to generate full-wavefield data, an inversion scheme to minimize the difference between modeled and recorded data, and, more importantly, an accurate velocity model to correctly propagate and collapse energy of different wave modes. All of these elements have been embedded in the framework of full-waveform inversion (FWI) since it was proposed three decades ago. However, for a long time, the application of FWI did not find its way into the domain of full-wavefield imaging, mostly owing to the lack of data sets with good constraints to ensure the convergence of inversion, the required compute power to handle large data sets and extend the inversion frequency to the bandwidth needed for imaging, and, most significantly, stable FWI algorithms that could work with different data types in different geologic settings. Recently, with the advancement of high-performance computing and progress in FWI algorithms at tackling issues such as cycle skipping and amplitude mismatch, FWI has found success using different data types in a variety of geologic settings, providing some of the most accurate velocity models for generating significantly improved migration images. Here, we take a step further to modify the FWI workflow to output the subsurface image or reflectivity directly, potentially eliminating the need to go through the time-consuming conventional seismic imaging process that involves preprocessing, velocity model building, and migration. Compared with a conventional migration image, the reflectivity image directly output from FWI often provides additional structural information with better illumination and higher signal-to-noise ratio naturally as a result of many iterations of least-squares fitting of the full-wavefield data.

2017 ◽  
Vol 36 (12) ◽  
pp. 1033-1036 ◽  
Mathias Louboutin ◽  
Philipp Witte ◽  
Michael Lange ◽  
Navjot Kukreja ◽  
Fabio Luporini ◽  

Since its reintroduction by Pratt (1999) , full-waveform inversion (FWI) has gained a lot of attention in geophysical exploration because of its ability to build high-resolution velocity models more or less automatically in areas of complex geology. While there is an extensive and growing literature on the topic, publications focus mostly on technical aspects, making this topic inaccessible for a broader audience due to the lack of simple introductory resources for newcomers to computational geophysics. We will accomplish this by providing a hands-on walkthrough of FWI using Devito ( Lange et al., 2016 ), a system based on domain-specific languages that automatically generates code for time-domain finite differences.

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Katherine Flórez ◽  
Sergio Alberto Abreo Carrillo ◽  
Ana Beatriz Ramírez Silva

Full Waveform Inversion (FWI) schemes are gradually becoming more common in the oil and gas industry, as a new tool for studying complex geological zones, based on their reliability for estimating velocity models. FWI is a non-linear inversion method that iteratively estimates subsurface characteristics such as seismic velocity, starting from an initial velocity model and the preconditioned data acquired. Blended sources have been used in marine seismic acquisitions to reduce acquisition costs, reducing the number of times that the vessel needs to cross the exploration delineation trajectory. When blended or simultaneous without previous de-blending or separation, stage data are used in the reconstruction of the velocity model with the FWI method, and the computational time is reduced. However, blended data implies overlapping single shot-gathers, producing interference that affects the result of seismic approaches, such as FWI or seismic image migration. In this document, an encoding strategy is developed, which reduces the overlap areas within the blended data to improve the final velocity model with the FWI method.

Geophysics ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 83 (2) ◽  
pp. A33-A37 ◽  
Amsalu Y. Anagaw ◽  
Mauricio D. Sacchi

Full-waveform inversion (FWI) can provide accurate estimates of subsurface model parameters. In spite of its success, the application of FWI in areas with high-velocity contrast remains a challenging problem. Quadratic regularization methods are often adopted to stabilize inverse problems. Unfortunately, edges and sharp discontinuities are not adequately preserved by quadratic regularization techniques. Throughout the iterative FWI method, an edge-preserving filter, however, can gently incorporate sharpness into velocity models. For every point in the velocity model, edge-preserving smoothing assigns the average value of the most uniform window neighboring the point. Edge-preserving smoothing generates piecewise-homogeneous images with enhanced contrast at boundaries. We adopt a simultaneous-source frequency-domain FWI, based on quasi-Newton optimization, in conjunction with an edge-preserving smoothing filter to retrieve high-contrast velocity models. The edge-preserving smoothing filter gradually removes the artifacts created by simultaneous-source encoding. We also have developed a simple model update to prevent disrupting the convergence of the optimization algorithm. Finally, we perform tests to examine our algorithm.

Geophysics ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 78 (2) ◽  
pp. R59-R80 ◽  
Michael Warner ◽  
Andrew Ratcliffe ◽  
Tenice Nangoo ◽  
Joanna Morgan ◽  
Adrian Umpleby ◽  

We have developed and implemented a robust and practical scheme for anisotropic 3D acoustic full-waveform inversion (FWI). We demonstrate this scheme on a field data set, applying it to a 4C ocean-bottom survey over the Tommeliten Alpha field in the North Sea. This shallow-water data set provides good azimuthal coverage to offsets of 7 km, with reduced coverage to a maximum offset of about 11 km. The reservoir lies at the crest of a high-velocity antiformal chalk section, overlain by about 3000 m of clastics within which a low-velocity gas cloud produces a seismic obscured area. We inverted only the hydrophone data, and we retained free-surface multiples and ghosts within the field data. We invert in six narrow frequency bands, in the range 3 to 6.5 Hz. At each iteration, we selected only a subset of sources, using a different subset at each iteration; this strategy is more efficient than inverting all the data every iteration. Our starting velocity model was obtained using standard PSDM model building including anisotropic reflection tomography, and contained epsilon values as high as 20%. The final FWI velocity model shows a network of shallow high-velocity channels that match similar features in the reflection data. Deeper in the section, the FWI velocity model reveals a sharper and more-intense low-velocity region associated with the gas cloud in which low-velocity fingers match the location of gas-filled faults visible in the reflection data. The resulting velocity model provides a better match to well logs, and better flattens common-image gathers, than does the starting model. Reverse-time migration, using the FWI velocity model, provides significant uplift to the migrated image, simplifying the planform of the reservoir section at depth. The workflows, inversion strategy, and algorithms that we have used have broad application to invert a wide-range of analogous data sets.

Geophysics ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 74 (3) ◽  
pp. J23-J34 ◽  
Douglas S. Sassen ◽  
Mark E. Everett

Ground-penetrating radar (GPR) can detect and describe fractures to help us characterize fractured rock formations. A fracture alters the incident waveform, or wave shape, of a GPR signal through constructive and destructive interference, depending on the aperture, fill, and orientation of the fracture. Because the electromagnetic (EM) waves of GPR are vectorial, features exhibiting strong directionality can change the state of polarization of the incident field. GPR methods that focus on changes in waveform or polarization can improve detection and discrimination of fractures within rock bodies. An algorithm based on coherency, a seismic attribute that delineates discontinuities in wavelet shape, is developed for polarimetric GPR. It uses the largest eigenvalue of the time-domain scattering matrix when calculating coherence. This algorithm is sensitive to wave shape and is unbiased by the polarization of GPR antennas. Polarimetric coherency works better than scalar coherency in removing the effects of polarization on field data collected from a fractured limestone plot used for hydrologic experimentation. Another method, for time-domain full-waveform inversion of transmission data, quantitatively determines fracture aperture and EM properties of fill, based on a thin-layer model. Inversion results from field data show consistency with the location of fractures from reflection data. These two methods offer better fracture-detection capability and quantitative information on fracture aperture, dielectric permittivity, and electrical conductivity of the fill than traditional GPR imaging and scalar-coherency attributes.

Geophysics ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 79 (2) ◽  
pp. R55-R61 ◽  
Tariq Alkhalifah ◽  
Yunseok Choi

In full-waveform inversion (FWI), a gradient-based update of the velocity model requires an initial velocity that produces synthetic data that are within a half-cycle, everywhere, from the field data. Such initial velocity models are usually extracted from migration velocity analysis or traveltime tomography, among other means, and are not guaranteed to adhere to the FWI requirements for an initial velocity model. As such, we evaluated an objective function based on the misfit in the instantaneous traveltime between the observed and modeled data. This phase-based attribute of the wavefield, along with its phase unwrapping characteristics, provided a frequency-dependent traveltime function that was easy to use and quantify, especially compared to conventional phase representation. With a strong Laplace damping of the modeled, potentially low-frequency, data along the time axis, this attribute admitted a first-arrival traveltime that could be compared with picked ones from the observed data, such as in wave equation tomography (WET). As we relax the damping on the synthetic and observed data, the objective function measures the misfit in the phase, however unwrapped. It, thus, provided a single objective function for a natural transition from WET to FWI. A Marmousi example demonstrated the effectiveness of the approach.

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