Simulation of ball and rock charge motion in semiautogenous mills for the design of shell and pulp lifters

R Rajamani ◽  
S Latchireddi
1991 ◽  
Isidore Last ◽  
Thomas F. George

1967 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 440-460 ◽  
P. Ho ◽  
K. Lehovec ◽  
L. Fedotowsky

2001 ◽  
Vol 15 (09) ◽  
pp. 1239-1252 ◽  
S. OGI ◽  
K. ARAKI ◽  

Theoretical study of multi-layered CuO 2 surfaces with localization potential shows that (i) special stable macroscopic quantum states appear when [Formula: see text], where χ is the doping level and G is the unit-cell number, and that (ii) the physical phenomena related to ‖c charge motion takes place just as expected in the fictitious situation where whole uniformly doped holes concentrate in one-side surface. In the dielectric measurement of doping-level dependence and film-thickness dependence on c-oriented La 2-χ Sr χ CuO 4-δ film, we find that (a) anomalous low-frequency polarization is enhanced when a scaling parameter χG is near to [Formula: see text], that (b) quasi-static measurement of the polarization property in low doped film shows two typical characteristics explicable by the fictitious charge concentrations, and that (c) ‖c small-voltage conduction measurement on low doped film also shows two types of characteristic which are switched each other triggered by laser irradiation. Since these macroscopic quantum effects with plural levels with very long life time are observable even up to room temperatures, they may be useful in quantum computing application.

2014 ◽  
Karl Georg Stapf ◽  
Sandeep Menon ◽  
David Schmidt ◽  
Michael Rieß ◽  
Marc Sens

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
D. Mayer ◽  
F. Lever ◽  
D. Picconi ◽  
J. Metje ◽  
S. Alisauskas ◽  

AbstractThe conversion of photon energy into other energetic forms in molecules is accompanied by charge moving on ultrafast timescales. We directly observe the charge motion at a specific site in an electronically excited molecule using time-resolved x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (TR-XPS). We extend the concept of static chemical shift from conventional XPS by the excited-state chemical shift (ESCS), which is connected to the charge in the framework of a potential model. This allows us to invert TR-XPS spectra to the dynamic charge at a specific atom. We demonstrate the power of TR-XPS by using sulphur 2p-core-electron-emission probing to study the UV-excited dynamics of 2-thiouracil. The method allows us to discover that a major part of the population relaxes to the molecular ground state within 220–250 fs. In addition, a 250-fs oscillation, visible in the kinetic energy of the TR-XPS, reveals a coherent exchange of population among electronic states.

A.N. Korshunova ◽  
V.D. Lakhno

In connection with the development of molecular nanobioelectronics, the main task of which is the construction of electronic devices based on biological molecules, the problems of charge transfer in such extended molecules as DNA are of increasing interest. The relevance of studying the charges motion in one-dimensional molecular chains is primarily associated with the possibility of using these chains as wires in nanoelectronic devices. Current carriers in one-dimensional chains are self-trapped electronic states, which have the form of polaron formations. In this paper we investigate the motion of the Holstein polaron in the process of its uniform motion along the chain in a constant electric field. It is known that during uniform motion along the chain in a weak electric field, the polaron experiences small oscillations of its shape. These oscillations are associated with the discreteness of the chain and are due to the presence of the Peierls-Nabarro potential in the discrete chain. Previous investigations have shown that for certain parameters of the chain, there is the possibility of uniform charge motion in a constant electric field over very large distances. The charge motion with a constant velocity is possible for small values of the electric field intensity. With an increase in the electric field intensity, the charge goes into an oscillatory regime of motion with Bloch oscillations. The calculations performed in this work showed that the elements of Bloch oscillations also appear during stationary motion of the polaron along the chain. Thus, it is shown that the Holstein polaron, uniformly moving along the chain in a constant electric field, experiences not only Peierls-Nabarro oscillations, but also low-amplitude oscillations with a Bloch period.

2017 ◽  
Fábio de Castro Radicchi ◽  
Leonardo Mayer Reis ◽  
Bruno Vieira Silva ◽  
Ramon Molina Valle ◽  
Erwin Karl Franieck ◽  

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